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The DynaMICCS mission is designed to probe and understand the dynamics of crucial regions of the Sun that determine solar variability, including the previously unexplored inner core, the radiative/convective zone interface layers, the photosphere/chromosphere layers and the low corona. The mission delivers data and knowledge that no other known mission provides for understanding space weather and space climate and for advancing stellar physics (internal dynamics) and fundamental physics (neutrino properties, atomic physics, gravitational moments...). The science objectives are achieved using Doppler and magnetic measurements of the solar surface, helioseismic and coronographic measurements, solar irradiance at different wavelengths and in-situ measurements of plasma/energetic particles/magnetic fields. The DynaMICCS payload uses an original concept studied by Thalès Alenia Space in the framework of the CNES call for formation flying missions: an external occultation of the solar light is obtained by putting an occulter spacecraft 150 m (or more) in front of a second spacecraft. The occulter spacecraft, a LEO platform of the mini sat class, e.g. PROTEUS, type carries the helioseismic and irradiance instruments and the formation flying technologies. The latter spacecraft of the same type carries a visible and infrared coronagraph for a unique observation of the solar corona and instrumentation for the study of the solar wind and imagers. This mission must guarantee long (one 11-year solar cycle) and continuous observations (duty cycle > 94%) of signals that can be very weak (the gravity mode detection supposes the measurement of velocity smaller than 1 mm/s). This assumes no interruption in observation and very stable thermal conditions. The preferred orbit therefore is the L1 orbit, which fits these requirements very well and is also an attractive environment for the spacecraft due to its low radiation and low perturbation (solar pressure) environment. This mission is secured by instrumental R and D activities during the present and coming years. Some prototypes of different instruments are already built (GOLFNG, SDM) and the performances will be checked before launch on the ground or in space through planned missions of CNES and PROBA ESA missions (PICARD, LYRA, maybe ASPIICS).  相似文献   
The crystallization of plagioclase-bearing assemblages in mantle rocks is witness of mantle exhumation at shallow depth. Previous experimental works on peridotites have found systematic compositional variations in coexisting minerals at decreasing pressure within the plagioclase stability field. In this experimental study we present new constraints on the stability of plagioclase as a function of different Na2O/CaO bulk ratios, and we present a new geobarometer for mantle rocks. Experiments have been performed in a single-stage piston cylinder at 5–10 kbar, 1050–1150?°C at nominally anhydrous conditions using seeded gels of peridotite compositions (Na2O/CaO?=?0.08–0.13; X Cr = Cr/(Cr?+?Al)?=?0.07–0.10) as starting materials. As expected, the increase of the bulk Na2O/CaO ratio extends the plagioclase stability to higher pressure; in the studied high-Na fertile lherzolite (HNa-FLZ), the plagioclase-spinel transition occurs at 1100?°C between 9 and 10 kbar; in a fertile lherzolite (FLZ) with Na2O/CaO?=?0.08, it occurs between 8 and 9 kbar at 1100?°C. This study provides, together with previous experimental results, a consistent database, covering a wide range of PT conditions (3–9 kbar, 1000–1150?°C) and variable bulk compositions to be used to define and calibrate a geobarometer for plagioclase-bearing mantle rocks. The pressure sensitive equilibrium:
$$\mathop {{\text{M}}{{\text{g}}_{\text{2}}}{\text{Si}}{{\text{O}}_{\text{4}}}^{{\text{Ol}}}}\limits_{{\text{Forsterite}}} +\mathop {{\text{CaA}}{{\text{l}}_{\text{2}}}{\text{S}}{{\text{i}}_{\text{2}}}{{\text{O}}_{\text{8}}}^{{\text{Pl}}}}\limits_{{\text{Anorthite}}~} =\mathop {{\text{CaA}}{{\text{l}}_{\text{2}}}{\text{Si}}{{\text{O}}_{\text{6}}}^{{\text{Cpx}}}}\limits_{{\text{Ca-Tschermak}}} +{\text{ }}\mathop {{\text{M}}{{\text{g}}_{\text{2}}}{\text{S}}{{\text{i}}_{\text{2}}}{{\text{O}}_{\text{6}}}^{{\text{Opx}}}}\limits_{{\text{Enstatite}}} ,$$
has been empirically calibrated by least squares regression analysis of experimental data combined with Monte Carlo simulation. The result of the fit gives the following equation:
$$P=7.2( \pm 2.9)+0.0078( \pm 0.0021)T{\text{ }}+0.0022( \pm 0.0001)T{\text{ }}\ln K,$$
where P is expressed in kbar and T in kelvin. K is the equilibrium constant K?=?a CaTs × a en/a an × a fo, where a CaTs, a en, a an and a fo are the activities of Ca-Tschermak in clinopyroxene, enstatite in orthopyroxene, anorthite in plagioclase and forsterite in olivine. The proposed geobarometer for plagioclase peridotites, coupled to detailed microstructural and mineral chemistry investigations, represents a valuable tool to track the exhumation of the lithospheric mantle at extensional environments.
This paper describes the implementation of process-based models reflecting relative groundwater nitrate vulnerability of the shallow alluvial Lower Savinja Valley (LSV) aquifer in Slovenia. A spatially explicit identification of the potentially vulnerable priority areas within groundwater bodies at risk from a chemical point of view is being required for cost-effective measures and monitoring planning. The shallow LSV unconfined aquifer system consists of high-permeable Holocene and middle- to low-permeable Pleistocene gravel and sand, with a maximum thickness of about 30 m, mainly covered by shallow eutric fluvisoils or variously deep eutric cambisoil. The hydrogeological parameters, e.g. the depth to the groundwater, hydrological role of the topographic slope, etc. usually used in different point count schemes are, in the case of the lowland aquifer and shallow groundwater, spatially very uniform with low variability. Furthermore, the parametric point count methods are generally not able to illustrate and analyze important physical processes, and validation of the results is difficult and expensive. Instead of a parametric point count scheme, we experimentally used the Arc-WofE extension for weights-of-evidence (WofE) modelling. All measurement locations with a concentration higher than the value of 20 mg NO3 per litre of groundwater have been considered as training points (173), and the three process-based models generalized output layers of groundwater recharge (GROWA), nitrate leached from the soil profile (SWAT) and groundwater flow velocity (FEFLOW), served as evidential themes. The technique is based on the Bayesian idea of phenomena occurrences probability before (prior probability) and after consideration of any evidential themes (posterior probability), which were measured by positive and negative weights as an indication of the association between a phenomena and a prediction pattern. The response theme values describe the relative probability that a 100 × 100 m spatial unit will have a groundwater nitrate concentration higher than the training points’ limit values with regard to prior probability value. The lowest probability of groundwater nitrate occurrence is in the parts of the LSV aquifer, which are known as anoxic condition areas with very likely denitrification processes. The cross-validation of the dissolved oxygen and dissolved nitrate response theme confirmed the accuracy of the groundwater nitrate prediction. The WofE model results very clearly indicate regional groundwater nitrate distribution and enable spatial prediction of the probability for increased groundwater nitrate concentration in order to plan the groundwater nitrate reduction measures and optimize the programme for monitoring the effects of these measures.  相似文献   
This paper reviews the geochemical, isotopic (2H, 18O, 13C, 3H and 14C) and numerical modelling approaches to evaluate possible geological sources of the high pH (11.5)/Na–Cl/Ca–OH mineral waters from the Cabeço de Vide region (Central-Portugal). Water–rock interaction studies have greatly contributed to a conceptual hydrogeological circulation model of the Cabeço de Vide mineral waters, which was corroborated by numerical modelling approaches. The local shallow groundwaters belong to the Mg–HCO3 type, and are derived by interaction with the local serpentinized rocks. At depth, these type waters evolve into the high pH/Na–Cl/Ca–OH mineral waters of Cabeço de Vide spas, issuing from the intrusive contact between mafic/ultramafic rocks and an older carbonate sequence. The Cabeço de Vide mineral waters are supersaturated with respect to serpentine indicating that they may cause serpentinization. Magnesium silicate phases (brucite and serpentine) seem to control Mg concentrations in Cabeço de Vide mineral waters. Similar δ2H and δ18O suggest a common meteoric origin and that the Mg–HCO3 type waters have evolved towards Cabeço de Vide mineral waters. The reaction path simulations show that the progressive evolution of the Ca–HCO3 to Mg–HCO3 waters can be attributed to the interaction of meteoric waters with serpentinites. The sequential dissolution at CO2 (g) closed system conditions leads to the precipitation of calcite, magnesite, amorphous silica, chrysotile and brucite, indicating that the waters would be responsible for the serpentinization of fresh ultramafic rocks (dunites) present at depth. The apparent age of Cabeço de Vide mineral waters was determined as 2790 ± 40 a BP, on the basis of 14C and 13C values, which is in agreement with the 3H concentrations being below the detection limit.  相似文献   
Floodplain ecosystems are affected by flood dynamics, nutrient supply as well as anthropogenic activities. Heavy metal pollution poses a serious environmental challenge. Pollution transfer from the soil to vegetation is still present at the central location of Elbe River, Germany. The goal of this study was to assess and separate the current heavy metal contamination of the floodplain ecosystem, using spectrometric field and laboratory measurements. A standardized pot experiment with floodplain vegetation in differently contaminated soils provided the basis for the measurements. The dominant plant types of the floodplains are: Urtica dioica, Phalaris arundinacea and Alopecurus pratensis, these were also chemically analysed. Various vegetation indices and methods were used to estimate the red edge position, to normalise the spectral curve of the vegetation and to investigate the potential of different methods for separating plant stress in floodplain vegetation. The main task was to compare spectral bands during phenological phases to find a method to detect heavy metal stress in plants. A multi-level algorithm for the curve parameterisation was developed. Chemo-analytical and ecophysiological parameters of plants were considered in the results and correlated with spectral data. The results of this study show the influence of heavy metals on the spectral characteristics of the focal plants. The developed method (depth CR1730) showed significant relationship between the plants and the contamination.  相似文献   
The solute and suspended‐sediment load following five rainstorms (2005–2007) with varied intensities were studied at the Vernegà experimental watershed, north‐western Spain. Two land‐use areas are located within this watershed, the upstream one (forest) with 160 ha a 100% forested area, and the downstream one (agricultural) with 97 ha being 9 ha conventional agricultural field and 88 ha forest. This study investigates the capacity of each land‐use to yield water, suspended sediment concentration (SSC) and dissolved solid concentration (DSC). The hypothesis is that DSC and SSC from the agricultural area are greater than DSC and SSC of the forest area. Results showed that the agriculture area produced significantly greater mean DSC than in the forest area, the main contribution was the Ca2+ (24·68 ± 46·52 mg l?1) ion at the agricultural area. A long‐term sediment production rate at the agricultural outlet was calculated (69·1 tonnes per 100 years) based on the total sediment discharge (TSD) and the recurrence interval of the largest event of the five rainstorms (October 2005). Geographic information system (GIS) spatial data layers of the watershed were produced to determine the relation of tracks, landforms, slopes and forest management to SSC yield in the forest outlet (133·89 ± 308·14 mg l?1) during the five rainstorms. Agriculture practices are the main cause of soil erosion at the study area. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Anomalous induction across Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Using real induction vector data, collected at 958 European observation sites, together with our data from the Bohemian Massif and the West Carpathians, we have generated a contour map of the transfer function TF1 (corresponding to transfer function A in Wiese's relation). Only the zero contour is retained and shown on the map. It clearly marks the main anomalous induction zones, related to internal structural inhomogeneities, across Europe.  相似文献   
The accumulation of sediment in river channels is a phenomenon that is not only influenced by the channel morphology, but also by the physical and geographical characteristics and the endogenous and exogenous processes taking place in the catchment. This paper presents an analysis of the impact the changes in lithological conditions have on the morphological and morphometric parameters of the Udava River channel and their relation to the channel accumulation forms representative of the river’s longitudinal profile as well as of its planform. Results document when accumulation forms occur and what is their spatial distribution within the longitudinal and cross-sectional river profiles. More resistant structures created sections with a lower degree of sedimentation, while in depression segments the degree of sedimentation was higher. With the increase in longitudinal slope, the impact of channel width on the average channel bar size increased. Also a difference in the accumulation was observed between the left and right bank which could be possibly explained by the impact of Coriolis force.  相似文献   
Summary The three-dimensional mesoscale cloud-resolving model ARPS (Advanced Regional Prediction System) was used to investigate the dispersal of an inert seeding agent within a cumulonimbus (Cb) cloud developing from two different initial states. In this paper, we stress the influence vortices in the cloud have on seeding agent dispersion. If a strong directional ambient wind shear is present in the lowest layer, a vortex pair formed at the flanks of the simulated cloud. Following the velocity field, a considerable amount of the injected seeding agent would be thrown out to the rear of the cloud, where both updrafts associated with vortices and downdrafts occurred. After a short time the agent was present only in the cloud periphery. If the Cb cloud developed under conditions where directional ambient wind shear did not exist, seeding agent dispersion would be quite different. In this case, almost all the seeding agent was transported into the main updraft, while the residence time of the agent within the cloud was longer due to the weaker cloud dynamics. Therefore, we must pay attention to whether or not the cloud contains vortices when we make the decision where to seed. This is necessary in order to minimize the loss of seeding material.  相似文献   
The study region is located in the Lower Tagus Valley, central Portugal, and includes a large portion of the densely populated area of Lisbon. It is characterized by a moderate seismicity with a diffuse pattern, with historical earthquakes causing many casualties, serious damage and economic losses. Occurrence of earthquakes in the area indicates the presence of seismogenic structures at depth that are deficiently known due to a thick Cenozoic sedimentary cover. The hidden character of many of the faults in the Lower Tagus Valley requires the use of indirect methodologies for their study. This paper focuses on the application of high-resolution seismic reflection method for the detection of near-surface faulting on two major tectonic structures that are hidden under the recent alluvial cover of the Tagus Valley, and that have been recognized on deep oil-industry seismic reflection profiles and/or inferred from the surface geology. These are a WNW–ESE-trending fault zone located within the Lower Tagus Cenozoic basin, across the Tagus River estuary (Porto Alto fault), and a NNE–SSW-trending reverse fault zone that borders the Cenozoic Basin at the W (Vila Franca de Xira–Lisbon fault). Vertical electrical soundings were also acquired over the seismic profiles and the refraction interpretation of the reflection data was carried out. According to the interpretation of the collected data, a complex fault pattern disrupts the near surface (first 400 m) at Porto Alto, affecting the Upper Neogene and (at least for one fault) the Quaternary, with a normal offset component. The consistency with the previous oil-industry profiles interpretation supports the location and geometry of this fault zone. Concerning the second structure, two major faults were detected north of Vila Franca de Xira, supporting the extension of the Vila Franca de Xira–Lisbon fault zone northwards. One of these faults presents a reverse geometry apparently displacing Holocene alluvium. Vertical offsets of the Holocene sediments detected in the studied geophysical data of Porto Alto and Vila Franca de Xira–Lisbon faults imply minimum slip rates of 0.15–0.30 mm/year, three times larger than previously inferred for active faults in the Lower Tagus Valley and maximum estimates of average return periods of 2000–5000 years for M 6.5–7 co-seismic ruptures.  相似文献   
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