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Siliceous hot spring deposits from Steamboat Springs, Nevada, U.S.A., record a complex interplay of multiple, changing, primary environmental conditions, fluid overprinting and diagenesis. Consequently these deposits reflect dynamic geologic and geothermal processes. Two surface sinters were examined—the high terrace, and the distal apron-slope, as well as 13.11 m (43 ft) of core material from drill hole SNLG 87-29. The high terrace sinter consists of vitreous and massive-mottled silica horizons, while the distal deposit and core comprise dominantly porous, indurated fragmental sinters. Collectively, the three sinter deposits archive a complete sequence of silica phase diagenetic minerals from opal-A to quartz. X-ray powder diffraction analyses and infrared spectroscopy of the sinters indicate that the distal apron-slope consists of opal-A and opal-A/CT mineralogy; the core yielded opal-A/CT and opal-CT with minor opal-A; and the high terrace constitutes opal-C, moganite, and quartz. Mineralogical maturation of the deposit produced alternating nano–micro–nano-sized silica particle changes. Based on filament diameters of microbial fossils preserved within the sinter, discharging thermal outflows fluctuated between low-temperatures (< 35 °C, coarse filaments) and mid-temperatures ( 35–60 °C, fine filaments). Despite transformation to quartz, primary coarse and fine filaments were preserved in the high terrace sinter. AMS 14C dating of pollen from three horizons within core SNLG 87-29, from depths of 8.13 to 8.21 m (26′8″ to 26′11″), 10.13 to 10.21 m (33′3″ to 33′6″), and 14.81 to 14.88 m (48′7″ to 48′10″), yielded dates of 8684 ± 64 years, 11,493 ± 70 years and 6283 ±60 years, respectively. In the upper section of the core, the stratigraphically out-of-sequence age likely reflects physical mixing of younger sinter with quartzose sinter fragments derived from the high terrace. Within single horizons, mineralogical and morphological components of the sinter matrix were spatially patchy. Overall, the deposit was modified by sub-surface flow of alkali-chloride thermal fluids depositing a second generation of silica, and periodically, by acidic steam condensate formed during periods when the water table was low. Local faulting produced considerable fracturing of the sinter. Hence, the Steamboat Springs sinter experienced a complex history of primary and secondary hydrothermal, geologic and diagenetic events, and their inter-relationships and effects are locked within the physical, chemical and biological signatures of the deposit.  相似文献   
Precambrian metaplutonic rocks of the São Gabriel block in southernmost Brazil comprise juvenile Neoproterozoic calc-alkaline gneisses (Cambaí Complex). The connection with associated (ultra-)mafic metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks (Palma Group) is not well established. The whole complex was deformed during the Brasiliano orogenic cycle. Both metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks as well as metaplutonic rocks of the Cambaí Complex have been sampled for geochemical analyses in order to get constraints on the tectonic setting of these rocks and to establish a tectonic model for the São Gabriel block and its role during the assembly of West-Gondwana. The major element compositions of the igneous rocks (Palma Group and Cambaí Complex) indicate a subalkaline character; most orthogneisses have a calc-alkaline chemistry; many metavolcanic rocks of the Palma Group show signatures of low-K tholeiitic volcanic arc basalts. Trace element data, especially Ti, Zr, Y, Nb, of most igneous samples from both the lower Palma Group and the Cambaí Complex indicate origin at plate margins, i.e., in a subduction zone environment. This is corroborated by relative enrichment in LREE, low contents of Nb and other high field strength elements and enrichment in LILE like Rb, Ba, and Th. The data indicate the possible existence of two suites, an oceanic island arc and a continental arc or active continental margin. However, some ultramafic samples of the lower Palma Group in the western São Gabriel block indicate the existence of another volcanic suite with intra-plate character which possibly represents relics of oceanic island basalts (OIB). Trace element data indicate contributions from andesitic to mixed felsic and basic arc sources for the metasedimentary rocks. The patterns of chondrite- and N-MORB-normalized spider diagrams resemble the patterns of the igneous rocks, i.e., LILE and LREE enrichment and HFS depletion. The geochemical signatures of most igneous and metasedimentary samples and their low (87Sr/86Sr)t ratios suggest only minor contribution of old continental crust.A geotectonic model for the São Gabriel block comprises east-ward subduction and following accretion of an intra-oceanic island arc to the eastern border of the Rio de la Plata Craton at ca. 880 Ma, and westward subduction beneath the newly formed active continental margin between ca. 750 and 700 Ma. The São Gabriel block represents relics of an early Brasiliano oceanic basin between the Rio de la Plata and Kalahari Cratons. This ocean to the east of the Rio de la Plata Craton might be traced to the north and could possibly be linked with Neoproterozoic juvenile oceanic crust in the western Brasília belt (Goiás magmatic arc).  相似文献   
The western part of the Ronda peridotite massif (Southern Spain) consists mainly of highly foliated spinel-peridotite tectonites and undeformed granular peridotites that are separated by a recrystallization front. The spinel tectonites are interpreted as volumes of ancient subcontinental lithospheric mantle and the granular peridotites as a portion of subcontinental lithospheric mantle that underwent partial melting and pervasive percolation of basaltic melts induced by Cenozoic asthenospheric upwelling. The Re–Os isotopic signature of sulfides from the granular domain and the recrystallization front mostly coincides with that of grains in the spinel tectonites. This indicates that the Re–Os radiometric system in sulfides was highly resistant to partial melting and percolation of melts induced by Cenozoic lithospheric thermal erosion. The Re–Os isotopic systematics of sulfides in the Ronda peridotites thus mostly conserve the geochemical memory of ancient magmatic events in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle. Os model ages record two Proterozoic melting episodes at ~1.6 to 1.8 and 1.2–1.4 Ga, respectively. The emplacement of the massif into the subcontinental lithospheric mantle probably coincided with one of these depletion events. A later metasomatic episode caused the precipitation of a new generation of sulfides at ~0.7 to 0.9 Ga. These Proterozoic Os model ages are consistent with results obtained for several mantle suites in Central/Western Europe and Northern Africa as well as with the Nd model ages of the continental crust of these regions. This suggests that the events recorded in mantle sulfides of the Ronda peridotites reflect different stages of generation of the continental crust in the ancient Gondwana supercontinent.  相似文献   
The decomposition reaction of kaolinite has been investigated as a function of the defectivity of the starting material and the temperature of reaction. Time resolved energy-dispersive powder diffraction patterns have been measured using synchrotron radiation, both under a constant heating rate (heating rates from 10 to 100° C/min) and in isothermal conditions (in the temperature range 500 to 700° C). The apparent activation energy of the dehydroxylation process is different for kaolinites exhibiting a different degree of stacking fault density. The results of the analysis of the kinetic data indicate that the starting reaction mechanism is controlled by diffusion in the kaolinite particle. The diffusion process is dependent on the defective nature of both kaolinite and metakaolinite. At high temperatures, and at higher heating rates, the reaction mechanism changes and the resistance in the boundary layer outside the crystallites becomes the rate-limiting factor, and nucleation begins within the reacting particle. During the final stage of the dehydroxylation process the reaction is limited by heat or mass transfer, and this might be interpreted by the limited diffusion between the unreacted kaolinite domains and the metakaolinite matrix.  相似文献   
Sixteen eclogites and ultrabasic rock samples from west Norway have been analyzed for Sc, Cr, Fe, Co and Ni by instrumental neutron-activation analysis.In gneiss-eclogites, Sc and Co give values from about 30 to 60 ppm and Cr and Ni from 180 to 700 ppm. An eclogite surrounded by a peridotite body shows nearly the same content of Sc and Co as do the gneiss-eclogites, but up to 20 times more Cr. Ni is only slightly more enriched in this particular eclogite than in the others.The ultrabasites have only a few ppm Sc, Co concentrates around 100 ppm while the Cr and Ni values are mainly found between 2 and 3,000 ppm.Fe shows an average value of nearly 10%.  相似文献   
The pipe shapes, infill and emplacement processes of the Attawapiskat kimberlites, including Victor, contrast with most of the southern African kimberlite pipes. The Attawapiskat kimberlite pipes are formed by an overall two-stage process of (1) pipe excavation without the development of a diatreme (sensu stricto) and (2) subsequent pipe infilling. The Victor kimberlite comprises two adjacent but separate pipes, Victor South and Victor North. The pipes are infilled with two contrasting textural types of kimberlite: pyroclastic and hypabyssal-like kimberlite. Victor South and much of Victor North are composed of pyroclastic spinel carbonate kimberlites, the main features of which are similar: clast-supported, discrete macrocrystal and phenocrystal olivine grains, pyroclastic juvenile lapilli, mantle-derived xenocrysts and minor country rock xenoliths are set in serpentine and carbonate matrices. These partly bedded, juvenile lapilli-bearing olivine tuffs appear to have been formed by subaerial fire-fountaining airfall processes.

The Victor South pipe has a simple bowl-like shape that flares from just below the basal sandstone of the sediments that overlie the basement. The sandstone is a known aquifer, suggesting that the crater excavation process was possibly phreatomagmatic. In contrast, the pipe shape and internal geology of Victor North are more complex. The northwestern part of the pipe is dominated by dark competent rocks, which resemble fresh hypabyssal kimberlite, but have unusual textures and are closely associated with pyroclastic juvenile lapilli tuffs and country rock breccias±volcaniclastic kimberlite. Current evidence suggests that the hypabyssal-like kimberlite is, in fact, not intrusive and that the northwestern part of Victor North represents an early-formed crater infilled with contrasting extrusive kimberlites and associated breccias. The remaining, main part of Victor North consists of two macroscopically similar, but petrographically distinct, pyroclastic kimberlites that have contrasting macrodiamond sample grades. The juvenile lapilli of each pyroclastic kimberlite can be distinguished only microscopically. The nature and relative modal proportion of primary olivine phenocrysts in the juvenile lapilli are different, indicating that they derive from different magma pulses, or phases of kimberlite, and thus represent separate eruptions. The initial excavation of a crater cross-cutting the earlier northwestern crater was followed by emplacement of phase (i), a low-grade olivine phenocryst-rich pyroclastic kimberlite, and the subsequent eruption of phase (ii), a high-grade olivine phenocryst-poor pyroclastic kimberlite, as two separate vents nested within the original phase (i) crater. The second eruption was accompanied by the formation of an intermediate mixed zone with moderate grade. Thus, the final pyroclastic pipe infill of the main part of the Victor North pipe appears to consist of at least three geological/macrodiamond grade zones.

In conclusion, the Victor kimberlite was formed by several eruptive events resulting in adjacent and cross-cutting craters that were infilled with either pyroclastic kimberlite or hypabyssal-like kimberlite, which is now interpreted to be of probable extrusive origin. Within the pyroclastic kimberlites of Victor North, there are two nested vents, a feature seldom documented in kimberlites elsewhere. This study highlights the meaningful role of kimberlite petrography in the evaluation of diamond deposits and provides further insight into kimberlite emplacement and volcanism.  相似文献   

Mantle xenoliths and xenocrysts were retrieved from three of the 88–86 Ma Buffalo Hills kimberlites (K6, K11, K14) for a reconnaissance study of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) beneath the Buffalo Head Terrane (Alberta, Canada). The xenoliths include spinel lherzolites, one garnet spinel lherzolite, garnet harzburgites, one sheared garnet lherzolite and pyroxenites. Pyroxenitic and wehrlitic garnet xenocrysts are derived primarily from the shallow mantle and lherzolitic garnet xenocrysts from the deep mantle. Harzburgite with Ca-saturated garnets is concentrated in a layer between 135–165 km depth. Garnet xenocrysts define a model conductive paleogeotherm corresponding to a heat flow of 38–39 mW/m2. The sheared garnet lherzolite lies on an inflection of this geotherm and may constrain the depth of the lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary (LAB) beneath this region to ca 180 km depth.

A loss of >20% partial melt is recorded by spinel lherzolites and up to 60% by the garnet harzburgites, which may be related to lithosphere formation. The mantle was subsequently modified during at least two metasomatic events. An older metasomatic event is evident in incompatible-element enrichments in homogeneous equilibrated garnet and clinopyroxene. Silicate melt metasomatism predominated in the deep lithosphere and led to enrichments in the HFSE with minor enrichments in LREE. Metasomatism by small-volume volatile-rich melts, such as carbonatite, appears to have been more important in the shallow lithosphere and led to enrichments in LREE with minor enrichments in HFSE. An intermediate metasomatic style, possibly a signature of volatile-rich silicate melts, is also recognised. These metasomatic styles may be related through modification of a single melt during progressive interaction with the mantle. This metasomatism is suggested to have occurred during Paleoproterozoic rifting of the Buffalo Head Terrane from the neighbouring Rae Province and may be responsible for the evolution of some samples toward unradiogenic Nd and Hf isotopic compositions.

Disturbed Re–Os isotope systematics, evident in implausible model ages, were obtained in situ for sulfides in several spinel lherzolites and suggest that many sulfides are secondary (metasomatic) or mixtures of primary and secondary sulfides. Sulfide in one peridotite has unradiogenic 187Os/188Os and gives a model age of 1.89±0.38 Ga. This age coincides with the inferred emplacement of mafic sheets in the crust and suggests that the melts parental to the intrusions interacted with the lithospheric mantle.

A younger metasomatic event is indicated by the occurrence of sulfide-rich melt patches, unequilibrated mineral compositions and overgrowths on spinel that are Ti-, Cr- and Fe-rich but Zn-poor. Subsequent cooling is recorded by fine exsolution lamellae in the pyroxenes and by arrested mineral reactions.

If the lithosphere beneath the Buffalo Head Terrane was formed in the Archaean, any unambiguous signatures of this ancient origin may have been obliterated during these multiple events.  相似文献   

The Huaniushan granite is located at the Beishan orogenic belt, northwestern China. At the contact zone between the granite and marble, a hydrothermal Pb-Zn and skarn Au deposit is formed. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating yielded a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 229.5±2.6 Ma (MSDW=0.93) for the Huaniushan granite, imply-ing its Late Triassic intrusion. Geochemistry analyses show that the Huaniushan granite is enriched in Si, K, Na, and REE, and depleted in Mg and Ca, with contents of SiO2 (70.8% to 74.4%), Na2O+K2O (8.8% to 10.2%), CaO (0.93% to 1.44%), and MgO (0.14% to 0.48%). REE is characterized by obvious negative Eu anomaly. Rb, Th, U, K, Pb, Nb, Zr and Hf elements are rich in the granite while Ba, Sr, P, Ti and Eu are deplete. The granite has a high (Zr+Nb+Ce+Y) abundance and 104 Ga/Al ratios. Petrology, major and trace elements data all indicate that the Hua-niushan granite is A-type granite which intruded in a post-collisional extensional tectonic setting. The magma was dominantly sourced from partial melting of crustal intermediate-felsic igneous rocks. Intensive magmatic activities and Au-Cu-Mo mineralization occurred throughout the Beishan orogenic belt during the period from ca. 240 to 220 Ma.  相似文献   
Scottish Dinantian transitional to mildly alkaline volcanism is represented by abundant outcrops in the Midland Valley, Southern Uplands and Highlands provinces. Dinantian volcanic rocks from Kintyre in the Scottish Highlands range in composition from basalt through basaltic hawaiite, hawaiite, mugearite and benmoreite to trachyte, the compositions of the evolved types being largely due to differentiation from the basaltic parents.Recent geochemical investigations of Scottish Caledonian granitoids, Siluro-Devonian Old Red Sandstone (ORS) lavas and xenolith suites from numerous vents and dykes of Permo-Carboniferous to Tertiary age have revealed that the Scottish crust and upper mantle both increase in age and are increasingly enriched in incompatible elements towards the north and northwest. The upper mantle and lower crust below the Highlands province are therefore largely considered to be more enriched and in parts older than those below the Midland Valley and Southern Uplands. Dinantian alkali basalts from these latter two provinces have Nd values predominantly in the range +3 to +6, initial 87Sr/86Sr values of 0.7029–0.7041 and 207Pb/ 204Pb values of 15.48–15.60. However, similar basalts from Kintyre and Arran in the Highlands have lower Nd (+0.1 to +3.4) and 207Pb/204Pb (for given 206Pb/204Pb ratios; 15.49–15.51) and slightly higher 87Sr/86Sr (0.7033–0.7046). This regional variation correlates well with the differences seen between Midland Valley and Highland magmas in the ORS calc-alkaline suite (Thirlwall 1986) and it is suggested that both the ORS and Dinantian basic rocks are derived from similar types of mantle, although no lithospheric slab component is present in the later Dinantian suites. Isotopically-distinct portions of mantle therefore appear to have been present below the Highland and Midland Valley-Southern Upland provinces from at least Caledonian to Carboniferous times. The combined incompatible element and Sr-Nd-Pd isotopic evidence from Kintyre and Arran basaltic rocks does not allow unequivocal distinction between a lithospheric mantle and a sublithospheric mantle source. The observed correlation between isotopic composition of Dinantian basalts and the chemical composition of the lithosphere, together with the apparent involvement of long-term separated source reservoirs suggests that Kintyre and Arran lavas were derived largely from a lithospheric mantle source. On the other hand, the isotopic enrichment of Kintyre basaltic rocks is not extreme; trace element and isotopic compositions are still comparable to modem OIB. Sublithospheric mantle could therefore also be a viable source for Kintyre and Arran Dinantian volcanism.  相似文献   
江西永平铜矿区古构造应力场与构造演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用多重反演方法(Multiple Inverse Method,MIM)恢复永平铜矿多期古构造应力场,该方法可以划分形成断层擦痕的多个古构造应力期次.研究表明,永平矿区印支期以来至少受到3期古构造应力场作用,进而探讨了永平铜矿构造演化历史.第一期构造应力场为EW方向的近水平挤压,形成轴向近SN的褶皱,以及走向近南北的逆断层;第二期构造应力场为NW-SE方向近水平挤压,伴随着岩体的侵入,导致层间破碎带的矽卡岩化和矿体形成;第三期构造应力场为EW方向的再次挤压作用,造成控矿断层推覆距离加大,混合岩和矽卡岩破碎带向西逆冲推覆到晚古生代地层之上.  相似文献   
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