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烟台外夹河东岸湿地的生态保护和恢复研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对外夹河东岸湿地自然地理概况、空间格局和资源现状等进行综合分析的基础上,通过分析湿地保护和恢复面临的问题,提出水系安全格局、水岸空间恢复、植物配置、动物多样性恢复等保护和恢复策略,为该地区的生态保护与可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   
王淼  杨伯钢  杨旭东  崔亚君  陈娟 《北京测绘》2021,35(10):1235-1239
生态保护红线是一种新型区域生态管控制度体系,是党中央、国务院在新时代做出的一项重大决策.针对生态保护红线存在边界不规则、生产建设用地扣除偏差、精度和现势性不足等问题,基于遥感影像和GIS技术,提出了生态保护红线校核技术路线,制定了5个一级类、24个二级类的生态保护红线优化调整指标体系;提出了多源数据融合、三条控制线协调、红线边界优化、勘界定标、数据建库等数据管理和更新技术流程,并阐明生态保护红线在城市规划建设和生态环境保护中的应用.可为其他城市生态保护红线的校核、优化和调整提供参考.  相似文献   
Although variation of air temperature with respect to terrain altitude is widely understood, less is known about the altitudinal behaviour of precipitation. The eastern slope of Mexico is the most contrasting physiographic province of the country due to its relief. This area is also one of the most important regions of Mexico and of the intertropical region of America because of its biodiversity. Due to the vital and ecosystemic value of precipitation, this work seeks to analyse the altitudinal distribution of precipitation as a function of the relief. Our main methodology consisted of analysing the climatological normal of 86 weather stations to determine accumulated precipitation during rainy, dry and annual periods. Precipitation was correlated with the altitude of the relief, which allowed the study area to be divided into groups relative to the degree of accumulated rainfall throughout the year, as well as by the gradient of variation according to the elevation of the terrain. The results indicated that during the year, precipitation was favoured by the humidity of the Gulf of Mexico and decreased at a rate of -3.7 mm/m in coastal areas. Subsequently, precipitation increased with the altitude of the relief at a rate of 0.7 mm/m, between ~700 and ~ 1500 masl, which is where the greatest accumulation of rainfall was concentrated. Thereafter, it decreased by -0.9 mm/m until it reached the highest volcanic watershed. Crossing this watershed, the foehn effect caused rainfall rates to be much lower than on the windward slope, where the central plateau of the country begins.  相似文献   
区域生态安全研究的科学基础与初步框架   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:20  
生态安全研究涉及多种尺度(种群、生态系统、流域、区域、国家),其中区域生态安全是区域和国家可持续发展的基础,是建立和谐社会及环境友好型社会的必要条件,是人类生态安全的核心,应该处于中心的地位。但目前为止进行的区域生态安全研究多集中在综合指标评价、生物安全及土地利用变化效应的分析,比较缺乏严格的判定区域生态安全的科学基础。本文认为,地理地带性应是区域生态安全研究的基本准则;景观(土地类型)的原生态值可以作为区域生态安全的客观标准;景观退化程度是区域生态安全的重要指标;三者共同构成区域生态安全研究的科学基础。本文提出了区域生态安全研究的地理学方法,其框架体系应包括:(1)地理地带性分析及景观原生态定值;(2)景观退化程度的确定;(3)区域退化景观格局分析;(4)周围区域的生态影响分析;(5)区域生态安全水平的判别模式;(6)区域生态安全的指标体系。  相似文献   
云南作为我国的旅游大省,其州市旅游竞争力水平对区域旅游业的生存和发展至关重要。基于旅游现状竞争力、旅游基础环境竞争力和旅游潜在竞争力三大维度构建了旅游竞争力量化测评指标体系,运用因子分析法对云南8个边境州市旅游竞争力水平层级进行了量化测评。研究表明:(1)云南边境地区8州市旅游发展竞争力层级分为较强旅游竞争力区、一般旅游竞争力区和较弱旅游发展竞争力区三种类型;红河、临沧属于较强旅游竞争力区,西双版纳、德宏、普洱属于一般旅游竞争力区,文山、保山、怒江属于较弱旅游发展竞争力区;(2)在空间布局形态方面,较强旅游竞争力发展州市呈现"分散状"布局,主要集中于滇南地区,其余非较强旅游竞争力区州市呈现"趋同俱乐部现象"空间布局。整体上旅游竞争力水平层级形成了以滇南地区为核心向周边州市等外缘区域发展的"核心—边缘"式空间发展格局;(3)边境各州市旅游资源呈现区块聚焦性,旅游形象和客源市场定位仍存在雷同现象,且边境各州市旅游业发展水平极化效应明显。为此提出了旅游产品及资源、旅游市场、旅游空间及旅游线路整合和完善旅游管理机制等应对策略。  相似文献   
运用氩离子抛光—场发射环境扫描电子显微成像测试技术,对南华北盆地偃龙地区ZK1614井二叠系海陆交互相—陆相的泥页岩样品进行观察并获取二次电子及背散射信息。结合X射线能谱信息和JMicro Vision软件灰度识别功能,对样品矿物组成及微观孔隙特征进行定性分析和定量表征,并探讨了孔隙发育分布的影响因素。研究发现:样品主要发育的孔隙以无机矿物孔为主,孔隙类型有粒内孔、粒间孔、少量有机质孔及微裂隙;样品面孔率介于0.92%~5.53%之间,整体来看,面孔率大小与孔隙数量正相关;孔径大小介于50~2000 nm间,不同区段的孔面积对数指标与单位面积孔数量对数指标呈两段式线性关系,孔径较小时两者负相关,孔径较大时两者正相关。不同矿物对孔隙的发育有不同的控制作用,脆性矿物主要影响裂隙的发育,对孔隙的发育有一定的抑制作用;粘土矿物因构造应力、矿物相变及脱水等作用形成大量孔隙,对孔隙的发育起一定的促进作用。研究区燕山期、喜山期因构造活动形成了大量尺度较大的裂隙,裂隙的发育使岩层的渗流性能增加,促进了有机酸和地层水对矿物的溶蚀作用,相应的促进了孔隙的发育。此外,随着埋藏深度的增加,孔隙体积随着压实作用的增大而逐渐减小。  相似文献   
地方环境立法与可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
地方环境立法指省级和省级政府所在地的市以及经国务院批准的较大的市的人民代表大会及其常务委员会制定地方性法规并分别依照法定权限和程序制定、修改或废止在本行政区域内具有普遍效力的各种地方性环境法规、地方性环境规章的活动.地方环境立法在中国的环境立法体系当中占有重要地位,对于中国的环境保护工作具有重大意义.可持续发展是联合国环境与发展大会确立的未来共同发展战略,中国地方环境立法应当将可持续发展作为指导思想,并因地制宜,具有可操作性、科学技术性、规范性和有效性.  相似文献   
Climate change and anthropogenic impacts on hydrologic variables have received significant attention in recent years. We assessed stream flow and water level in the Zhengshui River basin, China, in the period 1960 to 2003 in response to precipitation variation and anthropogenic factors. Analyses of daily discharge and water level records, and derived annual, seasonal and monthly series, showed that Zhengshui River flows had a significant increasing trend, with an abrupt change point in 1990. There was a significant decreasing water level trend with an abrupt change point in 1995. Human activities and precipitation contributed 53 and 47%, respectively, to increase in stream flow during 1991–2003. Anthropogenic activities such as sand dredging, dominated the decrease in water level during 1994–2003. Human-induced land use change, soil erosion and sand excavation driven by rapid economic development have played a more important role than precipitation variation in hydrological changes in the Zhengshui River basin over the past 50 years.  相似文献   
In a companion paper local transfer functions were estimated at Tecoman using earthquake and microtremor data. In this paper, the subsoil structure at this city is investigated using seismic refraction and cross-correlation of noise records as a case study. P- and S-wave refraction profiles were measured at five sites within the city. Standard analysis constrained only very shallow layers. The P-wave refraction deployment was also used to record ambient vibration. These data were processed using an extension of the SPAC (SPatial AutoCorrelation (Aki, 1957) [1]) method; cross-correlation is computed between station pairs and the results are inverted to obtain a phase velocity dispersion curve. Penetration depth was larger than that from the refraction experiments but the shear-wave velocity of the basement could not be determined. For this reason, additional microtremor measurements were made using broad band seismometers with a larger spacing between stations. The results allowed to constrain the shear-wave velocity of the basement. Site amplification computed for the final profiles compare well with observed ground motion amplification at Tecoman. The case of Tecoman illustrates that even a simple subsoil structure may require crossing data from different experiments to correctly constrain site effects.  相似文献   
论西部地区的城镇网络化发展   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
西部地区生态环境脆弱,基础设施较差,城市化尚处于起步阶段,要尽快缩小东西之间的地区差距,进行西部大开发,必须合理地加快城市化的步伐,城市化发展有着其自身的规律,城市化是区域经济发展的函数。文章首先阐明了城镇网络化的概念,并全面分析了西部地区之所以要走城镇网络化发展之路的主要原因,其次,指出西部地区城镇网络化发展应重点突出走廊型城镇网络化发展模式以及区域性城镇网络化发展模式并提出了在西部地区实现城镇网络化发展的基本构想。  相似文献   
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