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The occurrence and chemistry of immiscible silicate glasses in a tholeiite mesostasis from the Umtanum formation, Washington, were investigated with transmission electron microscopy and analytical electron microscopy (TEM/AEM). TEM observation reveals isolated, dark globules (2.1 micron or less in diameter) randomly distributed in a transparent matrix glass interstitial to plagioclase laths. The globules less than 0.3 micron and larger than 0.8 micron fall beyond the linear relationship defined by the 0.3–0.8 micron globules in a plot of the logarithm of number versus size. Large globules (0.7 micron or larger in diameter) range from homogeneous to heterogeneous in optical properties and chemistry. Homogeneous globules are completely glassy, whereas heterogeneous globules contain crystalline domains. AEM analyses show that the globules have high Si, Fe, Ca, and Ti with subordinate Mg, Al, P, S, Cl, K, and Mn, which gives high normative fa, px, il, and ap. The matrix glass consists dominantly of Si with low Al and minor Na and K, yielding a high normative qz, or, ab, and an.It is proposed that the silicate liquid immiscibility occurs by reaction of network-modifying cations (NMCs) with dominantly chain-like anionic units in the parental melt to form less polymerized, NMC-bearing units and highly polymerized, Si-rich units. The globules nucleated metastably under supercooled conditions, and medium-size globules become either larger or smaller at lower temperatures. Internal nucleation of NMC-rich phases occurred in some larger globules upon cooling.  相似文献   
During July and August 1981 subsurface intrusion of upwelled nutrient-rich Gulf Stream water was the dominant process affecting temporal and spatial changes in phytoplankton biomass and productivity of the southeastern United States continental shelf between 29 and 32°N latitude. Intruded waters in the study area covered as much as 101 km including virtually all of the middle and outer shelf and approximately 50% of the inner shelf area.Within 2 weeks following a large intrusion event in late July, middle shelf primary production and Chl a reached 3 to 4 gC m d−1 and 75 mg m, respectively. At the peak of the bloom 80% of the water column primary production occurred below the surface mixed-layer, and new primary production (i.e., NO3-supported) exceeded 90% of the total. Chl a-normalized photosynthetic rates were very high as evidenced by high mean assimilation number (15.5 mg C mg Chl a−1 h−1), high mean α (14 mg C mg Chl a−1 Ein−1 m), and no photoinhibition. As a result of the high photosynthetic rates, mean light-utilization index (Ψ) was 2 to 3 times higher than reported for temperature sub-arctic and arctic waters.The results imply a seasonal (June to August) middle shelf production of 150 g C m−1, about 15% higher than previous estimates of annual production on the middle shelf. Intrusions of the scale we observed in 1981 may not occur every summer. However, when such events do occur, they are by far the most important processes controlling summer phytoplankton dynamics of the middle and outer shelf and of the inner shelf in the southern half of the study area.  相似文献   
Diagenetic overgrowths on detrital quartz sand grains in sandstones can be isolated for direct measurement of their oxygen isotope ratios. Interfacial materials between detrital cores and diagenetic overgrowths are dissolved by etching with dilute HF. The weakened interface breaks when grains are agitated ultrasonically. Subsequent particle size separation is an effective means of concentrating the diagenetic component.  相似文献   
The steady-state solution for two parallel under ground tunnels of circular cross-section subjected to incident plane harmonic SH-waves is obtained in closed form, by using the method of wave function expansion. The image technique is employed to account for the reflection of waves at the ground surface. Numerical studies are carried out to determine the influence of spacing between the tunnels on the shear stresses in concrete and steel linings.  相似文献   
Based on a statistical approach, the surface potential temperature at seven observing stations in complex terrain has been examined. It is shown that the surface potential temperature depends primarily on the rate of change of slope wind and on the geostrophic-level potential temperature.  相似文献   
In this paper, we are primarily concerned with the solar neutron emission during the 1990 May 24 flare, utilizing the counting rate of the Climax neutron monitor and the time profiles of hard X-rays and γ-rays obtained with the GRANAT satellite (Pelaezet al., 1992; Talonet al., 1993; Terekhovet al., 1993). We compare the derived neutron injection function with macroscopic parameters of the flare region as obtained from the and microwave observations made at the Big Bear Solar Observatory and the Owens Valley Radio Observatory, respectively. Our results are summarized as follows: (1) to explain the neutron monitor counting rate and 57.5–110 MeV and 2.2 MeV γ-ray time profiles, we consider a two-component neutron injection function,Q(E, t), with the form $$Q(E,t) = N_f {\text{ exp[}} - E/E_f - t/T_f ] + N_s {\text{ exp[}} - E/E_s - t/T_s ],$$ whereN f(s),E f(s), andT f(s) denote number, energy, and decay time of the fast (slow) injection component, respectively. By comparing the calculated neutron counting rate with the observations from the Climax neutron monitor we derive the best-fit parameters asT f ≈ 20 s,E f ≈ 310 MeV,T s ≈ 260 s,E s ≈ 80 MeV, andN f (E > 100 MeV)/N s (E > 100 MeV) ≈ 0.2. (2) From the Hα observations, we find a relatively small loop of length ≈ 2 × 104 km, which may be regarded as the source for the fast-decaying component of γ-rays (57.5–110 MeV) and for the fast component of neutron emission. From microwave visibility and the microwave total power spectrum we postulate the presence of a rather big loop (≈ 2 × 105 km), which we regard as being responsible for the slow-decaying component of the high-energy emission. We show how the neutron and γ-ray emission data can be explained in terms of the macroscopic parameters derived from the Hα and microwave observations. (3) The Hα observations also reveal the presence of a fast mode MHD shock (the Moreton wave) which precedes the microwave peak by 20–30 s and the peak of γ-ray intensity by 40–50 s. From this relative timing and the single-pulsed time profiles of both radiations, we can attribute the whole event as due to a prompt acceleration of both electrons and protons by the shock and subsequent deceleration of the trapped particles while they propagate inside the magnetic loops.  相似文献   
The geostatistical approach was applied to integrate MT (Magneto-telluric) resistivity data and borehole information for the spatial RMR (Rock Mass Rating) evaluation. Generally, resistivity of the subsurface is believed to be positively related to the RMR, thus the resistivity and borehole RMR information was combined in a geostatistical approach. To relate the two different sets of data, the MT resistivity data were used as secondary information and the RMR mean values were estimated at unsampled points by identification of the resistivity to the borehole data. Two types of approach are performed for the estimation of RMR mean values. Then the residuals of the RMR values around the borehole sites are geostatistically modeled to infer the spatial structure of difference between real RMR values and estimated mean values. Finally, this geostatistical estimation is added to the previous means. The result applied to a real situation shows prominent improvements to reflect the subsurface structure and spatial resolution of RMR information.  相似文献   
A procedure that uses the structural damping (SD) concept for estimating the capacity of a pile based on the Statnamic (STN) pile load test results, formerly used by the authors for short piles, is extended in this paper for the STN tested long piles. Similar to segmental unloading point method procedures for long piles, the shaft length is divided into several segments and each segment is assumed to behave as a mass of a single degree of freedom. The SD concept is then applied to each segment to consider the displacement related soil damping instead of the velocity dependent damping. Instrumented strain gauge data at different levels of the shaft are required for the interpretation method. Three case studies are presented in this paper to study the validity and applicability of the present method. The predicted results are also compared to the available test or analytical data.  相似文献   
Abstract Radiaxial fibrous calcite (RFC) has previously been interpreted as a marine or replacive cement. Study of the Dongjeom Formation (Early Ordovician), Korea, shows that RFC can form in marine‐meteoric mixing zones as a low‐magnesian calcite (LMC) cement. RFC in the shallow‐marine Dongjeom Formation occurs in arenaceous limestones at the top of a transgressive facies overlying a regressive facies. It shows well‐developed growth zonation, and lighter oxygen isotope values and more radiogenic strontium isotope ratios than those of Early Ordovician marine calcite. Such petrographic and chemical evidence indicates that the RFC was precipitated as a primary LMC cement in a marine and meteoric mixing zone. Owing to the unique environment of formation, the Dongjeom RFC is characterized by growth zonal fabric comprising alternating subzones, which may indicate precipitation from varying fluids. In addition, this study documents the importance of substrate for development of RFC. Early ‘nucleation’ for RFC occurred mainly on microcrystalline skeletal grains and internal sediments, whereas on homogeneously altered substrates, thin‐coated banding structure developed, ultimately forming coarse crystalline spar. This suggests that microcrystalline substrates are preferred sites for nucleation of RFC.  相似文献   
Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) was used in an effort to locate a major active fault that traverses Aqaba City, Jordan. Measurements over an exposed (trenched) cross fault outside of the city identify a radar signature consisting of linear events and horizontal offset/flexured reflectors both showing a geometric correlation with two known faults at a control site. The asymmetric linear events are consistent with dipping planar reflectors matching the known direction of dip of the faults. However, other observations regarding this radar signature render the mechanism generating these events more complex and uncertain.GPR measurements in Aqaba City were limited to vacant lots. Seven GPR profiles were conducted approximately perpendicular to the assumed strike of the fault zone, based on regional geological evidence. A radar response very similar to that obtained over the cross fault was observed on five of the profiles in Aqaba City, although the response is weaker than that obtained at the control site. The positions of the identified responses form a near straight line with a strike of 45°. Although subsurface verification of the fault by trenching within the city is needed, the geophysical evidence for fault zone location is strong. The location of the interpreted fault zone relative to emergency services, military bases, commercial properties, and residential areas is defined to within a few meters. This study has significant implications for seismic hazard analysis in this tectonically active and heavily populated region.  相似文献   
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