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In this paper we discuss the broad-band X-ray characteristics of a complete sample of 36 type 1 active galactic nuclei (AGN), detected by INTEGRAL in the 20–40 keV band above the 5.5σ level. We present, for all the objects in the sample, the broad-band (1–110 keV) spectral analysis obtained by using INTEGRAL / Swift /Burst Alert Telescope observations together with XMM–Newton , Chandra , ASCA and Swift /X-Ray Telescope data. We also present the general average properties of the sample, i.e. the distribution of photon indices, high-energy cut-offs, reflection fractions and absorption properties, together with an in-depth analysis of their parameter space. We find that the average Seyfert 1 power law has an index of 1.7 with a dispersion of 0.2. The mean cut-off energy is at around 100 keV, with most objects displaying E c in the range 50–150 keV; the average amount of Compton reflection is 1.5 with a typical dispersion of 0.7. We do not find any convincing correlation between the various parameters, an indication that our analysis is not strongly dependent by the interplay between them. Finally, we investigate how the results presented in this work fit into current frameworks for AGN spectral modelling and cosmic diffuse X-ray background synthesis models.  相似文献   
A rock avalanche deposit was investigated in order to understand the chronological evolution of geological hazards and to evaluate the interaction of the triggering geodynamic processes in the valley Val Viola, Italian Alps. The deposit is situated west of the Alpe Dosdé, in a permafrost area with deep-seated gravitational deformations (DSGD) along a tectonic line. Based on its geomorphologic context, the rock avalanche was first interpreted as a result of slope stress release without exact timing. This hypothesis was tested by measuring the 10Be exposure date of quartz from one boulder from the rock avalanche. The age of 7430±460 years places the event in the early Holocene. The timing of the last deglaciation was constrained using the inner late glacial moraine of a moraine doublet in the valley Alpe Dosdé situated at an altitude between 2140 and 2120 m a.s.l. west of the rock avalanche. The 10Be concentrations of quartz yield minimum exposure ages of 11,480±670 and 10,850±820 years. Different proposals for potential triggering factors of the rock avalanche include (a) melting of the local valley glacier and slope stress release in the Val Viola, likely to play a minor role as trigger, because of the time delay between the deglaciation and the rock avalanche event. More likely are (b) enhanced crustal seismicity induced by post-glacial regional isostatic glacial rebound coupled with tectonic stress or/and (c) climate conditions with higher temperatures around 7430±460 years, resulting in an upwards movement of the permafrost limit and destabilization of the rock walls.  相似文献   
Increasing amount of crystals tends to reduce the mobility of magmas and modifies its elastic characteristics (e.g. [Caricchi, L. et al., 2007. Non-Newtonian rheology of crystal-bearing magmas and implications for magma ascent dynamics. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 264: 402–419.; Bagdassarov, N., Dingwell, D.B. and Webb, S.L., 1994. Viscoelasticity of crystal- and bubble-bearing rhyolite melts. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interior, 83: 83–99.]). To quantify the effect of crystals on the elastic properties of magmas the propagation speed of shear and compressional waves have been measured at pressure and temperatures relevant for natural magmatic reservoirs. The measurements have been performed in aggregates at variable particle fractions (? = 0–0.7). The measurements were carried out at 200 MPa confining pressure and temperatures between 300 K and 1273 K (i.e. across the glass transition temperature (Tg) from glass to melt). The specimens were mixtures of a haplogranitic melt containing 5.25 wt.% H2O and variable amounts of sub-spherical alumina particles. Additional experiments were carried out on a sample containing both, crystals and air bubbles. The temperature derivatives of the shear (dVs/dT) and compressional wave (dVp/dT) velocities for pure glass and samples with a crystal fraction of 0.5 are different below and above the glass transition temperature. For a crystal fraction 0.7, only dVp/dT changed above the Tg. In the presence of gas bubbles, Vp and Vs decrease constantly with increasing temperature. The bubble-bearing material yields a lower bulk modulus relative to its shear modulus. The propagation velocities of compressional and shear waves increase non-linearly with increasing crystal fraction with a prominent raise in the range 0.5 < ? < 0.7. The speed variations are only marginally related to the density increase due to the presence of crystals, but are dominantly related to the achievement of a continuous crystal framework. The experimental data set presented here can be utilized to estimate the relative proportions of crystals and melt present in a magmatic reservoir, which, in turn, is one of the fundamental parameters determining the mobility of magma and, consequently, exerting a prime control on the likelihood of an eruption from a sub-surficial magma reservoir.  相似文献   
List of papers from other journals  相似文献   
The results of integral pumping tests (IPTs) performed in the city of Fabriano, Italy, are presented. The IPT methodology was developed by the European Union project INCORE, as a tool for groundwater investigation and source localization in contaminated areas. This methodology consists of a multiple-well pumping test in which the wells are positioned along a control plane downstream of suspected contaminant source zones and perpendicular to the mean groundwater flow direction. During the pumping, concentration time series of target contaminants are measured. In Fabriano, two control planes were realized to identify a chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbon plume, to estimate the mass fluxes and draw up a ranked list of the main contamination sources. A numerical flow model was implemented to support the IPT design and to interpret the results. This study revealed low-level trichloroethylene contamination (concentration below 8 μg/l), tetrachloroethylene contamination (mean concentration up to 500 μg/l) and a mass flow rate of about 300 g/day. Through the application of the IPT method, the mean contaminant concentrations, the spatial distribution of concentration values along the control planes, and the total contaminant mass flow rates were evaluated, and the investigation area was reduced for further and deeper investigation activities.  相似文献   
Olive cultivation is a widespread land use in Mediterranean climates. The proper implementation of soil and water conservation practices in groves requires detailed knowledge of the governing hydrological processes. In this work topsoil moisture dynamics under wet and dry conditions and across a small catchment was investigated in the inter row (IR) and directly under the olive tree canopies (UC). We do this using a sensor network (11 stations) and a simple bucket model which was calibrated (June, 2011–2012) and validated (June, 2012–2013). During most of the year the normalized soil moisture contents (s) were greater in the IR than under UC, with an average normalized soil moisture difference of 0.12. The difference between UC and IR normalized soil moisture followed a seasonal pattern, reaching a maximum near 0.30 during spring. An analysis of the normalized soil moisture probability density functions (pdfs) was bimodal, showing characteristic dominant wet and dry soil moisture states, with the highest probability densities for the dry state. Overall the spatial variability of soil moisture was lower UC than in the IR. This was a result of the soil moisture buffering capacity of the canopy with respect to rainfall and evaporation, in addition to observed differences in soil properties. Hourly soil moisture data were successfully modelled (R2 > 0.85), both UC and in the IR, yet with the inclusion of a simple formulation for canopy interception for the former. The results provide insight into how olive trees change hydrological processes in their neighbourhood. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Dam break flows and resulting river bed erosion can have disastrous impacts on human safety,infrastructure,and environmental quality.However,there is a lack of research on the mobility of non-uniform sediment mixtures resulting from dam break flows and how these differ from uniform sized sediment.In this paper,laboratory flume experiments revealed that coarse and fine fractions in non-uniform sediment had a higher and a lower bed-load parameter,respectively,than uniform sediments of the same size.Thus,the finer fractions were more stable and the coarser fractions were more erodible in a nonuniform bed compared to a uniform-grained bed.These differences can be explained by the hiding and protrusion of these fractions,respectively.By investigating changes in mobility of the mixed-size fractions with reservoir water levels,the results revealed that at low water levels,when the coarser fractions were only just mobile,the bed-load parameter of the finer fractions was higher than the coarser fractions.The opposite was observed at a higher water level,when a significant proportion of the coarsest fractions was mobilized.The higher protrusion of these grains had an important effect on their mobility relative to the finer grains.The transported sediment on these mixed-sized beds was coarser than the initial bed sediment,and became coarser with an increase in reservoir water level.  相似文献   
This study proposes a statistically based procedure to quantify the confidence interval (CI) to be associated to the stages forecast by a simple model called STAge FOrecasting Model‐Rating Curve Model (STAFOM‐RCM). This model can be used for single river reaches characterized by different intermediate drainage areas and mean wave travel times when real‐time stage records, cross section surveys and rating curves are available at both ends. The model requires, at each time of forecast, an estimate of the lateral contribution qfor between the two sections delimiting the reach. The CI of the stage is provided by analyzing the statistical properties of model output in terms of lateral flow, and it is derived from the CI of the lateral contribution qfor which, in turn, is set up by associating to each qfor the qopt which allows STAFOM‐RCM to reproduce the exact observed stage. From an operative point of view, the qfor values are ranked in order of magnitude and subdivided in classes where the qopt values can be represented through normal distributions of proper mean and variance from which an interval of selected confidence level for qfor is computed and transferred to the stage. Three river reaches of the Tiber river, in central Italy, are used as case study. A sensitivity analysis is also performed in order to identify the minimum calibration set of flood events. The CIs obtained are consistent with the level of confidence selected and have practical utility. An interesting aspect is that different CI widths can be produced for the same forecast stage since they depend on the estimate of qfor made at the time of forecast. Overall, the proposed procedure for CI estimate is simple and can be conveniently adapted for other forecasting models provided that they have physically based parameters which need to be updated during the forecast. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
During the Costa Concordia emergency case, regional, subregional, and relocatable ocean models have been used together with the oil spill model, MEDSLIK-II, to provide ocean currents forecasts, possible oil spill scenarios, and drifters trajectories simulations. The models results together with the evaluation of their performances are presented in this paper. In particular, we focused this work on the implementation of the Interactive Relocatable Nested Ocean Model (IRENOM), based on the Harvard Ocean Prediction System (HOPS), for the Costa Concordia emergency and on its validation using drifters released in the area of the accident. It is shown that thanks to the capability of improving easily and quickly its configuration, the IRENOM results are of greater accuracy than the results achieved using regional or subregional model products. The model topography, and to the initialization procedures, and the horizontal resolution are the key model settings to be configured. Furthermore, the IRENOM currents and the MEDSLIK-II simulated trajectories showed to be sensitive to the spatial resolution of the meteorological fields used, providing higher prediction skills with higher resolution wind forcing.  相似文献   
The easternmost zone of the Dinaric‐Hellenic belt is represented by the Vardar Zone, in which the Kopaonik Metamorphic Complex (KMC) is regarded as the lowermost unit. This complex is topped by the unmetamorphosed Brzece unit and is intruded by the Oligocene Kopaonik Intrusive complex. The KMC is characterized by a stratigraphy that includes metapelites and meta‐carbonates of Late Triassic age, associated with metabasites. It is characterized by a complex deformation history that comprises four phases: D1 to D4. The D1 phase structures occur only as relict structures, whereas the D2 phase structures are represented by isoclinal F2 folds, associated with a well‐developed S2 foliation. The estimated P‐T conditions for the D1 and D2 metamorphism are consistent with the upper greenschist facies. The D3 phase is characterized by west‐verging thrusts associated with upright folds. In contrast, the D4 phase is characterized by open folds (F4) associated with low‐angle normal faults. The D1 and D2 deformation phases developed during the shortening related to continental collision, whereas the subsequent D3 and D4 phases can be related to the progressive exhumation of the KMC. The D4 phase probably developed during extensional tectonics during and after emplacement of the Kopaonik Intrusive Complex. The data show that the continental units belonging to the Vardar zone had a long‐lived deformation history that was more complex that previously thought. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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