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By carrying out the hydraulic experiments in a one-dimensional open channel and two-dimensional basin, we clarified the process of how a landslide on a uniform slope causes the generation of a tsunami. The effect of the interactive force that occurs between the debris flow layer and the tsunami is significant in the generation of a tsunami. The continuous flow of the debris into the water makes the wave period of the tsunami short. The present experiments apply numerical simulation using the two-layer model with shear stress models on the bottom and interface, and the results are compared. The simulated debris flow shows good agreement with the measured results and ensures the rushing process into the water. We propose that the model use a Manning coefficient of 0.01 for the smooth slope and 0.015 for the rough slope, and a horizontal viscosity of 0.01 m2/s for the landslide; an interactive force of 0.2 for each layer is recommended. The dispersion effect should be included in the numerical model for the propagation from the shore.  相似文献   
Kaoru  Sugihara  Naoto  Masunaga  Kazuhiko  Fujita 《Island Arc》2006,15(4):437-454
Abstract The taxonomic diversity of hermatypic corals decreases with increasing latitude, which correlates with sea‐surface temperatures. However, little is known about latitudinal changes in the taxonomic diversity and biogeographic patterns of larger benthic foraminifera, although their physiological requirements are similar to those of hermatypic corals because of their symbiotic relationships with microalgae. The present study examined how the abundance and taxonomic composition of larger foraminiferal assemblages in shallow‐water reef sediments change with latitude along the Ryukyu Islands (Ryukyus), which are located near the northern limit of coral‐reef distributions in the western Pacific Ocean. Three islands from different latitudes in the Ryukyus were selected to investigate latitudinal changes in larger foraminiferal assemblages: Ishigaki Island (24°20′N, 124°10′E), Kudaka Island (26°09′N, 127°54′E) and Tane‐ga‐shima Island (30°20′N, 131°E). Four sediment samples were taken at each of three topographic sites (beach, shallow lagoon and reef crest) on the reef flat of each island. Foraminiferal tests of a 2.0‐ to 0.5‐mm size fraction were selected, identified and counted. The variations in foraminiferal abundance in reef sediments from three latitudinally different islands exhibit two contrasting trends along reef flats: a shoreward decrease on Ishigaki and Tane‐ga‐shima Islands and a shoreward increase on Kudaka Island. A total of 25, 24 and 13 foraminiferal taxa were identified in Ishigaki, Kudaka and Tane‐ga‐shima Islands, respectively. Baculogypsina sphaerulata, Neorotalia calcar and Amphistegina spp. were dominant (i.e. >3% of foraminiferal assemblages) in the three islands. Calcarina gaudichaudii and Calcarina hispida were common on Ishigaki and Kudaka Islands but were absent on Tane‐ga‐shima Island. Larger foraminiferal assemblages from three different reef‐flat environments on Ishigaki Island can be distinguished, whereas those from the three environments on Kudaka and Tane‐ga‐shima Islands are similar in composition. These latitudinal changes in larger foraminiferal assemblages in reef sediments may possibly be caused by variations in the topography of reef flats, distributions and standing crops of living foraminifers on reef flats, and the northern limit of some calcarinid species in the northern Ryukyus.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONDirectionalspectraofwind-generatedwavesareveryimportanttotheresearchrelatedto1.InstituteofPhysicalOceanography,OceanUniversityofQingdao,Qingdao266003,China2.ResearchinstituteforAppliedMechanics,KyUshuUniversity,Kasuga816,Japanwindwaves.Theyfindapplicationinfieldsasdiverseasbasicair-seainteraction,practicalwaveforecasting,satellitesurveillanceandengineeringdesignofmarinestructuresandvehicles.Sincethepioneeringworkofthestereowaveobservationproject(Coteetal.11960),alotofeff…  相似文献   
We present in this study the effects of short‐term heating on organics in the Tagish Lake meteorite and how the difference in the heating conditions can modify the organic matter (OM) in a way that complicates the interpretation of a parent body's heating extent with common cosmothermometers. The kinetics of short‐term heating and its influence on the organic structure are not well understood, and any study of OM is further complicated by the complex alteration processes of the thermally metamorphosed carbonaceous chondrites—potential analogues of the target asteroid Ryugu of the Hayabusa2 mission—which had experienced posthydration, short‐duration local heating. In an attempt to understand the effects of short‐term heating on chondritic OM, we investigated the change in the OM contents of the experimentally heated Tagish Lake meteorite samples using Raman spectroscopy, scanning transmission X‐ray microscopy utilizing X‐ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy, and ultraperformance liquid chromatography fluorescence detection and quadrupole time of flight hybrid mass spectrometry. Our experiment suggests that graphitization of OM did not take place despite the samples being heated to 900 °C for 96 h, as the OM maturity trend was influenced by the heating conditions, kinetics, and the nature of the OM precursor, such as the presence of abundant oxygenated moieties. Although both the intensity of the 1s?σ* exciton cannot be used to accurately interpret the peak metamorphic temperature of the experimentally heated Tagish Lake sample, the Raman graphite band widths of the heated products significantly differ from that of chondritic OM modified by long‐term internal heating.  相似文献   
We reanalyze the propagation of one-dimensional small-amplitude disturbances of given real frequency ω in a radiating and scattering grey medium using the Eddington approximation, which has been studied previously by us (Kaneko et al., 1976). Numerical results reveals three frequency regimes to be distinguished, and two wave modes always appear in each frequency regime. The governing equations and analytic solutions are derived for all wave modes using Whitham's method modified into quadratic form and approximate methods based on radiation thermodynamics. In the high-frequency regime appear the radiation-wave and adiabatic sound modes, which are damped by opacity and radiative cooling, respectively. Wave patterns in the intermediate-frequency and low-frequency regimes depend critically on the importance of radiation, for which the criterion is given in terms of the ratio of total specific heats at constant pressure and constant volume. When the radition overwhelms the matter (radiation-dominated case), the radiative mode in the intermediate-frequency regime is the constant-volume diffusion mode. When the matter overwhelms the radiation (matter-dominated case), damped radiation-wave and damped radiation-diffusion modes newly appear between the radiation-wave and constant-volume diffusion modes. The acoustic mode in the intermediate-frequency regime is the isothermal sound mode,which is damped by radiative cooling at higher frequencies and by radiation-thermal drag force at lower frequencies. Two modes appearing in the low-frequency regime are the isentropic radiation-acoustic and constant-pressure diffusion modes. The absorption coefficient derived for the former is shown to be a radiation-thermodynamic extension of that of Landau and Lifshitz (1987). The transition frequencies between all adjacent two modes are also derived to discuss the implications of them. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The possible influences of the Emperor Seamounts (ESs) upon the subarctic gyre of the North Pacific (NPSAG) were investigated by a series of numerical experiments. In the experiments, a two-layer ocean with a meridional mountain ridge was forced by seasonally varying wind stress. We focused on how the return ratio, the ratio of the boundary transport along the eastern side of the ridge to the interior Sverdrup transport, changes with ridge height, width and density stratification. It was found that the return ratio can be large if the ridge width is greater than the width of the viscous boundary layer. In this case, the bottom pressure torque determines the return ratio; the return ratio is almost proportional to the ridge height when the ridge height is small and some contours of planetary potential vorticity pass over the ridge. However, the return ratio is independent of the ridge height and decreases with the stratification when the ridge height is large and all the contours of planetary potential vorticity are closed. These dependences of the return ratio were understood in terms of barotropic and baroclinic components of the bottom pressure torque. Implications for the bathymetric influences of ESs on the actual NPSAG are also discussed.  相似文献   
A simple estimation of light penetration in tidal flat sediments was developed using various sediment size fractions and their attenuation rate of irradiance. The attenuation coefficients of the sediment size fractions of 63–125, 125–250, 250–500, 500–1000 μm and 1000–2000 μm were 8.10, 4.08, 2.92, 2.12 and 1.44 mm−1, respectively. Using the average attenuation coefficient of the particle size fractions in the sediment, the calculated attenuation coefficient agreed well with the actual attenuation coefficient. The method presented gives a photo-parameter to predict productivity in intertidal sediments, given only the particle size fraction.  相似文献   
We present the results of a spectroscopic multisite campaign for the β Cephei star 12 (DD) Lacertae. Our study is based on more than thousand high-resolution high S/N spectra gathered with eight different telescopes in a time span of 11 months. In addition, we make use of numerous archival spectroscopic measurements. We confirm 10 independent frequencies recently discovered from photometry, as well as harmonics and combination frequencies. In particular, the slowly pulsating B-stars (SPB)-like g -mode with frequency 0.3428 d−1 reported before is detected in our spectroscopy. We identify the four main modes as  (ℓ1, m 1) = (1, 1), (ℓ2, m 2) = (0, 0), (ℓ3, m 3) = (1, 0)  and  (ℓ4, m 4) = (2, 1)  for   f 1= 5.178 964 d−1, f 2= 5.334 224 d−1, f 3= 5.066 316 d−1  and   f 4= 5.490 133 d−1  , respectively. Our seismic modelling shows that f 2 is likely the radial first overtone and that the core overshooting parameter  αov  is lower than 0.4 local pressure scale heights.  相似文献   
We have prepared a HF-HCl residue and its oxidized residue of the Allende meteorite and have measured the elemental concentrations and the isotopic compositions of noble gases. In the HF-HCl reside, noble gases are enriched in colloidal fraction compared to the non-colloidal fraction by a factor of 2-4. The heavy noble gases were evidently lost after the oxidization, indicating that phase Q (carrier of planetary heavy noble gases) was removed by the oxidation. The Raman spectroscopic parameters show that the colloidal fraction of the HF-HCl residue is more amorphous compared to the non-colloidal fraction. As the ion irradiation converts carbon into a more amorphous form, our result indicates that the “plasma model” is more plausible than the “labyrinth model” as the origin of phase Q. TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope) observations also show such a trace of ion irradiation. While the TEM observations did not show any large difference between the HF-HCl residue and its oxidized residue, the Raman spectroscopic parameters changed discretely resulting from the oxidization. This observation indicates that the oxidization not only dissolved and removed oxidized carbon, but also changed the carbon structure itself to a more amorphous (disordered) state. The Raman spectroscopic results indicate the possibility that release of Q-gas during oxidation is not accompanied by mass loss and that the release of Q-gas simply resulted from rearrangement of carbon structure during oxidation.  相似文献   
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