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A remarkably regular cyclicity with a fundamental period of ~11–12 cycles is preserved in the 680 million year old Elatina formation of South Australia. All but one of the many periods present can be interpreted as resulting from the combined influences of the sunspot cycle and the lunar nodal tide - in particular, beating between these two cycles gives rise to a long period phase alternation. Available paleontological evidence is used to constrain the lunar distance 680 Ma ago, thereby constraining the length of the lunar nodal tide. We then infer from the beat period that the sunspot cycle was 10.8 ± 0.2 years, which is in agreement with independent astronomical evidence suggesting that the sunspot cycle would then have been some 3–10% shorter than it is at present. Although this interpretation is not consistent with the 12.0 year sunspot cycle counted by Williams and Sonett (1985), we demonstrate that unavoidable random errors made in discriminating unusually indistinct varves gives rise to a systematic overcount of varves of this magnitude. The clarity of this evidence for solar and lunar signals in the climate 680 Ma ago lends support to reports of their importance today.National Research Council Postoctoral Associate.  相似文献   
Geochemical and isotopic analyses have been performed on a suite of samples from a Jurassic quartz tholeiite sill of the Ferrar Group at Portal Peak, Queen Alexandra Range, near the Beardmore Glacier in Antarctica. The data include major and trace element (XRF and INAA) concentrations, as well as Sr and Nd isotopic compositions, and are combined with the results of other studies on samples from Antarctica. It is demonstrated that despite differences in the pre-intrusion (or eruption) evolution of the Ferrar Group magmas, the similarity in isotopic and chemical compositions for these rocks supports the existence of a remarkably uniform mantle source with unusual signature over a distance of thousands of kilometres. The favoured origin of this source involves the subduction of terrestrial sedimentary material into a depleted mantle reservoir.  相似文献   
During two years of sampling, 747 larval and 1,379 juvenile spotted seatrout,Cynoscion nebulosus, were collected in Tampa Bay, Florida; 93% were less than 75 mm SL. Length-frequency distributions and otolith analysis showed that spawning took place from early April until late October. Two seasonal spawning peaks (spring and summer) were made up of many smaller peaks, apparently timed with moon phases. Plankton samples contained larvae that measured up to about 7 mm SL (17 d old). Larvae collected from an upper bay station were less numerous and larger than those collected at other stations. The presence of small larvae from middle and lower bay stations indicated that spawning probably took place from the middle bay to nearshore Gulf waters. Juveniles used seagrass beds as their major habitat, but they were also found in unvegetated backwaters. Spotted seatrout grew to about 35 mm SL in 2 months, 84 mm SL in 4 months, and 140 mm SL in 6 months. Eighty-five percent of the alimentary tracts in larvae were empty; those with food contained primarily copepods. Eleven percent of the stomachs of juveniles were empty. Fish and shrimp were the most important food groups in the diets of fish >15 mm SL. Intraspecific comparisons of diets showed high dietary overlap between larval fish and those measuring 8–15 mm SL and among size classes >15 mm SL.  相似文献   
The errors in the chemical analyses of a granodiorite rock powder for 6 constituents (K 2O, Na2O, CaO,∑Fe2O3, MgO, and MnO) have been determined by replicate analyses of the whole rock and of a series of different sieved fractions. Sample inhomogeneity is indicated. This is confirmed by analyses of the fused rock powder. Fusion to a glass is therefore recommended for the preparation of geochemical rock standards.  相似文献   
The age and lithologic settings of mid-Paleozoic massive sulfide deposits in Central Europe and southwest Iberia are suggestive of extensional tectonic environments. This inference is supported by the facies configurations of contemporaneous clastic sediments, the presence of deepwater lithologies and pelagic faunas, and marked mafic-felsic bimodalism in associated volcanic rocks.The massive sulfide deposits of the Moravia-Silesia area, Rammelsberg, Meggen, and other deposits appear to have formed in the same tectonic environment: one dominated by crustal extension. The important massive sulfide deposits of the southwest Iberian province formed somewhat later, but appear to be related to a phase of crustal extension initiated in late Devonian time.These two sets of rifting (sensu latu) events correlate in time with Caledonide collision in the north and subsequent Acadian collision further south. The postulated extensional events thus may relate directly to these collisions.All the areas under consideration were subsequently affected by Hercynian compressional events. The high potash granites associated with Hercynian collisions are largely the products of crustal melting and consequently have associated with them ore deposits characterized by lithophile elements such as tin, tungsten and uranium. A significant fraction of the Paleozoic metallogeny of Europe can thus be understood in terms of extensional tectonic events followed by compressional events less than 100 m.y. later.
Zusammenfassung Das Alter und die lithologische Zusammensetzung von massiven Sulfiderzlagerstätten des Devons in Mittel-Europa und Südwest-Iberien deuten auf eine Ausweitungstektonik. Diese Hypothese wird bekräftigt durch die Fazieskonfiguration gleichalter klastischer Sedimente, das Auftreten von Tiefseeablagerungen und pelagischen Faunen, und die ausgesprochen mafisch-felsische Bimodalität von assoziierten Vulkaniten.Die massiven Sulfidlagerstätten von Mähren und Schlesien, Rammelsberg, Meggen und andere Vorkommen scheinen sich unter den gleichen tektonischen Bedingungen gebildet zu haben, nämlich unter Dehnungseffekten der Kruste. Die wichtigsten massiven Sulfidlagerstätten der südwestlichen Iberischen Provinz entstanden etwas später, sie scheinen einer Dehnungsphase beginnend im höheren Devon zugeordnet zu sein.Diese zwei Phasen eines Riftings (sensu lato) stimmen zeitlich mit der kaledonischen Kollision im Norden und der darauffolgenden akadischen Kollision weiter südlich überein. Die angenommenen Dehnungsvorgänge können daher direkt mit diesen Kollisionen in Verbindung gebracht werden.Alle besprochenen Gebiete sind in der Folge von herzynischen Einengungs-Erscheinungen betroffen worden. Die hochgradig kali-haltigen Granite, die den herzynischen Kollisionen zugeordnet sind, sind größtenteils die Ergebnisse von krustalen Schmelzvorgängen und haben deshalb assoziierte Erzlagerstätten, die durch lithophile Elemente wie Zinn, Wolfram und Uran gekennzeichnet sind. Ein beträchtlicher Teil der paläozoischen Metallogenese Europas kann daher aus der Sicht distraktiver tektonischer Erscheinungen gesehen werden, deren Einengungs-Vorgänge weniger als 100 Millionen Jahre später folgten.

Résumé L'âge et la composition lithologique des gisements de sulferes massifs du Paléozoïque moyen de l'Europe Centrale et du sud-ouest de la Péninsule ibérique suggèrent un environement tectonique de distension. Cette hypothèse est appuyée par la configuration des facies des sédiments clastiques contemporains, la présence de lithologies d'eau profonde et de faunes pélagiques et par l'existence d'un net bimodalisme mafique-felsique dans les roches volcaniques associées.Les importants gisements de sulfere de Moravie et de Silésie, du Rammelsberg, de Meggen et autressemblent s'être formés sous un régime tectonique semblable, principalement sous l'effet de distensions de la croûte. Les gisements du sud-ouest de la Péninsule ibérique se sont formés un jeu plus tard, mais semblent être liés à une phase de distension crustale ayant débutéau Dévonien supérieur.Ces deux séries de ruptures (sensu latu) sont corrélés dans le temps avec la collision calédonienne au nord et la collision acadienne subséquente plus au sud.Les évènements de distension invoqués peuvent done être directement liés à ces collisions.Toutes les régions considérées ici furent affectées plus tard par la compression hercynienne. Les granites à haute teneur en potasse, liés aux collisions hercyniennes sont, en grande partie, des produits de la fusion crustale. Ils sont par conséquent associés à des gisements de minerais d'étain, de tungstène et d'uranium. Une partie importante de la métallogénie paléozoïque de l'Europe peut être ainsi comprise en termes d'événements tectoniques de distensions suivis moins de 100 millions d'années plus tard, par une compression.

- . , Dorhaudeusens , - . , , , , , . ; -, . — (sensu lato) . , . , , , , , - , . , , , no- 100 .
Seabeam mapping and detailed geophysical surveying have been conducted over the Nankai Trough where the fossil Shikoku Ridge is subducted below southwest Japan. The geometry of the oceanic lithosphere bending under the margin as well as the three-dimensional structure of the accretionary prism have thus been determined in detail. Three 350° trending, probably transform faults have been identified in the area of the survey. They do not extend further south and appear to be limited to the last phase of spreading within the Shikoku Basin, probably between 15 and 12 Ma; this last phase of spreading would then have been accompanied by a sharp change in spreading direction from east-west to N 350°. The two eastern transform faults limit a zone of reduced Nankai trench fill of turbidites opposite to the Tosa Bae Embayment. This observation suggests that the Tosa Bae Embayment actually results from this reduced supply of trench fill to the imbricate thrusting process. The accretionary prism can be divided into three different tectonic provinces separated by continuous mappable thrusts, the Lower and Upper Main Thrusts. Surface shortening is limited to the lower accretionary prism south of the Upper Main Thrust (UMT) whereas uplift with possible extension characterizes the prism above the UMT. Deformation, due to the relative plate motion, mostly affects the lower accretionary prism south of the UMT.  相似文献   
Field surveys in the Oga-Atetsu and Yamaguchi areas of Southwest Japan have been conducted in order to precise the structure of the Permian orogen. A stack of nappes is recognized comprising from top to bottom: (1) the Oga nappe which is considered to be a seamount complex, (2) HP Sangun metamorphics, (3) the Permian Yakuno ophiolite, and (4) the Permian detrital Maizuru group which is interpreted as the sedimentary cover of a continental block, called here the Honshu block, outcropping as the Older Granite. This stack of nappes is overthrust by the Paleozoic Hida basement consisting of HT gneisses, granites and late Carboniferous shallow-water sediments. Microtectonic analysis of the Sangun schists shows that the subhorizontal schistosity bearing a submeridian lineation was formed during the synmetamorphic phase. Asymmetric pressure shadows, shear bands and sigmoidal minerals show that the synmetamorphic deformation corresponds to a ductile shear from north to south. The Permian/early Triassic orogeny is interpreted as the result of a collision between the Hida gneiss (or South China block) and the Honshu block, the intervening oceanic area gave rise to southward directed nappes. The Permian orogenic belt extends at least from Taiwan to central Japan.  相似文献   
We developed categorical time-series regression models to evaluate the roles of lagged stock abundance history, hydrographic variability, and anthropogenic factors in controlling the variation in abundance of striped bass and American shad in the Potomac, Delaware, and Hudson rivers. These models can be used to evaluate directly the role of interactions of variates to produce greater than average recruitment to commercial fish stocks. Whereas hydrographic factors dominate striped bass dynamics in all three estuaries for the period 1929–1976 compared to the pollution variables tested (i.e., sewage loading, dissolved oxygen, and biological oxygen demand), American shad shows strong dependence on the anthropogenic factors compared to hydrographic variates in all three estuaries.  相似文献   
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