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In this paper, results of a detailed investigation on the dynamic response of rigid strip foundations in viscoelastic soils under vertical excitation are presented. An advanced boundary element algorithm developed by incorporating isoparametric quadratic elements and a sophisticated self-adapting numerical integration scheme has been used for this investigation. Foundations supported on three types of soil profiles, namely, homogeneous half-space, stratum-over-half-space and stratum-over-bedrock are considered. The influence of material properties like Poisson's ratio and material damping as well as the influence of geometrical properties such as depth of embedment and layer thickness are studied. The effect of the type of contact at the soil-foundation interface is also investigated.  相似文献   
A new application of the autocorrelation grain size analysis technique for mixed to coarse sediment settings has been investigated. Photographs of sand‐ to boulder‐sized sediment along the Elwha River delta beach were taken from approximately 1·2 m above the ground surface, and detailed grain size measurements were made from 32 of these sites for calibration and validation. Digital photographs were found to provide accurate estimates of the long and intermediate axes of the surface sediment (r2 > 0·98), but poor estimates of the short axes (r2 = 0·68), suggesting that these short axes were naturally oriented in the vertical dimension. The autocorrelation method was successfully applied resulting in total irreducible error of 14% over a range of mean grain sizes of 1 to 200 mm. Compared with reported edge and object‐detection results, it is noted that the autocorrelation method presented here has lower error and can be applied to a much broader range of mean grain sizes without altering the physical set‐up of the camera (~200‐fold versus ~6‐fold). The approach is considerably less sensitive to lighting conditions than object‐detection methods, although autocorrelation estimates do improve when measures are taken to shade sediments from direct sunlight. The effects of wet and dry conditions are also evaluated and discussed. The technique provides an estimate of grain size sorting from the easily calculated autocorrelation standard error, which is correlated with the graphical standard deviation at an r2 of 0·69. The technique is transferable to other sites when calibrated with linear corrections based on photo‐based measurements, as shown by excellent grain‐size analysis results (r2 = 0·97, irreducible error = 16%) from samples from the mixed grain size beaches of Kachemak Bay, Alaska. Thus, a method has been developed to measure mean grain size and sorting properties of coarse sediments. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Recent technological advances in current measuring devices has resulted in a large observational database related to wind-driven motions in the upper ocean mixed layer. This has served to highlight the fact that transient motions make up a substantial contribution of the resulting Ekman currents. At the same time, certain discrepancies have emerged between the observed angular deflections of the steady-state currents from the surface wind stress, both at the surface and at sub-surface depths, which cannot be reconciled using the classical Ekman model. This paper seeks to tackle these two issues.First a general analytical method is presented for solving the time dependent horizontal momentum Ekman equations. Analysis of the unsteady terms that arise from simple special cases shows how the evolution proceeds through three stages. At early times, the Coriolis acceleration is insignificant, and the current is unidirectional and deepens through downward diffusion of momentum. Later Coriolis acceleration deflects the current vectors in the upper layers, whilst downward diffusion of momentum continues to deepen the layer. Finally, once diffusion has penetrated down to the depth of the steady-state current, then the transients decay on the inertial or diffusive timescale, depending upon the boundary conditions of the particular problem.In the second half of the paper, a new steady-state model is developed that includes the effects of wind-generated waves, through the action of their Stokes drift on the planetary vorticity. Comparisons between observations and the theoretical predictions, demonstrate that inclusion of the Stokes drift is the key to reconciling the discrepancies in the angular deflections of the steady-state currents. This leads to the conclusion that Ekman layer currents are significantly influenced by the surface waves.  相似文献   
Summary This study uses a 1°×1° lat/long dataset, extracted from ECMWF re-analyses for the 15-year period 1979–1993 (ERA-15), to diagnose the synoptic-scale kinematic, thermodynamic and moisture environments in the vicinity of named tropical cyclones (TCs) in the eastern North Pacific. Based on the NCDC best track dataset, TCs are partitioned into one of three categories: weak (W), strong (S) or intensifying (I). In total, 63TCs are examined: 8Ws and 20Is at point A (maximum intensification) and 11Ws, 13Ss and 11Is at point B (maximum frequency). Composite maps are compiled for all five groups, and six individual case studies are examined, four for extreme TC cases and two for cases involving dry air intrusions.For the most part, peak values and patterns of composited ERA-15 variables display circulation, thermodynamic and moisture characteristics that are compatible with the strength represented by a groups classification. Intercomparison between Ws and Is at points A and B yielded larger conditional instability of low-level air parcels and upper-level outflow within the region of maximum intensification (point A).The intrusions of dry versus moist mid-level air are addressed for each storm with the assistance of 72-hour backward trajectories. Trajectory density maps indicate two preferred paths of air parcels that reach the environment of W storms at point A on the 700 and 500hPa levels. The first one crossed Central America in the region of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec and the second one south of the Central American mountains. Several storms revealed that these trajectories were associated with dry air intrusions into the larger storm area, and this might be one reason for their weak status at point A. One documented example is Kevin (1985). By the time it reached point B, the dry air was replaced by air that was moist and Kevin intensified, although it remained a W system. In contrast, Narda (1989) received a dry air intrusion from Central Mexico at 500hPa as a weak storm at point B and did not intensify. Despite possible analyses problems, the documentation in this study of mid-level dry air intrusions into eastern Pacific TCs from the Mexican-Central American region suggests a hitherto unexploited forecast potential. Received January 15, 2002; revised November 28, 2002; accepted December 19, 2002 Published online: May 8, 2003  相似文献   
The current practice of slope stability analysis for a municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill usually overlooks the dependence of waste properties on the fill age or embedment depth. Changes in shear strength of MSW as a function of fill age were investigated by performing field and laboratory studies on the Suzhou landfill in China. The field study included sampling from five boreholes advanced to the bottom of the landfill, cone penetration tests and monitoring of pore fluid pressures. Twenty-six borehole samples representative of different fill ages (0 to 13 years) were used to perform drained triaxial compression tests. The field and laboratory study showed that the waste body in the landfill can be sub-divided into several strata corresponding to different ranges of fill age. Each of the waste strata has individual composition and shear strength characteristics. The triaxial test results showed that the MSW samples exhibited a strain-hardening and contractive behavior. As the fill age of the waste increased from 1.7 years to 11 years, the cohesion mobilized at a strain level of 10% was found to decrease from 23.3 kPa to 0 kPa, and the mobilized friction angle at the same strain level increasing from 9.9° to 26°. For a confinement stress level greater than 50 kPa, the shear strength of the recently-placed MSW seemed to be lower than that of the older MSW. This behavior was consistent with the cone penetration test results. The field measurement of pore pressures revealed a perched leachate mound above an intermediate cover of soils and a substantial leachate mound near the bottom of the landfill. The measurements of shear strength properties and pore pressures were utilized to assess the slope stability of the Suzhou landfill.  相似文献   
Application of the principles of transport theory to studiesof magma-hydrothermal systems permits quantitative predictionsto be made of the consequences of magma intruding into permeablerocks. Transport processes which redistribute energy, mass,and momentum in these environments can be represented by a setof partial differential equations involving the rate of changeof extensive properties in the system. Numerical approximationand computer evaluation of the transport equations effectivelysimulates the crystallization of magma, cooling of the igneousrocks, advection of chemical components, and chemical and isotopicmass transfer between minerals and aqueous solution. Numerical modeling of the deep portions of the Skaergaard magma-hydrothermalsystem has produced detailed maps of the temperature, pressure,fluid velocity, integrated fluid flux, 18O-values in rock andfluid, and extent of nonequilibrium exchange reactions betweenfluid and rock as a function of time for a two-dimensional cross-sectionthrough the pluton. An excellent match was made between calculated18O-values and the measured 18O-values in the three principalrock units, basalt, gabbro, and gneiss, as well as in xenolithsof roof rocks that are now embedded in Layered Series; the latterwere evidently depleted in 18O early in the system's coolinghistory, prior to falling to the bottom of the magma chamber.The best match was realized for a system in which the bulk rockpermeabilities were 10–13 cm2 for the intrusion, 10–11cm2 for basalt, and 10–16 cm2 for gneiss; reaction domainsizes were 0.2 cm in the intrusion and gneiss and 0.01 cm inthe basalts, and activation energy for the isotope exchangereaction between fluid and plagioclase was 30 kcal/mole. The calculated thermal history of the Skaergaard system wascharacterized by extensive fluid circulation that was largelyrestricted to the permeable basalts and to regions of the plutonstratigraphically above the basalt-gneiss unconformity. Althoughfluids circulated all around the crystallizing magma, fluidflow paths were deflected around the magma sheet during theinitial 130,000 years. At that time, crystallization of thefinal sheet of magma and fracture of the rock shifted the circulationsystem toward the center of the intrusion, thereby minimizingthe extent of isotope exchange between rocks near the marginof the intrusion at this level. For comparison, similar calculationswere also made for pure conductive cooling; it was found thatthe rate of crystallization of the magma body was not changed.The solidified pluton cooled by a factor of about 2 faster inthe presence of a hydrothermal system. Transport rates of thermal energy out of the intrusion and oflow-18O fluids into the intrusion controlled the overall isotopeexchange process. During the initial 150,000 years, temperatureswere high and reaction rates were fast; thus, fluids flowinginto the intrusion quickly equilibrated with plagioclase. However,the temperature decreased between 120,000 and 175,000 yearsand caused a decrease in reaction rates and an increase in theequilibrium fractionation factor between plagioclase and fluid.Consequently, during this time period fluids in the intrusiontended to be out of equilibrium with plagioclase. After 175,000years temperatures had decreased sufficiently that reactionrates became insignificant, but convection rates were largeenough to redistribute fluid and enlarge the regions where fluidand plagioclase were out of equilibrium. By 400,000 years, thepluton had cooled to approximately ambient temperatures, andthe final 18O values were ‘frozen in’. Reactionsbetween hydrothermal fluid and the intrusion occurred over abroad range in temperature, 1000-200 °C, but 75 per centof the fluid circulated through the intrusion while its averagetemperature was >480 °C. This relatively high temperatureis consistent with the observation that only minor amounts ofhydrothermal alteration products were formed in the naturalsystem, even where several per mil shifts in 18O were detected. The relative quantities of fluid to rock integrated over theentire cooling history were 0.52 for the upper part of intrusion,0.88 for the basalt, 0.003 for the gneiss, and 0.41 for theentire domain. Almost all of the fluid flowed into the intrusionfrom the basalt host rocks that occur adjacent to the side contactsof the intrusion. Convection transferred about 20 per cent ofthe total heat contained in the gabbro upward into the overlyingbasalts; the remaining 80 per cent of the heat was transferredby conduction.  相似文献   
Stratiform Cu-Pb-Zn (-Au-Ag) mineralization associated with black carbonaceous schists and acid metatuffs is restricted to distinct horizons within the Cretaceous sequence of the Diahot region. The sulphides occur in sharply bounded lenses which show varying degrees of compositional banding conformable with the foliation of the country schists. The deposits are sedimentary-exhalative of the Rio Tinto-type and have been modified by mid-Tertiary high-pressure metamorphism (lawsonite-albite and glaucophanitic greenschist facies). The ores are not strongly deformed by the metamorphism and sedimentary structures, pyrite framboids and atoll structures are preserved in some deposits. With increasing metamorphic grade sphalerite becomes more iron-rich, pyrrhotite becomes more abundant, and the sulphides show a general increase in grain-size which parallels that of the silicates in the enclosing rocks. In the more highly metamorphosed deposits the sulphide associations are retrograde assemblages. There is no evidence of large-scale metamorphic remobilization of sulphides. No differences were observed in either the sulphide assemblages or in the composition of the sulphides to indicate that the metamorphism was of the high pressure rather than the low pressure type.  相似文献   
In the eastern Sierras Pampeanas, Central Argentina, tourmalinites and coticules are found in close association with stratabound scheelite deposits in metamorphic terranes. In Sierra Grande (Agua de Ramón and Ambul districts) and Sierra de Altautina, tourmalinites are associated with stratabound scheelite deposits related to orthoamphibolites. In the Pampa del Tamboreo area, tourmalinites are located in biotite schists stratigraphically related to acid to intermediate metavolcanic rocks and scheelite-bearing quartzites.The mineral chemistry and boron isotopic compositions of tourmalinite-hosted and vein-hosted tourmalines are investigated. Overall, the tourmalines belong to the dravite-schorl series and are generally aluminous; Fe/(Fe+Mg) ranges from 0.33 to 0.85, Al/(Al+Fe+Mg) from 0.66 to 0.76 and the amount of X-site vacancy (0.12–0.48) indicates significant foitite components. Their boron isotopic compositions (δ11B) are from −24.0‰ to−15.0‰.Similar mineral chemistries and boron isotopic values for tourmaline in tourmalinites related to stratabound scheelite mineralisation and in tungsten-bearing quartz veins suggest a common source for the boron and probably the tungsten. The field, chemical and isotopic relationships are consistent with tungsten and boron in quartz-vein deposits being remobilised from stratabound scheelite and tourmalinite, dominantly by liquid-state transfer associated with regional shear zones. Tungsten and boron in the original sedimentary sequence (now meta-exhalites) are ascribed to volcanogenic exhalations.  相似文献   
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