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The Strait of Bonifacio is a long and narrow area between Corsica and Sardinia. To manage environmental emergencies related to the spill of oil from vessels, an innovative forecasting system was developed. This tool is capable of operationally predicting the dispersion of hydrocarbon spills in the coastal area of the Bonifacio Strait, either from an instantaneous or continuous spill and either in forward or backward mode. Experimental datasets, including ADCP water current measurements and the trajectories of drifter buoys released in the area, were used to evaluate the accuracy of this system. A comparison between the simulation results and experimental data revealed that both the water circulation and the surface transport processes are accurately reproduced by the model. The overall accuracy of the system in reproducing the transport of an oil spill at sea was estimated for both forward and backward prediction mode and in relation to different forecasting time lags.  相似文献   
A fully time-dependent ionospheric convection model, in which electric potentials are derived by an analytic solution of Laplaces equation, is described. This model has been developed to replace the empirically derived average convection patterns currently used routinely in the Sheffield/SEL/UCL coupled thermosphere/ionosphere/plasmasphere model (CTIP) for modelling disturbed periods. Illustrative studies of such periods indicate that, for the electric field pulsation periods imposed, long-term averages of parameters such as Joule heating and plasma density have significantly different values in a time-dependent model compared to those derived under the same mean conditions in a steady-state model. These differences are indicative of the highly non-linear nature of the processes involved.  相似文献   
The paper concerns the optimal design and performance evaluation of a Tuned Mass Damper Inerter (TMDI) to reduce dynamic vibrations. The system exploits properties of the inerter, a two‐terminal mechanical device able to produce a force proportional to the relative acceleration between terminals, with the ability of generating an apparent mass even two orders of magnitude greater than its own physical mass. A primary single‐degree‐of‐freedom structure is equipped with a classical linear Tuned Mass Damper (TMD), the secondary structure, whose mass is connected to the ground via an inerter. The optimal design of the TMDI is conducted by assuming a white noise process as base input and utilizing three different design methodologies: displacement minimization, acceleration minimization and maximization of the ratio between the energy dissipated in the secondary system and the total input energy. Optimal results obtained with the different methodologies are carried out and compared. Two limit cases are also considered when the inerter is not contemplated: conventional and non‐conventional TMDs, characterized by a low and a large mass ratio, respectively. The TMDI performance is evaluated and compared with conventional and non‐conventional TMDs; moreover, its robustness is assessed with a sensitivity analysis varying the design parameters. Attention is focused not exclusively on the primary structure response but also on the secondary one. Finally, the effectiveness of the optimally designed TMDI is evaluated having considered earthquake base excitation. Results demonstrate the effectiveness of TMDI systems for dynamic response reduction with superior performances and robustness than classical TMDs. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We performed polarization observations of giant radio pulses from the millisecond pulsar B1937+21. The observations were carried out in July 2002 with the 64-m Kalyazin radio telescope at a frequency of 600 MHz in two polarization channels with left-and right-hand circular polarizations (RCP and LCP). We used the S2 data acquisition system with a time resolution of 125 ns. The duration of an observing session was 20 min. We detected twelve giant radio pulses with peak flux densities higher than 1000 Jy; five and seven of these pulses appeared in the RCP and LCP channels, respectively. We found no event that exceeded the established detection threshold simultaneously in the two polarization channels. Thus, we may conclude that the detected giant pulses have a high degree of circular polarization, with the frequency of occurrence of RCP and LCP pulses being the same.  相似文献   
A mathematical model to predict the rhamnolipids production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa from oleic acid in a two phase liquid-liquid batch reaction system, was developed in this study. The model was based on two theoretical assumptions: 1) the convective oleic acid mass transfer is coupled to a bioreaction in the aqueous liquid bulk, and 2) the volume of the immiscible oleic acid drops and the saturation concentration at the interface are a function of rhamnolipids production. The model was able to accurately predict the experimental growth of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain, and the rhamnolipids production data with oleic acid as carbon source. This mathematical approach indicated a high correspondence between the saturation dimensionless profiles of oleic acid at the interface and the experimental profiles of surface tension difference. This modeling approach may constitute a useful tool in the design and scaling-up of bioreactors applied to the production of biosurfactants with immiscible carbon sources.  相似文献   
Twenty-nine Rb-Sr whole-rock isotopic analyses and three U-Pb zircon analyses on foliated granites and largely unfoliated charnockitic rocks indicate that the central part of the Pan-African belt in west Africa was characterised by intense orogenic plutonism. These data and Rb-Sr analyses on muscovite books from late cross-cutting pegmatites indicate that the peak of magmatic activity occurred 610 ± 10 m.y. ago.Initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios for the granitic and charnockitic rocks are in the range 0.7065–0.7125, and indicate a significantly older crustal component in the magmas.  相似文献   

This paper presents the calculated heavy metal (Fe, Mn, Zn, Ni, Cu, Cr, Co, Cd, and Pb) flows in suspended and dissolved forms in the main navigable branches of the Don and Kuban river deltas during the low-water period of 2013–2014. This work is based on the data of field studies in which water and suspended matter samples were collected and the turbidity and water discharge in deltas were measured. A quantitative estimate of heavy metal inflows into the deltas of the Don and Kuban rivers is provided. Transformation of flows of suspended and dissolved metal forms from the delta top to the sea edge is discussed. The influence of localities (Rostov-on-Don, Temryuk) on the increase in heavy metal flows downstream is shown, and the heavy metal flows in the deltas of the Don and Kuban rivers are compared.

地学断面是指地壳的垂直剖面,主要通过对地质和地球物理资料的综合分析来揭示构造带的性质及其空间关系。横断面的研究所采用的数据基本包括100 km宽区域地质图、上地壳的地质剖面图、重磁图(沿横断面的重磁剖面图)以及地壳的地震波速度、密度和其他地球物理属性的剖面图。这些数据被用于构建综合的数据剖面图(结果图),以展示各种地球动力学条件下(裂谷、海洋、碰撞带、造山盆地、大陆地台和岩浆弧,包括安第斯岛弧、活动大陆边缘、海沟、弧前和弧后盆地)的特定的岩石组构。本项目的研究目标是根据研究区现存的地质和地球物理数据的综合解释,统一图例,建立研究区深部剖面,以确定地体的空间关系及其在板块构造方面的地球动力学性质。 前人已分别对东西伯利亚南部和蒙古境内的多个地体进行了构造划分,并对它们的地球动力学性质和时空关系进行了分析。研究结果显示该系列地体为早古生代、中晚古生代和晚古生代—早中生代的岛弧和微大陆。此外,研究还识别出了中—晚古生代和晚古生代—早中生代安第斯型活动大陆边缘、晚古生代—早中生代被动大陆边缘和早白垩世裂谷。与岛弧和安第斯型活动大陆边缘相关的岩体被推覆至相邻大陆和微陆块上,部分推覆宽度可达150 km。目前已开展泥盆纪到晚侏罗世时期蒙古-鄂霍次克海地区的古地球动力学重建。 “非地槽”型花岗岩类岩浆作用在板块构造方面找到了直接且合理的解释,其中泥盆纪—石炭纪和二叠纪—三叠纪岩浆作用区域对应于安第斯型活动大陆边缘,中—晚侏罗世岩浆作用则与西伯利亚/蒙古-中国大陆板块碰撞有关。碰撞岩浆作用中亚碱性(地幔)元素的存在及其所在的构造区域在很大程度可以说明蒙古-鄂霍次克海闭合后,巨厚大陆岩石圈下曾经发生过持续的大洋裂谷活动(地幔热点)。在早白垩世时期,大陆裂谷活动影响到了同一时期正在发生的大陆汇聚作用。 西伯利亚南部边界大部分具有安第斯型活动大陆边缘性质,这也是蒙古—鄂霍次克缝合线沿线蛇绿岩数量较少的原因。因为当汇聚大陆一个具有安第斯类型的活动边缘,而另一个具有被动边缘时,前者的大陆地壳会最终逆冲到后者之上,并因此破坏掉先前出露的蛇绿杂岩体。部分被破坏的蛇绿岩块是俯冲带保留下来的海山残余,其可能成为增生-俯冲楔体的混沌复合体的一部分。然而,由于快速俯冲作用,这种楔形体在晚二叠世—早侏罗世的积累并不是西伯利亚活动边缘的典型特征。 沿地学断面综合的地质和地球物理资料分析表明,亚洲大陆是在显生宙时期由部分前寒武纪微陆块构造拼贴而成的。前寒武纪地块间存在不同宽度的已变形且剥蚀强烈的显生宙火山弧,它们也被归类为特定地体。  相似文献   
The Lady Bountiful granitoid-hosted lode gold deposit, located in the mid-greenschist facies metamorphosed Ora Banda greenstone sequence, is hosted predominantly by the late-tectonic Liberty Granodiorite. Gold mineralisation is localised along quartz-veined, sinistral, brittle fault-zone(s) that transect the boundary between the Liberty Granodiorite and Mt Pleasant sill. Quartz vein textures indicate two stages of a single gold-related vein-development event, with high-grade gold mineralisation restricted to the second stage. Ore minerals include pyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, galena, sphalerite, Au−Ag−Bi−Pb-tellurides, and native gold. Fluid infitration has resulted in narrow (<1 m) bleached wallrock alteration envelopes to the fault zones comprising albite-K-mica ±chlorite±calcite±rutile assemblages. Temperature-pressure conditions varied from Stage I (300°±50°C, ≈2 kbar) to Stage II (250°±50°C, ≈0.5 to 2 kbar), with the hydrothermal fluid in both stages characterised by X(CO2)≤0.15 and moderate salinity (≈1.28 m NaCl). Intermittent phase separation of Stage II mineralising fluids, initiated by pressure fluctuations in dilational sites, and/or fluid-dominated fluid: wallrock interaction, are invoked as the dominant depositional mechanisms. The granitoid-hosted Lady Bountiful lode gold deposit shares many features with other granitoid-hosted lode gold deposits in the Yilgarn Craton and the Superior Province. Granitoid-hosted lode gold deposits, such as the Lady Bountiful deposit, provide additional evidence that the dominant control on the localisation of gold mineralisation within a granitoid host is structure, with competency contrasts playing a significant role. Furthermore, the hydrothermal wallrock alteraction and orefluid chemistry characteristics of the granitoid-hosted lode gold deposits are comparable to those established for greenstone-hosted lode gold mineralisation.  相似文献   
Summary The formation of the Madjarovo polymetallic ore deposit is closely related to Paleogene magmatism of intermediate character represented by subvolcanic and volcanic rocks. Six stages of vein type mineralization were established: 1. quartz-pyrite-chalcopyrite with Bi-sulphosalts; 2. quartz-hematite-chlorite with gold; 3. quartz-galena-sphalerite; 4. quartz-barite-chalcedony with Sb-sulphosalts; 5. quartz-arsenic sulphosalts; 6. calcite-siderite. Ag-bearing galena and Fe-poor sphalerite are the main minerals. Galena of early formation is Bi-bearing, while in late stages it carries more Sb. Gold was found in two generations in different parageneses. The early gold is Ag-poor and related to hematite, while the late one is Ag-rich and closely associated with quartz and sulphosalts. Three groups of sulphosalts were established: Se-bearing Bi-sulphosalts; Sb-sulphosalts, a part of them Cl-bearing, and As-sulphosalts with more or less Ag. Fluid inclusion data obtained in quartz, amethyst, sphalerite and barite from several representative ore veins show formation temperatures in the range of 370° to 150°C for different stages of mineralization. Evidence of boiling fluids suggests pressures of 70 to 180 bars which correspond to an average depth of mineralization near 1.000 m. The low salinities of the fluids (a/v 3.5 eq. wt% NaCI) indicate influx of meteoric waters during mineralization. On the basis of mineralogical and fluid inclusion data physicochemical conditions and source of the ore forming fluids are discussed.
Mineralogie und Flüssigkeitseinschlüsse in polymetallischen Erzgngen der Lagerstätte Madjarovo, Ost-Rhodopen, Bulgarien
Zusammenfassung Die Bildung der polymetallischen Lagerstätte Madjarovo war eng verknüpft mit einem Paläogenen Magmatismus von intermediärem Charakter, der durch Subvulkanite und Vulkanite repräsentiert wird. Es wurden sechs Bildungsstadien der Gangvererzung festgestellt: 1. Quarz-Pyrit-Chalcopyrit mit Bi-Sulfosalzen; 2. Quarz-Hämatit-Chlorit mit Gold; 3. Quarz-Galenit-Sphalerit; 4. Quarz-Baryt-Chalzedon mit Sb-Sulfosalzen; 5. Quarz-As-Sulfosalze; 6. Calcit-Siderit. Ag-führender Galenit und Fe-armer Sphalerit sind die Hauptminerale. Früh gebildeter Galenit is Bi-haltig, während Galenite der späteren Bildungsstadien mehr Sb führen. Gold wurde in zwei Generationen in unterschiedlichen Paragenesen gefunden. Das Früh-Gold (Ag-arm) ist verknüpft mit Hämatit, während das Spät-Gold (Ag-reich) mit Quarz und Sulfosalzen eng assoziiert ist. Es wurden drei Gruppen von Sulfosalzen festgestellt: Se-führende Bi-Sulfosalze; Sb-Sulfosalze, die z.T. Cl-führend sind, und As-Sulfosalze mit mehr oder weniger Ag-Gehalten. Flüssigkeitseinschlüsse in Quarz, Amethyst, Sphalerit und Baryt aus mehreren repräsentativen Erzgängen zeigen Bildungtemperaturen von 370°–150°C für unterschiedliche Mineralisationsstadien. Siedende Lösungen weisen auf einen Druckbereich von 70–180 Bar hin, der einer durchschnittlichen Bildungstiefe von 1.000 m entspricht. Die durchweg niedrige Salinität der Lösungen (durchschnittlich 3.5. Gew.% NaCl äq.) wird auf einen Zufluß von meteorischen Wässern während der Mineralisation zurückgeführt. Auf der Basis der mineralogischen Ergebnisse und der Daten fluider Einschlüse werden die physikochemischen Bedingungen und die Herkunft der Erzlösungen diskutiert.

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