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The Epupa Metamorphic Complex constitutes the southwestern margin of the Congo Craton and is exposed in a hilly to mountainous terrain of northwestern Namibia, bordering the Kunene River and extending into southern Angola. It consists predominantly of granitoid gneisses which are migmatized over large areas. This migmatization locally led to anatexis and produced crustal-melt granites such as the Otjitanda Granite. We have undertaken reconnaissance geochemical studies and single zircon U–Pb SHRIMP and Pb–Pb evaporation dating of rocks of the Epupa Complex. The granitoid gneisses, migmatites and anatectic melts are similar in composition and constitute a suite of metaluminous to peraluminous, calc-alkaline granitoids, predominantly with volcanic arc geochemical signatures. The zircon protolith ages for the orthogneisses range from 1861 ± 3 to 1758 ± 3 Ma. Anatexis in the migmatitic Epupa gneisses was dated from a melt patch at 1762 ± 4 Ma, and the anatectic Otjitanda Granite has a zircon age of 1757 ± 4 Ma. Migmatization and anatexis therefore occurred almost immediately after granitoid emplacement and date a widespread high-temperature Palaeoproterozoic event at ∼1760 Ma which has not been recorded elswhere in northern Namibia. The Nd isotopic systematics of all dated samples are surprisingly similar and suggest formation of the protolith from a source region that probably separated from the depleted mantle about 2.4–2.0 Ga ago. A major Archaean component in the source area is unlikely.  相似文献   
Detoxification of synthetic dyes is one of the main challenges in clearing textile industry wastes. Biodegradation of azo-dyes using Phanerochaete chrysosporium is one the most environmentally friendly methods available. The main enzymes responsible for mycodecolorization process are lignin and manganese peroxidases. Here, optimization of expression conditions has been carried out with manipulating culture condition and nutrient sources. Therefore, the effects of buffer and temperature as well as nitrogen source on lignin peroxidase and manganese peroxidase production were investigated at two levels and four levels, respectively. For this purpose, P. chrysosporium RP78 based on Taguchi design of experiment has been applied. Maximum lignin and manganese peroxidase activities of 182 ± 2.5 U/L and 850 ± 41 U/L were obtained under predicted optimum conditions, respectively. Thereby, about 100 % decolorization was achieved after 24 h for two most widely used groups of azo dyes in textile industry consisting reactive and acidic. The physical adsorption of the azo dyes by mycelia was not significant which indicated that the enzymatic degradation of the dyes was occurred. Time profile of these enzymes showed that manganese peroxidase was peaked on 9th day while lignin peroxidase peaked on 13th day and remained stable in the culture. The extracellular expression profiles of both were studied by 2 dimensional gel electrophoresis to partially characterize the enzymes.  相似文献   
Abstract. Vein type tungsten mineralization at Degana is genetically and spatially associated with the Degana Granite. The deposit is characterized by pervasive wall rock alteration around the mineralized quartz veins. Laterally three different alteration zones, greisen, silicification and potassic zones, are marked based on the field features, mineral assemblages and geo-chemical characteristics. In the present paper, systematic mineralogical and chemical variation in these alteration zones is reported. Thick mono-mineralic (zinnwaldite) selvages around the veins characterize the deposit. Plagioclase and alkali feldspar are low in the greisen zones while K-feldspar shows more increase than plagioclase in the potassic zone. Quartz is uniformly high in all the alteration zones, but it shows an anomalous value in the silicification zone. Al2O3 concentration shows initial depletion in greisen zone with gradual increase away from the contact. MgO and FeO are higher in greisen zone than silicification and potassic zones. The potassic zone is characterized by the depletion of Na2O and higher value of K2O.
The common presence of topaz and fluorite as both primary and secondary minerals and fluorine-bearing micas suggest fluorine partitioning in substantial amount between granitic melt and coexisting aqueous fluid phase and higher HF activity during the evolution of hydrothermal fluid. The mutual relationship of the fluorine minerals (topaz and fluorite) in the different alteration zones suggests an increase in the Ca2+ activity and decrease of H+ activity during the fluid evolution from greisenization towards alkali-metasomatised granite and the fluid is assumed to change from low to high activity ratio of Ca2+/H+.  相似文献   
Soil samples from chromite mining site and its adjacent overburden dumps and fallow land of Sukinda, Odisha, were analysed for their physico-chemical, microbial and metal contents. Chromite mine soils were heterogenous mixture of clay, mud, minerals and rocks. The pH of the soils ranges between 5.87 and 7.36. The nutrient contents of the mine soils (N, P, K and organic C) were found to be extremely low. Analysis of chromite mine soils revealed accumulation of a number of metals in high concentrations (Fe > Cr > Mn > Ni > Zn > Pb > Sr) which exceeded ecotoxicological limits in soil. Correlation and cluster analysis of metals revealed a strong relation between Cr, Ni, Fe, Mn among the different attributes studied. Assessment of different microbial groups such as fungi, actinomycetes and bacteria (heterotrophic, spore forming, free-living nitrogen fixing, phosphate solubilising and cellulose degrading) from mine soils were found to be either extremely low or absent in some soil samples. Further chromium tolerant bacteria (CTB) were isolated using 100 mg/L Cr(VI) enriched nutrient agar medium and were screened for their tolerance towards increasing concentrations of hexavalent chromium and other toxic metals. Out of 23 CTB isolates, three bacteria tolerated up to 900 mg/L, 6 up to 500 mg/L, 20 up to 200 mg/L of Cr(VI). These bacteria were also found to be sensitive towards Cu > Co > Cd and very few CTB strains could show multiple metal tolerance. These strains have great scope for their application in bioremediation of toxic chromium ions in presence of other metals ions, which needs to be explored for their biotechnological applications.  相似文献   
Industrial plants that refine bauxite to alumina using the high temperature process have always held the belief that anatase was detrimental to the extraction of boehmite while rutile was not. This study shows that this effect is real and that it is observable at temperatures as low as 90 °C. The extraction of gibbsite is shown to be unaffected which leads us to believe that the kinetics of both the Ti-bearing mineral and the Al-bearing mineral is important in this phenomenon. In addition, it is shown that not only is the presence of anatase an issue in boehmite extraction but so too is the presence of sodium titanate. Rutile was found to have the least impact of the three mineral phases.  相似文献   
Major climatic changes and rapid local and regional tectonic movements were common in New Zealand during the late Quaternary and caused a diversity of adjustments in the drainage-basin and piedmont reaches of the Charwell River, which are separated by the Hope Fault. The onset of semi-arid, frigid climates during the latest Pleistocene probably greatly increased hillslope sediment yields in a periglacial environment, and the piedmont reach aggraded as much as 42 m on top of a broad strath. With the return of humid, mesic climates in the Holocene sediment yields decreased as dense forests again mantled the slopes, and the piedmont reach degraded as mush as 81 m. Dating of eleven cut-and-strath terraces by radiocarbon-calibrated weathering rind measurements on greyawake cobbles shows the degradation rates varied greatly during the last 14 ka (1 ka = 1000 yr). Initial degradation rates of < 4 m ka−1 increased to 30 m ka −1 by 6 ka ago during a mid-Holocene climatic optimum. Since 4 ka ago degradation rates have been only 1.2 m ka−1, comparable to uplift rates in the piedmont reach inferred from marine-terrace studies, and the river is again cutting a broad strath. Each broad strath represents equilibrium conditions attained by this powerful stream during interglacial times despite episodes of being overwhelmed by climatically induced sediment-yield increases during full-glacial climates and having to maintain a long-term degradation rate equal to the uplift rate.The 75–81 m of degradation since formation of the latest Pleistocene fill-terrace tread is the sum of the amount of late Pleistocene valley-floor aggradation and the amount of regional uplift that occurred between the estimated times of major strath formation at about 30 and 0 ka. The 39 m of tectonically induced degradation below the pre-aggradation strath is sufficiently large that post-30 ka uplift may have doubled Holocene degradation rates.Each of the eleven degradation terraces represents pauses of a few centuries in Holocene downcutting. Brief equilibrium conditions were attained by streambed armoring and concurrent growth of riparian plants; both processes progressively increased hydraulic roughness and the shear stresses needed to entrain streambed materials. Occasional floods, possibly from rare cyclones derived from tropical moisture sources, destroyed streambed armor and channel downcutting was renewed. Thus the formation of eleven equilibrium terraces can be accounted for without postulating additional tectonic perturbations or secular climatic changes.  相似文献   
Summary A method to estimate monthly cloud conditions (monthly cloud frequencies) from multispectral satellite imagery is described. The operational cloud classification scheme SCANDIA (the SMHI Cloud ANalysis model using DIgital AVHRR data), based on high resolution imagery from the polar orbiting NOAA-satellites, has been used to produce monthly cloud frequencies for the entire year of 1993 and some additional months in 1991, 1992, 1994 and 1995. Cloud analyses were made for an area covering the Nordic countries with a horizontal resolution of four km. Examples of seasonal, monthly and diurnal variation in cloud conditions are given and an annual mean for 1993 is presented.Comparisons with existing surface observations showed very good agreement for horizontal cloud distributions but approximately 5% smaller cloud amounts were found in the satellite estimations. The most evident problems were encountered in the winter season due to difficulties in identifying low-level cloudiness at very low sun elevations. The underestimation in the summer season was partly fictious and caused by the overestimation of convective cloud cover by surface observers.SCANDIA results were compared to ISCCP (International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project) cloud climatologies for two selected months in 1991 and 1992. ISCCP cloudiness was indicated to be higher, especially during the month with anticyclonic conditions where a cloudiness excess of more than 10% were found. The regional variation of cloud conditions in the area was found to be inadequately described by ISCCP cloud climatologies. An improvement of the horizontal resolution of ISCCP data seems necessary to enable use for regional applications.The SCANDIA model is proposed as a valuable tool for local and regional monitoring of the cloud climatology at high latitudes. More extensive comparisons with ISCCP cloud climatologies are suggested as well as comparisons with modelled cloudiness from atmospheric general circulation models and climate models. Special studies of cloud conditions in the Polar areas are also proposed.With 14 Figures  相似文献   
The Lewis thrust sheet of the southern Canadian Rocky Mountains contains many spectacular examples of small-scale duplex structures. This paper presents the results of a detailed analysis of such structures found in the Mississippian carbonates of the Banff Formation at Crowsnest Pass, southwestern Alberta.Foreland dipping, hinterland dipping and antiformal stacked duplexes are found in the hangingwall of the Lewis thrust. Out-of-sequence thrusts, back thrusts and folds that push out of the plane of the cross-section, termed lateral lobes, give rise to complex internal geometries. Dominant slip vectors are towards 080–090° but the complex fault geometries have generated significant variations in slip away from this direction. The duplex structures occur as discrete thrust fault-bounded packages with each package having different slip vectors. The panels above and below the duplex structures show consistent slip vectors towards 080–090° whereas the duplexes exhibit a wide scatter of slip vectors from 350–160°. The stacking of duplexes with many horses can be likened to the stacking of many inverted soup bowls, herein termed turtle back structures, and will involve a wide scatter of slip directions, particularly if the horses are of limited lateral extent. Such a stacking mechanism involving out-of-section movement invalidates the assumption of two-dimensional plane strain in the plane of the cross-section that contains the regional tectonic transport direction. Correctly balanced cross-sections cannot be constructed through such stacked duplex structures as described in this paper.  相似文献   
A method based on the principles of electrochemistry has been applied for the first time with indigenous equipment in the search for base-metal sulphides, following a field exploration technique known as ‘CHIM — 10’, which is in use in the U.S.S.R. for the last few years. The technique utilizes the electro-positive property of the metallic ions. When a large section of the ground is artificially electrolyzed by the introduction of a direct current, the metallic ions within the moist soil profile close to the mineralized zone tend to move towards the energizing cathodes of a powerful widely spaced electrode array. A laboratory model experiment was conducted first which showed encouraging results. Subsequently, a prototype field unit was fabricated and employed to examine its effectiveness in the field on a soil profile over the base-metal sulphide zones of Aladahalli area, Hassan District, Karnataka, where the geology of the deposit is well known.The results obtained during the field trials were quite good and in full conformity with the known geology. However, detailed evaluation of those data after applying necessary corrections for the different variable parameters of the system is yet to be done. Work is in progress to refine the technique with a view to standardizing and developing its use for qualitative and quantitative assessment of a concealed base-metal deposit in a given area, specially where conventional geochemical exploration methods are not suitable.The paper deals with the details of the technique and discusses the results obtained during the trial run in the field.  相似文献   
柴达木盆地北缘大柴旦地区古生代花岗岩锆石SHRIMP定年   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
大柴旦地区是柴北缘古生代超高压带的重要组成部分,与超高压岩石相伴的花岗岩十分发育。这些花岗岩具有两类不同的岩石地球化学特征,Ⅰ类以 Na_2O/K_2O 比值小于1、明显的负 Eu 异常和低 Sr、高 Y 为特征,具有 S-型花岗岩的属性,Ⅱ类以 Na_2O/K_2O 比值大于1、弱负 Eu 异常到正 Eu 异常和高 Sr、低 Y 为特征,具有Ⅰ-型花岗岩的属性,反映了它们的源岩及成因上的差异。锆石 SHRIMP U—Ph 定年结果表明,大柴旦地区花岗岩的年龄可分为三组,第一组年龄为446.3±3.9Ma,第二组年龄分别为408.6±4.4Ma、403.3±3.8Ma、401.8±3Ma,第三组年龄分别为374.5±1.6Ma、372±2.1Ma。结合区域地质特征,我们认为,第一组年龄可能反映了柴达木陆块与中南祁连板块碰撞的时代,第二组年龄可能反映了深俯冲地下的板块由于拆沉而折返的时代,第三组年龄可能反映了碰撞隆起后造山带上不同块体之间的伸展、滑塌的时代。  相似文献   
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