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Alternating zonal flows in an idealized wind-driven double-gyre ocean circulation have been investigated using a two-layer
shallow-water eddy-permitting numerical model. While the alternating zonal flows are found almost everywhere in the time-mean
zonal velocity field, their meridional scales differ from region to region. In the subpolar western boundary region, where
the energetic eddy activity induces quasi two-dimensional turbulence, the alternating zonal flows are generated by the inverse
energy cascade and its arrest by Rossby waves, and the meridional scale of the flows corresponds well to the Rhines scale.
In the eastern part of the basin, where barotropic basin modes are dominant, the zonal structure is formed through the nonlinear
effect of the basin modes and is wider than the Rhines scale. Both effects are likely to form zonal structure between the
two regions. These results show that Rossby basin modes become an important factor in the formation of alternating zonal flows
in a closed basin in addition to the arrest of the inverse energy cascade by Rossby waves. The wind-driven general circulation
associated with eddy activities plays an essential role in determining which mechanism of the alternating zonal flows is possible
in each region. 相似文献
Kazunori Watanabe Koji Ono Keiichi Sakaguchi Akira Takada Hideo Hoshizumi 《Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research》1999,89(1-4)
Fugen-dake, the main peak of Unzen Volcano, began a new eruption sequence on November 17, 1990. On May 20, 1991, a new lava dome appeared near the eastern edge of the Fugen-dake summit. Small-scale, 104–106 m3 in volume, Merapi-type block and ash flows were frequently generated from the growing lava dome during May–June, 1991. These pyroclastic flows were accompanied by co-ignimbrite ash plumes that deposited ash-fall deposits downwind of the volcano. Three examples of co-ignimbrite ash-fall deposits from Unzen pyroclastic flows are described. The volume of fall deposits was estimated to be about 30% by volume of the collapsed portions of the dome that formed pyroclastic flows. This proportion is smaller than that described for other larger co-ignimbrite ash-fall deposits from other volcanoes. Grain size distributions of the Unzen co-ignimbrite ash-fall deposits are bi-modal or tri-modal. Most ashes are finer than 4 phi and two modes were observed at around 4–7 phi and 9 phi. They are composed mainly of groundmass fragments. Fractions of another mode at around 2 phi are rich in crystals derived from dome lava. Some of the fine ash component fell as accretionary lapilli from the co-ignimbrite ash cloud indicating either moisture or electrostatic aggregation. We believe that the co-ignimbrite ash of Unzen block and ash flows were formed by the mechanical fracturing of the cooling lava blocks as they collapsed and moved down the slope. These ashes were entrained into the convective plumes generated off the tops of the moving flows. 相似文献
Hideo Hoshizumi Kozo Uto Kazunori Watanabe 《Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research》1999,89(1-4)
During the past 500 thousand years, Unzen volcano, an active composite volcano in the Southwest Japan Arc, has erupted lavas and pyroclastic materials of andesite to dacite composition and has developed a volcanotectonic graben. The volcano can be divided into the Older and the Younger Unzen volcanoes. The exposed rocks of the Older Unzen volcano are composed of thick lava flows and pyroclastic deposits dated around 200–300 ka. Drill cores recovered from the basal part of the Older Unzen volcano are dated at 400–500 ka. The volcanic rocks of the Older Unzen exceed 120 km3 in volume. The Younger Unzen volcano is composed of lava domes and pyroclastic deposits, mostly younger than 100 ka. This younger volcanic edifice comprises Nodake, Myokendake, Fugendake, and Mayuyama volcanoes. Nodake, Myokendake and Fugendake volcanoes are 100–70 ka, 30–20 ka, and <20 ka, respectively. Mayuyama volcano formed huge lava domes on the eastern flank of the Unzen composite volcano about 4000 years ago. Total eruptive volume of the Younger Unzen volcano is about 8 km3, and the eruptive production rate is one order of magnitude smaller than that of the Older Unzen volcano. 相似文献
Abstract The Himalaya is a fold-and-thrust wedge formed along the northern margin of the Indian continent, and consists of three thrust-bounded lithotectonic units; the Sub-Himalaya, the Lesser Himalaya, and the Higher Himalaya with the overlying Tethys Himalaya from south to north, respectively. The orogen-scale, intracrustal thrusts which bound the above lithotectonic units are splays off an underlying subhorizontal dkcollement, and show a southward propagating piggy-back sequence with an out-of-sequence thrust. Among these thrusts, the Main Central Thrust zone (MCT zone) has played a major role in Himalayan tectonics. The MCT zone represents a shear zone which has accommodated southward thrusting of the Higher Himalayan crystalline thrust sheet over the Lesser Himalayan sequence for ~140 km. The Kathmandu Nappe in central Nepal has been transported over the Lesser Himalayan metasediments along the MCT zone, and is locally separated from the Higher Himalayan thrust sheet in the north by an out-of-sequence thrust. 40Ar/39Ar ages have been determined for one whole-rock phyllite and six muscovite concentrates from metasedimenta-ry rocks and variably deformed granites in the Kathmandu Nappe. These ages range from 44 Ma to 14 Ma, and suggest a record of both Eo-Himalayan (Eocene) and Neo-Himalayan (Miocene) tectonothermal events in the Tertiary Himalayan orogeny. The Miocene event was associated with translation along the MCT zone. No tectonothermal event of the Late Miocene to Early Pliocene ages have been reported near the MCT zone in southern Lesser Himalayan crystalline nappe or klippe, although such events have been documented within and around the MCT zone in the northern root zone of the Higher Himalaya. This suggests that out-of-sequence thrusting may have occurred between 14 Ma and 5 Ma, probably during the period 10-7.5 Ma. Since then the frontal MCT zone below the Kathmandu Nappe has been inactive, but the MCT zone in the northern root zone has remained active. The rapid increase in denudation rates of the Higher Himalaya since the Late Miocene may have been caused by ramping along the out-of-sequence thrust at depth. 相似文献
17β-estradiol (E2) is a female hormone which is known to be one of the strongest estrogenic chemicals in the environment. The present study investigated the effects of E2 on the reproduction of the estuarine fish, Java-medaka (Oryzias javanicus). Starting from the embryonic stages, Java-medaka was exposed for 6 months to 9.5, 16, 68, 159 and 243 ng/l of E2. The fecundity of Java-medaka exposed to E2 levels >16 ng/l was significantly lower than that of the control. The appearance of secondary sexual characteristics seemed to be inhibited by exposure to 159 and 243 ng/l E2. Vitellogenin concentrations in the liver of male fish exposed to 68, 159 and 243 ng/l were significantly higher than that of the control. Thirty-three and sixty percent of male fishes exposed to 159 and 243 ng/l, respectively, had testis-ova. These results suggest that reproduction in the Java-medaka, especially the male fish, could be affected by exposure to E2 concentrations greater than 16 ng/l. 相似文献
Particulate fluxes were determined by two methods to elucidate the behavior of settling particles in seawater. One method involves direct observation of fluxes with sediment traps, while in the other method flux is indirectly calculated from the radioactive disequilibrium between U-238 and Th-234 in seawater, which gives net flux. Observations were carried out several times throughout a year in Funka Bay. When linearly extrapolated, the observed gross fluxes of Th-234 did not converge to zero at the surface. In the subsurface water the difference between the observed and calculated fluxes showed a seasonal variation. The observed fluxes roughly coincided with the calculated net fluxes in the summer stratified water but the observedfluxes were much larger than the calculated ones in the convective winter water. Conversely the observed fluxes were smaller than the calculated ones in spring when the water was exchanging. These results suggest that we can apply this two approach method to get information not only on the behavior of settling particles in seawater but also on the physical stability of water. 相似文献
Joji Ishizaka Hiroshi Kiyosawa Kazunori Ishida Kimitoshi Ishikawa Masayuki Takahashi 《Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers》1994,41(11-12)
The meridional distribution of autotrophic picoplankton groups in the central north Pacific was studied during the late northern summer of 1990. Sampling was along a section at 175°N which extended from 45°N to 8°S. The section is far from coastal regions and included subarctic, central gyre, and equatorial areas. Five autotrophic picoplankton groups, autotrophic microflagellate, red-fluorescing picoplankton,Synechococcus, prochlorophyte, and orange-fluorescing picoplankton, were identified from samples taken at stations distributed along this section. These five groups showed distinctive differences in their meridional and vertical distributions. The autotrophic microflagellates and red-fluorescing picoplankton showed distributions that were similar to that of chlorophyll a, which was dominated by the <3 μm size fraction. However, the vertical distribution of these groups was different.Synechococcus was found mostly in surface waters (PAR<10%) and was particularly abundant in the Kuroshio Extension and south of the equatorial region where the nitracline was shallow (50–75 m). Prochlorophytes were abundant in the deep euphotic layer (PAR 1-0.1%) from the south of the Kuroshio Extension to the south of the equatorial area. Orange-fluorescing picoplankton, which may be one kind of cyanobacteria but is larger than typical Synechococcus, were mostly distributed in the oligotrophic surface waters of the central gyre. The carbon biomass estimates for these organisms showed that these five groups dominated in different areas. The vertical distribution of carbon biomass did not correspond to that of chlorophyll a in the central gyre and south of the equator because of the larger carbon/ chlorophyll a ratio of Synechococcus and orange-fluorescing picoplankton relative to that of the other picoplankton. 相似文献
Yasuo Miyabuchi Shin-ichiro Ikebe Kazunori Watanabe 《Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research》2008
The active crater of Nakadake at Aso Volcano, southwestern Japan, has been occupied by a lake during its dormant periods. Multiple ash emissions were observed from the crater lake between July 2003 and August 2005. The largest events occurred on 10 July 2003 and 14 January 2004. On 10 July 2003, ash (41 tons) was dispersed throughout an area extending 14 km east-northeast of the vent, and on 14 January 2004 ash (32 tons) extended 8 km to the east-southeast. Thereafter, small ash emissions were frequent at the crater lake, in which the water level fell considerably from April to August 2005. During this period major ash emitting events, producing mostly white aggregated ash, occurred on June 10–12, June 21 (4.2 tons) and July 25 (1.2 tons). Ash emissions at the Nakadake crater in 2003–2005 were classified into three types: gentle release of white aggregated ash from fumaroles inside the crater lake (e.g. daytime of 14 April, 10–12 June and 25 July 2005); emission of black ash from an almost dried-up vent (21 June 2005); and short-time (ca. 20 s) small-explosion-triggered gas-and-ash emission through the crater lake (10 July 2003, 14 January 2004 and 14 April 20h41m 2005). All products from these ash emissions consisted of fine-grained (< 1 mm) glass shards, crystals and lithic fragments, and contained neither lapilli nor blocks. Although the glass shards show varying degrees of crystallization and alteration, clear glass shards, which appear fresh, are probably juvenile materials. These observations suggest that the 2003–2005 ash emissions from the crater lake of Nakadake Volcano are related to newly ascending magma. 相似文献
K–Ar geochronology of a Quaternary monogenetic volcano group in Ojika Jima District, Southwest Japan
Masafumi Sudo Kozo Uto Yoshiyuki Tatsumi Kazunori Matsui 《Bulletin of Volcanology》1998,60(3):171-186
An unspiked K–Ar dating method using a mass-fractionation correction procedure was applied to a Quaternary independent group
of monogenetic volcanoes, Ojikajima Volcano Group, located in northwestern Kyushu in Southwest Japan, in order to clarify
in detail secular variations in eruptive volume, locations of eruptive vents, and magma compositions in a single monogenetic
volcano group. The major results were as follows: (a) K–Ar ages of monogenetic volcanoes distribute from 1.08 to 0.30 Ma,
with voluminous peaks at approximately 1.0 and 0.6 Ma. (b) The volcanic activity commenced in the central part of the field,
expanded to the whole field at approximately 0.6 Ma, and then shrank to the central area. (3) Concentrations of incompatible
elements, such as Ba, K, and Nb, increase with decreasing age, whereas P, Y, and Zr concentrations remain constant. These
concentrations suggest gradual decrease in the degree of partial melting from an identical mantle source with residual garnet.
Received: 15 December 1997 / Accepted: 23 May 1998 相似文献
17β-estradiol (E2) is a female hormone which is known to be one of the strongest estrogenic chemicals in the environment. The present study investigated the effects of E2 on the reproduction of the estuarine fish, Java-medaka (Oryzias javanicus). Starting from the embryonic stages, Java-medaka was exposed for 6 months to 9.5, 16, 68, 159 and 243 ng/l of E2. The fecundity of Java-medaka exposed to E2 levels >16 ng/l was significantly lower than that of the control. The appearance of secondary sexual characteristics seemed to be inhibited by exposure to 159 and 243 ng/l E2. Vitellogenin concentrations in the liver of male fish exposed to 68, 159 and 243 ng/l were significantly higher than that of the control. Thirty-three and sixty percent of male fishes exposed to 159 and 243 ng/l, respectively, had testis-ova. These results suggest that reproduction in the Java-medaka, especially the male fish, could be affected by exposure to E2 concentrations greater than 16 ng/l. 相似文献