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Three colonies of the erect, robust branching, cheilostome bryozoan Adeonellopsis sp. were collected from Doubtful Sound, New Zealand, to investigate within‐colony variation in carbonate mineralogy. One‐hundred‐and‐twenty‐one sections from 9 branches were found to contain mostly aragonite, with calcite ranging from 1.1 to 7.3 wt% (mean ± SD = 2.4 ± 1.2 wt%, n = 120). The magnesium (Mg) content in calcite ranged from 5.3 to 13.1 wt% magnesium carbonate (8.8 ± 1.0 wt% MgCO3; n = 120). Calcite content decreased with increasing age proximally along the branch, indicating that secondary thickening is achieved with aragonite. In contrast, an oscillating trend in Mg content along branches suggests that seasonal or interannual environmental parameters may influence this geochemical parameter. Mineralogical variability highlights the need for multiple samples from the same colony to be measured when determining quantitative carbonate mineralogy in bryozoans. Bimineralic bryozoans such as Adeonellopsis sp. may have lower preservation potential than monomineralic bryozoans, and consequently may not survive diagenesis to become fossils. Bimineralic species may also be more vulnerable to dissolution pressure and possible ocean acidification than monomineralic calcitic taxa.  相似文献   
The diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia blooms throughout New Zealand's coastal waters. More than a decade of monitoring data were analysed in this study and seasonality was a significant factor in the appearance of Pseudo-nitzschia blooms. Austral spring and summer were the main bloom periods, although there were regional differences. Between January 2000 and August 2011, 8.4% of 29,000 seawater samples analysed for Pseudo-nitzschia exceeded the voluntary trigger level for biotoxin testing (10×104 cells l?1), and these were analysed by fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) assays. Pseudo-nitzschia fraudulenta and P. pseudodelicatissima (low domoic acid [DA] producers) were the dominant bloom formers throughout New Zealand (each contributing 25%) followed by the highly toxic P. australis (10%). Shellfish flesh testing for DA was triggered on 8477 occasions between 2000 and 2011, but no samples exceeded the regulatory limit (20 mg/kg); the maximum concentration was 13 mg/kg (Marlborough Sounds, mid-winter 2010).  相似文献   
Groundwater plays an important role in New Zealand water supplies and hence monitoring activities are conducted regularly. Most monitoring programmes aim to evaluate groundwater chemistry and almost completely overlook the microbial component in this ecosystem. In our present study, the bacterial community structure of groundwater in the Wairarapa Valley was examined using the terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP), and relationships between bacterial community structure and groundwater chemistry, aquifer confinement and groundwater usage were explored. In addition, the results from this study were compared with a previous T-RFLP survey of the same area in an attempt to detect changes in bacterial community structure over time. The data obtained suggested that bacterial community structure was related to groundwater chemistry, especially to redox conditions. Species composition showed minimal variation over time if groundwater chemistry remained unchanged. These findings reflect the potential of using bacterial communities as biological indicators to evaluate the health of groundwater ecosystems. We suggest that it is important to include this type of broad bacterial diversity assessment criteria into regular groundwater monitoring activities.  相似文献   
A new method for the determination of the critical slip surfaces of slopes is proposed in this paper.In this paper,the original critical slip field method is extended in terms of the total residual moment,values of residual work as well as the unbalanced thrust force at the exit point for a given non-circular slip surface.The most critical slip surface with the maximum representative value for a prescribed factor of safety will be optimized and located using the harmony search algorithm.The prescribed factor of safety is modified with certain tiny interval in order to find the critical slip surface where the maximum representative value is zero.The aforementioned approach to the location of the critical slip surface is greatly different from the traditional limit equilibrium procedure.Three typical soil slopes are evaluated by use of the proposed method,and the comparisons with the classical approaches have illustrated the applicability of the proposed method.  相似文献   
A study on biogeochemical cycling in the west coastal Bay of Bengal was undertaken during the peak discharge period to understand the influence of enhanced stratification and primary production on the possible intensification of the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ). Our study reveals that oxygen concentrations were below the detection limits in the northwestern (NW) coastal Bay of Bengal between 100 and 500 m associated with strong stratification and high phytoplankton biomass. Such low oxygen concentrations have never been reported so far from the coastal Bay of Bengal. Despite the existence of an environment conducive to denitrification in the coastal Bay of Bengal, accumulation of neither secondary nitrite nor nitrous oxide (N2O) was observed. The absence of denitrification was reported to be caused by faster scavenging of organic matter and low bacterial respiration rates; in contrast, our results suggest that neither of these factors are potential reasons for the absence of denitrification in the coastal Bay of Bengal.  相似文献   
From a trawling at 448–512 m in Palliser Bay, Cook Strait, New Zealand, molluscs associated with. Tertiary siltstone concretions and with a large colony of Goniocorella dumosa (Alcock) are listed. A juvenile Acesta, extremely tall and extremely broad forms of Emarginula striatula Quoy & Gaimard, and the animals of Stilifer neozelanica Dell and of Waipaoa marwicki Dell are described. Sculptifer, a new genus provisionally included in the Fossaridae, is proposed for Stilifer neozelanica. New species of Danilia and Pholadidea are described and their relationships discussed. Emarginula lophelia Beu, 1967 is synonymized with E. striatula Quoy & Gaimard, 1834, and the recent New Zealand forms of Emarginula are reviewed.  相似文献   
The larval stages of the acorn barnacles Chamaesipho columna, Chamaesipho brunnea, Elminius plicatus, Elminius modestus, Balanus trigonus, and Tetraclita purpurascens are described from larvae reared in the laboratory. A key and a table are included for separating larval stages and species.

Skeletonema costatum appears to have a wide application as a food in the rearing of larvae of the Balanidae.

The two Chamaesipho species show typical chthamalid characters of hispid antennal setae and unilobed labrum. The similarity between the larvae of Elminius plicatus and Tetraclita purpurascens supports the classification of E. plicatus as a tetraclitid.  相似文献   
Fry of grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella (Val.), were air‐freighted from Hong Kong to New Zealand in October 1971. The fish were at first kept in tanks with a recirculating water supply, where they soon showed symptoms of parasitic infestation and suffered heavy mortality.

Attempts were made to remove parasites with chemotherapeutic treatment. Tripartiella sp., Dactylogyrus ctenopharyngodonis, and Gyrodactylus clenopharyngodontis were eliminated by prolonged bathing of the infected fish with quinine. Chemical treatment failed to eliminate Ichthyophthirius mullifiliis from the body surface and the gills, but the rate of spontaneous recovery of the fish from this disease was accelerated by keeping them in clean, running water. Experiments to remove the cestode Bothriocephalus gowkongensis from the intestine of the fish with tetravalent tin compounds and to control the intermediate host (Cyclops) in the water resulted in the eradiction of the cestode.

When parasitic infestations had been brought under control the fish were transferred to outdoor ponds, where they began to feed on aquatic and terrestrial vegetation and rapidly increased in size.  相似文献   
Three species of Arietellidae are described from the south‐west Pacific: a new species of Paraugaptilus, a species which can not be separated from P. buchani, and Arietellus aculeatus. The identity of A. aculeatus is clarified by comparison of type material and material from the U.S. National Museum of Natural History, and an unidentified Atlantic species of Arietellus, evident from the comparison, is described.  相似文献   
Pueruli and post‐pueruli, early juveniles and sub‐adults of the spiny lobster, Panulirus homarus and juveniles of P. ornatus were grown in different floating sea cages along the southeast coast of India from May 2003 to May 2007. The first type of cage had a galvanised iron pipe frame (2.0 m × 2.0 m × 1.2 m) with steel woven mesh and four inner detachable compartments (0.75 m × 0.75 m × 1.10 m). Fibre‐reinforced plastic was used subsequently to fabricate cages (1 m × 1 m × 1 m). Pueruli and post‐pueruli of P. homarus (1.58 ± 0.62 g SD), stocked at 60 individuals/m2, grew to an average weight of 123.10 ± 26.22 g in 266 days with a survival rate of 70%. Sub‐adults of P. homarus with an average weight (± SD) of 123.61 ± 29.26 g reached 341.25 ± 46.22 g in 225 days at a stocking density of 21 individuals/m2 with a survival of 73 ± 6%. The post‐pueruli grew by 0.46 ± 0.10 g per day with a specific growth rate (SGR) of 1.64, whereas sub‐adults had a growth rate of 0.97 ± 0.20 g per day with a SGR of 0.43. At a higher stocking density of 80 individuals/m2, juveniles (51.83 ± 10.32 g and 58.20 ± 28.22 g) of P. homarus recorded growth rates of 0.86 ± 0.25 (SGR 0.82) and 0.97 ± 0.34 g (SGR 0.96) per day. This study indicates that post‐pueruli of P. homarus can be grown to over 200 g in 12 months and up to 350 g in 16 to 17 months in sea cages. Juveniles (average weight 76.35 ± 34.50 g) of P. ornatus, reared with P. homarus at a stocking density of 80 individuals/m2, recorded a weight gain of 139 g in 155 days at arate of 0.89 ± 0.32 g per day with an SGR of 0.67. Marine live clam, Donax spp., was the main feed supplemented with the gastropod, Xancus pyrum, the green mussel, Perna viridis, marine crab (Charibdis sp.), squid (Loligo sp.), and fish such as clupeids and Leognathus sp. Pueruli and post‐pueruli settled in large numbers (up to 35 individuals/month in one cage) both inside and outside the cages.  相似文献   
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