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The relationship between trophic position through delta13C and delta15N and trace metal concentrations (Zn, Cd, Cu and Hg) was investigated in the tissues of six marine mammal species from the Northeast Atlantic: striped dolphin Stenella coeruleoalba, common dolphin, Delphinus delphis, Atlantic white-sided dolphin Lagenorhynchus acutus, harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena, white beaked-dolphin Lagenorhynchus albirostris, grey seal Halichoerus grypus stranded on French Channel and Irish coasts. White-beaked dolphins, harbour porpoises, white-sided dolphins, common and striped dolphins display the same relative and decreasing trophic position, as measured by delta15N values, along both the Irish and French channel coasts, reflecting conservative trophic habits between these two places. Hepatic and renal Cd concentrations were significantly correlated to muscle delta13C and delta15N values while Hg, Zn and Cu did not. These results suggest that Cd accumulation is partly linked to the diet while other factors such as age or body condition might explain Hg, Zn or Cu variability in marine mammals. Combined stable isotope and trace metal analyses appear to be useful tools for the study of marine mammal ecology.  相似文献   
We consider the problem of determining the emergent intensity from the bounding face of a semi-infinite atmosphere having conservative scattering and the intensity at any optical depth by use of the Laplace transform in combination with the Wiener-Hopf technique when the incoming intensity at the bounding face of the atmosphere is known. The solution is exact.  相似文献   
Evening and morning twilight enhancements of 5577 Å and 5893 Å lines were observed by Dunn-Manring type photometer at Calcutta during the period 1983–1985 and that of 5577 Å have been collected from Allahabad observatory. The following paper presents the correlation between the enhanced intensity of airglow lines (A G ) and solar flare index (I f ) which is calculated considering all the flares which occurred 24 hr before the times of occurrence of enhancements. It is observed that the intensity of airglow lines varies with the flare index in an oscillatory manner upto a certain limiting value ofI f . Afterwards intensity of both lines increases with the increase ofI f . The nature of variation is the same for both sunspot maximum and minimum periods. A possible explanation of such type of variation has also been invoked.  相似文献   
We examine the behaviour of accretion flow around a rotating black hole in presence of cooling. We obtain global flow solutions for various accretion parameters that govern the accreting flow. We show that standing isothermal shock wave may develop in such an advective accretion flow in presence of cooling. This shocked solution has observational consequences as it successfully provides the possible explanations of energy spectra as well as generation of outflows/jets of various galactic and extra-galactic black hole candidates. We study the properties of isothermal shock wave and find that it strongly depends on the cooling efficiency. We identify the region in the parameter space spanned by the specific energy and specific angular momentum of the flow for standing isothermal shock as a function of cooling efficiencies and find that parameter space gradually shrinks with the increase of cooling rates. Our results imply that accretion flow ceases to contain isothermal shocks when cooling is beyond its critical value.  相似文献   
Chandrasekhar'sH-functionH(z) corresponding to the dispersion functionT(z)=| rs frs(z)|, where [f rs (z)] is of rank 1, is obtained in terms of a Cauchy integral whose density functionQ(x, 1, 2,...) can be approximated by approximating polynomials (uniformly converging toQ(x)) having their coefficients expressed as known functions of the parameters r 's. A closed form approximation ofH(z) to a sufficiently high degree of accuracy is then readily available by term by term integration.  相似文献   
The equilibrium structure and oscillations of a partially degenerate standard model in the presence of a poloidal magnetic field have been studied. The magnetic field in the interior has been matched with an outside dipole field. The effect of magnetic field on the various structural parameters, e.g., mass, central condensation, moment of inertia, and oblateness has been computed for different values of the central degeneracy of the model. We have also studied the effect of magnetic field on radial oscillations of the configuration. A variational formulation is used to compute the changes in the frequency of radial mode of oscillation. It has been shown that the changes in frequency computed for various models using a two-parameter eigenfunction are in fair agreement with the values obtained by using the exact eigenfunction.  相似文献   
The stationary, spherically symmetric, polytropic and inviscid accretion flow in the Schwarzschild metric has been set-up as an autonomous first-order dynamical system, and it has been studied completely analytically. Of the three possible critical points in the flow, the one that is physically realistic behaves like the saddle point of the standard Bondi accretion problem. One of the two remaining critical points exhibits the strange mathematical behaviour of being either a saddle point or a centre-type point, depending on the values of the flow parameters. The third critical point is always unphysical and behaves like a centre-type point. The treatment has been extended to pseudo-Schwarzschild flows for comparison with the general relativistic analysis.  相似文献   
In a novel approach to studying viscous accretion flows, viscosity has been introduced as a perturbative effect, involving a first-order correction in the α-viscosity parameter. This method reduces the problem of solving a second-order non-linear differential equation (Navier–Stokes equation) to that of an effective first-order equation. Viscosity breaks down the invariance of the equilibrium conditions for stationary inflow and outflow solutions, and distinguishes accretion from wind. Under a dynamical systems classification, the only feasible critical points of this 'quasi-viscous' flow are saddle points and spirals. On large spatial scales of the disc, where a linearized and radially propagating time-dependent perturbation is known to cause a secular instability, the velocity evolution equation of the quasi-viscous flow has been transformed to bear a formal closeness with Schrödinger's equation with a repulsive potential. Compatible with the transport of angular momentum to the outer regions of the disc, a viscosity-limited length-scale has been defined for the full spatial extent over which the accretion process would be viable.  相似文献   
We analytically study how the behaviour of accretion flows changes when the flow model is varied. We study the transonic properties of the conical flow, a flow of constant height and a flow in vertical equilibrium, and show that all these models are basically identical, provided that the polytropic constant is suitably changed from one model to another. We show that this behaviour is extendible even when standing shocks are produced in the flow. The parameter space where shocks are produced remains roughly identical in all these models when the same transformation among the polytropic indices is used. We present applications of these findings.  相似文献   
We present VLA A-array 21-cm atomic hydrogen (H  i ) absorption observed against the central region of the starburst galaxy M82 with an angular resolution of ∼1.3 arcsec (≃20 pc). These observations, together with MERLIN H  i absorption measurements, are compared with the molecular (CO) and ionized ([Ne  ii ]) gas distributions and are used to constrain the dynamics and structure of the ionized, neutral and molecular gas in this starburst.
A position–velocity diagram of the H  i distribution reveals an unusual 'hole' feature which, when previously observed in CO, has been interpreted as an expanding superbubble contained within a ring of gas in solid body rotation. However, we interpret this feature as a signature of a nearly edge-on barred galaxy. In addition, we note that the CO, H  i and [Ne  ii ] position–velocity diagrams reveal two main velocity gradients, and we interpret these as gas moving on x1- and x2-orbits within a bar potential. We find the best fit to the data to be produced using a bar potential with a flat rotation curve velocity v b=140 km s−1 and a total length of 1 kpc, a non-axisymmetry parameter q =0.9, an angular velocity of the bar Ωb=217 km s−1 arcsec−1, a core radius R c=25 pc, an inclination angle i =80° and a projected angle between the bar and the major axis of the galaxy φ '=4°. We also discuss the orientation of the disc and bar in M82.  相似文献   
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