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We show that a Moreton wave, an “EIT wave,” and a type II radio burst observed during a solar flare of July 13, 2004, might have been a manifestation of a single front of a decelerating shock wave, which appeared in an active region (AR) during a filament eruption. We propose describing a quasi-spheroidal wave propagating upward and along the solar surface by using relations known from a theory of a point-like explosion in a gas whose density changes along the radius according to a power law. By applying this law to fit the drop in density of the coronal plasma enveloping the solar active region, we first managed to bring the measured positions and velocities of surface Moreton wave and “EIT wave” into correspondence with the observed frequency drift rate of the meter type II radio burst. The exponent of the vertical coronal density falloff is selected by fitting the power law to the Newkirk and Saito empirical distributions in the height range of interest. Formal use of such a dependence in the horizontal direction with a different exponent appears to be reasonable up to distances of less than 200 Mm around the eruption center. It is possible to assume that the near-surface shock wave weakens when leaving this radius and finally the active region, entering the region of the quiet Sun where the coronal plasma density and the fast-mode speed are almost constant along the horizontal.  相似文献   
Ground level enhancements (GLEs) of cosmic-ray intensity occur, on average, once a year. Because they are rare, studying the solar sources of GLEs is especially important to approach understanding their origin. The SOL2001-12-26 eruptive-flare event responsible for GLE63 seems to be challenging in some aspects. Deficient observations limited our understanding of it. Analysis of additional observations found for this event provided new results that shed light on the flare configuration and evolution. This article addresses the observations of this flare with the Siberian Solar Radio Telescope (SSRT). Taking advantage of its instrumental characteristics, we analyze the detailed SSRT observations of a major long-duration flare at 5.7 GHz without cleaning the images. The analysis confirms that the source of GLE63 was associated with an event in active region 9742 that comprised two flares. The first flare (04:30?–?05:03 UT) reached a GOES importance of about M1.6. Two microwave sources were observed, whose brightness temperatures at 5.7 GHz exceeded 10 MK. The main flare, up to an importance of M7.1, started at 05:04 UT and occurred in strong magnetic fields. The observed microwave sources reached a brightness temperature of about 250 MK. They were not static. After appearing on the weaker-field periphery of the active region, the microwave sources moved toward each other nearly along the magnetic neutral line, approaching the stronger-field core of the active region, and then moved away from the neutral line like expanding ribbons. These motions rule out an association of the non-thermal microwave sources with a single flaring loop.  相似文献   
Propagation of shock related Moreton and EUV waves in the solar atmosphere is simulated by the nonlinear geometrical acoustics method. This method is based on the ray approximation and takes account of nonlinear wave features: dependence of the wave velocity on its amplitude, nonlinear dissipation of wave energy in the shock front, and the increase in its duration with time. The paper describes ways of applying this method to solve the propagation problem of a blast magnetohydrodynamic shock wave. Results of analytical modeling of EUV and Moreton waves in the spherically symmetric and isothermal solar corona are also presented. The calculations demonstrate deceleration of these waves and an increase in their duration. The calculation results of the kinematics of the EUV wave observed on the Sun on January 17, 2010 are presented as an example.  相似文献   
We briefly overview results of our study of the large-scale solar activity associated with coronal mass ejections (CMEs). The observational material is constituted with data of the SPIRIT telescope aboard the CORONAS-F satellite in the three EUV channels 175, 284, and 304 Å. In particular, we consider a powerful geoeffective event of November 4, 2003, which was not observed by the SOHO/EIT telescope, a series of extremely powerful events of October 2003, and an event of November 18, 2003, with filament eruption. The efficiency of combined analysis of the SPIRIT and EIT data is demonstrated. The analysis confirms the coincidence of many dimmings in different spectral channels, including coronal lines with different excitation temperatures and the transition-region line, as well as the global character and homology of dimmings in recurrent events. The higher cadence SPIRIT observations at 304 Å reveal a slowly propagating large-scale darkening probably caused by absorption of emission in the dense, cold plasma of an eruptive filament.  相似文献   
Large-scale solar disturbances associated with powerful flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) during two passages of a grand system of three active regions in October–November 2003 are analyzed using data obtained with the SOHO/EIT EUV telescope. Dimmings (transient coronal holes) and, to a lesser extent, coronal waves (traveling emitting fronts) are studied using fixed-difference derotated images, in which a correction for the solar rotation is applied and a single heliogram preceding the event is subtracted from all subsequent heliograms. This method allows us to study difference heliograms in both the 195 Å line (with an interval of 12 min) and the various-temperature channels of 171, 195, 284, and 304 Å (with an interval of six hours). Our analysis shows, in particular, that the disturbances associated with CMEs demonstrated a global character and occupied almost the entire southern half of the disk in virtually all eruptive events during the two solar rotations. At the same time, the northern half of the disk, which had a large coronal hole, was only slightly disturbed. The dominant dimmings were observed on the disk as narrow, long features stretched mainly between three main, well-separated regions of the system and as long structures located along lines of solar latitude in the south polar sector. For repetitive events with intervals between them being not so long, the dominant dimmings demonstrated a clear homology in their forms and locations. During the very powerful event of October 28, one homologous global set of dimmings changed to another set. Many dimmings were observed to be identical or very similar in the three coronal channels and the transition-region line. It follows from the analysis that rapidly recovering global structures in the corona and transition region were involved in the eruption of running CMEs and the corresponding reconstruction of the large-scale magnetic fields.  相似文献   
A new type of dimmings, or transient coronal holes (i.e., regions of reduced soft-X-ray and EUV emission), is revealed in analyses of difference solar images obtained with the SOHO EIT ultraviolet telescope at 195 Å. Such features can be observed on the solar disk after halo-type coronal mass ejections (CMEs). If several active regions, filaments, and other structures are present on the disk during a major eruptive event, then strongly anisotropic, channel-shaped (“channeled”) dimmings coexist with relatively compact dimmings adjacent to the eruption center. The channeled dimmings are comparable to the compact dimmings in terms of their contrast; stretch along several narrow, extended features (channels); and can span nearly the entire visible disk. Coronal waves, which appear as fronts of enhanced brightness traveling ahead of the dimmings in some halo CME events, are also anisotropic. We argue that such transient phenomena are closely related to the strong disturbance and restructuring of large-scale magnetic fields involved in CMEs, and the channeled character of the dimmings reflects the complexity of the global solar magnetosphere, in particular, near the solar-activity maximum.  相似文献   
Using microwave observations made with the Nobeyama radioheliograph (=1.76 cm), we have studied temporal variations of sunspot-associated sources in the circularly polarized component. For all three cases of well-developed and rather stable sunspots we found nearly harmonic oscillations with periods in a range of 120–220 s. In one case of an unstable and quickly devolving active region, the fluctuations appear to be irregular with no dominant period. Sunspot-associated solar radio sources are known to be generated by cyclotron radiation of thermal electrons in magnetic tubes of sunspots at the level of the lower solar corona or chromosphere–corona transition region (CCTR). At the wavelength of 1.76 cm, the polarized emission arises in a layer where the magnetic field is B=2000 G (assuming the emission generated at the third harmonic of electron gyrofrequency). We suggest that the observed effect is a manifestation of the well-known 3-min oscillations observed in the chromosphere and photosphere above sunspots. The observed effects are believed to be a result of resonance oscillation of MHD waves inside a magnetic tube. Radio observations of this phenomenon open a new tool for studying regions of reflection of MHD waves near CCTR level. The method is very sensitive both to the height of the CCTR and magnetic fields above sunspots. Thus, detection of oscillations of the height of the transition region even with an amplitude of a few km are possible. The use of a spectrum of one of the observed sources obtained with the radio telescope RATAN-600 allows us to conclude that oscillations in magnetic field strength of about 4 G could be responsible for the effect and are reliably registered. The appearance of the famous 5-min oscillations in the solar atmosphere was also registered in some spectra of radio oscillations.  相似文献   
Uralov  A.M.  Nakajima  H.  Zandanov  V.G.  Grechnev  V.V. 《Solar physics》2000,197(2):275-312
We study the evolution of the active region (AR) NOAA 7321 in which appeared a so-called `neutral-line-associated source' (NLS) on the basis of data of the Nobeyama Radioheliograph and Yohkoh/SXT. We provide a physical interpretation of the NLS in terms of a topological magnetic reconnection model in a quadrupole magnetic configuration and discuss its relation to the evolution of the active region. Two kinds of the NLS were observed at 17 GHz. One of them, `rising NLS', was found in the growth stage. The other was `stationary NLS' detected in the maximal stage of the AR. Their presence was associated with substantial expansion of the active region's magnetosphere and accompanied by gradual development of spine-like structures visible in soft X-rays before homologous long-duration arcade flares. We suggest that the rising 17 GHz NLS corresponded to a fragment of a `horizontal' current sheet moving upward. Bright X-ray spines were boundaries of that current sheet. Almost all bursts observed from 26 to 28 October 1992 which accompanied class C and M flares occurred in the rising NLS. Formation of magnetic X-point singularities is believed to be responsible for the low-lying NLS. Reversal of circular polarization due to the effect of radio wave propagation was detected in that NLS on the limb. The initial stage of the microwave burst of the long-duration X9 class flare on 2 November 1992 occurred in this NLS. We also revealed observational manifestations of the presence of `vertical' non-neutral current sheet in the spatial structure of this NLS before the flare.  相似文献   
Grechnev  V.  Uralov  A. M.  Kiselev  V. I.  Kochanov  A. A. 《Solar physics》2017,292(1):1-9
Solar Physics - We have examined the more than 1100 drawings of the solar disk made by the German amateur astronomer Johann Caspar Staudach during 1749?–?1799 and counted the...  相似文献   
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