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We have used observations of the rare isotopes of HCN and HNC to determine the relative abundance of these two chemical isomers along the central ridge of the Orion molecular cloud. The abundance ratio [HCN]/[HNC] decreases by more than an order of magnitude from the relatively warm plateau and hot core sources toward the KL nebula to the colder, more quiescent clouds to the north and south. Even in the cooler regions, however, the ratio is an order of magnitude larger than that found in previous investigations of cold dark clouds. We determine the kinetic temperature in the regions we have studied from new observations of methylacetylene (CH3CCH), together with other recent estimates of the gas temperature near KL. The results suggest that the warmer portions of the cloud are dominated by different chemical pathways than those in the general interstellar cloud material.  相似文献   
The assumption that the very low albedo determined for Halley's comet is typical of all short period comets, taken together with the assumption that the average sizes of long and short period comets are approximately equal, leads to an increase in the total mass of comets in the solar system by almost two orders of magnitude. If gravitational ejection from the Uranus - Neptune zone during the later phases of planet formation is indeed responsible for the classical Oort cloud between 104–1015 AU, then the mass of comets in this transplanetary region during cosmogonie times has to exceed the combined masses of Uranus and Neptune by over an order of magnitude. Furthermore, if the recent arguments for as many as 1014 comets in an inner Oort cloud between ~40– 104AU are valid, then the total mass of comets in the solar system approaches 2% of a solar mass.  相似文献   
The effect of shock wave propagation is investigated with respect to precursor heating and acceleration, upstream, with the aim of explaining Supernova (SN) observations.A model is presented, where two different sources of Langmuir waves produce upstream heating and acceleration: (1) Langmuir waves excited by resonance beam particles, that are accelerated through the shock front by Bell's mechanism; and (2) Langmuir waves, created in the post-shock turbulent zone.The most important processes considered in the calculations are: (1) the heating efficiency of beam particles of different velocity; (2) Bell's acceleration efficiency; (3) the spectrum of Langmuir waves created in a turbulent regime; (4) the effects of density, and of the density gradient in the medium, where the shock propagates.The calculations are applied to type II SN. The results show that temperatures of 105–106 K, obtained in the preshock region, can explain P-Cygni observed line profiles. Moreover, accelerations of the plasma in front of the shock up tov108 cm s–1 by momentum exchange, are in good agreement with observations.Partially supported by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Technológico (CNPq) and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP).  相似文献   
Sunspot nests     
For the period August 1959–December 1964 the Greenwich Photoheliographic Results were searched for sunspot nests. Such a nest is a sequence of sunspot groups that appear within a small area on the solar surface and that last for several months. The search procedure is described and data for 41 probable sunspot nests are given. At least three quarters of these nests appear to be real, and not chance clusters.The nests are the same type of activity sequences as the Fleckenherde discovered by Becker (1955) and the complexes of activity pointed out by Gaizauskas et al. (1983). The complexes of activity as defined by Bumba and Howard (1965) are different patterns, however; the relation between complexes and the nests is shown.Some properties of the nests are: (i) many nests appear as double structures; (ii) single nests and components of double nests are quite compact: the effective areas are comparable to those of medium-large sunspot groups; (iii) each nest rotates at its own steady rate about the Sun; (iv) the intrinsic scatter in the rotation rates is much larger than the trend in the differential rotation; (v) displacements in latitude are less than a few meters per second; (vi) many nests live for 6 to 15 Carrington rotation periods, the minimum lifetime is not yet determined; (vii) the fraction of the sunspot groups that are members of nests is large (at least 30%).  相似文献   
The temporal association between the kinematic parameters of chromospheric dark features (DF) and the production of radio type-III bursts is investigated during a period of five months. The Doppler shifts inside six different DF are measured by means of the Meudon Multichannel Subtracting Double Pass Spectrograph (MSDP) during periods of some minutes around 24 type-III bursts. The position of the radio bursts has been checked to be associated with the same active region observed by MSDP, by using the Nançay Radioheliograph. It appears that 23 out of 24 bursts take place when the DF is totally or predominantly blue-shifted. In 18 out of 21 cases, a maximum of the outward velocity is observed in the optical image closest in time to the radio burst. The following peculiarities are also shown by the analyzed DF:
  1. All of them present a lengthened shape, in most cases pointing toward a sunspot: a bright region coinciding with a parasitic polarity is observed in between.
  2. Horizontal velocities along the DF major axis are often observed, always in a direction opposite to the sunspots.
This association is interpreted by assuming that a shock wave, generated by the moving chromospheric material, is able to accelerate coronal electrons (according to a mechanism proposed by Leroy and Mangeney, 1984) thus producing type-III bursts.  相似文献   
In this paper the unsteady laminar free-convection flow of a viscous incompressible fluid, past an accelerated infinite vertical porous plate subjected to a constant suction (or injection) in considered. Numerical results for the skin-friction on the plate are obtained for the class of accelerated motions whose velocity is of the formU 0 t n wheret is time,U 0 a constant, andn is a positive integer. The skin friction tends to zero with increasingt when the Grashof number Gr=2, the Prandtl number =1,n=0, and >0 which corresponds to suction.On leave of absence from the Department of Mathematics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.On leave from absence from the Department of Mathematics, University of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania.  相似文献   
The present paper is the introduction to a systematic analysis of 123 6-degree fields near the galactic plane, recorded in the medium ultraviolet (2000 Å) by the ballon-borne experiment SCAP 2000 of the Laboratoire d'Astronomie Spatiale, Marseille, and Geneva Observatory. The available data are presented and the general properties of the images are briefly discussed.It is shown that the high selectivity of the UV passband regarding spectral type, together with the strong interstellar extinction at that wavelength, provide the necessary conditions for an efficient application of Wolf's method to study the distribution of interstellar matter in the solar neighbourhood. The results of a fast analysis of the available data are presented here.  相似文献   
The continuum emission of an X1 flare on 26 March, 1970 observed close to the solar limb (N 05 E 64) was analyzed by a photometric determination of the contrast I()/I 0() in the wavelength range 3558–5920 Å. Two possible mechanisms for the emission were investigated, namely hydrogen Paschen and H continua. We show the unlikeness of the Paschen possibility and derive strong constraints on the temperature structure and energy deposition mechanism imposed by the H continuum process.We conclude that the emission must have originated in deep atmospheric layers. The relevance of this result with respect to flare energy release and transport processes is also discussed.  相似文献   
Corotating solar wind streams emanating from stable coronal structures provide an unique opportunity to compare the response of planetary ionospheres to the energy conveyed in the streams. For recurrent solar conditions the signal propagating outward along spiral paths in interplanetary space can at times exhibit rather similar content at quite different downstream locations in the ecliptic plane. Using solar wind measurements from plasma detectors on ISEE-3, Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) and Helios-A, as well as in-situ ion composition measurements from Bennett Ion Mass Spectrometers on the Atmosphere Explorer-E and PVO spacecraft, corotating stream interactions are examined at Earth and Venus. During May–July 1979 a sequence of distinct, recurrent coronal regions developed at the Sun. Analysis of these regions and the associated solar wind characteristics indicates a corrresponding sequence of corotating streams, identifiable over wide distances. The time series of solar wind velocity variations observed at Earth, Venus, and the Helios-A positions during June–July attests to intervals of corotating stream propagation. The characteristics of the stream which passed Earth on July 3, are observed at Helios-A and at Venus (PVO) about 8 days later, consistent with the spiral path propagation delay times between the locations in the ecliptic plane. On July 3, Earth and Venus have a wide azimuthal separation of about 142 . Although the planetary environments are distinctly different, pronounced and somewhat analagous ionospheric responses to the stream passage are observed at both Earth and Venus. The response to the intercepted stream is consistent with independent investigations which have shown that the variability of the solar wind momentum flux is an important factor in the solar wind-ionosphere interaction at both planets.  相似文献   
The continuum energy distribution of the emission line star X Per (O9.5III-V) has been obtained in the wavelength range 340–710 nm and has been compared with the energy distribution of Cam in the same wavelength range. The continuum of the star is found to be modified by the circumstellar envelope. A number density of the order of 1011 in the envelope has been obtained from the observations of H in emission.  相似文献   
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