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Resolution of MRS applied to the characterization of hard-rock aquifers   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The performance of the Magnetic Resonance Sounding (MRS) method applied to the investigation of heterogeneous hard-rock aquifers was studied. It was shown using both numerical modeling and field measurements that MRS could be applied to the investigation of the weathered part of hard-rock aquifers when the product of the free water content multiplied by the thickness of the aquifer is >0.2 (for example, 10-m-thick layer with a 2% water content). Using a currently available one-dimensional MRS system, the method allows the characterization of two-dimensional subsurface structures with acceptable accuracy when the size of the subsurface anomaly is equal to or greater than the MRS loop. However, the fractured part of hard-rock aquifers characterized by low effective porosity (<0.5%) cannot be resolved using currently available MRS equipment. It was found that shallow water in the weathered part of the aquifer may screen MRS signals from deeper water-saturated layers, thus further reducing the possibility of investigating deeper fractured aquifers. A field study using the NUMIS(plus) MRS system developed by IRIS Instruments was carried out on an experimental watershed in southern India. A heterogeneous unconfined aquifer in a gneissic formation was successfully localized, and MRS results were confirmed by drilling shortly after the geophysical study. The top of the aquifer revealed by MRS was found to be in a good agreement with observed static water level measurements in boreholes.  相似文献   
There is a lack of information on monitoring neurotoxicity in offshore commercial species. To help fill this gap, we sampled hake (Merluccius merluccius) and Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) in fishing grounds off the coast of l’Ametlla de Mar (NW Mediterranean) in June 2005 at a depth of 100 m and 400 m. Additionally, at 400 m depth, two other fish species, Micromesistius poutassou and Phycis blennoides were included. Neurotoxicity markers such as Colinesterases (ChEs), namely acethyl- (AChE), butyryl- (BChE), propionyl- (PrChE) and carboxilesterase (CbE) were measured in muscle. Lipid peroxidation (LP), a marker of oxidative damage, was also included. The results are discussed in relation to the animal’s sex, size and fishing depth. A comparison of esterases and LP levels between muscle and liver of hake and between muscle and hepatopancreas of Norway Lobster was made.

AChE was dominant in muscle and CbE in hepatopancreas. No differences between fish species were seen for AChE. However, N. norvegicus, presented lower levels of ChEs and LP. A size-dependence in ChEs was seen for M. merluccius, with larger animals showing significantly lower activities (p < 0.05). Sex-dependence was seen in N. norvegicus for most esterases, except AChE, with males displaying higher activities (p < 0.05). A sampling-depth effect was also seen in the crustacea, with animals from 100 m generally presenting lower esterase activities and higher LP levels.  相似文献   

The analytic element method (AEM) has been applied to a 15,000-km2 area of the Paleozoic carbonate rock terrain of Nevada. The focus is the Muddy River springs area, which receives 1.44 m3/s (51 ft3/s) of regionally derived ground water, and forms the Muddy River. The study was undertaken early in 2000 to support the development of a cooling water supply for a gas-fired generation facility 20 km south of the Muddy River springs. The primary objectives of the AEM modeling were to establish a better understanding of regional fluxes and boundary conditions and to provide a framework for examination of more local transient effects using MODFLOW. Geochemical evidence available in 2000 suggested two separate flow fields, one in the north discharging at the springs, and a southern area of small hydraulic gradients. To be conservative, however, hydraulic continuity between the two areas was maintained in the 2000 AEM model. Using new monitoring well data collected in the south, and analyses confirming that seasonal pumping effects in the north are not propagated to the south, a later AEM model that included a barrier calibrated with relative ease. The analytic element model was well suited for simulating an area larger than the immediate area of interest, was easy to modify as more information became available, and facilitated the stepwise development of multiple conceptual models of the site.  相似文献   
Blooms of macroalgal matting are increasingly common within temperate zones and are often comprised of opportunistic species such as Ulva lactuca. Where this algae forms a dense mat, a stressful environment is created in the sediment below, influencing the invertebrate infaunal assemblage. This study was conducted over a six month period during which a dense mat of U. lactuca developed and subsequently dispersed. The algal mat was found to have a significant negative impact on species richness, abundance and biomass of the macroinfauna. However, a faunal community developed within the algal mat which contained several species not previously observed. This community increased the abundance and diversity of the overall invertebrate assemblage. The results are discussed in relation to impacts on the ecosystem as a whole.  相似文献   
This study provides a holistic perspective on the ecological effects of dredged material disposal, both intertidally and subtidally. A number of numerical techniques (univariate, distributional, multivariate and meta-analysis) were used to assess impacts at 18 different disposal sites. The analyses revealed that ecological effects associated with dredged material disposal were dependent on the numerical techniques used, and that impacts were disposal-site specific. Disposal-site communities were generally faunistically impoverished to varying degrees, and impacts following intertidal placement were comparable to those of subtidal placement. We conclude that any assessment of the consequences of dredged material disposal to the coastal environment must take account of site-specific variation in prevailing hydrographic regimes and in ecological status, along with information on the disposal activity itself (mode, timing, quantity, frequency and type of material). As would be expected, variability in the latter presents a significant challenge in attempts to generalise about environmental and ecological impacts.  相似文献   
The 1.07?Myr old Bosumtwi impact structure (Ghana), excavated in 2.1-2.2?Gyr old supracrustal rocks of the Birimian Supergroup, was drilled in 2004. Here, we present single crystal U-Pb zircon ages from a suevite and two meta-graywacke samples recovered from the central uplift (drill core LB-08A), which yield an upper Concordia intercept age of ca. 2145?±?82?Ma, in very good agreement with previous geochronological data for the West African Craton rocks in Ghana. Whole rock Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotope data of six suevites (five from inside the crater and one from outside the northern crater rim), three meta-graywacke, and two phyllite samples from core LB-08A are also presented, providing further insights into the timing of the metamorphism and a possibly related isotopic redistribution of the Bosumtwi crater rocks. Our Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd data show also that the suevites are mixtures of meta-greywacke and phyllite (and possibly a very low amount of granite). A comparison of our new isotopic data with literature data for the Ivory Coast tektites allows to better constrain the parent material of the Ivory Coast tektites (i.e., distal impactites), which is thought to consist of a mixture of metasedimentary rocks (and possibly granite), but with a higher proportion of phyllite (and shale) than the suevites (i.e., proximal impactites). When plotted in a Rb/Sr isochron diagram, the sample data points (n?=?29, including literature data) scatter along a regression line, whose slope corresponds to an age of 1846?±?160?Ma, with an initial Sr isotope ratio of 0.703?±?0.002. However, due to the extensive alteration of some of the investigated samples and the lithological diversity of the source material, this age, which is in close agreement with a possible "metamorphic age" of ~?1.8-1.9?Ga tentatively derived from our U-Pb dating of zircons, is difficult to consider as a reliable metamorphic age. It may perhaps reflect a common ancient source whose Rb-Sr isotope systematics has not basically been reset on the whole rock scale during the Bosumtwi impact event, or even reflect another unknown geologic event.  相似文献   
E.  L.  Olson  R.  M.  Allen  王晓权 《世界地震译丛》2007,(2):16-21
了解地震破裂过程对于了解断层系统和地震危险是很重要的。关于断层破裂性质的若干假定已经提出,但还没有形成统一的理论(Brune,1979;Fukao and Furu-moto,1985;Ellsworth and Beroza,1995;Beroza and Ellsworth,1996;Dodgeet al,1996;Mori,1996;Mori and Kanamori,1996;Singhet al,1998;Steacy and McClos-key,1998;Kilb and Gomberg,1999;Sato and Kanamori,1999;Ohnaka,2000)。大多数被引用的概念上的假设是断层破裂的级联模型(Burne,1979;Ellsworth and Beroza,1995,1998;Kilb and Gomberg,1999)。在级联模型中,滑动在断层的一小段上开始,只要条件有利,并持续破裂,直至延伸到断层面。这个如同多米诺骨牌的理论有2个基本含义:小地震以大地震相同的方式开始,破裂过程是不确定性的;换句话说,直到破裂停止之前,地震大小是不能确定的。在本文中我们说明,事件最终大小与破裂最初几秒的地震能量辐射频谱成正比。我们推断,地震震级能在破裂完成之前被估算出来。这一发现意味着破裂过程在某种程度上是确定性的,并且具有破裂过程物理学的含义。  相似文献   
Giant azhdarchids are perhaps the most spectacular pterosaurs known and, although they lack the elaborate headcrests or striking dentition that adorn other charismatic pterosaurs, the sheer enormity of their proportions has drawn a wealth of popular and scientific interest. Their remains, however, are so fragmentary that only limited interpretations of their anatomy and taxonomy can be made with certainty. Here, we report on recent investigations into giant azhdarchid taxonomy and size estimates that suggest both may be over-inflated.  相似文献   
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