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Medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (MSTID) are wave-like perturbations of the ionospheric plasma with wavelengths of several hundred kilometres and velocities of several hundred metres per second. MSTID is one of the most common ionospheric phenomena that generally induce the perturbations of ionospheric total electron content (TEC) by ∼1016 electron/m2, which corresponds to ∼54 ns (16.2 cm) delay at GPS L1 signal. In the past decade, several new characteristics on MSTIDs have been revealed by the TEC observations using the dense GPS receiver network in Japan. In this paper, we provide a short review of these new observations and summarize the morphological characteristics of MSTIDs in Japan.  相似文献   
Our detailed field investigation, paleoseismic trenching, and airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR)‐derived topographic data provides the first direct evidence for late Quaternary repetitive surface faulting on the northeast‐striking Isurugi fault along the northwestern margin of the Tonami Plain in the Hokuriku region of north‐central Japan. This fault has been interpreted previously by different researchers as both inactive and active, owing to a lack of geologic evidence and a failure to identify fault‐related geomorphic features. Our mapping of LiDAR topography revealed a series of northeast‐trending warped fluvial terraces, about 1.5 km long and 170 m wide, with an age of ≤ 29 ka. We interpreted these geomorphologic features to represent an active pop‐up structure bounded to the southeast by the northwest‐dipping main thrust of the Isurugi fault and to the northwest by a southeast‐dipping backthrust that splays off the main thrust in the shallow subsurface. Paleoseismic trenching across the northwestern part of an elongate terrace exposed a series of southeast‐dipping backthrusts and associated northwest‐verging monoclines. The deformation and depositional age of the strata provide evidence for repetitive surface rupturing on the backthrusts since the latest Pleistocene; the latest of these events occurred in the Holocene between about 4.0 and 0.9 ka. Despite the poor preservation of the surface expression of the Isurugi fault, repetitive scarp‐forming faulting in the late Quaternary and the proximity of the Oyabe River and its tributaries to the fault trace suggest that there may be an extension of the Isurugi fault to the northeast and southwest beneath the Tonami Plain that makes the fault long enough to generate a large earthquake (Mw ≥ 6.8) accompanied by surface rupture.  相似文献   
The East Asian marginal seas are important sinks of terrigenous materials transported by large rivers. In this study two cores from the Changjiang (Yangtze River) and Zhujiang (Pearl River) estuaries and one core from the inner shelf off of Hong Kong were investigated to examine the burial of organic matter during the postglacial period and its possible links with paleoenvironmental changes. Based on a simple two end-member mixing model, the terrestrial organic matter supplied primarily from the Zhujiang and Changjiang dominates the estuarine areas while marine organic matter contributes more to the inner-mid shelf. The competing contributions of terrestrial and marine organic matter are responsible for the downcore variations of organic elemental compositions. The overall decreasing shifts of total organic carbon concentrations and total organic carbon to total nitrogen ratios in the Zhujiang estuarine sediments since 6.5 kaBP seems to support the notion that depth profiles of organic matter compositions deposited in the Zhujiang Estuary can aid in the reconstruction of monsoon history in the Holocene. Nevertheless, organic matter compositions in the Changjiang Estuary and inner shelf off of southeastern Hong Kong respond in a different and more complex way to freshwater discharges or precipitation changes (monsoon variability) in the catchments, owing to complex controls of deposition and preservation of organic matter in these estuarine and shelf environments. Caution is therefore needed in using organic elemental and isotopic compositions to decipher paleoenvironmental changes in East Asian continental shelves where intense river–sea interactions occur and sedimentary environments change drastically.  相似文献   
Excessive degassing of Izu-Oshima volcano: magma convection in a conduit   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Excess degassing of magmatic H2O and SO2 was observed at Izu-Oshima volcano during its latest degassing activity from January 1988 to March 1990. The minimum production rate for degassed magma was calculated to be about 1×104 kg/s using emission rates of magmatic H2O and SO2, and H2O and S contents of the magma. The minimum total volume of magma degassed during the 27-month period is estimated to be 2.6×108 m3. This volume is 20 times larger than that of the magma ejected during the 1986 summit eruption. Convective transport of magma through a conduit is proposed as the mechanism that causes degassing from a magma reservoir at several kilometers depth. The magma transport rate is quantitatively evaluated based on two fluid-dynamic models: Poiseuille flow in a concentric double-walled pipe, and ascent of non-degassed magma spheres through a conduit filled with degassed magma. This process is further tested for an andesitic volcano and is concluded to be a common process for volcanoes that discharge excess volatiles.  相似文献   
Underground developments such as subways and shopping facilities have been increasing in number and magnitude in the relatively shallow subsurface of many urban areas where the earth materials commonly are composed of marine sediments. Marine sediments can contain significant amounts of toxic trace elements such as arsenic, boron, and lead. Changes in the subsurface environment caused by excavation and construction in underground developments could potentially cause these toxic elements to be dissolved into pore water of the sediments, which might lead to groundwater pollution. The purpose of this study is to investigate correlations among chemical properties of marine sediments, such as pH and electrical conductivity (EC), concentrations of toxic trace elements, and stratigraphic characteristics of the sediments. We selected three sites with different stratigraphic settings in the southern Kanto Plain around the Tokyo Metropolis. We collected core samples from shallow strata at a site in the Arakawa Lowland, southern Saitama, and at two sites in the Musashino Upland, Middle Tokyo. All sites have both marine and non-marine sediments up to 50–60 m in thickness. We determined trace element concentrations in the pore water, pH, EC, and loss on ignition. The results show that (1) the marine sediments tend to have low pH, high EC, and high sulfur concentration compared to the non-marine sediments (2) the concentration of most of the soluble heavy metals vary depending on the concentration of sulfate, the pH, and the formation processes of the strata, (3) the arsenic concentration is not related to sulfur concentration but apparently to Fe and Al concentrations, (4) the boron concentration is not related to any other properties implying that the boron level is independent of and cannot be predicted by common chemical properties, and (5) for all three sites, concentrations of most of the trace elements, EC, pH, and sulfate concentration were correlated with each other. This study shows that the concentration and potential mobilization of many toxic trace elements in marine sediments could be predicted by easily measurable pore water chemical properties such as pH and EC. This could be useful for predicting and avoiding the risk of groundwater pollution during underground development projects.  相似文献   
The identification of substorm onset is quite important in studying the mechanism of excitation of substorm disturbances. At present, one of the most practical methods to identify accurately the onset of substorms is to use low-latitude Pi2, which is sensitively related to the plasma instability in the magnetosphere, that triggers the substorm disturbances. This method is applied to examine the onset times of three substorm events which were already defined by various methods other than the low-latitude Pi2 method. Preceding the onset times, other evident substorm onsets are clearly determined with Pi2 onsets for all the three events by examining only the H-component of rapid-run magnetogram from a single low-latitude station in the dark hemisphere. Cooperative monitoring of Pi2 at three low-latitude stations on three well-separated meridians, therefore, is really effective in detecting most substorms.  相似文献   
A mesoscale iron-fertilization experiment was carried out in the western subarctic Pacific during summer 2001. The iron-patch was traced for 14 days after the fertilization, and the abundance and behavior of mesozooplankton were compared with those outside of the patch. The phytoplankton biomass in the patch rapidly increased to over 15 times the initial level by the later half of the observation period, and was composed of large-sized (>10 mm), centric diatoms. Dominant zooplankton species in the upper 200-m depth were large copepods: Neocalanus plumchrus, Neocalanus cristatus, Eucalanus bungii and Metridia pacifica. Mesozoplankton biomass as well as species composition did not change significantly in the patch over the observation period. Furthermore, no changes of vertical distribution or diel vertical migration were observed for any species or stages of mesozooplankton throughout the observation period. However, the abundance of the first copepodite stages of N. plumchrus and E. bungii increased several fold in the patch after the diatom bloom formation compared to the densities outside the patch. The increases of both species are considered to be due to lowered mortality during the egg and nauplius stages. Spawning of N. plumchrus takes place at depth using lipid storage, while spawning of E. bungii takes place in the surface layer supported by grazing. These facts suggest that the relative importance of nauplii in the diets of the large copepods was decreased in the patch by the diatom bloom. Gut-pigment contents of dominant copepods in the patch increased 4–18 times, and the maximum values were observed during the bloom peak. However, the grazing impact on phytoplankton was low throughout the experiment, especially during the bloom period (<6% of the primary production).  相似文献   
This study proposes a new geostatistical methodology that accounts for roughness characteristics when downscaling fracture surface topography. In the proposed approach, the small-scale fracture surface roughness is described using a “local roughness pattern” that indicates the relative height of a location compared to its surrounding locations, while the large-scale roughness is considered using the surface semivariogram. By accounting for both components–the minimization of the local error variance and the reproduction of the local roughness characteristics–into the objective function of simulated annealing, the fracture surface topography downscaling process was improved compared to standard geostatistical methodologies such as ordinary kriging and sequential Gaussian simulation. Downscaled topography data were then assessed in terms of prediction errors and roughness distribution.  相似文献   
Electrical images recorded with Resistivity-At-Bit (RAB) from two sites drilled during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 196 were analyzed to study the effects of subduction at the Nankai margin. For the first time in the history of scientific deep-sea drilling in ODP, in situ complete borehole images of the décollement zone were obtained. Analyses of all drilling-induced fracture data indicated that the maximum horizontal compressive stress (SHmax) axes have an azimuth of 303°, and analyses of breakout data from RAB images indicated an azimuth of 310°. These azimuths approximate the convergence direction of the Philippine Sea plate towards the Eurasian plate. The frontal thrust at Site 808 was encountered at about 389 mbsf. Density, porosity, resistivity, and gamma ray data change across the frontal thrust. The décollement zone at the deformation front was identified between 937 and 965 mbsf. The base of the décollement is sharply defined as the maximum extent of conductive fracturing and is marked by abrupt changes in physical properties [Mikada, H., Becker, K., Moore, J.C., Klaus, A., Austin, G.L., Bangs, N.L., Bourlange, S., Broilliard, J., Brückmann, W., Corn, E.R., Davis, E.E., Flemings, P.B., Goldberg, D.B., Gulick, S.S., Hansen, M.B., Hayward, N., Hills, D.J., Hunze, S., Ienaga, M., Ishiguro, H., Kinoshita, M., Macdonald, R.D., McNeill, L., Obana, S., Hong, O.S., Peacock, S., Pettigrew, T.L., Saito, S., Sawa, T., Thaiprasert, N., Tobin, H.J., Tsurumi, H., 2002. Proc. ODP, Initial Rep., 196, College Station, TX, (Ocean Drilling Program)]. The upper boundary of the décollement is marked by several sets of conductive fractures and by high variability in physical properties. The décollement zone is characterized by intense brittle fracturing. These fractures are considered to be the consequence of cyclic stresses and high fluid pressures in this zone. We analyzed fracture dips and their orientations at both sites and found that they are all consistent with a unique stress field model surrounding the two sites.  相似文献   
The relationship between euphausiid community structure and water region was studied during a 2-year seasonal survey in the northwestern (NW) Pacific Ocean. The euphausiid community structure and its associated species were analyzed from 38 micronekton samples collected during eight cruises. The euphausiid community structure and its distribution patterns clearly corresponded to physical oceanographic features in the Oyashio region, Oyashio–Kuroshio Mixed Water Region (OKMWR), and Kuroshio region. In contrast, community structure was unrelated to seasonality. The 19 species out of 40 identified in this area were grouped and named after their habitats. The six cold-water species were grouped into three regional types: two coastal Oyashio species, three Oyashio–OKMWR species, and one Oyashio–Kuroshio species. The four species dominating in the OKMWR were categorized into each specific types: Nematoscelis difficilis as OKMWR–Oyashio species, Euphausia gibboides as OKMWR species, Euphausia similis as OKMWR–Oyashio & OKMWR–Kuroshio species, and Euphausia recurva as OKMWR–Kuroshio species. The seven warm-water species were categorized as Kuroshio–OKMWR species or Kuroshio species. The other two species were categorized as cosmopolitan species. In particular, regarding the result in the OKMWR, our study suggest that (1) the OKMWR has high species diversity, and (2) the dominant species, such as Euphausia pacifica, N. difficilis, E. similis, and E. gibboides, are considered to be key species in the food webs in this region.  相似文献   
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