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The Beaver-Harrison, Utah chondrite (find July 24, 1979), a single, shock-veined stone of 925 grams, consists of major olivine (Fa25.0), low-Ca pyroxene (En77.3Fs21.1Wo1.6) and metallic nickel-iron; minor troilite and plagioclase (Ab82.6An11.1Or6.3), accessory high-Ca pyroxene (En47.0Fs8.5Wo44.5), chromite (Cm8.7Sp10.6Uv9.4Pc0.6Hc0.7), chlorapatite and whitlockite; and hydrous ferric oxide of terrestrial weathering origin. Mineral compositions indicate L-group classification, and homogeneity of minerals, highly recrystallized texture and presence of clear plagioclase suggest that the meteorite belongs to petrologic type 6.  相似文献   
Based on teleseismic broadband data, mainly recorded from stationsof the Incorporated Research Institute for Seismology (IRIS) and theGräfenberg (GRF) array in Germany, the focal mechanism and thefocal depth of the largest earthquakes in northeastern Siberia in thetime interval 1976–1996 were determined. For 9 events the relativeanelastic attenuation of the shear wave with respect to the compressionalwave along the travel paths could be calculated. Using the slip vectorsfrom the best constrained focal mechanisms and additional slip vectorsfrom Jemsek et al. (1986) and Parfenov et al. (1988), we obtained the North American–Eurasian pole of rotation west of the Cherskii mountainsat 67.1° N, 132.3° E.The investigation shows that the extension of the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridgeinto the continental shelf acts as a continental graben structure.Actually, the crustal extension is concentrated on the eastern LaptevSea area and the seismicity of the western part of the Laptev Sea canbe explained by the assumption of a separate microplate. In the continentsoutheast of the Laptev Sea a series of northwest trending depressions,known as the Moma `Rift', are observed. Although in this region elevatedheat flow, recent volcanism and a low crustal thickness were found (i.e.Duchkov and Sokolova, 1985; Devyatkin, 1985), there is only a poorcorrelation between the seismicity and the rift valleys. So the Momastructures seem to be related to an aborted rift structure.  相似文献   
Internally consistent thermodynamic data, including their uncertainties and correlations, are reported for 22 phases of the quaternary system CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O. These data have been derived by simultaneous evaluation of the appropriate phase properties (PP) and reaction properties (RP) by the novel technique of Bayes estimation (BE). The thermodynamic model used and the theory of BE was expounded in Part I of this paper. Part II is the follow-up study illustrating an application of BE. The input for BE comprised, among others, the a priori values for standard enthalpy of formation of the i-th phase, Δf H i 0 , and its standard entropy, S i 0 , in addition to the reaction reversal constraints for 33 equilibria involving the relevant phases. A total of 269 RP restrictions have been processed, of which 107 turned out to be non-redundant. The refined values for Δf H i 0 and S i 0 obtained by BE, including their 2σ-uncertainties, appear in Table 4; the Appendix reproduces the corresponding correlation matrix. These data permit generation of computed phase diagrams with 2σ-uncertainty envelopes based on conventional error propagation; Fig. 3 depicts such a phase diagram for the system CaO-Al2O3-SiO2. It shows that the refined dataset is capable of yielding phase diagrams with uncertainty envelopes narrow enough to be geologically useful. The results in Table 4 demonstrate that the uncertainties of the prior values for Δf H i Emphasis>0 , given in Table 1, have decreased by up to an order of magnitude, while those for S i 0 improved by a factor of up to two. For comparison, Table 4 also lists the refined Δf H i 0 and S i 0 data obtained by mathematical programming (MAP), minimizing a quadratic objective function used earlier by Berman (1988). Examples of calculated phase diagrams are given to demonstrate the advantages of BE for deriving internally consistent thermodynamic data. Although P-T curves generated from both MAP and BE databases will pass through the reversal restrictions, BE datasets appear to be better suited for extrapolations beyond the P-T range explored experimentally and for predicting equilibria not constrained by reversals.  相似文献   
Non-steady state deformation and annealing experiments on vein quartz are designed to simulate earthquake-driven episodic deformation in the middle crust. Three types of experiments were carried out using a modified Griggs-type solid medium deformation apparatus. All three start with high stress deformation at a temperature of 400 °C and a constant strain rate of 10− 4 s− 1 (type A), some are followed by annealing in the stability field of α-quartz for 14–15 h at zero nominal differential stress and temperatures of 800–1000 °C (type A + B), or by annealing for 15 h at 900 °C and at a residual stress (type A + C).The quartz samples reveal a very high strength > 2 GPa at a few percent of permanent strain. The microstructures after short-term high stress deformation (type A) record localized brittle and plastic deformation. Statisc annealing (type A + B) results in recrystallisation restricted to the highly damaged zones. The new grains aligned in strings and without crystallographic preferred orientation, indicate nucleation and growth. Annealing at non-hydrostatic conditions (type A + C) results in shear zones that also develop from deformation bands or cracks that formed during the preceding high stress deformation. In this case, however, the recrystallised zone is several grain diameters wide, the grains are elongate, and a marked crystallographic preferred orientation indicates flow by dislocation creep with dynamic recrystallisation. Quartz microstructures identical to those produced in type A + B experiments are observed in cores recovered from Long Valley Exploratory Well in the Quaternary Long Valley Caldera, California, with considerable seismic activity.The experiments demonstrate the behaviour of quartz at coseismic loading (type A) and subsequent static annealing (type A + B) or creep at decaying stress (type A + C) in the middle crust. The experimentally produced microfabrics allow to identify similar processes and conditions in exhumed rocks.  相似文献   
One hundred and seventy-six oxide mineral grains in the Luna 20 samples were analyzed by electron microprobe. Spinel is the most abundant oxide, occurring in troctolite fragments. Next most abundant is ilmenite, which occurs in all rock types except those containing spinel. Chromite also occurs in all rock types except those containing spinel. Minor amounts of ulvöspinel, armalcolite, zirkelite, baddeleyite and an unidentified TiO2-rich phase were also found.Spinel grains are predominantly spinel-hercynite solid solutions, commonly with very minor chromite. The Fe(Fe + Mg) ratio is generally lower than in spinel from Apollo 14 rocks. Chromites in non-mare rocks are similar to those from mare rocks. Ilmenite of mare origin is Mg-poor and Zr-rich compared to non-mare ilmenite; these elements may therefore be useful in determining the origin of ilmenite grains.Phase equilibria considerations suggest that spinel troctolite crystallized from a melt high in alumina; a likely candidate is the high-alumina basalt of Prinzet al. (1973a).Sub-micron wide rods of metallic Fe occur in plagioclase grains and may have formed by sub-solidus reduction processes.  相似文献   
Amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) are the most common type of refractory inclusions in CM, CR, CH, CV, CO, and ungrouped carbonaceous chondrites Acfer 094 and Adelaide; only one AOA was found in the CBb chondrite Hammadah al Hamra 237 and none were observed in the CBa chondrites Bencubbin, Gujba, and Weatherford. In primitive (unaltered and unmetamorphosed) carbonaceous chondrites, AOAs consist of forsterite (Fa<2), Fe, Ni-metal (5-12 wt% Ni), and Ca, Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) composed of Al-diopside, spinel, anorthite, and very rare melilite. Melilite is typically replaced by a fine-grained mixture of spinel, Al-diopside, and ±anorthite; spinel is replaced by anorthite. About 10% of AOAs contain low-Ca pyroxene replacing forsterite. Forsterite and spinel are always 16O-rich (δ17,18O∼−40‰ to −50‰), whereas melilite, anorthite, and diopside could be either similarly 16O-rich or 16O-depleted to varying degrees; the latter is common in AOAs from altered and metamorphosed carbonaceous chondrites such as some CVs and COs. Low-Ca pyroxene is either 16O-rich (δ17,18O∼−40‰) or 16O-poor (δ17,18O∼0‰). Most AOAs in CV chondrites have unfractionated (∼2-10×CI) rare-earth element patterns. AOAs have similar textures, mineralogy and oxygen isotopic compositions to those of forsterite-rich accretionary rims surrounding different types of CAIs (compact and fluffy Type A, Type B, and fine-grained, spinel-rich) in CV and CR chondrites. AOAs in primitive carbonaceous chondrites show no evidence for alteration and thermal metamorphism. Secondary minerals in AOAs from CR, CM, and CO, and CV chondrites are similar to those in chondrules, CAIs, and matrices of their host meteorites and include phyllosilicates, magnetite, carbonates, nepheline, sodalite, grossular, wollastonite, hedenbergite, andradite, and ferrous olivine.Our observations and a thermodynamic analysis suggest that AOAs and forsterite-rich accretionary rims formed in 16O-rich gaseous reservoirs, probably in the CAI-forming region(s), as aggregates of solar nebular condensates originally composed of forsterite, Fe, Ni-metal, and CAIs. Some of the CAIs were melted prior to aggregation into AOAs and experienced formation of Wark-Lovering rims. Before and possibly after the aggregation, melilite and spinel in CAIs reacted with SiO and Mg of the solar nebula gas enriched in 16O to form Al-diopside and anorthite. Forsterite in some AOAs reacted with 16O-enriched SiO gas to form low-Ca pyroxene. Some other AOAs were either reheated in 16O-poor gaseous reservoirs or coated by 16O-depleted pyroxene-rich dust and melted to varying degrees, possibly during chondrule formation. The most extensively melted AOAs experienced oxygen isotope exchange with 16O-poor nebular gas and may have been transformed into magnesian (Type I) chondrules. Secondary mineralization and at least some of the oxygen isotope exchange in AOAs from altered and metamorphosed chondrites must have resulted from alteration in the presence of aqueous solutions after aggregation and lithification of the chondrite parent asteroids.  相似文献   
The Kramer Creek, Colorado, chondrite was found in 1966 and identified as a meteorite in 1972. Bulk chemical analysis, particularly the total iron content (20.36%) and the ratio of Fetotal/SiO2 (0.52), as well as the compositions of olivine (Fa21.7) and orthopyroxene (Fs18.3) place the meteorite into the L-group of chondrites. The well-defined chondritic texture of the meteorite, the presence of igneous glass in the chondrules and of low-Ca clinopyroxene, as well as the slight variations in FeO contents of olivine (2.4% MD) and orthopyroxene (5.6% MD) indicate that the chondrite belongs to the type 4 petrologic class.  相似文献   
Stable isotopes and trace elements in ostracod shells have been used widely in paleolimnological investigations of past lake hydrochemistry and climate because they provide insights into past water balance and solute evolution of lakes. Regional differences in lake characteristics and species-specific element fractionation, however, do not permit generalization of results from other regions or ostracod species to the southern Tibetan Plateau, in part because most common taxa from the southern Tibetan Plateau are endemic to the area. This study evaluated relations between present-day environmental conditions and the geochemical composition of modern ostracod shells from the southern Tibetan Plateau, to assess the suitability of using shell chemistry to infer hydrological conditions. We studied nine lakes and their catchments, located along a west–east transect in the south-central part of the Tibetan Plateau. Stable oxygen and carbon isotope values and trace element concentrations in recent shells from the four most abundant ostracod species (Leucocytherella sinensis, ?Leucocythere dorsotuberosa, Limnocythere inopinata, Tonnacypris gyirongensis) were measured, together with hydrochemical properties of host waters at the time of sampling. Results revealed significant between-species differences in stable isotope fractionation and trace element incorporation into shell calcite. Stable oxygen and carbon isotope values of ostracod shells were correlated significantly with the stable isotope composition of the respective water body \( \left( {\updelta^{18} {\text{O}}_{{{\text{H}}_{ 2} {\text{O}}}} \,{\text{and }}\updelta^{13} {\text{C}}_{{{\text{H}}_{ 2} {\text{O}}}} } \right) \), reflecting salinity and productivity, respectively. Offsets between δ18Oshell and δ13Cshell and inorganic calcite, the latter representing isotopic equilibrium, suggest shell formation of T. gyirongensis during spring melt. L. sinensis reproduces throughout the monsoon season until September and shows several consecutive generations, and L. inopinata molts to the adult stage after the monsoon season in August/September. The influence of pore water δ13C was displayed by L. inopinata, suggesting shell calcification within the sediment. Mg/Cashell is primarily influenced by water Mg/Ca ratios and salinity and confirms the use of this shell ratio as a proxy for precipitation-evaporation balance and lake level. In addition, Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca can be used to infer changes in salinity, at least in closed-basin lakes with calcite saturation. Observed effects of water Sr/Ca and salinity on Sr/Ca incorporation are biased by the presence of aragonite precipitation in the lakes, which removes bioavailable Sr from the host water, resulting in low Sr/Cashell values. Changes in carbonate mineralogy affect the bioavailability of trace elements, a process that should be considered in paleoclimate reconstructions. Oxygen isotopes and Mg/Cashell ratios were unaffected by water temperature. Positive correlations among Fe/Ca, Mn/Ca and U/Ca in ostracod shells, and their negative correlation with δ13C, which reflects organic matter decay, show the potential to infer changes in redox conditions that can be used to reconstruct past oxygen supply to bottom waters and thus past water-circulation changes within lakes. The intensity of microbial activity, associated with organic matter decomposition, can be inferred from U/Ca ratios in ostracod shells. These findings highlight the value of fossil ostracod records in lake deposits for inferring paleoenvironmental conditions on the southern Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   
Abstract— Two rare, spinel-bearing, Al-rich chondrules have been identified in new chondrite finds from Roosevelt County, New Mexico—RC 071 (L4) and RC 072 (L5). These chondrules have unusual mineralogies, dominated by highly and asymmetrically zoned, Al-Cr-rich spinels. Two alternatives exist to explain the origin of this zoning—fractional crystallization or metamorphism. It appears that fractional crystallization formed the zoning of the trivalent cations (Al, Cr) and caused a localized depletion in chromites around the large Al-Cr-rich spinels. The origin of the zoning of the divalent cations (Fe, Mg, Zn) is less certain. Diffusive exchange and partitioning of Fe and Mg between olivine and spinel during parent body metamorphism can explain the asymmetric zoning of these elements. Unfortunately, appropriate studies of natural and experimental systems to evaluate the formation of zoning of the divalent cations by fractional crystallization have not yet been conducted. The bulk compositions of the chondrules suggest affinities with the Na-Al-Cr-rich chondrules, as would be expected from the abundance of Al-Cr-rich spinels. Melting of rare and unusual precursors produced the compositions of Na-Al-Cr-rich chondrules, possibly including a spinel-rich precursor enriched in Cr2O3 and ZnO. The two chondrules we studied have larger modal abundances of Al-Cr-rich spinels than reported in other Na-Al-Cr-rich chondrules of similar composition, and Al-rich chondrules even more enriched in spinel are reported in the literature. These differences indicate that factors other than bulk composition control the mineralogy of the chondrules. The most important of these factors are the temperature to which the molten chondrule was heated and the cooling rate during crystallization. These two chondrules cooled rapidly from near the liquidus, as indicated by the zoning, occurrence and sizes of spinels, radiating chondrule textures and localized chromite depletions. The range of mineralogies in other Al-rich chondrules of similar composition reflect a range of peak temperatures and cooling rates. We see no reason to believe that this range is fundamentally different from the range of thermal histories experienced by “normal” Fe-Mg-rich chondrules.  相似文献   
We present new polarimetric and photometric observations of the high-albedo Asteroid 64 Angelina in the UBVRI wavebands at phase angles ranging from 0.43° to 13.02° during oppositions in 1995, 1999, and 2000/2001. The polarization opposition effect has been observed in the form of a sharp peak of negative polarization with amplitude of about −0.4% centered at αmin≈1.8°, which is superimposed on the regular negative polarization branch. The amplitude of the polarization opposition effect appears to be apparition-dependent. Our photometric data confirm the early detected by Harris et al. [1989. Phase relations of high-albedo asteroids: The unusual opposition brightening of 44 Nysa and 64 Angelina. Icarus 81, 365-374] of a very strong and unusually narrow opposition spike, i.e., brightness opposition effect, for Angelina. Thus, 64 Angelina is the first asteroid for which both the polarization opposition effect and the brightness opposition effect have been detected. We observed that the polarization opposition effect as well as the regular negative polarization branch depends on the wavelength of scattered light, but in different manners. In addition, the colors B-V and V-R show little phase-angle dependence, while the color U-B increases with increasing phase angle, thus indicating that the amplitude of the brightness opposition effect is larger in the U band and almost the same in the B, V, and R bands. It appears that all colors indices begin to increase with decreasing phase angle to zero. The composite lightcurve computed with a period of 8.752 h has amplitude of 0.13 magnitude.  相似文献   
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