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Mount  George H.  Linsky  Jeffrey L. 《Solar physics》1974,35(2):259-276
We have obtained center-to-limb photoelectric spectra of the CN(1,1) B-X bandhead region λ3868–3872 Å at Kitt Peak National Observatory. From these spectra and a detailed analysis of the formation of the CN (1, 1) spectrum we derive a best-fit upper photospheric model differing from the HSRA which is consistent with our previous CN(0, 0) λ3883 spectra. We derive a solar carbon abundance of log A c = 8.30 ± 0.10 compared to the HSRA value of log A c = 8.55 ± 0.10. In addition we specify the regions of formation for the CN(0, 0) λ3883.35 and CN(1, 1) λ 3871.38 bandheads at disc center and limb.  相似文献   
Planetary systems are angular momentum reservoirs generated during star formation. Solutions to three of the most important problems in contemporary astrophysics are needed to understand the entire process of planetary system formation: The physics of the ISM. Stars form from dense molecular clouds that contain ∼ 30% of the total interstellar medium (ISM) mass. The structure, properties and lifetimes of molecular clouds are determined by the overall dynamics and evolution of a very complex system – the ISM. Understanding the physics of the ISM is of prime importance not only for Galactic but also for extragalactic and cosmological studies. Most of the ISM volume (∼ 65%) is filled with diffuse gas at temperatures between 3000 and 300 000 K, representing about 50% of the ISM mass. The physics of accretion and outflow. Powerful outflows are known to regulate angular momentum transport during star formation, the so-called accretion–outflow engine. Elementary physical considerations show that, to be efficient, the acceleration region for the outflows must be located close to the star (within 1 AU) where the gravitational field is strong. According to recent numerical simulations, this is also the region where terrestrial planets could form after 1 Myr. One should keep in mind that today the only evidence for life in the Universe comes from a planet located in this inner disk region (at 1 AU) from its parent star. The temperature of the accretion–outflow engine is between 3000 and 10 7 K. After 1 Myr, during the classical T Tauri stage, extinction is small and the engine becomes naked and can be observed at ultraviolet wavelengths. The physics of planet formation. Observations of volatiles released by dust, planetesimals and comets provide an extremely powerful tool for determining the relative abundances of the vaporizing species and for studying the photochemical and physical processes acting in the inner parts of young planetary systems. This region is illuminated by the strong UV radiation field produced by the star and the accretion–outflow engine. Absorption spectroscopy provides the most sensitive tool for determining the properties of the circumstellar gas as well as the characteristics of the atmospheres of the inner planets transiting the stellar disk. UV radiation also pumps the electronic transitions of the most abundant molecules (H 2, CO, etc.) that are observed in the UV.Here we argue that access to the UV spectral range is essential for making progress in this field, since the resonance lines of the most abundant atoms and ions at temperatures between 3000 and 300 000 K, together with the electronic transitions of the most abundant molecules (H 2, CO, OH, CS, S 2, CO 2 +, C 2, O 2, O3, etc.) are at UV wavelengths. A powerful UV-optical instrument would provide an efficient mean for measuring the abundance of ozone in the atmosphere of the thousands of transiting planets expected to be detected by the next space missions (GAIA, Corot, Kepler, etc.). Thus, a follow-up UV mission would be optimal for identifying Earth-like candidates.  相似文献   
Linsky  Jeffrey L. 《Solar physics》1985,100(1-2):333-362
Major advances in our understanding of nonradiatively heated outer atmospheric layers (coronae, transition regions, and chromospheres) and other solar-like activity in stars has occurred in the past few years primarily as a result of ultraviolet spectroscopy from IUE, X-ray imaging from the Einstein Observatory, microwave detections by the VLA, and new optical observing techniques. I critically review the observational evidence and comment upon the trends with spectral type, gravity, age, and rotational velocity that are now becoming apparent. I define a solar-like star as one which has a turbulent magnetic field sufficiently strong to control the dynamics and energetics in its outer atmospheric regions. The best indicator of a solar-like star is the direct measurement of a strong, variable magnetic field and such data are now becoming available, but good indirect indicators include photometric variability on a rotational time scale indicating dark starspots and nonthermal microwave emission. X-rays and ultraviolet emission lines produced by plasma hotter than 104 K imply nonradiative heating processes that are likely magnetic in character, except for the hot stars where the heating is likely by shocks in the wind resulting from radiative instabilities. I conclude that dwarf stars of spectral type G-M and rapidly rotating subgiants and giants of spectral type F-K in spectroscopic binary systems are definitely solar-like. Dwarf stars of spectral type A7-F7 are almost certainly solar-like, and T Tauri and other pre-Main-Sequence stars are probably solar-like. Slowly rotating single giants of spectral type F to early K are also probably solar-like, and the helium-strong hottest Bp stars are interesting candidates for being solar-like. The O and B stars exhibit some aspects of activity but probably have weak fields and are not solar-like. Finally, the A dwarfs and the cool giants and supergiants show no evidence of being solar-like.Staff Member, Quantum Physics Division, National Bureau of Standards.  相似文献   
We compute a new grid of plage models to determine the difference in temperature versus mass column density structure T(m) between plage regions and the quiet solar chromosphere, and to test whether the solar chromosphere is geometrically thinner in plages. We compare partial redistribution calculations of Mg ii h and k and Ca ii K to NRL Skylab observations of Mg ii h and k in six active regions and Ca ii K intensities obtained from spectroheliograms taken at approximately the same time as the Mg ii observations. We find that the plage observations are better matched by models with linear (in log m) temperature distributions and larger values of m 0 (the mass column density at the 8000 K layer in the chromosphere), than by models with larger low chromosphere temperature gradients but values of m 0 similar to the quiet Sun. Our derived temperature structures are in agreement with the grid originally proposed by Shine and Linsky, but our analysis is in contrast to the study by Kelch which implies that stellar chromospheric geometrical thickness is not affected by chromospheric activity. We conclude that either the stellar Mg ii observations upon which the Kelch study was based are of poorer quality than had been assumed, or that the spatial averaging of inhomogeneous structures, which is inherent in the stellar data, does not lead to a best fit one-component model similar in detail to that of a stellar or a solar plage.Visiting Astronomer at Kitt Peak National Observatory, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.Staff member, Quantum Physics Division, National Bureau of Standards.  相似文献   
We have observed the solar Caii H and K lines to obtain well-calibrated ratios of their core residual intensities. From three independent calibrations, one using a standard lamp, we conclude that the residual intensity ratio r(K3)/r(H3) is 1.048 ± 0.03 in the quiet chromosphere and 1.20 ± 0.03 in a plage region. These ratios correspond closely to those observed in stars with quiet and active chromospheres, respectively. For a chromospheric model suggested by the calcium lines and a four-level Caii ion, we compute H and K line profiles varying the direct collisional coupling and indirect radiative and collisional coupling via the 3 2 D level. We conclude that enhanced chromospheric activity in the sun and late-type stars results more from a steepening of the chromospheric thermal gradient than from a change in density.Kitt Peak National Observatory Contribution No. 530.Of the University of Colorado and the National Bureau of Standards.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
The solar millimeter continuum between 1 and 20 mm is recalibrated using observations of the average lunar brightness temperature at the center of lunar disk and new Moon brightness temperatures. The solar data are placed on a common scale according to the average lunar brightness temperature distribution proposed by Linsky. A least-squares parabolic regression curve is proposed for the solar millimeter continuum. A small departure from this regression curve near 8 mm may indicate the existence of an absorption feature.Staff member, Laboratory Astrophysics Division, National Bureau of Standards.  相似文献   
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