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Zusammenfassung Eine Analyse der Randstrukturen des Witwatersrand-Beckens im nördlichen Oranje-Freistaat-Goldfeld zeigt, daß das tektonische Bild der Beckenrandregion nacheinander durch verschiedene Deformationsakte von unterschiedlichem Charakter geprägt worden ist. Auf eine Einengungsphase von spät-Witwatersrand-Alter, die zur Bildung einer randlichen Aufrichtungszone und zum Aufreißen eines Systems von 'normalen und antivergenten Aufschiebungen führte, folgte während des Unteren Ventersdorp eine jüngere Zerrungsphase, bei der es zu einem staffeiförmlgen Zerbrechen der ursprünglich eingeengten Scholle kam. Die Zerrung hängt sehr wahrscheinlich mit dem Zerbrechen der Beckenrandregion während oder unmittelbar nach der Extrusion der Unteren Ventersdorp-Laven zusammen. Dabei wurde ein schmaler randparalleler Streifen der Beckenfüllung in einem Graben versenkt ('Odendaalsrus-Graben). Die abgesunkenen Schollenteile sind in sich noch stark zerbrochen und gewöhnlich schiefgestellt. Da der versenkte Streifen durch ein primäres Einmuldungsstadium hindurchgegangen ist, deutet die Grabenbildung offenbar eine Fortsetzung der Beckenbildungsvorgänge 'mit anderen Mitteln an. — Die Bewegungen haben ein Alter von etwa 2,1 Mrd. Jahren; sie fallen somit ins frühe Präkambrium und sind keinesfalls 'intraalgonkisch, wie es noch bis in die jüngste Vergangenheit angenommen wurde.Tektonische Experimente haben ergeben, daß sich die wichtigsten Störungssysteme der realen Beckenrandstrukturen bei entsprechend gewählter Versuchsanordnung auch künstlich erzeugen lassen.
The Orange Free State goldfield represents the southernmost part of the Witwatersrand Basin (Fig. 1) which is completely buried under a cover of Ventersdorp and Karroo rocks. The pre-Karroo geology of this area is characterized by a major rift system trending SSW-NNE ('Odendaalsrus graben), followed to the east by a V-shaped horst and two minor rift blocks (Fig. 2). The main graben is bounded by two principal faults (Border Fault, De Bron Fault, Fig. 4) which are roughly parallel to the western rim of the basin.A tectonic analysis of the basin-edge structures in the northern part of the graben reveals that the basin rim has been subjected to a sequence of deformational acts working over a considerable period of time. A primary compression of the basin-edge region in Upper Witwatersrand times resulted in the formation of a marginal fold; since sedimentation continued, the different stages of the folding process were sometimes preserved by a set of minor unconformities within the youngest sediments (Elsburg A Reefs, Fig. 5). With increasing lateral pressure a couple of reverse faults developed to support the folding (faults No. 10 and 11, Figs. 6 and 7); the minor thrust faults No. 19 and 21 represent the second component of this fault system. A reconstruction of the original depositional plain of the Lower Agglomerate shows that the main thrust faults (No. 10 and 11) are definitely older than the Elsburg A 1 Reef and have been obviously revived after the younger sediments had been laid down (Fig. 8 a).In a later stage compression gave way to tensional forces bringing about a fracturing of the overturned limb of the marginal fold along normal faults (faults No. 4 and 7, Figs. 6 and 7). There is reason to believe that the tensional phase was associated with the incipient rifting during early Ventersdorp times and that these faults were more or less contemporaneous with the general tilting of the basin-edge as displayed to-day (cf. Figs. 3 and 4). Because of the westerly tilt the Boulder Beds dip towards the west, although they must have been originally deposited on a ± horizontal or slightly basinward dipping plain. Faulting was mostly accomplished before deposition of the Ventersdorp sediments and the Upper Ventersdorp Lavas took place; the latter are seldom or only to a small degree affected by the fractures (Figs. 3 and 4). — The age of the tectonics is about 2,1×109 years, i. e. early Precambrian and not Algonkian as formerly supposed.Experimental work aiming at an imitation of the observed basin-edge structures has shown that the principal tectonic features can be produced artificially (Figs. 8 a and b). This refers in particular to the main system of thrust-faults as well as to the younger step-faults caused by tension.

Résumé Les structures tectoniques au bord du Bassin de Witwatersrand dans le district de mines d'or septentrional de la République d'Orange (Afrique du Sud) ont été analysées. Il s'est montré qu'elles sont déterminées par l'action de plusieurs phases de déformation successives de caractères différents. Une phase de compression d'âge Witwatersrand supérieur a d'abord amené un redressement des couches dans une zone marginale du bassin, avec chevauchements à vergences «normales» et inverses. Elle était suivie pendant le Ventersdorp inférieur d'une phase de traction qui produisit des cassures en gradins dans le secteur primitivement comprimé. La traction est très vraisemblablement en relation avec l'effondrement de la zone marginale du bassin pendant ou peu après l'extrusion des laves inférieures de Ventersdorp. Une bande étroite de sédiments, parallèle au bord du bassin, fut alors affectée d'un affaissement (formation du «graben d'Odendaalsrus») où de nombreuses cassures à l'intérieur des compartiments affaissés ont résulté dans la formation de blocs plus ou moins inclinés. Puisque cette zone a d'abord passé par un stade synclinal, on a l'impression que l'effondrement du graben ne représente que la reprise de l'affaissement général du bassin à l'aide d'une «technique nouvelle». - Les mouvements ont un âge de 2.1 milliards d'années, ils datent par conséquent du Précambrien inférieur et ne sont point «intra-algonkiques» comme il fut encore admis tout récemment.Il a été possible de reproduire artificiellement les systèmes de failles les plus importants de la zone marginale du bassin, si les conditions de l'expériment étaient favorables.

Witwatersrand . . 2,1 , . . . , .
Kraft lignin (KL) is the chief contaminant which is responsible for dark coloration, toxicity and high chemical oxygen demand (COD) of paper pulp mill effluent. The present study investigated the diverse potentials of Planococcus sp. TRC1 in the biodegradation of KL. Preliminary evaluation indicated that the strain was able to grow on broad spectrum of lignin-derived compounds, decolorize lignin-mimicking dyes and catabolize substrates of ligninolytic enzymes. Response surface methodology (RSM) was executed to perform the optimization of different process parameters. The results displayed that Planococcus sp. TRC1 could completely utilize 100 mg L?1 of KL and 78% of 200 mg L?1 of KL as sole source of carbon with concurrent reduction in COD and color. The biokinetic details of KL biodegradation showed that the values of \(\mu^{*}\), µ max, \(q^{*}\) and q max were 0.018 h?1, 0.01 h?1, 0.023 g g?1 h?1 and 0.05 g g?1 h?1, respectively. UV–visible spectrophotometry, SEM and FTIR indicated the significant alterations in the surface morphology, functional groups and chromophores during the course of biodegradation. XRD revealed the emergence of peak signifying the formation of low molecular weight intermediates after bacterial treatment. Considering the environmental impact, bacterial-treated KL illustrated less phytotoxicity using Vigna radiata seed bioassay. These results suggested that Planococcus sp. TRC1 could be a promising strain for the degradation of KL in an ecofriendly way.  相似文献   
Three kornerupine occurrences are reported in distinctive SiO2-poor, MgO- and Al2O3-rich paragneisses from the Namaqualand Metamorphic Complex in South Africa. Kornerupine coexists stably with phlogopite, cordierite, orthopyroxene, gedrite, sapphirine, sillimanite and plagioclase and, in sapphirine-free rocks, with spinel and corundum. Tourmaline of a texturally older generation than kornerupine is commonly present in the same samples.Ten analysed kornerupines show a variation in total Fe as FeO from 1.8 to 10.9 weight per cent. B2O3 contents are estimated from x-ray data and a few spectrochemical analyses to range from 0.9 to 3.5 weight per cent. There is a strong inverse correlation between B3+ and Al3+. Total iron content has a strong and systematic effect on refractive index, colour and dispersion. Fe and Mg are systematically partitioned with the other minerals, and Mg/(Mg+Fe) ratios increase as follows: spinel 相似文献   
The main objective of this paper is to address the principal mechanisms involved in the medium-term (order of months to years) morphodynamic evolution of estuaries through the application of a process-based numerical modelling. The Teign estuary (Teignmouth, UK) is the selected site. The system is forced by the macrotidal semi-diurnal tide in the English Channel and is perturbed to a minor extent by high river discharge events (freshets). Although waves have a definite influence on the adjacent coastal area, Wells (Teignmouth Quay Development Environmental Statement: Changes to Physical Processes. Report R.984c:140. ABP Marine Environmental Research Ltd., Southampton, 2002b) suggested that swell waves do not enter the estuary. Hence, wave effects are neglected in this study, as only tides and the river discharge are taken into account. The sediment grain size is highly variable, but mainly sandy. Within the frame of the COAST3D project (), four bathymetric surveys of the adjacent coastal area were carried out at a nearly weekly intervals. The outer estuary and the adjacent coastal area were also surveyed every 6 months as part of the COASTVIEW project (). Based on these data and on continuously measured parameters, such as water level, waves, wind and river discharge, numerical modelling of the morphodynamic processes can be tested. To replicate the morphological changes in the medium-term within a feasible simulation time, forcing conditions are reduced through the use of an input reduction method (called ensemble technique). In this study, simulations are based on the coupling between Telemac-2D and its non-cohesive sediment transport module, Sisyphe (version 5.3 for both modules). Three different sediment transport formulae were tested: (1) Engelund and Hansen (A monograph on sediment transport in alluvial streams, 3rd edn. Technological University of Denmark, Copenhagen, 1967) including the modifications proposed by Chollet and Cunge (J Hydraul Eng 17(1):1–13, 1979); (2) Bijker (Mechanics of sediment transport by the combination of waves and current. In: Design and reliability of coastal structures. 23rd international conference on Coastal Engineering, pp 147–173, 1968) and (3) Soulsby (Dynamics of Marine Sands. A manual for practical applications. HR Wallingford, Wallingford, p 142, 1997) modified version of van Rijn [J Hydraul Eng 110(10):1431–1456, 1984a, J Hydraul Eng 110(11):1613–1641, 1984b] formulation. Both a qualitative (i.e. visual comparison) and a quantitative tool [Brier Skill Score (BSS); described in Sutherland et al. in Coast Eng 51:917–939, 2004b] are applied to assess the similarity of simulations when compared to model predictions and observations. Tests confirmed the reliability and time efficiency of the ensemble technique, since it reproduced very well the results of a reference run, a computation based on the observed boundary conditions. For the spring-neap cycle modelled, the BSS was of 0.91 (a perfect modelling would have a BSS of 1), with a reduction in the simulation time on the order of 80%. For the 6-month-period simulation, results were also excellent: BSS=0.92 and a computer time reduction of 85%. In principle, this method has the advantage of being applied to any process-based numerical model.  相似文献   
The recent discovery of ice-striated surfaces associated with the late Paleozoic Aquidauana Formation suggests that glaciers coming from southwest Africa reached westernmost parts of the Paraná Basin in central Brazil. Abrasion features were developed by glaciers moving from SSE towards NNW, mainly on an unconsolidated bed. These records expand to about 1,050,000 km2, the coverage of the late Paleozoic glaciation in the region of the Paraná Basin in Western Gondwana.


A recente descoberta de superfícies estriadas associadas à Formação Aquidauana, de idade permocarbonífera, sugere que as geleiras provenientes do sudoeste da África alcançaram as porções ocidentais da Bacia do Paraná, na região central do Brasil. As feições de abrasão foram geradas pelo deslocamento de geleiras de SSE para NNW, principalmente sobre substrato inconsolidado. Estes novos registros evidenciam que a glaciação neopaleozóica cobriu uma área de pelo menos de 1.050.000 km2 na região ocupada pela Bacia do Paraná no Gondwana Ocidental.  相似文献   
auam aum¶rt;, m u n¶rt; n a¶rt;u u nm a anu, umua a u mauu u 1964–1976 . ¶rt; aum¶rt; ma auau aum¶rt;, n¶rt; uu m .  相似文献   
Robert M Vanderbeck 《Area》2008,40(3):393-400
A small but growing number of voices have begun to raise questions about the current direction of children's geographies as a subfield and its status within the wider discipline. This article intervenes in these emerging discussions to examine the status of debate itself within children's geographies. I argue that children's geographies over the past decade has operated primarily in a consensus-based mode, with a number of potential tensions and differences between practitioners masked as a result. I develop the example of notions of children's competent social agency, a core theoretical assumption that is rarely interrogated in much depth. In closing, I pose questions regarding several contemporary political issues concerning children's agency about which geographers have had surprisingly little to say. I suggest that explicitly addressing some of these vexing issues would contribute to a richer state of debate within children's geographies.  相似文献   
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