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A method based on the principles of electrochemistry has been applied for the first time with indigenous equipment in the search for base-metal sulphides, following a field exploration technique known as ‘CHIM — 10’, which is in use in the U.S.S.R. for the last few years. The technique utilizes the electro-positive property of the metallic ions. When a large section of the ground is artificially electrolyzed by the introduction of a direct current, the metallic ions within the moist soil profile close to the mineralized zone tend to move towards the energizing cathodes of a powerful widely spaced electrode array. A laboratory model experiment was conducted first which showed encouraging results. Subsequently, a prototype field unit was fabricated and employed to examine its effectiveness in the field on a soil profile over the base-metal sulphide zones of Aladahalli area, Hassan District, Karnataka, where the geology of the deposit is well known.The results obtained during the field trials were quite good and in full conformity with the known geology. However, detailed evaluation of those data after applying necessary corrections for the different variable parameters of the system is yet to be done. Work is in progress to refine the technique with a view to standardizing and developing its use for qualitative and quantitative assessment of a concealed base-metal deposit in a given area, specially where conventional geochemical exploration methods are not suitable.The paper deals with the details of the technique and discusses the results obtained during the trial run in the field.  相似文献   
柴达木盆地北缘大柴旦地区古生代花岗岩锆石SHRIMP定年   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
大柴旦地区是柴北缘古生代超高压带的重要组成部分,与超高压岩石相伴的花岗岩十分发育。这些花岗岩具有两类不同的岩石地球化学特征,Ⅰ类以 Na_2O/K_2O 比值小于1、明显的负 Eu 异常和低 Sr、高 Y 为特征,具有 S-型花岗岩的属性,Ⅱ类以 Na_2O/K_2O 比值大于1、弱负 Eu 异常到正 Eu 异常和高 Sr、低 Y 为特征,具有Ⅰ-型花岗岩的属性,反映了它们的源岩及成因上的差异。锆石 SHRIMP U—Ph 定年结果表明,大柴旦地区花岗岩的年龄可分为三组,第一组年龄为446.3±3.9Ma,第二组年龄分别为408.6±4.4Ma、403.3±3.8Ma、401.8±3Ma,第三组年龄分别为374.5±1.6Ma、372±2.1Ma。结合区域地质特征,我们认为,第一组年龄可能反映了柴达木陆块与中南祁连板块碰撞的时代,第二组年龄可能反映了深俯冲地下的板块由于拆沉而折返的时代,第三组年龄可能反映了碰撞隆起后造山带上不同块体之间的伸展、滑塌的时代。  相似文献   
辉钼矿Re-Os同位素定年方法的改进与应用   总被引:4,自引:9,他引:4  
公认的Re-Os同位素定年代表物辉钼矿,目前已在金属硫化物矿床年代学研究领域获得了广泛的应用。本研究采用浓HNO3分解辉钼矿样品,大大地简化了Re和Os的化学制备过程,并根据辉钼矿中正常Os含量水平相对放射成因187Os可以忽略的特点,以正常Os标准为稀释剂,实现了仪器测量过程中Os同位素质量分馏的在线校正,改善了分析数据的质量。该方法经辉钼矿国家标准物质进行验证,获得了满意的Re、Os含量及Re-Os年龄数据,并且在南岭地区与连阳复式岩体相关的姓坪夕卡岩型钼矿床成矿年龄研究中获得了成功应用。在实际应用中,为了获得有意义的能反映真实地质事件的年龄数据,辉钼矿样品不仅要有足够的取样量,而且还要保证粒度细、混合均匀。  相似文献   
Scenarios for the development of large-scale vertical circulation anomalies during warm and cold phases of El Niño-Southern Oscillation are generalized based on the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data for 1958-1998. Composite models of the cells of vertical circulation in the monsoon and trade-wind regions of the tropical Pacific are obtained for the first time for El Niño and La Niña separately. An unprecedented shift of the ascending branch of the zonal Walker circulation from the “maritime continent” of Indonesia to the east, to the central and eastern Pacific, was observed during the warm phase over the tropical Pacific; this shift was accompanied by an abrupt increase in the tropical cyclogenesis activity in the southern Pacific zone of convergence. On the contrary, during the cold phase, the ascending motions in the region of the summer Australian monsoon are subject to abrupt intensification. The reconstruction of the vertical meridional circulation during the warm phase manifested itself in the almost complete disappearance of the Hadley classic circulation over the central Pacific, characteristic of the trade-wind intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ), and in its replacement by the latitudinal monsoon circulation typical of the ITCZ over the Indian Ocean. During a cold phase, the Hadley circulation is both restored and intensified.  相似文献   
Summary Snow albedo is determined from the ratio of out-going to incoming solar radiation using three years of broadband shortwave radiometer data obtained from the Barrow, Alaska, Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) site. These data are used for the evaluation of various types of snow-albedo parameterizations applied in numerical weather prediction or climate models. These snow-albedo parameterizations are based on environmental conditions (e.g., air or snow temperature), snow related characteristics (e.g., snow depth, snow age), or combinations of both. The ARM data proved to be well suited for snow-albedo evaluation purposes for a low-precipitation tundra environment. The evaluation confirms that snow-age dependent parameterizations of snow albedo work well during snowmelt, while parameterizations considering meteorological conditions often perform better during snow accumulation. Current difficulties in parameterizing snow albedo occur for long episodes of snow-event free conditions and episodes with a high frequency of snow events or strong snowfall. In a further step, the first two years of the ARM albedo dataset is used to develop a snow-albedo parameterization, and the third year’s data serves for its evaluation. This parameterization considers snow depth, wind speed, and air temperature which are found to be significant parameters for snow-albedo modeling under various conditions. Comparison of all evaluated snow-albedo parameterizations with this new parameterization shows improved snow-albedo prediction. Correspondence: Nicole M?lders, Geophysical Institute and College of Natural Science and Mathematics, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 903 Koyukuk Drive, P.O. Box 757320, Fairbanks, AK 99775-7320, USA  相似文献   
This paper is concerned with computation of the attenuation coefficient of internal acoustic-gravity waves in a slightly dissipative horizontally stratified atmosphere. Two models are generally used in deriving this attenuation coefficient. In one model, the nonlinear hydrodynamic equations are analyzed by using a Stokes expansion and the WKB solutions to the linearized perturbations are sought by using the coupled mode formulation. In the second model, the attenuation is viewed as the dissipation of pseudoenergy. We show in this paper that in a slightly dissipative atmosphere, these two models give identical results as far as computation of the attenuation coefficient is concerned, although in a highly dissipative atmosphere the results are known to be different.  相似文献   
Interannual variability of the Indian summer monsoon rainfall has two dominant periodicities, one on the quasi-biennial (2–3 year) time scale corresponding to tropospheric biennial oscillation (TBO) and the other on low frequency (3–7 year) corresponding to El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). In the present study, the spatial and temporal patterns of various atmospheric and oceanic parameters associated with the Indian summer monsoon on the above two periodicities were investigated using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data sets for the period 1950–2005. Influences of Indian and Pacific Ocean SSTs on the monsoon season rainfall are different for both of the time scales. Seasonal evolution and movement of SST and Walker circulation are also different. SST and velocity potential anomalies are southeast propagating on the TBO scale, while they are stationary on the ENSO scale. Latent heat flux and relative humidity anomalies over the Indian Ocean and local Hadley circulation between the Indian monsoon region and adjacent oceans have interannual variability only on the TBO time scale. Local processes over the Indian Ocean determine the Indian Ocean SST in biennial periodicity, while the effect of equatorial east Pacific SST is significant in the ENSO periodicity. TBO scale variability is dependent on the local factors of the Indian Ocean and the Indian summer monsoon, while the ENSO scale processes are remotely controlled by the Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   
Summary ?A nonhydrostatic 4-km version of the Global Environmental Multiscale (GEM) model, with detailed microphysics included, was used to forecast the initiation, development, and structure of a tornado-producing supercell storm that occurred near Pine Lake (Alberta, Canada) on 15 July 2000. Examination of observations and comparison with conceptual models indicate that this storm is a good example of supercell storms that regularly produce summertime severe weather over Alberta. It was found that the high-resolution model was able to reproduce the early initiation of convective activity along the Rocky Mountains foothills, as well as the rapid northeastward propagation towards the Pine Lake area and the subsequent intensification into a supercell storm. The general structures of the forecasted convective system correspond well with conceptual representations of such events. Overall, this high-resolution forecast of the Pine Lake supercell storm was a significant improvement over the current operational version of the GEM model (24 km), which was not able to intensify the foothills’ convection into a supercell storm. Finally, it was found that the nonhydrostatic version of the model produces better trajectory and propagation speed of the convective system, as compared with the hydrostatic one. Received March 20, 2001; revised August 24, 2001  相似文献   
Summary Crop residues alter the surface properties of soils. Both shortwave albedo and longwave emissivity are affected. These are linked to an effect of residue on surface evaporation and water content. Water content influences soil physical properties and surface energy partitioning. In summary, crop residue acts to soil as clothing acts to skin. Compared to bare soil, crop residues can reduce extremes of heat and mass fluxes at the soil surface. Managing crop residues can result in more favorable agronomic soil conditions. This paper reviews research results of the quantity, quality, architecture, and surface distribution of crop residues on soil surface radiation and energy balances, soil water content, and soil temperature.With 6 Figures  相似文献   
As a result of climate change and unsustainable land use management in the recent past, droughts have become one of the most devastating climatic hazards whose impacts may prolong from months to years. This study presents analysis of droughts for two major cropping seasons, i.e., Kharif (May–September) and Rabi (October–April), over the Potwar Plateau of Pakistan. The analysis is performed using various datasets viz. observational, reanalysis, and Regional Climate Models (RCMs), for the past (1981–2010) and future (2011–2100) time periods. The following two methods for the identification of dry and wet years, also referred to as drought and wetness, are applied: (1) the percentile rank approach and (2) the drought indices, Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and Reconnaissance Drought Index (RDI). Future projections of droughts are investigated using RCM (RegCM4.4 and RCA4) outputs from CORDEX South Asia domain under two Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) scenarios, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5. Generally, the indices show non-significant decreasing trends of drought severity in the recent past for all cases; however, significant increasing trends are observed for annual (0.006) and Kharif (0.007) cases under RCP4.5 scenario. The analysis of large-scale atmospheric dynamics suggests the significant role of low-level geopotential height anomalies over Tibetan Plateau (northwest of Pakistan) during Kharif (Rabi) season in controlling drought occurrence by transporting moisture from the Bay of Bengal (Arabian Sea). Moreover, composites of vertically integrated moisture transport, moisture flux convergence/divergence, and precipitable water anomalies show their marked contribution in maintaining the drought/wetness conditions over the Potwar region.  相似文献   
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