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This paper explores a development intervention, discourses involved and people's encounter at the interfaces during interaction and negotiation processes in everyday project life. It aims to get insight in the participatory intervention; how participatory is it and what is the intention behind the concept? This ethnography of an ongoing program in Kenya concludes that creation of participatory projects is a strategy of development practitioners to have high-rated evaluation of the project for donor funding but, in practice, the concept of participation is used by actors according to their interest and need.  相似文献   
In the absence of many gauging stations in the major and mighty river systems, there is a need for satellite-based observations to estimate temporal variations in the river water storage and associated water management. In this study, SARAL/AltiKa application for setting up hydraulic model (HEC-RAS) and river flow simulations over Tapi River India has been discussed. Waveform data of 40 Hz from Ka band altimeter has been used for water levels retrieval in the Tapi river. SARAL/AltiKa retrieved water levels were converted to discharge in the upstream location (track-926) using the rating curve available for the nearby gauging site and using linear spatial interpolation technique. Steady state simulations were done for various flow conditions in the upstream. Validation of river flow model was done in the downstream location (track-367) by comparing simulated and altimeter retrieved water levels (RMSE 0.67 m). Validated model was used to develop rating curve between water levels and simulated discharge for the downstream location which enables to monitor discharge variations from satellite platform in the absence of in situ observations. It has been demonstrated that SARAL/AltiKa data has potential for river flow monitoring and modeling which will feed for flood disaster forecasting, management and planning.  相似文献   
Knowledge of dielectric permittivity of the soil provides direct measure of soil moisture content. A methodology to determine soil moisture based on the reflection coefficient measurement by a pseudo vector method using a horn antenna has been presented. To verify the efficacy of the method, measurements have been carried out at S, C & X band frequencies at two moisture levels and the corresponding emissivity parameters computed. Results so obtained are in good agreement with the already reported data and the direct moisture measurements. This method is expected to be of interest to agricultural scientists and to those involved in the application of remote sensing in crop studies.  相似文献   
Sushina nepheline syenite gneisses of Early Proterozoic North Singhbhum Mobile Belt (NSMB), eastern India suffered regional metamorphism under greenschist-amphibolite transitional facies condition. The Agpaitic Sushina nepheline syenite gneisses consist of albite, K-feldspar, nepheline (close to Morozewicz-Buerger composition), aegirine, biotite, epidote, piemontite, sodalite, cancrinite, natrolite and local alkali amphibole. Accessory phases include zircon, hematite, magnetite, rare pyrochlore and occasional eudialyte and manganoan calcic zirconosilicates. Mineral chemistry of albite, K-feldspar, nepheline, aegirine, alkali amphibole, natrolite and zirconium silicate minerals are described. The detailed textural features together with chemical data of some minerals indicate metamorphic overprint of these rocks. A new reaction is given for the genesis of metamorphic epidote. Metamorphic piemontite suggests greenschist facies metamorphism under high fO2 (Hematite-Magnetite buffer). Up to 15.34 mol% of jadeite component in aegirine suggests that the metamorphic grade of the nepheline syenite gneiss reached at least to greenschist-amphibolite transitional facies or higher. Nepheline geothermometry suggests temperature of metamorphism <500 °C, which is consistent with greenschist facies metamorphism of surrounding chlorite-biotite-garnet phyllite country rock.  相似文献   
The 26Al-26Mg isotope systematics in 33 petrographically and mineralogically characterized plagioclase-rich chondrules (PRCs) from 13 carbonaceous chondrites (CCs) - one ungrouped (Acfer 094), six CR, five CV, and one CO - reveal large variations in the initial 26Al/27Al ratio, (26Al/27Al)0. Well-resolved 26Mg excesses (δ26Mg) from the in situ decay of the short-lived nuclide 26Al (t1/2 ∼ 0.72 Ma) were found in nine chondrules, two from Acfer 094, five from the CV chondrites, Allende and Efremovka, and one each from the paired CR chondrites, EET 92147 and EET 92042, with (26Al/27Al)0 values ranging from ∼3 × 10−6 to ∼1.5 × 10−5. Data for seven additional chondrules from three CV and two CR chondrites show evidence suggestive of the presence of 26Al but do not yield well defined values for (26Al/27Al)0, while the remaining chondrules do not contain excess radiogenic 26Mg and yield corresponding upper limits of (11-2) × 10−6 for (26Al/27Al)0. The observed range of (26Al/27Al)0 in PRCs from CCs is similar to the range seen in chondrules from unequilibrated ordinary chondrites (UOCs) of low metamorphic grade (3.0-3.4). However, unlike the UOC chondrules, there is no clear trend between the (26Al/27Al)0 values in PRCs from CCs and the degree of thermal metamorphism experienced by the host meteorites. High and low values of (26Al/27Al)0 are found equally in PRCs from both CCs lacking evidence for thermal metamorphism (e.g., CRs) and CCs where such evidence is abundant (e.g., CVs). The lower (26Al/27Al)0 values in PRCs from CCs, relative to most CAIs, are consistent with a model in which 26Al was distributed uniformly in the nebula when chondrule formation began, approximately a million years after the formation of the majority of CAIs. The observed range of (26Al/27Al)0 values in PRCs from CCs is most plausibly explained in terms of an extended duration of ∼2-3 Ma for the formation of CC chondrules. This interval is in sharp contrast to most CAIs from CCs, whose formation appears to be restricted to a narrow time interval of less than 105 years. The active solar nebula appears to have persisted for a period approaching 4 Ma, encompassing the formation of both CAIs and chondrules present in CCs, and raising important issues related to the storage, assimilation and mixing of chondrules and CAIs in the early solar system.  相似文献   
The bank sediments along the extremely meandered Dhansiri River channel, a south bank tributary of the mighty Brahmaputra River, with erosion potentiality have been investigated to evaluate its certain geotechnical characteristics. The study has shown that the bank sediments are basically composed of CL and ML types of soil. These types of sediments are very much prone to liquefaction which in turn related to erosion susceptibility. The bank stability analysis has differentiated the studied stretch into unstable, at risk and stable zones. Most of the erosion affected zones along the channel reach under study are located within the unstable or at risk zones. The field study around Butalikhowa, Barguriagaon, Golaghat and Duchmuagaon areas along the channel with active erosion activity has supported our contention and practical utility of the present study. It is expected that such type of study will help in providing certain inevitable baseline information for various channel management practices for this extremely flood prone areas of Northeast India.  相似文献   
Episodes of heavy rainfall, although relatively rare, significantly contribute to the hydrological cycle due to the large quantum of rainfall in a short span of time. Accurate simulation of such heavy or extreme rainfall events therefore is an important benchmark for a model. Here, we consider the simulation of three heavy rainfall events (Mumbai, Bangalore and Chennai) that occurred over the Indian monsoon region in different geographical locations and seasons during 2005, using a mesoscale meteorological model, namely MM5V3. Simulations have been carried out at high resolution (2 km) to resolve orographic features and land–ocean gradients over the event locations with a 3-nest, 2-way configuration. The primary objective of this study is to carry out a multi-event, multi-location evaluation of the model configuration for simulating a class of heavy rainfall events and to compare some important meteorological features of the events. Our results have shown that a very high relative humidity, low-level convergence, convective instability in terms of equivalent potential temperature, high vertical velocity, smaller mixing ratio at low level and higher mixing ratio at upper level essentially dominated and sustained the convective dynamics in all the three events. It was also found that the latent heat flux (LHF) dominated coastal events (Mumbai and Chennai) with relatively much higher values compared to sensible heat flux (SHF) throughout the event life cycle. In the case of the Bangalore event, both LHF and SHF are comparable during the event life cycle.  相似文献   
Scattered data interpolation schemes using kriging and radial basis functions (RBFs) have the advantage of being meshless and dimensional independent; however, for the datasets having insufficient observations, RBFs have the advantage over geostatistical methods as the latter requires variogram study and statistical expertise. Moreover, RBFs can be used for scattered data interpolation with very good convergence, which makes them desirable for shape function interpolation in meshless methods for numerical solution of partial differential equations. For interpolation of large datasets, however, RBFs in their usual form, lead to solving an ill-conditioned system of equations, for which, a small error in the data can cause a significantly large error in the interpolated solution. In order to reduce this limitation, we propose a hybrid kernel by using the conventional Gaussian and a shape parameter independent cubic kernel. Global particle swarm optimization method has been used to analyze the optimal values of the shape parameter as well as the weight coefficients controlling the Gaussian and the cubic part in the hybridization. Through a series of numerical tests, we demonstrate that such hybridization stabilizes the interpolation scheme by yielding a far superior implementation compared to those obtained by using only the Gaussian or cubic kernels. The proposed kernel maintains the accuracy and stability at small shape parameter as well as relatively large degrees of freedom, which exhibit its potential for scattered data interpolation and intrigues its application in global as well as local meshless methods for numerical solution of PDEs.  相似文献   
Effective radium-226 concentration (ECRa) has been measured in soil samples from seven horizontal and vertical profiles of terrace scarps in the northern part of Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. The samples belong to the Thimi, Gokarna, and Tokha Formations, dated from 50 to 14 ky BP, and represent a diverse fluvio-deltaic sedimentary facies mainly consisting of gravelly to coarse sands, black, orange and brown clays. ECRa was measured in the laboratory by radon-222 emanation. The samples (n = 177) are placed in air-tight glass containers, from which, after an accumulation time varying from 3 to 18 days, the concentration of radon-222, radioactive decay product of radium-226 and radioactive gas with a half-life of 3.8 days, is measured using scintillation flasks. The ECRa values from the seven different profiles of the terrace deposits vary from 0.4 to 43 Bq kg?1, with profile averages ranging from 12 ± 1 to 27 ± 2 Bq kg?1. The values have a remarkable consistency along a particular horizon of sediment layers, clearly demonstrating that these values can be used for long distance correlations of the sediment horizons. Widely separated sediment profiles, representing similar stratigraphic positions, exhibit consistent ECRa values in corresponding stratigraphic sediment layers. ECRa measurements therefore appear particularly useful for lithologic and stratigraphic discriminations. For comparison, ECRa values of soils from different localities having various sources of origin were also obtained: 9.2 ± 0.4 Bq kg?1 in soils of Syabru–Bensi (Central Nepal), 23 ± 1 Bq kg?1 in red residual soils of the Bhattar-Trisuli Bazar terrace (North of Kathmandu), 17.1 ± 0.3 Bq kg?1 in red residual soils of terrace of Kalikasthan (North of Trisuli Bazar) and 10 ± 1 Bq kg?1 in red residual soils of a site near Nagarkot (East of Kathmandu). The knowledge of ECRa values for these various soils is important for modelling radon exhalation at the ground surface, in particular in the vicinity of active faults. Importantly, the study also reveals that, above numerous sediments of Kathmandu Valley, radon concentration in dwellings can potentially exceed the level of 300 Bq m?3 for residential areas; a fact that should be seriously taken into account by the governmental and non-governmental agencies as well as building authorities.  相似文献   
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