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Two piston cores, one located far from the continents (The North Pacific Ocean: ES core), and another located comparatively closer to the continents (The Bering Sea: BOW-8a core) were investigated to reconstruct environmental changes on source land areas. The results show significant contribution of terrestrial organic matter to sediments in both cores. The δ13C values of n-C27, n-C29, and n-C31 alkanes in sediments from the North Pacific ES core show significant glacial to interglacial variation whereas those from the Bering Sea core do not. Variations of δ13C values of land plant n-alkanes are related to the environmental or vegetational changes in the source land areas. Environmental changes, especially, aridity, rainfall, and pCO2 during glacial/interglacial transitional periods can affect vegetation, and therefore C3 / C4 plant ratios, resulting in δ13C changes in the preserved land plant biomarkers. Maximum values of δ13C as well as maximum average chain length values of long chain n-alkanes in the ES core occur mostly at the interglacial to glacial transition zones reflecting a time lag related to incorporation of living organic matter into soil and transportation into ocean basins via wind and/or ability of C4 plants to adapt for a longer period before being replaced by C3 plants when subjected to gradual climatic changes. Irregular variations with no clear glacial to interglacial trends in the BOW-8a core may result from complex mixture of aerosols from westerly winds and riverine organic matter from the Bering Sea catchments. In addition, terrestrial organic matter entering the Bering Sea could originate from multiple pathways including eolian, riverine, and ice rafted debris, and possibly be disturbed by turbidity and other local currents which can induce re-suspension and re-sedimentation causing an obliterated time relation in the Bering Sea biomarker records.  相似文献   
In this paper, we examined the role of bedrock groundwater discharge and recharge on the water balance and runoff characteristics in forested headwater catchments. Using rigorous observations of catchment precipitation, discharge and streamwater chemistry, we quantified net bedrock flow rates and contributions to streamwater runoff and the water balance in three forested catchments (second‐order to third‐order catchments) underlain by uniform bedrock in Japan. We found that annual rainfall in 2010 was 3130 mm. In the same period, annual discharge in the three catchments varied from 1800 to 3900 mm/year. Annual net bedrock flow rates estimated by the chloride mass balance method at each catchment ranged from ?1600 to 700 mm/year. The net bedrock flow rates were substantially different in the second‐order and third‐order catchments. During baseflow, discharge from the three catchments was significantly different; conversely, peak flows during large storm events and direct runoff ratios were not significantly different. These results suggest that differences in baseflow discharge rates, which are affected by bedrock flow and intercatchment groundwater transfer, result in the differences in water balance among the catchments. This study also suggests that in these second‐order to third‐order catchments, the drainage area during baseflow varies because of differences between the bedrock drainage area and surface drainage area, but that the effective drainage area during storm flow approaches the surface drainage area. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Abstract— The high‐pressure polymorphs of olivine, pyroxene, and plagioclase in or adjacent to shock melt veins (SMVs) in two L6 chondrites (Sahara 98222 and Yamato 74445) were investigated to clarify the related transformation mechanisms and to estimate the pressure‐temperature conditions of the shock events. Wadsleyite and jadeite were identified in Sahara 98222. Wadsleyite, ringwoodite, majorite, akimotoite, jadeite, and lingunite (NaAlSi3O8‐hollandite) were identified in Yamato 74445. Wadsleyite nucleated along the grain boundaries and fractures of original olivine. The nucleation and growth of ringwoodite occurred along the grain boundaries of original olivine, and as intracrystalline ringwoodite lamellae within original olivine. The nucleation and growth of majorite took place along the grain boundaries or fractures in original enstatite. Jadeite‐containing assemblages have complicated textures containing “particle‐like,” “stringer‐like,” and “polycrystalline‐like” phases. Coexistence of lingunite and jadeite‐containing assemblages shows a vein‐like texture. We discuss these transformation mechanisms based on our textural observations and chemical composition analyses. The shock pressure and temperature conditions in the SMVs of these meteorites were also estimated based on the mineral assemblages in the SMVs and in comparison with static high‐pressure experimental results as follows: 13–16 GPa, >1900 °C for Sahara 98222 and 17–24 GPa, >2100 °C for Yamato 74445.  相似文献   
A general form of a “fracture function” for isotropic brittle materials is expressed in terms of the three invariants of the stress tensor. The coefficients in the function are determined by use of the small number of experimental data under specific conditions. This function is applicable to an estimate of the fracture condition of brittle rocks under a general stress state i.e., σ1σ2σ3. The application of this function is attempted for the data of three brittle rocks i.e., Dunham dolomite, Mizuho trachyte, and Westerly granite, reported by previous workers. For the first two, this criterion gives a good estimation of the effect of the intermediate principal stress σ2 on failure. For the last, the fracture strength at high confining pressure is estimated by use of the several data obtained under very low confining pressures, and the agreement with experimental data is also satisfactory.  相似文献   
Coexisting Na-plagioclases from greenschists both in the thermal aureole of the Kasugamura Granite, Japan, and in the low-P metamorphic zone of Yap Island, western Pacific were analyzed in great detail; the peristerite solvus was determined for each suite. The asymmetric solvus has steep albite-rich and gentle oligoclase-rich limbs that are similar to those for higher pressure series. The present results together with those from Vermont, New Zealand, and the Sanbagawa belt indicate that the peristerite solvus shifts toward the albite component and higher temperature with increasing pressure. With increasing pressure, albite co-existing with oligoclase (An=100 Ca/Ca+ Na=20) varies in composition from An 8–9 (in Kasugamura), through An 3 (in Yap Island and Vermont), to An 1 (in New Zealand) and An less than 0.5 (in the Sanbagawa belt). The consolute temperatures for the peristerite solvus estimated from available geothermometry are 420° C in Kasugamura, 450–550° C in Vermont and 550°–600° C in the Sanbagawa belt. The variation of plagioclase composition in progressive metamorphic zones is explained by intersection of a plagioclase-forming reaction and the peristerite immiscibility gap in an isobaric T-X An diagram. The greenschist zone is characterized by albite, the transition zone by occurrence of peristerite pairs and the amphibolite zone by plagioclase of An 20–50.  相似文献   
Elastic constants of single crystal MgO have been measured by the rectangular parallelepiped resonance (RPR) method at temperatures between 80 and 1,300 K. Elastic constants C ij (Mbar=103 kbar) and their temperature coefficients (kbar/K) are: $$\begin{gathered} {\text{ }}C_{{\text{11}}} {\text{ }}C_{{\text{12}}} {\text{ }}C_{{\text{44}}} {\text{ }}K_s {\text{ }}C_s \hfill \\ C_{ij} {\text{ 300 K 2}}{\text{.966 0}}{\text{.959 1}}{\text{.562 1}}{\text{.628 1}}{\text{.004}} \hfill \\ \partial C_{ij} {\text{/}}\partial T{\text{100 K }} - {\text{0}}{\text{.259 0}}{\text{.013 }} - {\text{0}}{\text{.072 }} - {\text{0}}{\text{.078 }} - {\text{0}}{\text{.136}} \hfill \\ {\text{ 300K }} - {\text{0}}{\text{.596 0}}{\text{.068 }} - {\text{0}}{\text{.122 }} - {\text{0}}{\text{.153 }} - {\text{0}}{\text{.332}} \hfill \\ {\text{ 800 K }} - {\text{0}}{\text{.619 0}}{\text{.009 }} - {\text{0}}{\text{.152 }} - {\text{0}}{\text{.200 }} - {\text{0}}{\text{.314}} \hfill \\ {\text{ 1,300 K }} - {\text{0}}{\text{.598 0}}{\text{.036 }} - {\text{0}}{\text{.130 }} - {\text{0}}{\text{.223 }} - {\text{0}}{\text{.218}} \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ By combining the present results with the previous data on the thermal expansivity and specific heat, the thermodynamic properties of magnesium oxide are presented and discussed. The elastic parameters of MgO at very high temperatures in the earth's lower mantle are also clarified.  相似文献   
We examined how the projected increase in atmospheric CO2 and concomitant shifts in air temperature and precipitation affect water and carbon fluxes in an Asian tropical rainforest, using a combination of field measurements, simplified hydrological and carbon models, and Global Climate Model (GCM) projections. The model links the canopy photosynthetic flux with transpiration via a bulk canopy conductance and semi-empirical models of intercellular CO2 concentration, with the transpiration rate determined from a hydrologic balance model. The primary forcing to the hydrologic model are current and projected rainfall statistics. A main novelty in this analysis is that the effect of increased air temperature on vapor pressure deficit (D) and the effects of shifts in precipitation statistics on net radiation are explicitly considered. The model is validated against field measurements conducted in a tropical rainforest in Sarawak, Malaysia under current climate conditions. On the basis of this model and projected shifts in climatic statistics by GCM, we compute the probability distribution of soil moisture and other hydrologic fluxes. Regardless of projected and computed shifts in soil moisture, radiation and mean air temperature, transpiration was not appreciably altered. Despite increases in atmospheric CO2 concentration (Ca) and unchanged transpiration, canopy photosynthesis does not significantly increase if Ci/Ca is assumed constant independent of D (where Ci is the bulk canopy intercellular CO2 concentration). However, photosynthesis increased by a factor of 1.5 if Ci/Ca decreased linearly with D as derived from Leuning stomatal conductance formulation [R. Leuning. Plant Cell Environ 1995;18:339–55]. How elevated atmospheric CO2 alters the relationship between Ci/Ca and D needs to be further investigated under elevated atmospheric CO2 given its consequence on photosynthesis (and concomitant carbon sink) projections.  相似文献   
Abstract. The Pantingan Gold System (PGS) is a vein-type epithermal prospect exposed within the summit caldera of Mount Mariveles, Bagac, Bataan (Luzon), Philippines. It consists of nine major veins, eight of which trend NW-WNW and distributed in an en echelon array. The eastern tips of these veins appear to terminate near the NE-NNE trending Vein 1, which is located in the easternmost portion of the prospect. Metal assay results on vein and wall rock samples indicate concentrations of 0.01 to 1.1 g/ton Au, trace to 34 g/ton Ag and 0.003 to 0.02 % Cu. Andesite lava flow deposits host the PGS. Potassium-Argon isotopic dating of these andesites yields anarrow age range of 0.88± 0.13 to 1.13 ± 0.17 Ma. The surface exposures of the veins (up to 5 m wide) are encountered at different levels between 590–740 masl. These commonly display a massive texture although banding prominently occurs in Vein 1. The veins consist of gray to cream-colored crystalline and chalcedonic quartz and amorphous silica. Pyrite is the most ubiquitous sulfide mineral. It occurs either as fine-grained disseminations and aggregates in quartz or as infillings in vugs. Calcite, marcasite and bornite are also occasionally noted in the deposit. The prospect shows silicic, argillic, propylitic and advanced argillic alteration zones. Silicic and argillic alterations are confined in the immediate wall rocks of the quartz veins. Argillic alteration grades to a propylitic zone farther away from the veins. The advanced argillic alteration zone, indicated by a suite of acidic clay minerals that include kaolin-ite, dickite, pyrophyllite and alunite, might have been imprinted during the late stages of gold deposition. As a whole, the PGS displays geological and mineralogical features typical of gold mineralization in a low sulfidation, epithermal environment. It is also representative of a young, tectonically undisturbed gold deposit.  相似文献   
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