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Biogenic silica contents of sediments on the lower Selenga Delta and Buguldeika saddle in Lake Baikal show distinct fluctuations that reflect changes in diatom productivity, and ultimately, climate. The pattern of the upper 50 m of the section, dating from about 334 ka, is similar to that of the marine oxygen-isotope record, increasingly so as the younger sediments become progressively finer grained and less locally derived with time. The last two interglaciations are marked by biogenic silica abundances similar to those of the Holocene. The equivalent of marine oxygen-isotope stage 3 is distinctly intermediate in character between full glacial and full interglacial biogenic silica values. Following near-zero values during the last glacial maximum, biogenic silica began to increase at about 13 ka. The rise in biogenic silica to Holocene values was interrupted by an abrupt decrease during Younger Dryas time, about 11 to 10 14C ka.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die an acht Stationen von der Polar-bis zur Tropenzone vermessene Struktur des Niederschlags wird hauptsächlich durch die atmosphärische Schichtung und die geographische Lage bestimmt. Dabei treten für die einzelnen Stationen charakteristische Schwankungen auf, die sich z. B. in der Anzahl der Tropfen für die verschiedenen Größengruppen oder in der Breite der Spektren zeigen. Stau- und Labilitätsregen unterscheiden sich deutlich. Für Karlsruhe lassen sich aus den in zeei Jahren gemessenen Daten die Unterschiede von Jahreszeit zu Jahreszeit ableiten. Intensive Regen sind mit Labilität und hoher Temperatur gekoppelt und fehlen deshalb in der Polarzone vollständig. Sie treten außerdem nur bei breiten Spektren auf und sind nur in der Tropenzone an hohe Tropfenzahlen gebunden. Zwischen einem idealen Regen und den tatsächlich vermessenen ergeben sich infolge der immer vorhandenen verschieden großen Tropfen (Spektrum) Unterschiede. Aus der gemessenen Struktur des Regens läßt sich die Radarreflektibilität berechnen. Sie weicht ebenfalls infolge der Spektrenbreite erheblich vom idealen Regen ab und schwankt von Station zu Station. Dabei ist es gleichgültig, ob der mittlere Tropfendurchmesser, die Spektrenbreite, der Wassergehalt oder die Intensität des Regens als Parameter gewählt werden. Ganz allgemein ist die Intensität der vermessenen Regen bis um den Faktor 5 kleiner als die eines entsprechenden idealen Regens. SchließLich gibt der zeitliche Ablauf der einzelnen Regen Beispiele für die Zunahme der Schwankung aller Parameter mit größer werdender Intensität des Regens und für die Schwierigkeit, aus Radarbeobachtungen sicher die Intensität der zu erwartenden Niederschläge vorherzusagen.
Summary The structure of precipitation, which has been measured at eight stations distributed from the polar to the tropic zone, is mainly determined by the atmospheric stratification and by the geographical situation. Characteristic variations could be found at the different stations, which show up in the number of drops within the various classes of drop sizes or in the range of the spectrum. Rains caused by barrage or by lability are distinctly different. For Karlsruhe one can derive seasonal variations from the data collected in two years. Intense rains are combined with lability and high temperature and, therefore, are absent in the polar zone. Besides this they appear only with broad spectra and are bound to large numbers of drops only in the tropics. Between an ideal rainfall and a really measured one there are always differences on account of the drops of different sizes which always appear (spectrum). From the observed structure of a rain one can derive its radar-reflectivity. Owing to the range of the spectrum it deviates largely from the reflectivity of the ideal rain, too, and differs from station to station. All this does not depend on whether one selects the mean drop diameter, the range of the spectrum, the water contents or the intensity of the rain as parameter. Generally, the intensity of the observed rain is up to five times smaller than the intensity of the corresponding ideal rain. Finally, the temporal progress of the single rains presents examples of the increase of the variation of all parameters with increasing intensity of the rain, and of the difficulty to predict correctly the intensity of the expected precipitation from radar observations.

Résumé La structure des précipitations de 8 stations échelonnées de la zone polaire aux tropiques est déterminée en majeure partie par la stratification atmosphérique et la position géographique de la station d'observations elle-même. On constate cependant pour chaque station des variations caractéristiques qui se signalent par exemple dans le nombre de gouttes des différents groupes de grosseur ou dans la largeur du spectre. Les pluies de barrage ou d'instabilité sont nettement différentes les unes des autres. Ainsi, pour Karlsruhe, on peut déduire les différences saisonnières des deux seules années d'observations. Les pluies de forte intensité sont liées à de l'instabilité et à de hautes températures. Elles manquent de ce fait totalement dans la zone polaire. Elles ne se rencontrent en outre que pour de larges spectres de gouttes et ne sont liées à de grands nombres de gouttes que dans la zone tropicale. Par suite du fait que les gouttes ont toujours des grandeurs différentes (spectre des gouttes) on constate toujours des différences entre une pluie idéale et celle qui est effectivement mesurée. On peut calculer la réflexion radar en partant de la structure mesurée de la pluie. Elle s'éloigne également de façon sensible de celle d'une pluie idéale par suite de la largeur du spectre des gouttes et varie de station à station. Dans ce cas, il est indifférent que l'on choisisse comme paramètre le diamètre moyen des gouttes, la largeur du spectre, la contenance en eau du nuage ou l'intensité de la pluie. D'une manière toute générale, l'intensité mesurée de la pluie est jusqu'à 5 fois plus faible que celle d'une pluie idéale correspondante. Enfin, l'évolution dans le temps des différentes chutes de pluie donne des exemples de l'augmentation des variations de tous les paramètres avec l'augmentation de l'intensité de la pluie et de la difficulté de prévoir avec précision l'intensité des précipitations au moyen d'observations faites au radar.

Mit 23 Abbildungen  相似文献   
Summary At its southernmost end, the main spreading centre of the North Fiji Basin is propagating into arc crust of the poorly-known Hunter Ridge. We define nine magmatic groups from major element glass chemistry and olivine and spinel compositions in samples dredged from twenty six sites in this area by the R/V Academician A. Nesmeyanov in 1990. These include groups of boninites, island arc tholeiites (IAT), mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB), enriched mid-ocean ridge basalts (E-MORB), olivine porphyritic andesites and basaltic andesite and Na-rhyolites. Primitive lavas containing highly forsteritic olivine phenocrysts are common in all the groups, except for the rhyolites.We report over 100 glass analyses for dredged rocks from this region, and about 300 olivine-spinel pairs for representatives of all the magmatic groups identified, except the Na-rhyolites.The MORB in this region are probably produced at the propagating spreading centre in the southern part of the North Fiji Basin. Juxtaposition of shallow, hot MORB-source diapirs supplying the MORB in this area, and the sub-arc damp, refractory upper mantle beneath the Hunter Ridge, provides suitable petrogenetic conditions to produce a range of magma types, from island arc tholeiites through to high-Ca boninites. The latter were recovered in eleven dredges.The E-MORB lavas recovered from the extreme southern margin of the North Fiji Basin are shown to be essentially identical to those dredged from adjacent older South Fiji Basin crust. It is hypothesized that the former were either scraped off the South Fiji Basin crust during an episode of oblique subduction that may have generated the Hunter Ridge during the last 5 Myr, or alternatively, that slices of the South Fiji Basin crust were trapped and incorporated into the North Fiji Basin as the subduction zones fronting the Vanuatu arc stepped or propagated southward.
Primitive Inselbogen- und ozeanische Laven von Hunter Rücken und der Hunter BruchZone: die Bedeutung der Zusammensetzung von Glas, Olivin und Spinell
Zusammenfassung Das spreading centre des Nord-Fidschi-Beckens setzt sich an seinem südlichsten Ende in die Inselbogen-Kruste des noch wenig bekannten Hunter-Rückens fort.Wir definieren 9 magmatische Gruppen auf der Basis der Hauptelement-Zusammensetzung von Gläsern und der Zusammensetzung von Olivin und Spinell in Proben die das Forschungsschiff R/V Akademiker A. Nesmeyanov von 26 Stellen im Jahr 1990 aufgesammelt hat. Zu diesen gehören Gruppen von Boniniten, Inselbogentholeiiten (IAT), Basalten zentralozeanischer Rücken (MORB), angereicherte zentralozeanische Rücken (E-MORB), Olivin-porphyritische Andesite und basaltische Andesite, sowie Na-Rhyolite. Primitive Laven mit Olivinkristallen, die reich an Forsterit-Komponenten sind, kommen in allen diesen Gruppen, mit Ausnahme der Rhyolite, vor.Wir legen über 100 Glas-Analysen von Gesteinen aus diesem Gebiet vor und über 300 Olivin-Spinell-Paare für Vertreter aller der hier identifizierten magmatischen Gruppen, mit Ausnahme der Natriumrhyolite.Die MORB in diesem Gebiet sind wahrscheinlich an dem aktiven Spreading Center im Südteil des Nord-Fidschi-Beckens entstanden. Das nebeneinander Vorkommen von seichten heißen MORB-Quellen Diapiren, die MORB in diesem Gebiet erzeugen, und der Sub-Inselbogen, wasserhaltige, refraktäre obere Mantel unter dem Hunter Rücken führen zu geeigneten petrogenetischen Bedingungen für die Entstehung einer Vielfalt von Magmatypen, von Inselbogentholeiiten bis zu sehr Kalziumreichen Boniniten. Die letzteren wurden in 11 Dredge-Proben gefunden.Die E-MORS Laven, die aus dem extremen Südteil des Nord-Fidschi-Beckens entnommen wurden, sind im wesentlichen mit jenen identisch, die aus der benachbarten älteren Kruste des Süd-Fidschi-Beckens stammen. Es wird vermutet, daß die letzteren entweder aus dem Süd-Fidschi-Becken während einer Episode obliger Subduktion, die in den letzten 5 Millionen Jahren zur Entstehung des Hunter Ridge geführt hat, abgeschert wurden, oder auch daß Teile der Kruste des Süd-Fidschi-Beckens in das Nord-Fidschi-Becken inkorporiert wurden als Subduktionszonen gegenüber dem Vanuato-Bogen sich nach Süden fortbewegten.
Partition coefficients (DBemineral/melt) for beryllium between hydrous granitic melt and alkali feldspars, plagioclase feldspars, quartz, dark mica, and white mica were determined by experiment at 200 MPa H2O as a function of temperature (650-900°C), activity of Be in melt (trace levels to beryl saturation), bulk composition, and thermal run direction. At trace levels, Be is compatible in plagioclase of An31 (1.84 at 700°C) and muscovite (1.35 at 700°C) but incompatible in biotite (0.39-0.54 from 650-800°C), alkali feldspar (0.38-0.19 from 680-850°C), quartz (0.24 at 800°C), and albite (0.10 at 750°C). The partition coefficients are different at saturation of the melt in beryl: lower in the case of plagioclase of An31 (0.89 at 700°C), muscovite (0.87 at 700°C), biotite (0.18-0.08 from 675-800°C), alkali feldspar (0.18-0.14 from 680-700°C), and quartz (0.17-0.08 from 750-800°C), but higher in the case of albite (0.37 at 750°C).With other data sources, these new partition coefficients were utilized to track, first, the distribution of Be between aluminous quartzofeldspathic source rocks and their anatectic melts, and second, the dispersion or concentration of Be in melt through igneous crystal fractionation of different magma types (e.g., S-type, I-type) up to beryl-saturated granitic pegmatites and, finally, into their hydrothermal aureoles. Among the rock-forming minerals, cordierite, calcic oligoclase, and muscovite (in this order) control the fate of Be because of the compatibility of Be in these phases. In general, beryl-bearing pegmatites can arise only after extended crystal fractionation of large magma batches (to F, fraction of melt remaining, ≤0.05); granitic magmas that originate from cordierite-bearing protoliths or that contain large modal quantities of calcic oligoclase will not achieve beryl saturation at any point in their evolution.  相似文献   
A cool period from about 11000 to 10 500 BP (11 to 10.5 ka) is recognized in pollen records from the southern Great Lakes area by the return of Picea and Abies dominance and by the persistence of herbs. The area of cooling appears centred on the Upper Great Lakes. A high-resolution record (ca. 9 mm/y) from a borehole in eastern Lake Erie reveals, in the same time interval, this pollen anomaly, isotope evidence of meltwater presence (a — 3 per mil shift in 18O and a +1.1 per mil shift in 13C), increased sand, and reduced detrital calcite content, all suggesting concurrent cooling of Lake Erie. The onset of cooling is mainly attributed to the effect of enhanced meltwater inflow on the relatively large upstream Main Lake Algonquin during the first eastward discharge of glacial Lake Agassiz. Termination of the cooling coincides with drainage of Lake Algonquin, and is attributed to loss of its cooling effectiveness associated with a substantial reduction in its surface area. It is hypothesized that the cold extra inflow effectively prolonged the seasonal presence of lake ice and the period of spring overturn in Lake Algonquin. The deep mixing would have greatly increased the thermal conductive capacity of this extensive lake, causing suppression of summer surface lakewater temperatures and reduction of onshore growing-degree days. Alternatively, a rapid flow of meltwater, buoyed on sediment-charged (denser) lakewater, may have kept the lake surface cold in summer. Other factors such as wind-shifted pollen deposition and possible effects from the Younger Dryas North Atlantic cooling could have contributed to the Great Lakes climatic reversal, but further studies are needed to resolve their relative significance.Contribution to Climo Locarno — Past and Present Climate Dynamics; Conference September 1990, Swiss Academy of Sciences — National Climate ProgramGeological Survey of Canada Contribution 58 890  相似文献   
Detailed three-dimensional building data and a morphometric model are used to estimate the aerodynamic roughness length z 0 and displacement height d over a major UK city (Leeds). Firstly, using an adaptive grid, the city is divided into neighbourhood regions that are each of a relatively consistent geometry throughout. Secondly, for each neighbourhood, a number of geometric parameters are calculated. Finally, these are used as input into a morphometric model that considers the influence of height variability to predict aerodynamic roughness length and displacement height. Predictions are compared with estimations made using standard tables of aerodynamic parameters. The comparison suggests that the accuracy of plan-area-density based tables is likely to be limited, and that height-based tables of aerodynamic parameters may be more accurate for UK cities. The displacement heights in the standard tables are shown to be lower than the current predictions. The importance of geometric details in determining z 0 and d is then explored. Height variability is observed to greatly increase the predicted values. However, building footprint shape only has a significant influence upon the predictions when height variability is not considered. Finally, we develop simple relations to quantify the influence of height variation upon predicted z 0 and d via the standard deviation of building heights. The difference in these predictions compared to the more complex approach highlights the importance of considering the specific shape of the building-height distributions. Collectively, these results suggest that to accurately predict aerodynamic parameters of real urban areas, height variability must be considered in detail, but it may be acceptable to make simple assumptions about building layout and footprint shape.  相似文献   
The urban heat island (UHI) is a well-documented effect of urbanization on local climate, identified by higher temperatures compared to surrounding areas, especially at night and during the warm season. The details of a UHI are city-specific, and microclimates may even exist within a given city. Thus, investigating the spatiotemporal variability of a city’s UHI is an ongoing and critical research need. We deploy ten weather stations across Knoxville, Tennessee, to analyze the city’s UHI and its differential impacts across urban neighborhoods: two each in four neighborhoods, one in more dense tree cover and one in less dense tree cover, and one each in downtown Knoxville and Ijams Nature Center that serve as control locations. Three months of temperature data (beginning 2 July 2014) are analyzed using paired-sample t tests and a three-way analysis of variance. Major findings include the following: (1) Within a given neighborhood, tree cover helps negate daytime heat (resulting in up to 1.19 °C lower maximum temperature), but does not have as large of an influence on minimum temperature; (2) largest temperature differences between neighborhoods occur during the day (0.38–1.16 °C difference), but larger differences between neighborhoods and the downtown control occur at night (1.04–1.88 °C difference); (3) presiding weather (i.e., air mass type) has a significant, consistent impact on the temperature in a given city, and lacks the differential impacts found at a larger-scale in previous studies; (4) distance from city center does not impact temperature as much as land use factors. This is a preliminary step towards informing local planning with a scientific understanding of how mitigation strategies may help minimize the UHI and reduce the effects of extreme weather on public health and well-being.  相似文献   
Extreme midlatitude cyclone characteristics, precipitation, wind speed events, their inter-relationships, and the connection to large-scale atmospheric patterns are investigated in simulations of a prolonged cold period, known as the Maunder Minimum from 1640 to 1715 and compared with today. An ensemble of six simulations for the Maunder Minimum as well as a control simulation for perpetual 1990 conditions are carried out with a coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model, i.e., the Climate Community System Model (CCSM). The comparison of the simulations shows that in a climate state colder than today the occurrence of cyclones, the extreme events of precipitation and wind speed shift southward in all seasons in the North Atlantic and the North Pacific. The extremes of cyclone intensity increases significantly in winter in almost all regions, which is related to a stronger meridional temperature gradient and an increase in lower tropospheric baroclinicity. Extremes of cyclone intensity in subregions of the North Atlantic are related to extremes in precipitation and in wind speed during winter. Moreover, extremes of cyclone intensity are also connected to distinct large-scale atmospheric patterns for the different subregions, but these relationships vanish during summer. Analyzing the mean 1,000 hPa geopotential height change of the Maunder Minimum simulations compared with the control simulation, we find a similar pattern as the correlation pattern with the cyclone intensity index of the southern Europe cyclones. This illustrates that changes in the atmospheric high-frequency, i.e., the simulated southward shift of cyclones in the North Atlantic and the related increase of extreme precipitation and wind speed in particular in the Mediterranean in winter, are associated with large-scale atmospheric circulation changes.  相似文献   
Radiative Processes in the Stable Boundary Layer: Part I. Radiative Aspects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The structure of the radiatively dominated stable boundary layer is analysed using idealized calculations at high vertical and spectral resolution. The temperature profile of a nocturnal radiative boundary layer, developing after the evening transition, is found to be well described in terms of radiative cooling to the surface, although radiative exchanges within the atmosphere become increasingly important with time. The treatment of non-black surfaces is discussed in some detail and it is shown that the effect of reducing the surface emissivity is to decrease rather than to increase the radiative cooling rate in the surface layer. It is also argued that an accurate assessment of the impact of non-black surfaces requires careful attention to the spectral and directional characteristics of the surface emissivity. A polar nocturnal boundary layer, developing above snow-covered ground, is simulated and found to reach a slowly evolving state characterized by a strong radiative divergence near the surface that is comparable to observed values. Radiative boundary layers are characterized by large temperature gradients near the surface. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
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