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Regional and local characteristics of active fault patterns and elevation variation throughout Honshu, Japan are characterized in terms of their fractal dimensions; this allows variation in these complex variables to be compared directly to the scalar properties of net Quaternary vertical displacement, elevation and 10- and 110-year horizontal strains. The comparisons reveal that, throughout Honshu as a whole, there is significant correlation (r=0.75) between Quaternary vertical displacement, elevation, and its fractal properties. There is poor correlation, however, of elevation and its fractal properties to horizontal crustal strain, and also between Quaternary vertical displacement and horizontal crustal strain. A slight negative correlation is observed between the fractal properties of the active fault system and horizontal crustal strain measured over 10- and 110-year time periods (–0.43 and –0.26, respectively). The correlation between the 10-year (1985–1994) and 110-year (1883–1994) area strains, 0.48, reveals the occurrence of considerable change in the distribution of regional strain over these short time frames. Local computations of the correlation between data sets made for overlapping 160 km length windows of data spaced every 20 km along analysis lines reveal internal fluctuations in the correlation between variables. The local correlation between Quaternary vertical displacement and elevation is highest through central Japan and the Kinki Triangle. There is weak negative correlation between area strain and fractal dimensions of the active fault network. The local correlation between the fractal dimensions of active faults and horizontal area strain over the recent 10-year time period averages about –0.6 through central Japan in an area that extends across the Kinki Triangle through the northern part of central Honshu and northeast across the Itoigawa Shizuoka Tectonic Line. In general, regions of greatest complexity in the active fault network are associated with persistent negative area or compressional strain. Sparsely faulted areas in general coincide with areas of positive or roughly zero area strain. The presence of negative correlation through central Japan and the Kinki Triangle area in the recent 10-year period results from a decrease of area strain within an increasingly complex active fault system that reaches maximum negative values concentrated in the Kinki Triangle during the 1985–1994 time period.  相似文献   
The Senyama volcanic products of the late Pliocene to early Pleistocene O’e Takayama volcano overlie a 100-m-thick, late Pliocene coastal quartz-sandstone and are intruded by an early Pleistocene dacite dome. The Senyama volcanic products are the remains of a cone that retains a basal part 1.5 km across and 150–250 m high from the substrate. The cone comprises dacite block-and-ash flow deposits and minor base-surge deposits occur at the base. Single beds of the block-and-ash flow deposits are 1–16 m thick and dip inward 20–40° at the base of the cone and inward or outward 10–20° at the summit. Juvenile fragments in the block-and-ash flow deposits are non- to poorly vesicular and commonly have curviplanar surfaces and prismatic joints extending inward from the surfaces, which imply quenching and brittle fracturing of dacite lava. They are variably hydrothermally altered. Nevertheless, juvenile blocks appear to retain a uniform direction of the magnetization vector residual during thermal demagnetization between 280°C and 625°C. At the time of the eruption, the well-sorted sand of the substrate was at the coast and a good aquifer that facilitated explosive interaction of water and the ascending dacite lava. The mechanism of the explosion perhaps involved thermal contraction cracking of the dacite lava, water-inflow into the interior of the lava, and explosive expansion of the water. Initial phreatomagmatic explosions opened the vent. Succeeding phreatomagmatic or phreatomagmatic–vulcanian explosions produced block-and-ash flow deposits around the vent. Hydrothermal silver-ore deposits and manganese-oxide deposits occur in the Senyama volcanic products and the underlying sandstone, respectively. They could represent post-eruptive activity of the hydrothermal system developed in and around the cone.  相似文献   
The Early Miocene Tateyamazaki Dacite infills a 3.2 km diameter caldera. It comprises poorly sorted, massive, biotite-bearing dacite pumice lapilli tuff, in which huge blocks of densely welded dacite lapilli tuff, basaltic andesite lava, and other lithologies are commonly set. Dense blocks are variably cracked and intruded by the host lapilli tuff. Sparse blocks of bedded lapilli tuff and tuff are variably disaggregated to intermingle with the host rocks or are plastically deformed into irregular shapes. Rootless tuff veins millimeters to 30 cm thick are developed within the host rocks, mainly dipping at 10–30°, and are locally branched and mutually cut to form a network. Where thicker, they are stratified and locally carry accidental fragments. Accidental lapilli up to 2 or 3 cm wide and 30 cm long are locally set in near-vertical and variably sinuous arrays. Although poorly defined they are reminiscent of fluid escape structures. The host pumice lapilli tuff, however, retains in part a thermal remnant magnetization (TRM) vector stable at temperatures above 280 °C. Blocks in the caldera fill also retain TRM but the vectors are rotated significantly from those of the host pumice lapilli tuff and the adjacent volcanic rocks. Tateyamazaki Dacite is thus likely to have been emplaced at high temperatures, and intermingled with shattered basement rocks and ambient water to be partly liquefied within the caldera immediately after or during the caldera-forming eruption.  相似文献   
焉耆盆地活动断层的晚第四纪右行走滑   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究对天山东南侧山间盆地——焉耆盆地的晚第四纪右行走滑活动断层的位移和滑动速率进行了测量.详细的卫星图像分析和野外调查表明活动断层(开都河断层带)主要分布在盆地的南缘,具典型的走滑断层特征.发育在晚更新世—全新世冲积扇中的水系记录了3~250 m的右行错断和位移的累积.冲积扇中的断层陡坎高1 m到25 m,沿断层带走向左行雁列状断层崖呈现,向NE和SW倾.基于河道的错断,14C数据和断层岩组构的分析可以得出:①活动断层的平均右行走滑速率为8 mm/a,垂直分量的速率为1 mm/a,(②典型的单次地震断裂事件产生的错断量为3~7 m,③大地震事件(Ms>7)的平均重复间隔约为500年,④开都河断层带最新的地震断裂事件发生在过去2 500 a间.与印度—欧亚板块碰撞相关联的天山是一个逆冲构造占主导地位的造山带,而山间盆地中晚第四纪的走滑断层表明了这种造山机制中具有水平滑动.  相似文献   
The Woodroffe thrust, central Australia, is a > 1.5-km-wide mylonitized shear zone marked by large volumes of mm- to cm-scale pseudotachylyte veins. The pseudotachylytes display typical melt-origin features, including rounded and embayed clasts, spherulitic and dentritic microlites, and flow structures within a fine-grained matrix. Three types of pseudotachylyte are identified on the basis of deformation texture, vein morphology, and host-rock lithology: cataclasite-related (C-Pt), mylonite-related (M-Pt), and ultramylonite-related (Um-Pt). The M-Pt and Um-Pt veins intrude into mylonite and ultramylonite and are themselves overprinted by subsequent mylonitization. These pseudotachylytes contain an internal foliation defined by flattened porphyroclasts and layering of the fine-grained vein matrix, and the foliation is generally oriented parallel to foliation in the surrounding mylonite and ultramylonite. These observations constrain the timing and environment of M-Pt and Um-Pt pseudotachylyte formation to a protracted period of deformation and mylonitization within the ductile regime of the crust. The M-Pt and Um-Pt veins, as well as the host mylonite, are overprinted by cataclasis and multiple generations of late-stage C-Pt veins that were generated in the brittle-dominated regime of the upper crust during uplift and exhumation of the shear zone.The coexistence of multiple generations of voluminous C-Pt, M-Pt, and Um-Pt veins indicates that the pseudotachylyte veins represent a large number of large earthquakes and accompanying seismic slip over an extended period of seismicity on the Woodroffe thrust. The timing and distribution of pseudotachylyte indicate that the earthquakes nucleated at the base of the brittle-dominated seismogenic zone and propagated down through the brittle–ductile transition into the ductile-dominated regime of the crust.  相似文献   
Stable isotopes and element compositions of the fine‐grained matrix were measured for IODP Expedition 307 Hole U1317E drilled from the summit of Challenger Mound in Porcupine Seabight, northeast Atlantic, to explore the palaeoceanographic and palaeoclimatic background to development of the deep‐water coral mound. The 155 m long mound section was divided into two units by an unconformity at 23.6 mbsf: Unit M1 (2.6–1.7 Ma) and Unit M2 (1.0–0.5 Ma). Results from 519 specimens show a difference in δ13C value between Unit M1 (?0.6‰ to ?5.0‰) and Unit M2 (?1.0‰ to 1.0‰), but such a distinct difference was not seen in δ18O values (1.0‰–2.5‰), CaCO3 content (40–60 wt%), Sr/Ca ratio (2.0–8.0 mmol mol?1), and Mg/Ca ratio (10.0–20.0 mmol mol?1) through the mound. Positive δ18O and negative δ13C shifts at the mound base are consistent with the oceanographic changes in the northeast Atlantic at the beginning of the Quaternary. The positive δ13C regression in Unit M2 suggests a linkage to the mid Pleistocene intensified glaciation in the Northern Hemisphere. Warm Mediterranean Upper Core Water of Mediterranean Outflow Water, Eastern North Atlantic Water and cold Labrador Sea Water of North Atlantic Deep Water are key oceanographic features that cause spikes and shifts in stable isotope and element composition. However, the stable isotope values of the sediment matrix could not primarily record the glacial–interglacial eustatic/temperature change, but indirectly indicate current regimes of the intermediate oceanic layer where the coral mound grew. Similarly, elemental ratios and CaCO3 content may not represent the productivity and temperature of surface sea water, respectively, but superpose the fractions from both surface and bottom water. It is concluded that palaeoceanographic change coupled to the Pleistocene glacial/interglacial cycles is a key control on the geochemical stratigraphy of the matrix sediments of the carbonate mound developed in Porcupine Seabight. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Holocene stalagmite FG01 collected at the Fukugaguchi Cave in Itoigawa, central Japan provides a unique high‐resolution record of the East Asian winter monsoon. Because of the climate conditions on the Japan Sea side of the Japanese islands, the volume of precipitation during the winter is strongly reflected in the stalagmite δ18O signal. Examination of the carbon isotopes and the Mg/Ca ratio of FG01 provided additional information on the Holocene climate in Itoigawa, which is characterized by two different modes separated at 6.4 ka. Dripwater composition and the correlation between the δ13C and Mg/Ca data of FG01 indicate the importance of prior calcite precipitation (PCP), a process that selectively eliminated 12C and calcium ions from infiltrating water from CO2 degassing and calcite precipitation. In an earlier period (10.0–6.4 ka), an increase in soil pCO2 associated with warming and wetting climate trends was a critical factor that enhanced PCP, and resulted in an increasing trend in the Mg/Ca and δ13C data and a negative correlation between the δ13C and δ18O profiles. A distinct peak in the δ13C age profile at 6.8 ka could be a response to an increase of approximately 10% in C4 plants in the recharge area. At 6.4 ka, the climate mode changed to another, and correlation between δ18O and δ13C became positive. In addition, a millennial‐scale variation in δ18O and pulsed changes in δ13C and Mg/Ca became distinct. Assuming that δ18O and PCP were controlled by moisture in the later period, the volume of precipitation was high during 6.0–5.2, 4.4–4.0, and 3.0–2.0 ka. In contrast, the driest interval in Itoigawa was during 0.2–0.4 ka, and broadly corresponds to the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   
Field observations and interpretations of satellite images reveal that the westernmost segment of the Altyn Tagh Fault (called Karakax Fault Zone) striking WNW located in the northwestern margin of the Tibetan Plateau has distinctive geomorphic and tectonic features indicative of right-lateral strike-slip fault in the Late Quaternary. South-flowing gullies and N–S-trending ridges are systematically deflected and offset by up to ~ 1250 m, and Late Pleistocene–Holocene alluvial fans and small gullies that incise south-sloping fans record dextral offset up to ~ 150 m along the fault zone. Fault scarps developed on alluvial fans vary in height from 1 to 24 m. Riedel composite fabrics of foliated cataclastic rocks including cataclasite and fault gouge developed in the shear zone indicate a principal right-lateral shear sense with a thrust component. Based on offset Late Quaternary alluvial fans, 14C ages and composite fabrics of cataclastic fault rocks, it is inferred that the average right-lateral strike-slip rate along the Karakax Fault Zone is ~ 9 mm/a in the Late Quaternary, with a vertical component of ~ 2 mm/a, and that a M 7.5 morphogenic earthquake occurred along this fault in 1902. We suggest that right-lateral slip in the Late Quaternary along the WNW-trending Karakax Fault Zone is caused by escape tectonics that accommodate north–south shortening of the western Tibetan Plateau due to ongoing northward penetration of the Indian plate into the Eurasian plate.  相似文献   
The Toga tuff ring is a large, dissected tuff ring located on the modern shoreline of the Oga Peninsula, NE Japan. The crater measures 2 km by 2.4 km and the inner crater walls are inclined inward at 40–50° to form a funnel shape. Intra-crater beds are mainly composed of platy or blocky, non- to variably vesicular glass shards and pumice lapilli of K-rich rhyolite composition and dip inward at 10°–30° or less. A gravity model suggests they fill the downward-tapering conduit to a depth of 548 m below sea level. Fission-track dates from the intra-crater deposits indicate the age of the Toga tuff ring is ca. 420 ka, likely corresponding to a stage of global sea-level fall, MIS 12. Subsequent sea-level rise and marine transgression is inferred to have resulted in erosion of almost the entire outer tuff ring by post-eruptive wave action.The intra-crater deposit`s are exposed over a thickness of 50 m in the deeply incised crater floor. They comprise mainly monomictic tephra of phreatomagmatic origin and are similar in grain-size distribution and sedimentary structures to relatively high and low density turbidites, although the constituents, sparse block-sag structures, and multiple fluid-escape dikes suggest that they are the subaqueous equivalents of high- and low-density pyroclastic currents with similar grain-sizes and degree of grain-size sorting. Marine diatom frustules sparsely contained in the deposits suggest that the crater was likely open to the sea, enabling rapid access of seawater to the vent. Pyroclasts ejected through the water flowed back into the crater to form eruption-fed oscillatory or circular turbidity currents and were repeatedly recycled and variably abraded by subsequent explosions, while many juvenile pumice lapilli and ash grains were carried beyond the crater rim to form relatively dilute pyroclastic currents. The Toga example suggests that primary deposits emplaced in crater lakes are well sorted, graded and stratified with polymodal flow directions, sparse block-sags, and vesicular and fragile fragments that are more or less abraded by repeated explosions and recycling.  相似文献   
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