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Thousands of chemicals are in daily use; many of these reach the aquatic environment, which serves as a medium of transport and deposition into sediment and organisms. It is often unknown which effects these contaminants, alone or in combination with other stressors, may have on organisms, populations and communities in the aquatic environment. Ecotoxicology strives to identify and mechanistically understand contaminant–biota interactions with the ultimate goal to predict potential adverse effects. There are two general routes to addressing this goal. The first is to understand how organisms and populations respond according to anticipated exposure routes, organisms’ genome and physiology, and structure- physico-chemical properties of chemicals. This knowledge should lead to improved criteria for chemical design and approval. The second general route is to identify the cause–effect relationships of effects detected in the environment without prior knowledge on the chemical’s identity. This approach serves to pinpoint critical chemicals in complex environmental samples to enable decisions or technologies for their reduction or removal. An example will be presented in which biological effect assessment contributed to a better understanding of groundwater contamination.  相似文献   
Lakeside settlements can be regarded as a special type of archaeological site, as, thanks to their location near the shoreline, or even in the lake, various kinds of organic remains have been preserved under waterlogged conditions. This paper presents the results of six‐studied Neolithic lake dwellings from Switzerland. A series of natural and anthropogenic site formation processes were identified through micromorphological analysis and have been compared with natural processes in peatlands. The main processes can be summarized as follows: in the littoral zone a carbonate lake marl stratum accumulated prior to construction of the settlement. During lake regressions, the shore platform became dry and the settlements were established. Throughout the period of occupation, anthropogenic processes led to the accumulation of organic layers. The depositional regime can be characterized as paludal, dominated by constant humidity, and rapid covering of the remains. Some parts of the anthropogenic accumulations have been affected by erosion and reworking processes as a result of lake flooding, and runoff from the hinterland. Finally, the degradation of organic matter occurred only during dry phases when the groundwater level dropped. Seasonality was of great importance in this kind of milieu throughout the various processes described above. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
The Rainier Mesa ash-flow is a large (1200 km3), 11.6 My old, chemically zoned unit that ranges in composition from 55 to 76% SiO2 — one of the largest chemical ranges ever observed in a large volume ash-flow sheet. Two chemical trends occur in this sheet, a low silica (55–66% SiO2) and a high silica (>66% SiO2) trend. Ninety per cent of the Rainier Mesa sheet occurs in the high silica trend. Immediately beneath the Rainier Mesa sheet is a thick tephra sequence. The chemical variation of this sequence is nearly equivalent to the high silica portion of the Rainier Mesa ash-flow sheet (about 66–78% SiO2). Throughout the tephra sequence numerous small ash-flow layers occur, and each ash-flow layer is chemically zoned from more evolved at the base to less evolved at the top. This is consistent with having been erupted from a zoned magma body. The lowest silica tephra units are at the base of the sequence and the highest silica units are at the top — that is, the large-scale chemical trend of the entire sequence is opposite to that of the individual ash-flow layers. These ash-flow layers are of very small volume. The tephra sequence provides a unique record of the incremental development of the zoned, high silica portion of the Rainier Mesa magma body.  相似文献   
Over the last 50 a there has been mounting unease about the risk of synthetic chemicals to human health. Publication of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring in 1962 catalyzed public concern about chemicals. There is now a vast range of synthetic substances in the environment and their potential cocktail as well as the effects of chronic exposure is of concern. Concerns about pollution are not restricted to toxic chemicals, with radioactivity being an issue that continues to be emotive, and exposure to substances such as particulates has been seen to cause health problems. Improved understanding of chemical risks to the environment and human health suggest that a precautionary approach is adopted, with new approaches demonstrating how nature uses thousands of sustainable, non-toxic processes, which can be copied by industry. Policy has evolved from the prevention of local pollution to the holistic management of environmental quality. Regulation is now increasingly underpinned by risk assessment and responsibility for understanding and managing chemical risk is being transferred progressively to manufacturers and users. There is now an increased emphasis on individual responsibilities which requires a debate about the risks and benefits of chemicals in which all members of society can participate.  相似文献   
Mangrove litter is a major source of organic matter for detrital food chains in many tropical coastal ecosystems, but scant attention has been paid to the substantial challenges in sampling and extrapolation of rates of litter fall. The challenges arise due to within-stand heterogeneity including incomplete canopy cover, and canopy that is below the high tide mark. We sampled litter monthly for three years at 35 sites across eight mapped communities in the macrotidal Darwin Harbour, northern Australia. Totals were adjusted for mean community canopy cover and the occurrence of canopy below the high tide mark. The mangroves of Darwin Harbour generate an estimated average of 5.0 t ha−1 yr−1 of litter. This amount would have been overestimated by 32% had we not corrected for limited canopy cover and underestimated by 11% had we not corrected for foliage that is below the high tide mark. Had we made neither correction, we would have overestimated litter fall by 17%. Among communities, rates varied 2.6-fold per unit area of canopy, and 3.9-fold among unit area of community. Seaward fringe mangroves were the most productive per unit of canopy area but the canopy was relatively open; Tidal creek forest was the most productive per unit area of community. Litter fall varied 1.1-fold among years and 2.0-fold among months though communities exhibited a range of seasonalities. Our study may be the most extensively stratified and sampled evaluation of mangrove litter fall in a tropical estuary. We believe our study is also the first such assessment to explicitly deal with canopy discontinuities and demonstrates that failure to do so can result in considerable overestimation of mangrove productivity.  相似文献   
Climate change will affect agricultural production by subsistence farms in crop centers of origin, where landraces are conserved in situ. Various strategies for adaptation to climate change have been proposed. In this paper we examine the prospects of what we call the ‘transgenic adaptation strategy’, i.e. the appeal to use transgenic seeds to adapt to climate change, through the lens of smallholder maize farming in Mexico. Landraces are the bedrock of maize production in Mexico. We consider how maize farmers may respond to climate change and the effects of those responses on crop diversity. In this paper, we argue that the promotion of the transgenic adaptation strategy is problematic for biological and social reasons. Smallholder livelihoods in southern Mexico could suffer a disproportionate negative impact if transgenic technology is privileged as a response to climate change. Agroecological and evolutionary approaches to addressing the effects of climate change on smallholder agriculture provides an alternative adaptive strategy.  相似文献   
Stream–subsurface exchange strongly influences the transport of contaminants, fine particles, and other ecologically relevant substances in streams. We used a recirculating laboratory flume (220 cm long and 20 cm wide) to study the effects of particle size, overlying velocity, and biofilm formation on stream–subsurface exchange of particles. Sodium chloride was used as a non‐reactive dissolved tracer and 1‐ and 5‐µm fluorescent microspheres were used as particulate tracers. Surface–subsurface exchange was observed with a clean sand bed and a bed colonized by an autotrophic–heterotrophic biofilm under two different overlying velocities, 0·9 and 5 cm s?1. Hydrodynamic interactions between the overlying flow and sand bed resulted in a reduction of solute and particle concentrations in the water column, and a corresponding accumulation of particles in both the sediments and in the biofilm. Increasing overlying velocity and particle size resulted in faster removal from the overlying water due to enhanced mass transfer to the bed. The presence of the biofilm did not affect solute exchange under any flow condition tested. The presence of the biofilm significantly increased the deposition of particles under an overlying velocity of 5 cm s?1, and produced a small but statistically insignificant increase at 0·9 cm?1. The particles preferentially deposited within the biofilm matrix relative to the underlying sand. These results demonstrate that hydrodynamic transport conditions, particle size, and biofilm formation play a key role in the transport of suspended particles, such as inorganic sediments, particulate organic matter, and pathogenic microorganisms in freshwater ecosystems, and should be taken into consideration when predicting the fate and transport of particles and contaminants in the environment. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Salt pools are water-filled depressions common to north-temperate salt marshes. In Wells, ME, USA, cores reveal a unique salt pool signature consisting of water-saturated dark-gray mud often containing fragments of Ruppia maritima. Cores through pool sediment reenter salt marsh peat, not tidal flat sediment, demonstrating that most pools are of secondary origin. A principal component analysis of attribute data collected from 119 pools defines three distinct pool types: those with (1) surrounding high-marsh vegetation and thick heavily undercut banks (40% of the variance), (2) surrounding low-marsh vegetation and thicker slightly undercut banks (18% of the variance), and (3) surrounding low-marsh vegetation and less thick moderately undercut banks, containing R. maritima and a surficial drainage (15% of the variance). Cores and spatiotemporal analyses of aerial photographs between 1962 and 2003 reveal dramatic salt marsh surface dynamism suggesting that salt pools influence the geomorphological evolution of coastal marshes.  相似文献   
Death Valley, California is today the hottest hyperarid area in the western Hemisphere with temperatures of 57 °C (134 °F) recorded. During the late Quaternary, pluvial Lake Manly covered much of the Valley and contributed to a much more moderate climate. The abrupt draining of Lake Manly in the mid-Holocene and coincident dramatic shifts in temperature and aridity exerted substantial selection pressure on organisms living in this area. Our research investigates the adaptive response of Neotoma (woodrats) to temperature change over the late Quaternary along a steep elevational and environmental gradient. By combining fieldwork, examination of museum specimens, and collection of paleomiddens, our project reconstructs the divergent evolutionary histories of animals from the valley floor and nearby mountain gradients (− 84 to > 3400 m). We report on recent paleomidden work investigating a transition zone in the Grapevine Mountains (Amargosa Range) for two species of woodrats differing significantly in size and habitat preferences: N. lepida, the desert woodrat, and N. cinerea, the bushy-tailed woodrat. Here, at the limits of these species' thermal and ecological thresholds, we demonstrate dramatic fluctuations in the range boundaries over the Holocene as climate shifted. Moreover, we find fundamental differences in the adaptive response of these two species related to the elevation of the site and local microclimate. Results indicate that although N. cinerea are currently extirpated in this area, they were ubiquitous throughout the late Pleistocene and into the middle Holocene. They adapted to climate shifts over this period by phenotypic changes in body mass, as has been demonstrated for other areas within their range; during colder episodes they were larger, and during warmer intervals, animals were smaller. Their presence may have been tied into a much more widespread historical distribution of juniper (Juniperus sp.); we document a downward displacement of approximately 1000 m relative to juniper's modern extent in the Amargosa Range. These results suggest a cooler and more mesic habitat association persisting for longer and at lower elevations than previously reported.  相似文献   
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