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We analyzed the distribution, diversity, and composition of western Mediterranean macroplankton (excluding gelatinous taxa) in the water column over depths of ca. 550–850 m, with special attention to near-bottom (0–1.5 and ca. 5–77 m above the bottom, mab) levels, and including data from three areas (off the coasts of Catalonia, and to the NW, and SE of Mallorca, Balearic Islands) in the period 1991–2008. Spatio-temporal changes in macroplankton abundance were evaluated as follows: (i) by seasonal sampling in 2007 off the Catalonian coast, (ii) by comparing Catalonian and Balearic Island slopes, and (iii) by comparing a fixed station on the Catalonian slope (at 550–800 m depth) at decadal (1991/1992–2007/2008) time scales. Diversity (in terms of species richness, S) was greater (i) at ca. 5–77 mab than at 0–1.5 mab, (ii) over the insular slopes of the Balearic Island (around Mallorca) than over the mainland Catalonian slopes, and (iii) in the period 1991/1992 than in 2007, likely related to higher values of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index in 1991/1992. In most analyses species composition was strongly influenced by the degree of stratification and homogenization of the water column in summer–autumn and winter–spring respectively and by location (longitude). Changes consisted mainly of higher density of macroplankton (e.g. abundance of the dominant euphausiids Nematoscelis megalops, Meganyctiphanes norvegica and Euphausia krohni and of the fish Cyclothone braueri) between June and October, parallel to an increase in the T and S close to the bottom. This coincided with changes in the flow of Levantine intermediate water (LIW) in the area. Aggregation of adult forms of the dominant species close to the bottom in summer–autumn could be favored because summer is the period of highest density of food – copepods, mainly Calanus helgolandicus – near the bottom off the Catalan slope. The formation of a thermocline in the water column and the reinforcement of the permanent thermohaline front at the shelf-slope break during summer at ca. 400 m in the Balearic Basin may also enhance this tendency toward greater aggregation of deep macroplankton under stratified water column conditions.  相似文献   
To advance understanding of hydrological influences on As concentrations within groundwaters of Southeast Asia, the flow system of an As-rich aquifer on the Mekong Delta in Cambodia where flow patterns have not been disturbed by irrigation well pumping was examined. Monitoring of water levels in a network of installed wells, extending over a 50 km2 area, indicates that groundwater flow is dominated by seasonally-variable gradients developed between the river and the inland wetland basins. While the gradient inverts annually, net groundwater flow is from the wetlands to the river. Hydraulic parameters of the aquifer (K ≈ 10−4 ms−1) and overlying clay aquitard (K ≈ 10−8 ms−1) were determined using grain size, permeameter and slug test analyses; when coupled with observed gradients, they indicate a net groundwater flow velocity of 0.04–0.4 ma−1 downward through the clay and 1–13 ma−1 horizontally within the sand aquifer, producing aquifer residence times on the order 100–1000 a. The results of numerical modeling support this conceptual model of the flow system and, when integrated with observed spatial trends in dissolved As concentrations, reveal that the shallow sediments (upper 2–10 m of fine-grained material) are an important source of As to the underlying aquifer.  相似文献   
Enriched As in drinking water wells in south and Southeast Asia has increased the risk of cancer for nearly 100 million people. This enrichment is generally attributed to the reductive dissolution of Fe oxides; however, the complex expression of As enrichment in these areas is not yet well understood. Here, the coupled sedimentological and geochemical factors that contribute to the extent and spatial distribution of groundwater As concentrations in the Mekong River delta, Cambodia in an avulsed scroll bar sequence are examined. X-Ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) was used to determine Fe and As speciation in redox preserved sediment collected from drilled cores. Dissolved As, Fe and S solution concentrations in existing and newly drilled wells (cores) differed considerably depending on their source sedimentology. The rapid burial of organic matter in the scroll bar sequence facilitated the development of extensive Fe-reducing conditions, and As release into the aquifer. In older features organic C levels are high enough to sustain extensive Fe reduction and provide ample SO4 which is reduced to sulfide. This S reduction impacts As levels; As is sequestered in sulfide minerals outside of the scrollbar sequence, decreasing pore water concentrations. In contrast, As is depleted in sediments from the scroll sequence, and associated with elevated pore water aqueous concentrations. The concentration and form of organic C in the scrollbar sequence is related to depositional environment, and can facilitate Fe and S mineral transformations, distinct sedimentary environments explain a portion of the inherent heterogeneity of aquifer As concentrations.  相似文献   
Previous studies have identified unpaved roads as the primary source of erosion on St John in the US Virgin Islands, but these studies estimated road erosion rates only as annual averages based primarily on road rill measurements. The goal of this project was to quantify the effect of unpaved roads on runoff and sediment production on St John, and to better understand the key controlling factors. To this end runoff and sediment yields were measured from July 1996 to March 1997 from three plots on naturally vegetated hillslopes, four plots on unpaved road surfaces and two cutslope plots. Sediment yields were also measured from seven road segments with contributing areas ranging from 90 to 700 m2. With respect to the vegetated plots, only the two largest storm events generated runoff and there was no measurable sediment yield. Runoff from the road surface plots generally occurred when storm precipitation exceeded 6 mm. Sediment yields from the four road surface plots ranged from 0·9 to 15 kg m−2 a−1, and sediment concentrations were typically 20–80 kg m−3. Differences in runoff between the two cutslope plots were consistent with the difference in upslope contributing area. A sprinkler experiment confirmed that cross‐slope roads intercept shallow subsurface stormflow and convert this into surface runoff. At the road segment scale the estimated sediment yields were 0·1 to 7·4 kg m−2 a−1. Road surface runoff was best predicted by storm precipitation, while sediment yields for at least three of the four road surface plots were significantly correlated with storm rainfall, storm intensity and storm runoff. Sediment yields at the road segment scale were best predicted by road surface area, and sediment yields per unit area were most strongly correlated with road segment slope. The one road segment subjected to heavy traffic and more frequent regrading produced more than twice as much sediment per unit area than comparable segments with no truck traffic. Particle‐size analyses indicate a preferential erosion of fine particles from the road surface and a rapid surface coarsening of new roads. Published in 2001 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We combine hydraulic modeling and field investigations of logjams to evaluate linkages between wood-mediated fluctuations in channel-bed-and water-surface elevations and the potential for lateral channel migration in forest rivers of Washington state. In the eleven unconfined rivers we investigated, logjams were associated with reduced channel gradient and bank height. Detailed river gauging and hydraulic modeling document significant increases in the water-surface elevation upstream of channel-spanning wood accumulations. Logjams initiated lateral channel migration by increasing bed-or water-surface elevations above adjacent banks. Because the potential for a channel to avulse and migrate across its floodplain increases with the size and volume of instream wood, the area of the valley bottom potentially occupied by a channel over a specified timeframe — the channel migration zone (CMZ) — is dependent on the state of riparian forests. The return of riparian forests afforded by current land management practices will increase the volume and caliber of wood entering Washington rivers to a degree unprecedented since widespread clearing of wood from forests and rivers nearly 150 years ago. A greater supply of wood from maturing riparian forests will increase the frequency and spatial extent of channel migration relative to observations from wood-poor channels in the period of post-European settlement. We propose conceptual guidelines for the delineation of the CMZs that include allowances for vertical fluctuations in channel elevation caused by accumulations of large woody debris.  相似文献   
Naturally occurring As found in groundwaters has been identified to be a problem in at least 10 provinces of Cambodia with Kandal being one of the most heavily impacted. Estimates, using groundwater quality and population data for Kandal Province of Cambodia, suggest that over 100,000 people are at high risk of chronic As exposure. Levels in some areas approach 3500 μg/L, against the Cambodian Standard of 50 μg/L. Considerable work remains to adequately characterize the extent of As hazard and its possible health effects in Cambodia and the region. It is likely that additional populations will develop health problems attributed to As, of particular concern is arsenicosis. The symptoms of arsenicosis have been generally assumed to develop after 8–10 years of consumption of water with elevated As levels, however, new cases discovered in Cambodia have been identified with exposure times as short as 3 years. The rapid onset of arsenicosis may be attributed to contributing risk factors related to socioeconomic status, including malnutrition. It is thus imperative to develop strategies to rapidly identify possible regions of enrichment, to minimize exposure to As-rich waters, and to educate affected populations. To date the response to the As hazard has been led by the Ministry of Rural Development in cooperation with international organizations and NGOs, to identify at risk areas, and educate communities of the risk of As-rich water. However better coordination between government bodies, NGOs and donor agencies active in the field of water supply and treatment is essential to minimize future As exposure.  相似文献   
A regional database containing historical time series and climate change scenarios for the Southeastern United States was developed for the U.S.D.A. Forest Service Southern Global Change Program (SGCP). Daily historical values of maximum temperature, minimum temperature and precipitation and empirically derived estimates of vapor pressure deficit and solar radiation across a uniform 1° latitude × 1° longitude grid were obtained. Climate change scenarios of temperature, precipitation, vapor pressure deficit and solar radiation were generated using semi-empirical techniques which combined historical time series and simulation field summaries from GISS, GFDL, OSU and UKMO General Circulation Model (GCM) experiments. An internally consistent 1° latitude × 1° longitude climate change scenario database was produced in which vapor pressure deficit and solar radiation conditions were driven by the GCM temperature projections, but were not constrained to agree with GCM calculated radiation and humidity fields. Some of the unique characteristics of the database were illustrated through a case study featuring growing season and annual potential evapotranspiration (ETp) estimates. Overall, the unconstrained scenarios produced smaller median ETp changes from historical baseline conditions, with a smaller range of outcomes than those driven by GCM-directed scenarios. Collectively, the range of annual and growing season ET changes from baseline estimates in response to the unconstrained climate scenarios was +10% to +40%. No outlier responses were identified. ETp changes driven by GCM-directed (constrained) UKMO radiation and humidity scenarios were on the order of +100%, resulting in the identification of some ETp responses as statistical outliers. These response differences were attributed to differences between the constrained and unconstrained humidity scenarios.  相似文献   
We report detailed rock-magnetic and paleomagnetic directional data from 35 lava flows (302 standard paleomagnetic cores) sampled in the Central-Northern region of Uruguay in order to contribute to the study of the paleosecular variation of the Earth’s magnetic field during early Cretaceous and to obtain precise Cretaceous paleomagnetic pole positions for stable South America. The average unit direction is rather precisely determined from 29 out of 35 sites. All A95 confidence angles are less than 8°, which points to small within-site dispersion and high directional stability. Normal polarity magnetizations are revealed for 19 sites and 10 are reversely magnetized. Two other sites yield well defined intermediate polarities. The mean direction, supported by a positive reversal test is in reasonably good agreement with the expected paleodirection for Early Cretaceous stable South America and in disagreement with a 10° clockwise rotation found in the previous studies. On the other hand, paleomagnetic poles are significantly different from the pole position suggested by hotspot reconstructions, which may be due to true polar wander or the hotspot motion. Our data suggest a different style of secular variation during (and just before) the Cretaceous Normal Superchron and the last 5 Ma, supporting a link between paleosecular variation and reversal frequency.  相似文献   
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