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In the Maritime Alps (north‐west Italy – south‐east France), the Middle Triassic–lowermost Cretaceous platform carbonates of the Provençal Domain locally show an intense dolomitization. Dolomitized bodies, irregularly shaped and variable in size from some metres to hundreds of metres, are associated with tabular bodies of dolomite‐cemented breccias, cutting the bedding at a high angle, and networks of dolomite veins. Field and petrographic observations indicate that dolomitization was a polyphase process, in which episodes of hydrofracturing and host‐rock dissolution, related to episodic expulsion of overpressured fluids through faults and fracture systems, were associated with phases of host‐rock dolomitization and void cementation. Fluid inclusion analysis indicates that dolomitizing fluids were relatively hot (170 to 260°C). The case study represents an outstanding example of a fossil hydrothermal system, which significantly contributes to the knowledge of such dolomitization systems in continental margin settings. The unusually favourable stratigraphic framework allows precise constraint of the timing of dolomitization (earliest Cretaceous) and, consequently, direct evaluation of the burial setting of dolomitization which, for the upper part of the dolomitized succession, was very shallow or even close to the surface. The described large‐scale hydrothermal system was probably related to deep‐rooted faults, and provides indirect evidence of a significant earliest Cretaceous fault activity in this part of the Alpine Tethys European palaeomargin.  相似文献   
Products of the Pomici di Base plinian eruption of Somma-Vesuvius consist of pumice and scoria fall deposits overlain by lithic-rich phreatomagmatic deposits. The plinian fall, which represents most of the magma volume involved in the eruption, ranges in composition from trachyte (SiO2 = 62.5 wt%) to latite (SiO2 ≈ 58 wt%) in the lower one-third of the deposit, whereas the upper two-thirds of the total thickness consists of latitic scoriae with fairly uniform composition (SiO2 ≈ 55–56 wt%). All the products have very low content of phenocrysts (from 4 wt% in trachyte pumice to 1 wt% in the latite scoriae), most of which are not in equilibrium with the host rock. Minerals not in equilibrium, both in trachytic and latitic rocks, consist of discrete crystals of sanidine and plagioclase wetted by trachytic glass and felsic aggregates with interstital trachytic glass. Trends of major and trace elements are consistent with crystal-liquid fractionation processes and rule out syn-eruptive mixing processes between latitic and trachytic magmas. We suggest that discrete crystals and crystal aggregates not in equilibrium with the host rock represent fragments of the crystallising boundary layer at the upper walls of the magma chamber, which were wrenched and admixed into the magma during the ascent. This process diversifies the mineral assemblage and increases the crystal content of the rocks. We propose that diffusive crystallization processes operating at the wall of the chamber allowed the formation of a two-fold layered reservoir with a more mafic, homogeneous lower body and a more evolved, compositionally graded upper body. Around one-quarter of crystals adhering to the upper part of the magma chamber were admixed into the magma during the eruption. The absence of significant syn-eruptive mixing processes and the major role played by diffusive crystallization are consistent with a low aspect ratio magma chamber (width/height <1). Received: 23 March 1998 / Accepted: 11 December 1998  相似文献   
The Earth System Curator is a National Science Foundation sponsored project developing a metadata formalism for describing the digital resources used in climate simulations. The primary motivating observation of the project is that a simulation/model’s source code plus the configuration parameters required for a model run are a compact representation of the dataset generated when the model is executed. The end goal of the project is a convergence of models and data where both resources are accessed uniformly from a single registry. In this paper we review the current metadata landscape of the climate modeling community, present our work on developing a metadata formalism for describing climate models, and reflect on technical challenges we have faced that require new research in the area of Earth Science Informatics.  相似文献   
On 24 October 2015, following a period of heavy rainfall, a landslide occurred in the Calatabiano Municipality (Sicily Island, Southern Italy), causing the rupture of a water pipeline supplying water to the city of Messina. Following this event, approximately 250,000 inhabitants of the city suffered critical water shortages for several days. Consequently, on 6 November 2015, a state of emergency was declared (O.C.D.P. 295/2015) by the National Italian Department of Civil Protection (DPC). During the emergency management phase, a provisional by-pass, consisting of three 350-m long pipes passing through the landslide area, was constructed to restore water to the city. Furthermore, on 11 November 2015, a landslide remote-sensing monitoring system was installed with the following purposes: (i) analyse the landslide geomorphological and kinematic features in order to assess the residual landslide risk and (ii) support the early warning procedures needed to ensure the safety of the personnel involved in the by-pass construction and the landslide stabilization works. The monitoring system was based on the combined use of Ground-Based Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (GB-InSAR) and terrestrial laser scanning (TLS). In this work, the preliminary results of the monitoring activities and a remote 3D map of the landslide area are presented.  相似文献   
The OMEGA imaging spectrometer onboard the Mars Express spacecraft is particularly well suited to study in detail specific regions of Mars, thanks to its high spatial resolution and its high signal-to-noise ratio. We investigate the behavior of atmospheric water vapor over the four big volcanoes located on the Tharsis plateau (Olympus, Ascraeus, Pavonis and Arsia Mons) using the 2.6 μm band, which is the strongest and most sensitive H2O band in the OMEGA spectral range. Our data sample covers the end of MY26 and the whole MY27, with gaps only in the late northern spring and in northern autumn. The most striking result of our retrievals is the increase of water vapor mixing ratio from the valley to the summit of volcanoes. Corresponding column density is often almost constant, despite a factor of ∼5 decrease in air mass from the bottom to the top. This peculiar water enrichment on the volcanoes is present in 75% of the orbits in our sample. The seasonal distribution of such enrichment hints at a seasonal dependence, with a minimum during the northern summer and a maximum around the northern spring equinox. The enrichment possibly also has a diurnal trend, being the orbits with a high degree of enrichment concentrated in the early morning. However, the season and the solar time of the observations, due to the motion of the spacecraft, are correlated, then the two dependences cannot be clearly disentangled. Several orbits exhibit also spatially localized enrichment structures, usually ring- or crescent-shaped. We retrieve also the height of the saturation level over the volcanoes. The results show a strong minimum around the aphelion season, due to the low temperatures, while it raises quickly before and after this period. The enrichment is possibly generated by the local circulation characteristic of the volcano region, which can transport upslope significant quantities of water vapor. The low altitude of the saturation level during the early summer can then hinder the transport of water during this season. The influence of the coupling between atmosphere and surface, due mainly to the action of the regoliths, can also contribute partially to the observed phenomenon.  相似文献   
本文的研究工作,得到了埃特纳火山下面的一组新的三维速度模型。作者们用1980年以来地方性地震在永久和临时地震台网在4个或更多台记录到的1249次地震的P和S波,被选来作走时反演。选择了几种判别标志与参数化办法以显示其类似的基本特征。表明在火山的东南象限在浅层,有P波的高速分怖,它同布格重力高异常有密切关系。在该区存在低的Vp/Vs比值;沿着中央火山管道,分布有高速P波和高的Vp/Vs比值;建议该处存在有稠密的侵入的岩浆体,延伸到20千米左右的深度,该区附近有低速的P波速度。对震源的重新定位也显示出向外倾斜的易碎区,与中央火山管道延伸出一段P波高速异常区,位于中央火山口的附近。沿着中央火山口附近,有P波的低速区,它同次生的火山锥的分布有关,与部份熔融的深部岩浆库有联系。  相似文献   
Abstract In this paper, a summary of the tectonic history of the Mirdita ophiolitic nappe, northern Albania, is proposed by geological and structural data. The Mirdita ophiolitic nappe includes a subophiolite mélange, the Rubik complex, overlain by two ophiolite units, referred to as the Western and Eastern units. Its history started in the Early Triassic with a rifting stage followed by a Middle to Late Triassic oceanic opening between the Adria and Eurasia continental margins. Subsequently, in Early Jurassic time, the oceanic basin was affected by convergence with the development of a subduction zone. The existence of this subduction zone is provided by the occurrence of the supra‐subduction‐zone‐related magmatic sequences found in both the Western and Eastern units of the Mirdita ophiolitic nappe. During the Middle Jurassic, continuous convergence resulted in the obduction of the oceanic lithosphere, in two different stages – the intraoceanic and marginal stages. The intraoceanic stage is characterized by the westward thrusting of a young and still hot section of oceanic lithosphere leading to the development of a metamorphic sole. In the Late Jurassic, the marginal stage developed by the emplacement of the ophiolitic nappe onto the continental margin. During this second stage, the emplacement of the ophiolites resulted in the development of the Rubik complex. In the Early Cretaceous, the final emplacement of the ophiolites was followed by the unconformable sedimentation of the Barremian–Senonian platform carbonate. From the Late Cretaceous to the Middle Miocene, the Mirdita ophiolitic nappe was translated westward during the progressive migration of the deformation front toward the Adria Plate. In the Middle to Late Miocene, a thinning of the whole nappe pile was achieved by extensional tectonics, while the compression was still active in the westernmost areas of the Adria Plate. On the whole, the Miocene deformations resulted in the uplift and exposition of the Mirdita ophiolites as observed today.  相似文献   
Braided rivers exhibit highly variable morphologies, morphodynamic behaviours and resulting depositional records. To evaluate relationships between characteristics of braided-river channel belts and river depth, water discharge and streambed gradient, 39 numerical modelling experiments were conducted with the software Delft3D to simulate braided-river evolution under a broad range of boundary conditions. Data from model outputs were integrated with observations from 63 natural braided rivers differing with respect to river depth and streambed gradient. The modelled rivers each underwent similar evolutions, yet each culminated in markedly different final river morphologies, dependent on discharge and riverbed gradient. The rivers underwent evolutionary stages of: (i) formation of transverse unit bars with limited relief from an initially featureless bed; (ii) channel development around bars and in some cases dissecting transverse unit bars; (iii) formation of relatively simpler compound bars; and (iv) amalgamation of these simpler compound bars into more complex compound bars. Quantitative relationships relating to braided-river channel-belt morphology and organization are established, and the following results are noted: (i) bar elongation (length-to-width ratio) is correlated positively with riverbed gradient; (ii) bar height and area are correlated positively with discharge, and negatively with riverbed gradient; (iii) the river depth is the main predictor of mean braid-bar area; and (iv) the degree of braiding is primarily associated with river width-to-depth ratio and riverbed gradient. Results arising from this research improve our understanding of controls on the morphology and architectures of braided fluvial channel belts; they provide a novel empirical characterization that can be applied for predicting channel depth, bar morphology, streambed gradient, and degree of braiding of modern fluvial systems and of the formative rivers of ancient preserved successions.  相似文献   
In the western Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt voluminous silicic volcanism has been associated with the rifting of the Jalisco block from mainland Mexico. Rhyolitic volcanism started at 7.5 Ma after a major pulse of basaltic volcanism aged 11–8.5 Ma associated with slab detachment. This was followed by a second period, between 4.9 and 2.9 Ma, associated with rhyolitic domes and ignimbrite coexisting with basaltic volcanism. The similarity in rare earth element contents between basalts and rhyolites excludes a simple liquid line of descent. The low Ba and Sr contents and the ferroan character of the rhyolites suggest extensive fractional crystallization. Late Miocene–early Pliocene rhyolite Sr isotope values are only slightly more radiogenic than the basalts, whereas Nd isotope ratios are indistinguishable. We successfully modelled the 7.5–3 Ma silicic magmatism as a result of partial melting of crustal gabbroic complexes that we infer to have formed in the mid-lower crust due to the high-density Fe-enriched composition of the late Miocene basaltic volcanism. Slab rollback since ~7.5 Ma favoured decompression melting and arrival of additional mafic magmas that intruded in the lower crust. These basalts heated and melted the gabbroic complexes forming the silicic magmas, which subsequently underwent assimilation and fractional crystallization processes. The first silicic pulse was emplaced during a period of low tectonic activity. Extensional faulting since the Pliocene favours the eruption of both silicic magma and lesser amount of mafic lavas.  相似文献   
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