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Geological materials are largely heterogeneous and are typically comprised of approximately ellipsoidal objects immersed in a matrix with different physical properties. Methodologies for the identification of ancient regional tectonic patterns may be developed based on an understanding of the behaviour of heterogeneous materials. In this contribution, the differential equation governing the rotation of a deformable ellipse immersed in a viscous fluid is considered and is found to contain a singularity when the ellipse becomes circular in shape. This problem is avoided by reformulating the equations using the standard algebraic representation of an ellipse. Thus, the equations can be numerically solved without difficulty.  相似文献   
Two rainfall simulators of different plot sizes were used to test whether sediment in runoff could be used to measure aggregate breakdown in the surface of a cracking clay soil under rain. Plots were prepared with either levelled or furrowed surfaces. Samples of the soil surface under rain were taken from furrow ridges or levelled surfaces, and from areas of deposited sediment. These were compared with samples of sediment in runoff taken at the same times. On both furrowed and levelled plot surfaces and for both simulators, aggregate sizes were significantly finer in sediment in runoff than in samples of the soil surface taken with a spatula. No significant differences in surface aggregate size distributions were found between rainfall simulators, or between furrowed and levelled plot surfaces. Regression lines fitted to the data on size distributions of sediment or of aggregates in the soil surface showed no significant changes through time. The fitted lines showed sediment in runoff to be still significantly finer than aggregates in the soil surface after 50 min rain at 95 mm h?1, except for levelled plots under the rotating disc rainfall simulator, where extreme variability of data meant that even relatively large differences were not statistically significant. Size distributions of deposited sediment were similar to those of the surface of adjacent furrow ridges exposed to raindrop impact. This provides evidence that sampling the soil surface with a spatula gives a representative sample of the material available for rain-flow transport.  相似文献   
Summary. The study of the asymptotic behaviour of eigenfrequencies of torsional modes of the Earth is of interest in the problem of the existence of discontinuities in the Earth's interior and the determination of their depth and scale, since the solotone effect, which is a persistent oscillatory cohponent in the asymptotic overtone structure, is very sensitive to the presence of discontinuities. The asymptotic behaviour of torsional eigenfrequencies of the second order differential equation for the Earth's free oscillations can be compared with that obtained from eigenfrequencies evaluated from synthetic SH-wave seismograms by Brune's phase correlation method, using various earth models. The solotone effect that appears in the former for discontinuous models can be explained in terms of multiple reflections fram the discontinuities, and can be reconstructed from synthetic SH -wave pulses arising from these reflections. Its properties vary systematically with the depth and the scale of discontinuities and can be superposed for several discontinuities.  相似文献   
The Tso Morari crystalline (TMC) gneiss dome in the Indian Himalaya extruded from a depth of?~120?km through an inclined subduction channel of sub-elliptical cross-section at the leading edge of the Indian plate. The velocity profile of this gneiss dome is derived after (1) presuming its incompressible Newtonian rheology, (2) finding the “best fit” of the outcrop of the gneiss dome to an ellipse, (3) taking into account different lithologies to have existed at the top of the extruding gneiss body, (4) considering the extrusion to have been driven by the buoyant push of the denser mantle beneath the lighter gneiss, and (5) assigning a range of plausible densities for different litho-units. Fitting the known rates of extrusion—from a few centimetres up to about one-hundredth of a millimetre per year—from?~53?Ma onwards of this gneiss dome to its velocity profile constrains its maximum possible viscosity to?~7.5?×?1022 Pa?s. This magnitude is?102–104 times higher than previous estimates for gneisses and granites. Alternative explanations of our data are the following: (1) There was a fall in extrusion rates of the TMC gneiss from 53?to?<30?Ma because of an increase in the estimated maximum viscosity from 6.2?×?1020 to 7.5?×?1022 Pa?s, possibly indicating a fall in temperature and/or compositional change of the TMC gneiss. (2) Lower the extrusion rates, higher are the estimated viscosities. (3) The TMC gneiss was more viscous probably due to its eclogite content. (4) The estimated maximum viscosity is?~102 times higher than that in collision zones and?102–104 times than that in the Tibetan lower crust, but broadly conforms to that for the crustal channel, and average lithospheric and asthenospheric values. The high magnitude of maximum possible Prandtl number of?~1028 of the TMC gneiss might be related to isothermal decompression of the gneiss during its extrusion.  相似文献   
We present early to Mid‐Holocene paleo‐geographic reconstructions for the Ramore Head area (Northern Ireland). This coastal area is characterized by Mesolithic occupation (c. 10–6 ka) and preserved early–Mid‐Holocene peats both on‐ and offshore. This paper improves on previous reconstructions by employing a backstripping methodology, which removes accumulated recent deposits from identified buried paleo‐landsurfaces instead of using modern topography as an analogue to the past landscape. Paleo‐landsurfaces are identified offshore from seismic profiles supplemented by cores, and onshore through legacy borehole records. The paleo‐landsurface can be traced offshore to depths of −2 to −19 m and is buried by <5 m of modern sediment. It extends onshore under the coastal town of Portrush and is buried <2.5–10 m below modern ground level. The identified paleo‐landsurface is combined with sea‐level curves from recent Glacio‐Isostatic‐Adjustment models to reconstruct marine transgression during the early–Mid‐Holocene. Comparison is also made with reconstructions based on modern topography. Together, the identified paleo‐landsurfaces and revised reconstructions can assist future site prospection on‐ and offshore and delimit high‐potential areas for heritage management. Revised reconstructions also allow placement of extant archaeology into a more accurate context of landscape change and help develop insights into local‐scale site location patterns.  相似文献   
Accurate calibration of data is essential for the current generation of cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments. Using data from the Very Small Array (VSA), we describe procedures which will lead to an accuracy of 1 per cent or better for experiments such as the VSA and CBI. Particular attention is paid to the stability of the receiver systems, the quality of the site and frequent observations of reference sources. At 30 GHz the careful correction for atmospheric emission and absorption is shown to be essential for achieving 1 per cent precision.
The sources for which a 1 per cent relative flux density calibration was achieved included Cas A, Cyg A, Tau A and NGC 7027 and the planets Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. A flux density, or brightness temperature in the case of the planets, was derived at 33 GHz relative to Jupiter which was adopted as the fundamental calibrator. A spectral index at ∼30 GHz is given for each.
Cas A, Tau A, NGC 7027 and Venus were examined for variability. Cas A was found to be decreasing at 0.394 ± 0.019 per cent yr−1 over the period 2001 March to 2004 August. In the same period Tau A was decreasing at 0.22 ± 0.07 per cent yr−1. A survey of the published data showed that the planetary nebula NGC 7027 decreased at 0.16 ± 0.04 per cent yr−1 over the period 1967–2003. Venus showed an insignificant (1.5 ± 1.3 per cent) variation with Venusian illumination. The integrated polarization of Tau A at 33 GHz was found to be 7.8 ± 0.6 per cent at position angle =148°± 3°.  相似文献   
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