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Using ground-based cosmic-ray (CR) observations on the worldwide network of neutron monitors, we have studied the variations in CR rigidity spectrum, anisotropy, and planetary system of geomagnetic cutoff rigidities during Forbush decreases in March-April 2001 by the global spectrographic method. By jointly analyzing ground-based and satellite measurements, we have determined the parameters of the CR rigidity spectrum that reflect the electromagnetic characteristics of the heliospheric fields in each hour of observations within the framework of the model of CR modulation by the heliosphere’s regular electromagnetic fields. The rigidity spectra of the variations and the relative changes in the intensity of CRs with rigidities of 4 and 10 GV in the solar-ecliptic geocentric coordinate system are presented in specific periods of the investigated events.  相似文献   
A model is discussed for a possible type of thermal instability in the outer layers of the Moon. An estimate is made for the temperature differential driving the instability. It is suggested that such an instability may have been involved in the formation of the lunar maria.Paper dedicated to Prof. Harold C. Urey on the occasion of his 80th birthday on 29 April 1973.  相似文献   
Analysis of experimental data reported by Lagache (1965, 1976), Evans (1965), Busenberg (1975), Busenberg and Clemency (1976), Holdren and Berner (1979), Siegel and Pfannkuch (1984), and Chou and Wollast (1984) with the aid of irreversible thermodynamics and transition state theory (Aagaard and Helgeson, 1977, 1982) suggests that at temperatures at least up to 650°C, the rate of both congruent and incongruent feldspar hydrolysis in aqueous solutions far from equilibrium at pH ? 10.6 ? (2300/T), where T stands for temperature in kelvins, is a function solely of effective surface area and pH at constant pressure and temperature. At higher pH, the rate is apparently pH-independent up to ~pH 8 at 25°C, where it again becomes pH-dependent at higher pH. Observations of scanning electron micrographs indicate that the cross-sectional area of etch pits on hydrolyzed feldspar grains is of the order of 10?9 to 10?8 cm2 and that the ratio of the effective to total surface area (which may or may not change with reaction progress) ranges from <0.01 to 1, depending on the grain size, dislocation density, and the extent of comminution damage on the surfaces of the grains. Apparent rate constants retrieved from experimental data reported in the literature for feldspar hydrolysis in the lower pH-dependent range extend from ~10?13 to ~10?7 moles cm?2 sec?1 at temperatures from 25° to 200°C, which is consistent with activation enthalpies for albite and adularia of the order of 20 kcal mole?1. In contrast, the apparent rate constants for the pH-independent rate law range from ~10?16 to ~10?11 moles cm?2 sec?1 at temperatures from 25° to 650°C, which requires an activation enthalpy for adularia of ~ 9 kcal mole?1. These observations are consistent with surface control of reaction rates among minerals and aqueous solutions. The rate-limiting step in the pH-dependent case apparently corresponds at the lower end of the pH scale to breakdown of a protonated configuration of atoms on the surface of the reactant feldspar, but at higher pH the rate is limited by decomposition of an activated surface complex corresponding in stoichiometry to hydrous feldspar. In highly alkaline solutions, an activated complex containing hydroxyl ions apparently controls the rate of feldspar hydrolysis. Nevertheless, near equilibrium, regardless of pH the rate is proportional to the chemical affinity of the overall hydrolysis reaction.  相似文献   
Metresa is a thick, distinctive turburdite within the Menilite Shales in the Carpathians of south-east Poland. It was deposited by a SE-flowing turbidity current derived from the Silesian cordillera and can be traced for 55 km downcurrent; it has a width of at least 15 km. The current contained roughly 3 km3 of sediment and conforms to the definition of a seismoturbidite. Grain-size analyses of samples from the nine localities where Metresa is exposed indicate average velocities decreasing from 2 m s?1 to less than 1 m s?1 over the 55 km. Massive divisions are poorly developed; instead, the turbidite, although graded, tends to be laminated throughout. Flat lamination predominates with intercalated cross-lamination and erosion structures at various levels. Small-scale cross-lamination, presumably associated with ripples, occurs at some upper levels. An exceptional feature is a large-scale wave-like structure somewhat resembling hummocky cross-stratification. The structures are not consistent with the inferred velocities. It is suggested that the stability fields relating structures to stream power (herein called the ‘Allen fields’) are displaced in respect to deposition from waning turbidity currents.  相似文献   
Among several salt lakes in the Thar Desert of western India, the Sambhar is the largest lake producing about 2 × 105 tons of salt (NaCl) annually. The “lake system” (lake waters, inflowing river waters, and sub-surface brines) provides a unique setting to study the geo-chemical behavior of uranium isotopes (238U, 234U) in conjunction with the evolution of brines over the annual wetting and evaporation cycles. The concentration of 238U and the total dissolved solids (TDS) in lake water increase from ~8 μg L−1 and ~8 g L−1 in monsoon to ~1,400 μg L−1 and 370 g L−1, respectively, during summer time. The U/TDS ratio (~1 μg g−1 salt) and the 234U/238U activity ratio (1.65 ± 0.05), however, remain almost unchanged throughout the year, except when U/TDS ratio approaches to 3.8 at/or beyond halite crystallization. These observations suggest that uranium behaves conservatively in the lake waters during the annual cycle of evaporation. Also, uranium and salt content (TDS) are intimately coupled, which has been used to infer the origin and source of salt in the lake basin. Furthermore, near uniform ratios in evaporating lake waters, when compared to the ratio in seawater (~0.1 μg g−1 salt and 1.14 ± 0.02, respectively), imply that aeolian transport of marine salts is unlikely to be significant source of salt to the lake in the present-day hydrologic conditions. This inference is further consistent with the chemical composition of wet-precipitation occurring in and around the Sambhar lake. The seasonal streams feeding the lake and groundwaters (within the lake’s periphery) have distinctly different ratios of U/TDS (2–69 μg g−1 salt) and 234U/238U (1.15–2.26) compared to those in the lake. The average U/TDS ratio of ~1 μg g−1 salt in lake waters and ~19 μg g−1 salt in river waters suggest dilution of the uranium content by the recycled salt and/or removal processes presently operating in the lake during the extraction of salt for commercial use. Based on mass-balance calculations, a conservative estimate of "uranium sink" (in the form of bittern crust) accounts for ~5 tons year−1 from the lake basin, an estimate similar to its input flux from rivers, i.e., 4.4 tons year−1.  相似文献   
Physically based and spatially distributed modelling of catchment hydrology involves the estimation of block or whole-hillslope permeabilities. Invariably these estimates are derived by calibration against rainfall–runoff response. Rarely are these estimates rigorously compared with parameter measurements made at the small scale. This study uses a parametrically simple model, TOPMODEL, and an uncertainty framework to derive permeability at the catchment scale. The utility of expert knowledge of the internal catchment dynamics (i.e. extent of saturated area) in constraining parameter uncertainty is demonstrated. Model-derived estimates are then compared with core-based measurements of permeability appropriately up-scaled. The observed differences between the permeability estimates derived by the two methods might be attributed to the role of intermediate scale features (natural soil pipes). An alternative method of determining block permeabilities at the intermediate or hillslope scale is described. This method uses pulse-wave tests and explicitly incorporates the resultant effects of phenomena such as soil piping and kinematic wave migration. The study aims to highlight issues associated with parameterizing or validating distributed models, rather than to provide a definitive solution. The fact that the permeability distribution within the Borneo study catchment is comparatively simple, assists the comparisons. The field data were collected in terrain covered by equatorial rainforest. Combined field measurement and modelling programmes are rare within such environments. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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