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We present a numerical study for 3D time‐lapse electromagnetic monitoring of a fictitious CO2 sequestration using the geometry of a real geological site and a suite of suitable electromagnetic methods with different source/receiver configurations and different sensitivity patterns. All available geological information is processed and directly implemented into the computational domain, which is discretized by unstructured tetrahedral grids. We thus demonstrate the performance capability of our numerical simulation techniques. The scenario considers a CO2 injection in approximately 1100 m depth. The expected changes in conductivity were inferred from preceding laboratory measurements. A resistive anomaly is caused within the conductive brines of the undisturbed reservoir horizon. The resistive nature of the anomaly is enhanced by the CO2 dissolution regime, which prevails in the high‐salinity environment. Due to the physicochemical properties of CO2, the affected portion of the subsurface is laterally widespread but very thin. We combine controlled‐source electromagnetics, borehole transient electromagnetics, and the direct‐current resistivity method to perform a virtual experiment with the aim of scrutinizing a set of source/receiver configurations with respect to coverage, resolution, and detectability of the anomalous CO2 plume prior to the field survey. Our simulation studies are carried out using the 3D codes developed in our working group. They are all based on linear and higher order Lagrange and Nédélec finite‐element formulations on unstructured grids, providing the necessary flexibility with respect to the complex real‐world geometry. We provide different strategies for addressing the accuracy of numerical simulations in the case of arbitrary structures. The presented computations demonstrate the expected great advantage of positioning transmitters or receivers close to the target. For direct‐current geoelectrics, 50% change in electric potential may be detected even at the Earth's surface. Monitoring with inductive methods is also promising. For a well‐positioned surface transmitter, more than 10% difference in the vertical electric field is predicted for a receiver located 200 m above the target. Our borehole transient electromagnetics results demonstrate that traditional transient electromagnetics with a vertical magnetic dipole source is not well suited for monitoring a thin horizontal resistive target. This is due to the mainly horizontal current system, which is induced by a vertical magnetic dipole.  相似文献   
Abstract— Two rare, spinel-bearing, Al-rich chondrules have been identified in new chondrite finds from Roosevelt County, New Mexico—RC 071 (L4) and RC 072 (L5). These chondrules have unusual mineralogies, dominated by highly and asymmetrically zoned, Al-Cr-rich spinels. Two alternatives exist to explain the origin of this zoning—fractional crystallization or metamorphism. It appears that fractional crystallization formed the zoning of the trivalent cations (Al, Cr) and caused a localized depletion in chromites around the large Al-Cr-rich spinels. The origin of the zoning of the divalent cations (Fe, Mg, Zn) is less certain. Diffusive exchange and partitioning of Fe and Mg between olivine and spinel during parent body metamorphism can explain the asymmetric zoning of these elements. Unfortunately, appropriate studies of natural and experimental systems to evaluate the formation of zoning of the divalent cations by fractional crystallization have not yet been conducted. The bulk compositions of the chondrules suggest affinities with the Na-Al-Cr-rich chondrules, as would be expected from the abundance of Al-Cr-rich spinels. Melting of rare and unusual precursors produced the compositions of Na-Al-Cr-rich chondrules, possibly including a spinel-rich precursor enriched in Cr2O3 and ZnO. The two chondrules we studied have larger modal abundances of Al-Cr-rich spinels than reported in other Na-Al-Cr-rich chondrules of similar composition, and Al-rich chondrules even more enriched in spinel are reported in the literature. These differences indicate that factors other than bulk composition control the mineralogy of the chondrules. The most important of these factors are the temperature to which the molten chondrule was heated and the cooling rate during crystallization. These two chondrules cooled rapidly from near the liquidus, as indicated by the zoning, occurrence and sizes of spinels, radiating chondrule textures and localized chromite depletions. The range of mineralogies in other Al-rich chondrules of similar composition reflect a range of peak temperatures and cooling rates. We see no reason to believe that this range is fundamentally different from the range of thermal histories experienced by “normal” Fe-Mg-rich chondrules.  相似文献   
Plagioclases in different types of lunar highland rocks (all highly feldspathic) are twinned according to different laws and in different styles. Carlsbad and Carlsbad-albite twins, presumed to be growth twins, occur mainly in rocks which show igneous texture, and which have not been severely brecciated. These two twin laws appear to be absent from cataclastic rocks, including cataclastic anorthosite, possibly because the original twins were preferentially broken up in cataclasis (the composition plane being a plane of weakness). Pericline and lamellar albite twins, presumed to be deformation twins (except for some albite growth twins) occur in all types of rocks, and obvious deformation features, such as bending of lamellae, are well shown in many cataclastic rocks. Surprisingly, some Carlsbad and Carlsbad-albite twins are found in rocks with granoblastic texture, which presumably recrystallized in the solid state. This contrasts with previous observations on terrestrial metamorphic rocks, in which such growth twins are scarce or absent. The difference may be due to a higher rate of temperature change in the shock-heated lunar rocks. Further study of plagioclase twin laws in lunar rocks may assist in deciphering the complicated history of the highlands.  相似文献   
A total of 150 samples were collected at a 10-days' anchor station in the Bornholm basin (55° 31.1′N, 15° 32.1′E) and analyzed for dissolved (< 0.4 μm) and particulate trace metals. For dissolved Mn, large gradients have been found in the vertical distribution with minimum concentrations (< 0.2 μgl?1) in the halocline zone and considerably higher values in the deep waters (up to 50 μgl?1). Ultrafiltration studies indicate that dissolved Mn is probably present as Mn2+ in the oxygenated bottom layer. The primary production process was not evident in the particulate Mn profile; the suspended particulate material (SPM), however, shows a considerable enrichment with depth, apparently due to Mn-oxide precipitation.The distribution of dissolved Fe was rather homogeneous, with average concentrations throughout the water column between 0.86 and 1.1 μgl?1, indicating that the oxidation of Fe2+ ions released from the sediments must already be complete in the very near oxidation boundary layer. Relatively high concentrations of particulate Fe were actually measured in the bottom layer, with the maximum mean of 11.2 μgl?1 at 72 m. Similarly to Mn, the profile of particulate Fe does not reflect the SPM curve of the eutrophic layer. On average, about 70% of the total Fe in surface waters was found to be particulate.The average concentrations of dissolved Zn, Cd and Cu were found to be rather homogeneous in the water column but showed a relatively high variability with time. A simplified model on trace-metal uptake by phytoplankton indicates no significant change in dissolved metal concentrations during the period of investigation. On average, only 1.7% Zn, 3.3% Cd and 9.8% Cu of the total metal concentrations were found in particulate form. SPM analyses showed significant correlations of Zn, Cd and Cu with Fe, indicating that particulate iron is an important carrier for particulate trace metals in Baltic waters.  相似文献   
C++ and Java code for recursion formulas in mathematical geodesy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Preserving the Ocean Circulation: Implications for Climate Policy   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Climate modelers have recognized the possibility of abrupt climate changes caused by a reorganization of the North Atlantic's current pattern (technically known as a thermohaline circulation collapse). This circulation system now warms north-western Europe and transports carbon dioxide to the deep oceans. The posited collapse of this system could produce severe cooling in northwestern Europe, even when general global warming is in progress. In this paper we use a simple integrated assessment model to investigate the optimal policy response to this risk. Adding the constraint of avoiding a thermohaline circulation collapse would significantly reduce the allowable greenhouse gas emissions in the long run along an optimal path. Our analysis implies that relatively small damages associated with a collapse (less than 1% of gross world product) would justify a considerable reduction of future carbon dioxide emissions.  相似文献   
On February 13, 1981 a relatively strong earthquake occurred in the Lake Vänern region in south-central Sweden. The shock had a magnitude ofML = 3.3 and was followed within three weeks by three aftershocks, with magnitudes 0.5 ≤ ML ≤ 1.0. The focal mechanism solution of the main shock indicates reverse faulting with a strike in the N-S or NE-SW direction and a nearly horizontal compressional stress. The aftershocks were too small to yield data for a full mechanism solution, but first motions of P-waves, recorded at two stations, are consistent for the aftershocks. Dynamic source parameters, derived from Pg- and Sg-wave spectra, show similar stress drops for the main shock (2 bar) and the aftershocks (1 bar), while the differences in seismic moment (1.5·1020 resp. 4·1018dyne cm), fault length (0.7 resp. 0.2 km) and relative displacement (0.15 resp. 0.03 cm) are significant.  相似文献   
Stable isotopes and trace elements in ostracod shells have been used widely in paleolimnological investigations of past lake hydrochemistry and climate because they provide insights into past water balance and solute evolution of lakes. Regional differences in lake characteristics and species-specific element fractionation, however, do not permit generalization of results from other regions or ostracod species to the southern Tibetan Plateau, in part because most common taxa from the southern Tibetan Plateau are endemic to the area. This study evaluated relations between present-day environmental conditions and the geochemical composition of modern ostracod shells from the southern Tibetan Plateau, to assess the suitability of using shell chemistry to infer hydrological conditions. We studied nine lakes and their catchments, located along a west–east transect in the south-central part of the Tibetan Plateau. Stable oxygen and carbon isotope values and trace element concentrations in recent shells from the four most abundant ostracod species (Leucocytherella sinensis, ?Leucocythere dorsotuberosa, Limnocythere inopinata, Tonnacypris gyirongensis) were measured, together with hydrochemical properties of host waters at the time of sampling. Results revealed significant between-species differences in stable isotope fractionation and trace element incorporation into shell calcite. Stable oxygen and carbon isotope values of ostracod shells were correlated significantly with the stable isotope composition of the respective water body \( \left( {\updelta^{18} {\text{O}}_{{{\text{H}}_{ 2} {\text{O}}}} \,{\text{and }}\updelta^{13} {\text{C}}_{{{\text{H}}_{ 2} {\text{O}}}} } \right) \), reflecting salinity and productivity, respectively. Offsets between δ18Oshell and δ13Cshell and inorganic calcite, the latter representing isotopic equilibrium, suggest shell formation of T. gyirongensis during spring melt. L. sinensis reproduces throughout the monsoon season until September and shows several consecutive generations, and L. inopinata molts to the adult stage after the monsoon season in August/September. The influence of pore water δ13C was displayed by L. inopinata, suggesting shell calcification within the sediment. Mg/Cashell is primarily influenced by water Mg/Ca ratios and salinity and confirms the use of this shell ratio as a proxy for precipitation-evaporation balance and lake level. In addition, Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca can be used to infer changes in salinity, at least in closed-basin lakes with calcite saturation. Observed effects of water Sr/Ca and salinity on Sr/Ca incorporation are biased by the presence of aragonite precipitation in the lakes, which removes bioavailable Sr from the host water, resulting in low Sr/Cashell values. Changes in carbonate mineralogy affect the bioavailability of trace elements, a process that should be considered in paleoclimate reconstructions. Oxygen isotopes and Mg/Cashell ratios were unaffected by water temperature. Positive correlations among Fe/Ca, Mn/Ca and U/Ca in ostracod shells, and their negative correlation with δ13C, which reflects organic matter decay, show the potential to infer changes in redox conditions that can be used to reconstruct past oxygen supply to bottom waters and thus past water-circulation changes within lakes. The intensity of microbial activity, associated with organic matter decomposition, can be inferred from U/Ca ratios in ostracod shells. These findings highlight the value of fossil ostracod records in lake deposits for inferring paleoenvironmental conditions on the southern Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   
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