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2003年5月5~6日,宁夏出现了入春以来第一场透雨天气过程,本文利用常规天气资料和T213数值预报产品,对此次降水天气过程从主要影响系统和T213数值预报有关物理量预报场等方面进行分析发现,T213对我区降水有很好的预报能力和指示意义,并随着预报时效的缩短,其可信度在不断提高。  相似文献   
The goal of this paper is to quantitatively formulate some necessary conditions for the development of intense atmospheric vortices. Specifically, these criteria are discussed for tropical cyclones (TC) and polar lows (PL) by using bulk formulas for fluxes of momentum, sensible heating, and latent heating between the ocean and the atmosphere. The velocity scale is used in two forms: (1) as expressed through the buoyancy flux b and the Coriolis parameter lc for rotating fluids convection, and (2) as expresse...  相似文献   
In a barotropic atmosphere, new Reynolds mean momentum equauons including turbulent viscosit,dispersion, and instability are used not only to derive the KdV-Burgers-Kuramoto equation but also to analyze the physical mechanism of the cascades of energy and enstrophy. It shows that it is the effects of dispersion and instability that result in the inverse cascade. Then based on the conservation laws of the energy and enstrophy, a cascade model is put forward and the processes of the cascades are described.  相似文献   
Extensive research on the sources and sinks of greenhouse gases, carbon cycle modeling, and the characterization of atmospheric aerosols has been carried out in China during the last 10 years or so. This paper presents the major achievements in the fields of emissions of greenhouse gases from agricultural lands, carbon cycle modeling, the characterization of Asian mineral dust, source identification of the precursors of the tropospheric ozone, and observations of the concentrations of atmospheric organic compounds. Special, more detailed Information on the emissions of methane from rice fields and the physical and chemical characteristics of mineral aerosols are presented.  相似文献   
论江西省大气成分观测与服务系统建设   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
在介绍国内外大气成分观测与研究进展的基础上,对建设江西省大气成分观测与服务系统的必要性和可行性进行了科学的分析,并从系统建设的原则、目标、内容、技术路线、监测方案,以及系统研究的主要内容和提供的产品等方面,对拟建的江西省大气成分观测与服务系统进行了全面的阐述。研究结果认为,随着江西经济建设的快速发展,建设江西省大气成分观测与服务系统,有利于了解和掌握江西大气物质成分分布特征及变化情况;有利于提高江西天气气候预报预测准确率,提升江西气象公共服务的能力和水平;可为预防大气化学灾害和控制区域大气环境质量,提供科学的决策依据,具有显著的社会、经济效益和生态效益。  相似文献   
One of the fundamental questions concerning the nature and prediction of the oceanic states in the equatorial eastern Pacific is how the turnabout from a cold water state (La Nina) to a warm water state (El Nino) takes place, and vice versa. Recent studies show that this turnabout is directly linked to the interannual thermocline variations in the tropical Pacific Ocean basin. An index, as an indicator and precursor to describe interannual thermocline variations and the turnabout of oceanic states in our previous paper (Qian and Hu, 2005), is also used in this study. The index, which shows the maximum subsurface temperature anomaly (MSTA), is derived from the monthly 21-year (1980-2000) expendable XBT dataset in the present study. Results show that the MSTA can be used as a precursor for the occurrences of El Nino (or La Nina) events. The subsequent analyses of the MSTA propagations in the tropical Pacific suggest a one-year potential predictability for El Nino and La Nina events by identifying ocean temperature anomalies in the thermocline of the western Pacific Ocean. It also suggests that a closed route cycle with the strongest signal propagation is identified only in the tropical North Pacific Ocean. A positive (or negative) MSTA signal may travel from the western equatorial Pacific to the eastern equatorial Pacific with the strongest signal along the equator. This signal turns northward along the tropical eastern boundary of the basin and then moves westward along the north side of off-equator around 16°N. Finally, the signal returns toward the equator along the western boundary of the basin. The turnabout time from an El Nino event to a La Nina event in the eastern equatorial Pacific depends critically on the speed of the signal traveling along the closed route, and it usually needs about 4 years. This finding may help to predict the occurrence of the El Nino or La Nina event at least one year in advance.  相似文献   
With the Zebiak-Cane(ZC)model,the initial error that has the largest effect on ENSO prediction is explored by conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation(CNOP).The results demonstrate that CNOP-type errors cause the largest prediction error of ENSO in the ZC model.By analyzing the behavior of CNOP- type errors,we find that for the normal states and the relatively weak El Nino events in the ZC model,the predictions tend to yield false alarms due to the uncertainties caused by CNOP.For the relatively strong El Nino events,the ZC model largely underestimates their intensities.Also,our results suggest that the error growth of El Nino in the ZC model depends on the phases of both the annual cycle and ENSO.The condition during northern spring and summer is most favorable for the error growth.The ENSO prediction bestriding these two seasons may be the most diffcult.A linear singular vector(LSV)approach is also used to estimate the error growth of ENSO,but it underestimates the prediction uncertainties of ENSO in the ZC model.This result indicates that the different initial errors cause different amplitudes of prediction errors though they have same magnitudes.CNOP yields the severest prediction uncertainty.That is to say,the prediction skill of ENSO is closely related to the types of initial error.This finding illustrates a theoretical basis of data assimilation.It is expected that a data assimilation method can filter the initial errors related to CNOP and improve the ENSO forecast skill.  相似文献   
选取两个强La Nia年(1989年和1999年),对比分析了强La Nia背景下的东亚夏季风异常和中国夏季降水分布。结果表明,受南极海冰分布异常的影响,这两年6~7月间南极涛动呈现不同的位相,进而改变了南方涛动的位相。1989年,南极涛动为正时,南方涛动为正,马斯克林高压(简称马高)偏强,澳大利亚高压(简称澳高)偏弱。与1989年相反,1999年南极涛动和南方涛动均为负位相,马高偏弱,澳高偏强,这与一般La Nia年的情况正好相反。与马高和澳高强度变化相对应,西太平洋副热带高压在1989年偏西、1999年偏东,并影响到6~7月间中国降水的分布。8月副高北抬后,南半球环流变化的影响减弱,东亚夏季风环流主要受热带环流和中高纬度环流的影响。1989年8月,受中高纬度冷平流的影响,副高偏弱,长江流域降水偏多。1999年8月,由于热带西风异常偏强,副高偏强,长江以南降水偏多。本文的研究结果表明,即使在两个相似的强La Nia事件影响下,由于其他因子对La Nia信号的调制作用,中国夏季降水仍呈现不同的分布,1989年为中间型,而1999年为南方型,这与一般La Nia年雨带偏北正好相反。最后,对中国夏季降水的季度预测提出了一些建议。  相似文献   
利用1971~2000年逐月SODA(Simple Ocean Data Assimilation)同化资料(Carton等,2004)、1980~2000年逐月NCEP/NCAR再分析资料(Kalnay等,1996)探讨中部型(暖海水首先出现在120°W以西)和东部型(暖海水首先出现在120°W以东)El Nino事件赤道纬向风应力及洋流的异常变化与暖海水信号的传播特征。研究指出:(1)中部型和东部型El Nio事件发生时,太平洋上赤道海表最大西风应力距平在西太平洋地区都有显著的东传现象,但中部型El Nio事件西风应力距平强度强,造成西太平洋赤道表层的东向流可达东太平洋地区,这类El Nio事件强度偏强。(2)中部型El Nio事件,赤道表层洋流辐合区及其下沉运动由西太平洋向东太平洋传播,辐合下沉运动抑制了深层冷海水上翻,西太平洋暖水能够传到东太平洋与西太平洋赤道表层洋流辐合区及其下沉运动的东移有关。(3)东部型El Nio事件西太平洋赤道表层洋流辐合区及其下沉运动没能直接传到东太平洋地区,东太平洋暖水形成与局地(120°W以东)辐合下沉运动抑制深层冷海水上翻有关;东部型El Nio事件暖池次表层的暖水,不是沿着西太平洋赤道次表层向东传播到东太平洋地区,而是由南太平洋西边界流将暖池海水带到40°S左右的西风漂流区,再由西风漂流平流到东太平洋。  相似文献   
A global two-dimensional chemistry model is developed to study long-term trends of CH_4 sinceindustrial revolution.The sources of CH_4,CO and NO_x are parameterized as functions of latitudeand time.With two long-term emission scenarios,long-term trends of CH_4 are simulated.The resultshave a good agreement with observation from ice cores.The modeled CH_4 increased from 760 ppbvin 1840 to 1611.9 ppbv in 1991, while the modeled number concentration of tropospheric OHdecreased from 7.17×10~5 cm~(-3)in 1840 to 5.79×10~5 cm~(-3) in 1991.The increase of atmosphericCH_4 can be explained by the increase of emission of CH_4 and build-up because of decrease of OHradicals that remove CH_4 from the atmosphere.The model is also used to simulate the distribution of CH_4.Comparisons between the modelresults and observations show that the model can simulate both latitudinal distribution and seasonalvariation of CH_4 well.  相似文献   
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