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The Matt Wilson structure is a circular 5.5 km-diameter structure in Early Mesoproterozoic or Neoproterozoic rocks of the Victoria Basin, Northern Territory. It lies in regionally horizontal to gently dipping Wondoan Hill and Stubb Formations (Tijunna Group) and Jasper Gorge Sandstone (Auvergne Group). An outer circumferential syncline with dips of 5?–?40° in the limbs surrounds an intermediate zone with faulted sandstone displaying horizontal to low dips, and a central steeply dipping zone about 1.5 km across. Several thrust faults in the outer syncline appear to indicate outward-directed forces. The central zone, marked by steeply dipping to overturned Tijunna Group and possibly Bullita Group sandstone and mudstone, indicates uplift of at least 300 m. The rocks are intensely fractured with some brecciation, and contain numerous planar to subtly undulating surfaces displaying striae which resemble shatter cleavage. Thin-sections of sandstone from the central area show zones of intense microbrecciation and irregular and planar fractures in quartz, but no melt-rocks have been identified. The planar fractures occur in multiple intersecting parallel sets typical of relatively low-level (5?–?10 GPa) shock-pressure effects. Alternative mechanisms, i.e. igneous intrusion, carbonate collapse, diapirism and regional deformation processes, have been discounted. The circular nature, central uplift, faulting, shatter features and planar fractures are all consistent with an impact origin. The Matt Wilson structure is most likely a deeply eroded impact structure in which the more highly shocked rocks of the original crater floor have been removed by erosion. Estimates of the age of the Auvergne and Tijunna Groups range from Early Mesoproterozoic (which we favour) to Late Neoproterozoic. Early Cambrian Antrim Plateau Volcanics near the impact structure show no signs of impact effects, allowing the age of impact to be constrained between Early Mesoproterozoic and Early Cambrian. The presence of widespread soft-sediment deformation features, apparently confined to a single horizon in the Saddle Creek Formation some 700?–?1000 m stratigraphically higher in the Auvergne Group than the rocks at the impact site, and apparently increasing in thickness towards the Matt Wilson structure, lead us to speculate that this probable event horizon is related to the impact event: if correct the impact occurred during deposition of the Saddle Creek Formation.  相似文献   
The neotectonic structures of the Lower Oka (Nizhneokskii) Region formed under different geodynamic conditions. This is attested by the morphology, orientation, internal structure, and jointing of the structures. The Oka-Tsna arc formed under the effect of tension from an inner source on the one hand and stress from the Alpian belt on the other hand. The latitudinally-oriented structures of the northwestern slope of the Tokmovo arc emerged as a result of uplift and widening. Both types of structure are combined within the limits of the Oka-Murom trough, which is a geodynamically active zone.  相似文献   

Shephards Discordant Zone is a 500–600 m thick interlayered sequence of deformed, altered and metamorphosed magnetite metagabbro and about 50 layers or lenses of magnetitite (> 80–90% magnetite). The sequence shows progressive magmatic fractionation upwards: Ti and Ti/Fe increase, and V, V/Ti and Cr decrease upwards in magnetite and in whole‐rock compositions. The main magnetite‐rich sequence (about 400 m thick) is deeply weathered, with 40 m of saprolite showing vertical zonation of weathering minerals due to progressive weathering. Magnetitites (average 1% V2O3) are resistant to weathering and show little chemical change, but magnetite gabbros (average 0.27% V2O3) are extensively weathered and show progressive loss of Ca, Na, Mg and S. Plagioclase, magnetite (1.37% V2O3), chlorite (up to 0.35% V2O3), actinolite, epidote and minor sulfides in unweathered rocks weather to kaolinite, hematite, goethite and minor vermiculite, ilmenite remaining largely unaffected. Vanadium is essentially immobile during weathering and is unaffected during weathering of magnetitites (1% V2O3), but is slightly depleted during weathering of magnetite gabbros (0.23% V2O3).  相似文献   
SHRIMP (Sensitive High‐Resolution Ion MicroProbe) analytical procedures have been developed to enable dating of the small, early diagenetic xenotime overgrowths that commonly occur on zircons in siliciclastic sedimentary rocks. The method will be particularly useful in Precambrian terranes, where diagenetic xenotime dating could play a role equivalent to biostratigraphic dating in the Phanerozoic. Reliable 207Pb/206Pb data are more readily obtained than 206Pb/238U, which also favours application to the Precambrian. However, it is demonstrated that 206Pb/238U dating of larger overgrowths (>10 μm) is also viable and applicable to Phanerozoic samples. SHRIMP Pb/Pb geochronology of authigenic xenotime in an unmetamorphosed Palaeoproterozoic sandstone in the Kimberley Basin has constrained diagenesis to a precision of ± 7 Ma. In contrast, greenschist‐facies metasediments of the Archaean Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa, contain both authigenic and alteration xenotime that record a complex history of growth from early diagenesis to the last major thermal event to affect the basin.  相似文献   

The physics of the geodynamo is discussed. The main processes relevant for the buoyancy driven geodynamo are isolated. The successive stages of development of geodynamo theory are briefly described. The mechanism of local turbulence in the Earth's core is explained, and an estimate is presented of the turbulent transport of density inhomogeneities in the Earth's core. The significance of this turbulent transport to the geodynamo mechanism is stressed. The general scheme of the complete geodynamo theory of the future is outlined.  相似文献   
P. I. A. Kinnell 《水文研究》2005,19(14):2815-2844
Raindrop‐impact‐induced erosion is initiated when detachment of soil particles from the surface of the soil results from an expenditure of raindrop energy. Once detachment by raindrop impact has taken place, particles are transported away from the site of the impact by one or more of the following transport processes: drop splash, raindrop‐induced flow transport, or transport by flow without stimulation by drop impact. These transport processes exhibit varying efficiencies. Particles that fall back to the surface as a result of gravity produce a layer of pre‐detached particles that provides a degree of protection against the detachment of particles from the underlying soil. This, in turn, influences the erodibility of the eroding surface. Good understanding of rainfall erosion processes is necessary if the results of erosion experiments are to be properly interpreted. Current process‐based erosion prediction models do not deal with the issue of temporal variations in erodibility during a rainfall event or variabilities in erodibility associated with spatial changes in dominance of the transport processes that follow detachment by drop impact. Although more complex erosion models may deal with issues like this, their complexity and high data requirement may make them unsuitable for use as general prediction tools. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Stress mapping is a numerical modelling technique used to determine the distribution and relative magnitude of stress during deformation in a mineralised terrane. It is based on the general principle that fluid flow in the Earth's crust is primarily related to pressure gradients. It is best applied to epigenetic hydrothermal mineral deposits, where fluid flow and fluid flux are enhanced in dilational sections of structures and in sites of enhanced rock permeability due to high fracture density. These are defined by sites of low minimum principal stress (σ3). Most stress mapping is carried out in two dimensions in plan view using geological maps. This is suitable for terranes with steeply dipping lithostratigraphy and structures in which the distribution of mineral deposits is largely controlled by fault structures portrayed on the maps. However, for terranes with gently dipping sequences and structures, and for situations where deposits are sited in and near the hinges of complex fold structures, stress mapping in cross‐section is preferable. The effectiveness of stress mapping is maximised if mineralisation was late in the evolutionary history of the host terrane, and hence the structural geometry of the terrane and contained deposits were essentially that expressed today. The orientation of syn‐mineralisation far‐field stresses must also be inferred. Two examples of orogenic gold deposits, which meet the above criteria, are used to illustrate the potential of stress mapping in cross‐section. Sunrise Dam, located in the Archaean Yilgarn Craton, is a lode‐gold deposit sited in a thrust‐fold belt. Stress mapping illustrates the heterogeneity of stress distribution in the complex structural geometry of the deposit, and predicts the preferential siting of ore zones around the intersections of more steeply dipping, linking thrusts and banded iron‐formation units, and below the controlling more gently dipping basal thrust, the Sunrise Shear. The Howley Anticline in the Pine Creek block hosts several Palaeoproterozoic gold deposits, sited in complex anticlinal structures in greywacke sequences. Stress mapping indicates that gold ores should develop in the hinge zones of symmetrical anticlines, in the hinge zones and more steeply dipping to overturned limbs of asymmetric anticlines, and in and around thrusts in both anticlines and parasitic synclines. The strong correlation between the predictions of the stress mapping, based on the distribution of low σ3, and the location of gold ores emphasises the potential of stress mapping in cross‐section, not only as an exploration tool for the discovery of additional resources or deposits, but also as a test of geological models. Knowledge of the potential siting of gold ores and their probable orientations also provides a guide to drilling strategies in both mine‐ and regional‐scale exploration.  相似文献   

The distribution of major geological units, static water level data, water chemistry data, and observations of surface features influenced by groundwater seepage were used to ascertain the nature of groundwater occurrence and flow pattern in the Enugu coal field, Nigeria. Considerations of the geological units, the static groundwater levels and groundwater seepages in the mines indicate that the coal sequence is a multiaquifer system in which sandstone and coal aquifers alternate with shale aquitards. Based on the hydraulic head data, the groundwater flow is predominantly downwards. Groundwater velocity calculation across the multiaquifer system using the Darcy equation gave a flow velocity of about 1 m day?1. For groundwater systems, such a calculated velocity is considered high. The high velocity is most probably due to the high fracture porosity as well as the presence of other stratigraphic and structural features such as alluvial fills that provide high hydraulic conductivity pathways across the aquifer system. The pattern of groundwater inflow into the mines is also influenced by these stratigraphie and structural features.  相似文献   
This review first summarizes estimates of the functional response of the central nervous system (CNS) to variations in cosmophysical factors using different psychophysiological indices (electrical activity of the brain, sensorimotor and motor reactions, and higher mental functions such as attention and memory). We analyze the applicability of information technologies to record different physiological parameters.  相似文献   
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