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We investigated the petrologic, geochemical, and spectral parameters that relate to the type and degree of aqueous alteration in nine CM chondrites and one CI (Ivuna) carbonaceous chondrite. Our underlying hypothesis is that the position and shape of the 3 μm band is diagnostic of phyllosilicate mineralogy. We measured reflectance spectra of the chondrites under dry conditions (elevated temperatures) and vacuum (10?8 to 10?7 torr) to minimize adsorbed water and mimic the space environment, for subsequent comparison with reflectance spectra of asteroids. We have identified three spectral CM groups in addition to Ivuna. “Group 1,” the least altered group as determined from various alteration indices, is characterized by 3 μm band centers at longer wavelengths, and is consistent with cronstedtite (Fe‐serpentine). “Group 3,” the most altered group, is characterized by 3 μm band centers at shorter wavelengths and is consistent with antigorite (serpentine). “Group 2” is an intermediate group between group 1 and 3. Ivuna exhibits a unique spectrum that is distinct from the CM meteorites and is consistent with lizardite and chrysotile (serpentine). The petrologic and geochemical parameters, which were determined using electron microprobe analyses and microscopic observations, are found to be consistent with the three spectral groups. These results indicate that the distinct parent body aqueous alteration environments experienced by these carbonaceous chondrites can be distinguished using reflectance spectroscopy. High‐quality ground‐based telescopic observations of Main Belt asteroids can be expected to reveal not just whether an asteroid is hydrated, but also details of the alteration state.  相似文献   
Solar-flare observations in the extreme ultraviolet (300–1350 Å) are reported. Some 269 flares observed by the Harvard College Observatory (HCO) experiment on OSO 4 and 211 flares observed by the HCO experiment on OSO 6 have been analyzed. The flares were observed in spectral lines and continua emitted by many ionic species over a temperature range from 104 to 3.5 × 106 K. The EUV data have been correlated with X-ray, H, and radio observations, and a significant number of EUV bursts not associated with reported H, X-ray, or radio bursts have been iden tified and investigated. The results indicate that these latter EUV events are less energetic by about a factor of 2 than EUV bursts associated with — F subflares.  相似文献   
Comparisons between coronal spectroheliograms and photospheric magnetograms are presented to support the idea that as coronal magnetic fields interact, a process of field line reconnection usually takes place as a natural way of preventing magnetic stresses from building up in the lower corona. This suggests that the energy which would have been stored in stressed fields is continuously released as kinetic energy of material being driven aside to make way for the reconnecting fields. However, this kinetic energy is negligible compared to the thermal energy of the coronal plasma. Therefore, it appears that these slow adjustments of coronal magnetic fields cannot account for even the normal heating of the corona, much less the energetic events associated with solar flares.Visiting Scientist, Kitt Peak National Observatory, Tucson Arizona.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
We attempt to study the origin of coronal shocks by comparing several flare characteristics for two groups of flares: those with associated metric type II bursts and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and those with associated metric type II bursts but no CMEs. CMEs accompany about 60% of all flares with type II bursts for solar longitudes greater than 30°, where CMEs are well observed with the NRL Solwind coronagraph. H flare areas, 1–8 Å X-ray fluxes, and impulsive 3 cm fluxes are all statistically smaller for events with no CMEs than for events with CMEs. It appears that both compact and large mass ejection flares are associated with type II bursts. The events with no CMEs imply that at least many type II shocks are not piston-driven, but the large number of events of both groups with small 3 cm bursts does not support the usual assumption that type II shocks are produced by large energy releases in flare impulsive phases. The poor correlation between 3 cm burst fluxes and the occurrence of type II bursts may be due to large variations in the coronal Alfvén velocity.Sachs/Freeman Associates, Inc., Bowie, MD 20715, U.S.A.  相似文献   
Extensive data from the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) and ground-based observatories are presented for two flares; the first occurred at 12:48 UT on 31 August, 1980 and the second just 3 min later. They were both compact events located in the same part of the active region. The first flare appeared as a typical X-ray flare: the Caxix X-ray lines were broadened ( 190±40 km s-1) and blue shifted ( 60±20 km s-1) during the impulsive phase, and there was a delay of about 30 s between the hard and soft X-ray maxima. The relative brightness of the two flares was different depending on the spectral region being used to observe them, the first being the brighter at microwave and hard X-ray wavelengths but fainter in soft X-rays. The second flare showed no significant mass motions, and the impulsive and gradual phases were almost simultaneous. The physical characteristics of the two flares are derived and compared. The main difference between them was in the pre-flare state of the coronal plasma at the flare site: before the first flare it was relatively cool (3 × 106 K) and tenuous (4 × 109 cm-3), but owing to the residual effects of the first flare the coronal plasma was hotter (5 × 106 K) and more dense (3 × 1011 cm-3) at the onset of the second flare. We are led to believe from these data that the plasma filling the flaring loops absorbed most of the energy released during the impulsive phase of the second flare, so that only a fraction of the energy could reach the chromosphere to produce mass motions and turbulence.A simple study of the brightest flares observed by the SMM shows that at least 43% of them are multiple. Thus, the situation studied here may be quite common, and the difference in initial plasma conditions could explain at least some of the large variations in observed flare parameters. We draw a number of conclusions from this study. First, the evolution of the second flare is substantially affected by the presence of the first flare. Secondly, the primary energy release in the second event is in the corona. Thirdly, the flares occur in a decaying magnetic region, probably as a result of the interaction of existing sheared loops; there is no evidence of emerging magnetic flux. Also, magnetic structures of greatly varying size participate in the flare processes. Lastly, there is some indication that the loops are not symmetrical or stable throughout the flares, i.e. the magnetic field does not act as a uniform passive bottle for the plasma, as is often assumed in flare models.NOAA/Space Environment Laboratory, currently at NASA/MSFC, Ala., U.S.A.Now at Sacramento Peak Observatory, Tucson, Ariz., U.S.A.  相似文献   
In this paper we present a quantitative evaluation of the shear in the magnetic field along the neutral line in an active region during an epoch of flare activity. We define shear as the angular difference in the photosphere between the potential magnetic field, which fits the boundary conditions imposed by the observed line-of-sight field, and the observed magnetic field. For the active region studied, this angular difference (shear) is non-uniform along the neutral line with maxima occurring at the locations of repeated flare onsets. We suggest that continued magnetic evolution causes the field's maximum shear to exceed a critical value of shear, resulting in a flare around the site of maximum shear. Evidently, the field at the site of the flare must relax to a state of shear somewhat below the critical value (but still far from potential), with subsequent evolution returning the field to the critical threshold. We draw this inference because several flares occurred at sites of maximum photospheric shear which were persistent in location.NOAA, Boulder, Colorado.  相似文献   
To infer velocities and longitudinal magnetic fields from Dopplergram and magnetogram signals obtained by the Ultraviolet Spectrometer and Polarimeter on the Solar Maximum Mission, one must know the width of the observed emission line. Although the instrument control system provided for a line-width calibration feature which utilized periodically commanded shifts of the line, it was not always used. However, it is possible to use the time-varying line-of-sight component of the orbital velocity of the spacecraft as a means of calibrating the line width for each pixel in a raster. Such a method based on a least-squares fit of the observed Doppler signal to the line-of-sight component of the spacecraft velocity is described here; it then applied to magnetogram observations. As background, the theoretical expressions for the interpretation of the observed Dopplergram and magnetogram signals for both wide and narrow exit slits are also summarized.  相似文献   
We have modeled the magnetosphere by superimposing a dipole field, a uniform field and a perturbation field due to a simple current system. This current system consists of a ring current in the neutral line of the dipole plus uniform fields, together with vertical currents representing field-aligned currents to the neutral line. The current circuit is closed by two additional ring currents above and below the equatorial plane representing distributed adiabatic perpendicular currents. This system produces many magnetospheric features including a magnetopause, bending of magnetic field lines in the anti-solar direction, a magnetotail, and cusps on the day-side of the Earth. Our aim is to demonstrate that it is not necessary to think of the magnetic field topology as being caused by the flowing plasma carrying field lines. The fundamental physical problem is to derive the current system from the self-consistent interaction of the solar-wind and magnetospheric plasmas and fields.  相似文献   
Investigating more than 270 nightly mean magnitudes of the long-period RS CVn binary HK Lac, we can draw some conclusions about the nature of its complicated light variations. The mean brightness, the apparent photometric period, and the shape of the light curve all show strong variations. Analysis with a starspot model, assuming two large spots and a general uniform spottedness, indicates two comparably large spots which appear to have maintained their separate identities for the last 15 yr and drifted in longitude separation from each other smoothly by only about 45°. The phase of the two spots indicates both are rotating very nearly synchronously with the orbital motion, one slightly (0.025%) faster and the other slightly (0.080%) slower. the latitudes of the two spots, one farther above the equator and one closer to the equator, are consistent with solar-type differential rotation and yield an estimate of 25±12° for the co-rotating latitude. A correlation between mean spot latitude and instantaneous photometric period yields another estimate of 31±2°, in agreement with the first.  相似文献   
An analytic model is presented which gives upper atmospheric densities as a function of the exospheric temperature and the altitude. The densities produced are identical to those produced by Jacchia's 1970 models (1970) for altitudes between 90 and 125 km and closely approximate Jacchia's values for altitudes greater than 125 km.  相似文献   
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