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本文以黄河边上现代不对称波痕的形成为例,结合民和盆地下白垩统第8岩组沉积环境进行类比分析,一改过去传统的“浅水”认识,而把它定为三角洲平原相沉积。因而不对称波痕不能作为某一种沉积环境,它可以广泛生成于不同的环境。因此应更多强调综合分析、类比分析、层序基本单元和体系域分析,使盆地岩石地层单位的古环境解释建立在可靠的理性基础上。  相似文献   
070703天长超级单体龙卷的多普勒雷达典型特征   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
刘娟  朱君鉴  魏德斌  宋子忠  卢海  周红根 《气象》2009,35(10):32-39
主要使用南京多普勒天气雷达资料,分析了2007年7月3日发生在安徽天长和江苏高邮的龙卷风天气,着重分析了中气旋和龙卷涡旋特征(TVS)等产品的典型特征.龙卷发生在飑线回波带的北端强烈发展的超级风暴单体中,回波带前沿存在强烈的水平风切变,使得回波带上不断有中气旋生成.对产生龙卷的超级风暴单体,龙卷发生30min前,雷达给出了中气旋(M)产品,该中气旋持续了7个体扫的时间(42min),在中气旋出现后第5个体扫,雷达给出龙卷涡旋特征(TVS)产品,龙卷涡旋特征持续了3个体扫,综合切变产品也给出了显著的提醒.实地调查结果,龙卷风和第2个TVS同时发生,龙卷风位置与TVS位置对应,但位于TVS的南侧,位于中气旋最大风速圈的南缘.虽然CINRAD/SA雷达的TVS产品有虚警的情况,但结合反射率因子、平均径向速度、中气旋、综合切变等产品的分析,对于龙卷监测和预警会很有帮助的.  相似文献   
蜀南地区茅口组为一套沉积稳定的巨厚层生物碎屑灰岩,基质致密性脆。中二叠世末的东吴运动使蜀南地区茅口组顶部发育古风化壳岩溶,古岩溶地区水系控制着古岩溶的发育和演化。在研究古地貌恢复方法的基础上,分析研究区地层特征和区域构造背景,采用印模法进行古地貌恢复,进而研究了古岩溶地区的水系发育特征。在此基础上,结合风化壳表面侵蚀溶蚀特征、沉积物性质、地貌组合形态、钻井和地震资料,把研究区划分为岩溶台地、岩溶陡坡、岩溶缓坡及岩溶盆地4种二级地貌单元和溶丘洼地、岩溶槽谷、峰林平原等10种三级地貌单元,进一步分析了各种地貌单元的岩溶特征,为下一步的储集层预测提供了有利的目标。  相似文献   
太行山中北段中-深变质岩区的褶皱构造变形复杂,不同期次间叠加改造强烈,构造置换作用明显,作者采用变质岩区构造解析方法,在观察,测量,分析了大量构造面,线组构的基础上,划分出5期褶皱构造,建立了本区的构造变形序列,并认为构造变形经历了从强塑性变表到韧脆性变形的演化过程,反映出地壳从纵向增厚作用转变为变质核杂岩隆升的演化过程。  相似文献   
塔里木盆地阿克苏地区寒武系第二统第三阶肖尔布拉克组主要由微生物白云岩组成,代表性的剖面在阿克苏市西南90 km处的苏盖特布拉克。由于成岩作用改造严重,对这套微生物碳酸盐岩的特征和形成环境的认识还存在很多分歧,制约了勘探工作。通过详细野外勘察和室内研究,将肖尔布拉克组微生物岩分为4种结构类型: 凝块结构、纹层结构、砂屑结构和骨架结构。首次对凝块结构和纹层结构进行了亚类型的划分,其中凝块结构可划分为蠕虫状、网状和斑点状3种亚类型,纹层结构可划分为致密纹层、短薄纹层、颗粒纹层以及单纹层、纹层组、复合纹层。肖Ⅰ段—肖Ⅲ段发育凝块石白云岩、凝块—层纹石白云岩和层纹石白云岩,肖Ⅳ段发育凝块石微生物丘,肖V段下部发育网状结构凝块石白云岩,肖V段上部发育砂屑白云岩和肾形菌骨架岩。白云石化作用、溶蚀作用、重结晶作用是改变肖尔布拉克组微生物岩结构最重要的成岩作用,且该组下部比上部遭受了更强的成岩作用改造;微生物岩结构对成岩作用改造的抵抗能力为: 砂屑结构>纹层结构>凝块结构。根据微生物岩结构,推测肖Ⅰ段—肖Ⅲ段形成于潮坪环境,肖Ⅳ段和肖V段下部形成于深水潮下环境,肖V段上部形成于浅水潮下环境。以上成果为认识塔里木盆地肖尔布拉克组微生物岩的平面分布规律和今后开展被成岩作用强烈改造的白云岩型微生物岩的研究提供了一个重要参考。  相似文献   
唐山地震区域构造背景和发震模式的讨论   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
1976年7月28日3点42分在我国河北省唐山地区发生了7.8级强烈地震。地震的发生,是有它的区域构造背景和震区的构造条件的。深入研究这个问题,对认识地震的形成、孕育和发生是十分有意义的。唐山地震震中与深大断裂没有表现直接的联系,而是分布在不引入注目的北东向断裂上。其控制因素我们认为是包围震区的边界断裂起了重要作用。边界断裂的存在使被围限的北东向断裂得到了暂时的平衡,形成相对“闭锁”区段。当区域应力场急剧变化时,“闭锁”就被突破,产生大地震。  相似文献   
冶金炉渣是在迅速冷却的条件下结晶的,铸石是在熔体的固相线以下恒温结晶的,这两种情况皆属不平衡状态。过去的硅酸盐体系的实验研究几乎仅局限于平衡状态,对非平衡状态研究甚少,只是近来才开始这方面的研究。在硅锰渣铸石和硅锰渣微晶铸石中,主要矿物为锰铸普通辉石--钙锰辉石与钙契尔马克分子(CaAlSiAlO6)以及少量的Mg2Si2O6的固溶体,其次是钙蔷薇辉石和钙长石,另外还有极少量的方锰石、硫化锰等。  相似文献   
In this work we analyse and check the results of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) by means of a comparison with palaeostress orientations obtained from the analysis of brittle mesostructures in the Cabuérniga Cretaceous basin, located in the western end of the Basque–Cantabrian basin, North Spain. The AMS data refer to 23 sites including Triassic red beds, Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous limestones, sandstones and shales. These deposits are weakly deformed, and represent the syn-rift sequence linked to basins formed during the Mesozoic and later inverted during the Pyrenean compression. The observed magnetic fabrics are typical of early stages of deformation, and show oblate, triaxial and prolate magnetic ellipsoids. The magnetic fabric seems to be related to a tectonic overprint of an original, compaction, sedimentary fabric. Most sites display a NE–SW magnetic lineation that is interpreted to represent the stretching direction of the Early Cretaceous extensional stage of the basin, without recording of the Tertiary compressional events, except for sites with compression-related cleavage.Brittle mesostructures include normal faults, calcite and quartz tension gashes and joints, related to the extensional stage. The results obtained from joints and tension gashes show a dominant N–S to NE–SW, and secondary NW–SE, extension direction. Paleostresses obtained from fault analysis (Right Dihedra and stress inversion methods) indicate NW–SE to E–W, and N–S extension direction. The results obtained from brittle mesostructures show a complex pattern resulting from the superposition of several tectonic processes during the Mesozoic, linked to the tectonic activity related to the opening of the Bay of Biscay during the Early Cretaceous. This work shows the potential in using AMS analysis in inverted basins to unravel its previous extensional history when the magnetic fabric is not expected to be modified by subsequent deformational events. Brittle mesostructure analysis seems to be more sensitive to far-field stress conditions and record longer time spans, whereas AMS records deformation on the near distance, during shorter intervals of time.  相似文献   
The upper spontaneous potential produced by oil and gas accumulation is of a stable potential field, and its intensity is directly proportional to the content of the source and inversely proportional to the radius apart from the source. Theoretical research and practical results show that anomalies of spontaneous potential can indicate oil-bearing sandstone bodies and locate the areas of oil and gas accumulation. In oil areas which have fewer reservoir beds, the petroleum reservoir thickness can be predicted by determining the linear relationship between potential intensity and apparent equivalent thickness. In the Weixing (卫星) oilfield, which is devoid of sufficient reservoir beds, its apparent equivalent thickness can be predicted by the linear equation h= -0.19x+0.74. On the basis of geological research, we use the spontaneous potential method to predict the equivalent thickness, helping in the selection of the most appropriate drill sites to enhance the probability of successful well boring so as to serve the next round development of the oilfield.  相似文献   
本工程场地为欠固结厚层填土现状,为保证承台底不脱空,采用粉喷桩加固承台底欠固结填土,并在粉喷桩内施工静压桩的技术对策,这样既加固了填土,又提高了静压桩单桩承载力,获得了良好的效果。  相似文献   
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