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The great Indonesian earth quake (26 December 2004) triggered a tsunami wave across the Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean basins and has brought a major havoc in several countries including India. The coastal segment between Thotapalli and Valiazhikal in Kerala state of southwest India, where considerably rich beach placer deposit with ilmenite percentage of more than 70% is concentrated, has been investigated to understand the impact of tsunami on coastal sediments. The grain size analysis flashes out the significant differences between the pre- and post-tsunami littoral environments. While the mineral grains collected during pre-tsunami period show well-sorted nature, the post-tsunami samples represent moderately to poorly sorted nature. Similarly, unimodal and bimodal distributions of the sediments have been recorded for pre- and post-tsunami sediments, respectively. Further, mineral assemblages corresponding to before and after this major wave activity clearly indicate the large-scale redistribution of sediments. The post-tsunami sediments register increasing trends of garnet, sillimanite and rutile. The total heavy mineral percentage of the post-tsunami sediment also shows an improved concentration, perhaps due to the large-scale transport of lighter fraction. Magnetite percentage of post-tsunami samples reflects higher concentration compared to the pre-tsunami samples, indicating the intensity of reworking process. X-ray diffraction patterns of ilmenite grains have confirmed the increased presence of pseduorutile, and pseudobrookite in post-tsunami samples, which could be due to the mixing of more altered grains. SEM examination of grains also confirms the significant alteration patterns on the ubiquitous mineral of placer body, the ilmenite. The reason for these textural, mineralogical and micromorphological changes in heavy minerals particularly in ilmenite, could be due to the churning action on the deeper sediments of onshore region or on the sediments entrapped in the near shelf region of the area, by the ∼ 6 m high tsunami waves.  相似文献   
The results of a number of laboratory model tests for the short‐term ultimate uplift capacity of a circular plate anchor embedded in saturated soft kaolinite and montmorillonite are presented. The tests were conducted with and without venting the bottom of the plate anchor in order to determine the variation of the suction force with embedment ratio. The variation of the suction force is presented in terms of the undrained shear strength of the clay and also the net ultimate uplift capacity.  相似文献   
The key equation which commonly appears for radiative transfer in a finite stellar atmosphere having ground reflection according to Lambert's law is considered in this paper. The exact solution of this equation is obtained for surface quantities in terms of theX-Y equations of Chandrasekhar by the method of Laplace transform and linear singular operators. This exact method is widely applicable for obtaining the solution for surface quantities in a finite atmosphere.  相似文献   
Summary Displacements and stresses produced by impulsive radial pressure and by impulsive twists have been determined. In the former case total flow of energy across a spherical boundary has been obtained.  相似文献   
In Bangladesh, development of the groundwater resource for irrigation is a vital component of the government’s agricultural strategy to attain food self-sufficiency. Amidst reports of falling groundwater levels in many parts of Bangladesh, the potential of groundwater use has been investigated in the Teesta Barrage Project (TBP) in which large-scale groundwater development for dry-season irrigation has taken place in the recent past. Several techniques and tools have been applied such as the combination of analysis of groundwater hydrographs and mathematical modelling to derive key hydrogeological variables, calculation of net irrigation requirement and the use of geographical information systems. The results show that the economically attractive high-yielding variety (HYV) Boro (dry season) rice cultivation during the groundwater irrigation season may not be sustained in large parts of the project area if the current trends in abstraction are continued. However, due to spatial variation in abstraction, nine thanas (sub-districts)—out of a total of 21 in the project area—may still be able to expand groundwater-irrigated cropland and a groundwater-use potential of 40 mm/year may be created if deep-set shallow tubewells are used by the farmers to abstract groundwater. A structured approach, based on zoning of potential areas, is recommended for groundwater development and use.
Resumen En Bangladesh, el desarrollo de las aguas subterráneas para riego es un componente vital del la estrategia agrícola del Gobierno para obtener la auto-suficiencia alimentaria. Un informe intermedio evidencia un descenso de los niveles de aguas subterráneas en muchas partes de Bangladesh, el uso potencial de aguas subterránea ha sido investigado en el Proyecto Tessta Barrage (TBP) en el cual ha tenido lugar el desarrollo de las aguas subterráneas a gran escala para el riego en la estación seca en un pasado reciente. Se ha aplicado algunas técnicas y herramientas, como la combinación del análisis de datos gráficos de aguas subterráneas y modelización matemática para obtener variables hidrogeológicas clave, el cálculo de la necesidad neta de riego y el uso de Sistemas de Información Geográfica. El resultado muestra que el cultivo, económicamente atractivo, de arroz HYV Boro (estación seca) durante la estación de riego con aguas subterráneas puede no ser sostenible en gran parte del área del proyecto si continúan las tendencias actuales en las extracciones. Sin embargo, debido a la variación espacial en la extracción, nueve thanas (subdistritos)—de un total de 21 en el área del Proyecto—pueden todavía sufrir un aumento de la tierra cultivable regada con aguas subterráneas y que se puede asumir un uso potencial de agua subterránea de 40 mm/estación si los granjeros utilizan sondeos someros instalados en fosas para la extracción. Se recomienda una aproximación estructurada para el desarrollo y uso de las aguas subterráneas, basada en la zonificación de áreas potenciales.

Résumé Au Bangladesh, l’exploitation des ressources en eau souterraines pour l’irrigation est une composante vitale de la stratégie agricole gouvernementale pour atteindre l’auto-suffisance alimentaire. Parmi les baisses de niveaux piézométriques rapportées sur de nombreuses régions du Bangladesh, le potentiel d’utilisation des eaux souterraines a été étudié sur le Projet de Barrage de Teesta (TBP), où, dans un passé récent, les eaux souterraines ont été massivement exploitées pour l’irrigation en saison sèche. De nombreux outils et techniques ont été utilisés, comme l’analyse combinée des chroniques piézométriques et des modèles mathématiques pour dégager les variables hydrogéologiques clés, le calcul des besoins nets pour l’irrigation, et l’utilisation des systèmes d’information géographique. Les résultats démontrent que la culture en saison d’irrigation de la variété de riz HYV Boro (saison sèche), économiquement attrayante, n’est potentiellement pas viable sur de nombreux secteurs de la zone étudiée si les prélèvements perdurent selon la tendance actuelle. Cependant, du fait de la variation spatiale des prélèvements, neuf thanas (sous-districts)—sur un total de 21 sur le secteur d’étude—pourraient encore augmenter les surfaces irriguées, et une disponibilité en eau de 40 mm/saison pourrait être générée si les agriculteurs utilisaient des puits peu profonds pour exploiter les ressources souterraines. Une approche structurée, basée sur le zonage des secteurs potentiels, est recommandée pour l’exploitation et l’utilisation des eaux souterraines.
Land surface temperature (LST) shows negative correlation with the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI). Variability in the degree of correlation between LST and NDWI is ascribed to the physical character of specific geological material. Northwest India exhibits various landforms with different geological materials and has been broadly classified into four zones. Structural ridges of Aravalli Mountain of different rock compositions show strong variability both in NDWI (range 1.154, SD?=?0.0599) and in LST (range 24 °C and SD?=?2.54). Negative LST–NDWI correlation in this sector is partially linear. Western Thar Desert, having homogenous silica sand of lower emissivity shows least variability in its NDWI (range 0.88, SD?=?0.027) and moderate variability in its LST (20 °C, SD?=?2.389). Strong negative correlation of LST with NDWI is exhibited here. Band ratio Silica map in this sector shows strong positive correlation with LST. The eastern part of the Thar desert with mixed rocky knobs, and wind-blown sand shows low variability in NDWI (range 0.85) as well as LST (range 15 °C). Area in Indus–Bias–Sutlej River basin, dominated with fluvial sediments with lesser amount of windblown sediments, show low variability of NDWI (0.85) and moderate variability of LST (range 23 °C). In the areas, around Luni river higher NDWI trend is recorded, which is unrelated to present drainage trends indicating presence of palaeo-drainage. In addition, high NDWI and high LST bearing linear zones at places are interpreted as structural lineaments/faults based on pattern, moisture content and thermal high.  相似文献   
Das  Manob  Das  Arijit  Mandal  Ashis 《GeoJournal》2021,86(6):2723-2745

The study assesses the level of development and disparities in terms of living conditions of the households in the districts of Bundelkhand region. To measure actual scenario of living conditions of the HHs, a Composite Index was developed on the basis of 18 indicators. Even to assess living conditions of the HHs, four indices have been developed namely Housing Index, Physical Capital Index and Asset Index. The level of development of the districts has been categorized on the basis of Composite Index value. The results show that there is a wide disparity in terms of conditions of living in different districts of Bundelkhand region. The results also shows that northern part of Bundelkhand region is more developed as compared to southern part. From the result, it was recorded that the districts belonging in Madhya Pradesh having better condition of living in comparison to Uttar Pradesh in Bundelkhand region. The research study suggests that authorities should focus on the proper implementation of the existing policies and more effective planning and policies should be implemented to enhance the better living conditions of the households in Bundelkhand region.

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