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Variability of Northeast China river break-up date   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper investigates the variability of the break-up dates of the rivers in Northeast China from their icebound states for the period of 1957–2005 and explores some potential explanatory mechanisms. Results show that the break-up of the two major rivers(the Heilongjiang River and Songhuajiang River) was about four days earlier,and their freeze-up was about 4–7 days delayed,during 1989–2005 as compared to 1971–1987.This interdecadal variation is evidently associated with the warming trend over the past 50...  相似文献   
研究评估了耦合气候模式对冬、春季北极涛动(AO)和南极涛动(AAO)的预测效能。结果表明,模式对于北极涛动和南极涛动的模拟能力都是比较强的,其中,对冬季的模拟能力要强于春季。冬季,几乎所有的模式都能很好地模拟出对流层内北极涛动的空间分布形态特点,空间相关系数很高。春季,大部分模式的模拟结果仍然是比较好,与再分析资料结果的空间相关性比较高。对于南极涛动,模式在全年对流层各个层次上都能比较好地刻画其空间分布,且模式在850hPa等压面上的空间模拟效能要稍强于海平面。相对来说,冬季的模拟效果也稍强于其他季节,但是,差异不显著,模式与模式的差别也比较小。另外,模式对于北极涛动和南极涛动的时间序列模拟能力有限,时间序列相关系数只有少数几个模式达到显著性水平。  相似文献   
我国目前使用最多的烈度衰减模型为椭圆衰减模型,这种烈度衰减模型在对中强地震烈度等震线形状的描述比较接近,而对于断层长度较大的强震高烈度区的描述存在较大的偏差.而大震真实的烈度等震线形状在近场接近于“跑道”形状,而在中远场又趋近于“椭圆”.如何建立一种能够同时近似这两种模型的烈度衰减模型是一个亟待解决的问题.因此,本文提出了一种基于等震线面积和长轴半径的烈度衰减关系的建立方法.并搜集了我国38次震级(Ms)大于6级的地震,对本文提出的衰减关系建立方法进行了验证.结果表明,基于等震线面积和长轴半径的衰减关系能够很好地拟合实际地震等震线的形状.  相似文献   
Hofmann[1] found that the depleted mantle (DM) and bulk continental crust (BCC) are simply compen-satory in terms of many elements and elemental ratios. High-field-strength elements (HFSE) (e.g., Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta and Ti) are immobile and thus useful to track the primary features of the ancient mafic volcanics. It has been long considered that Nb-Ta behave as identical twins during magmatic processes, based on their matching atomic radii and valence state and hence coherent geochemical affi…  相似文献   
包容性绿色发展旨在保障经济持续增长的同时促进社会公平和资源环境改善,是建设生态文明、保障和改善民生的必然选择。论文基于包容性绿色效率评价体系,采用考虑非期望产出的Super-EBM模型综合测度了中国省域包容性绿色效率,刻画了时空格局特征,最后采用空间杜宾模型识别了空间溢出效应与影响因素。研究表明:① 2000—2017年包容性绿色综合效率与规模效率呈缓慢波动上升趋势,纯技术效率呈先下降后上升的“V”型演变,综合效率的提升由规模效应驱动向技术驱动转变。② 包容性绿色效率空间格局由低水平均衡向高水平不均衡演进,高值区集中于“胡焕庸线”向东一侧,低值区以西北、西南和东北地区为主,综合效率与纯技术效率形成京津、长三角和珠三角3个高水平集聚区,规模效率的高水平区呈“H”型分布特征。③ 包容性绿色效率的同类型地区存在空间集聚特征,且空间集聚性不断增强,热点区呈向东北移动的趋势且逐渐稳定于长三角地区,次热点以京津、珠三角地区为主,西北、西南和东北基本为冷点区。④ 包容性绿色综合效率及其分解效率存在正向空间溢出效应,经济发展水平、产业结构、工业化、政府行政能力、财政分权、环境规制、科技创新及市场化对包容性绿色效率具有显著影响,其中政府行政能力、财政分权、环境规制、科技创新和市场化具有一定溢出效应。  相似文献   
孙建奇  王会军  袁薇 《气象学报》2009,67(3):469-477
2007年3月3-5日,中国东部北方地区发生了近50年来历史同期最强的一次暴风雪事件,给该地造成了严莺的灾害和损失.通过分析这次暴风雪事件发生前期和同期的大尺度大气环流异常,探讨形成这次极端天气的可能物理机制.研究结果表明,在这次暴风雪事件发牛的前两周中,存在持续异常的北极涛动、南极涛动、欧亚型遥相关以及北太平洋涛动等大气模态.这些异常环流在中国东部沿岸地区引起了强劲的偏南风,由此给中国东部北方地区源源不断地输送暖湿空气,使得该地的水汽含量和气温不断升高,为这次暴风雪事件的发生准备厂良好的暖空气条件.当3月初大气环流发生调整,极地冷空气南下时,强劲的冷、暖空气交汇于中国东部北方地区,从而在该地形成了强大的冷锋系统,最终导致了这次强暴风雪事件的发生.研究结果表明,在预报与降水相关的天气时,必须考虑事发前期异常大气环流的信息,关注预报区域前期水汽的积累状况,这对于提高降水预报、特别是强降水预报的水平有着重要的意义.  相似文献   
基于瑞雷波法的成都盆地场地剪切波速结构确定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在2008年的汶川地震中获得了大量的有价值数据和资料,使得成都盆地成为了研究的热点.为了能够获得成都盆地场地剪切波速结构,为成都盆地及汶川地震的进一步研究提供基本数据支持,本文利用多道面波分析方法在成都盆地(E:103°~105°,N:30°~32°)布置了40个面波测点进行场地剪切波速结构和覆盖层厚度的调查,测点间距...  相似文献   
Hydrothermally altered rocks are products of fluid–rock interactions, and typically preserve numerous quartz veins that formed as chemical precipitates from fluids that fill up cracks. Thus, quartz veins are the record of the fluid system that involved fracture flow in the direction of changing temperature or pressure. In order to decipher the fluid activity in the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) terrane in eastern China, quartz veins together with an adjacent eclogite lens and the host gneiss were studied. In one location a deformed quartz vein is located at the boundary between the host gneiss and the eclogite lens. The amphibolite-facies overprinting of the eclogite lens decreases from the rim to the core of the lens, with fresh eclogite preserved in the core. The foliated biotite gneiss contains felsic veins and residual phengites. Zircon rims from the gneiss are characterized by melt-related signatures with steep HREE patterns, high Hf contents and negative Eu anomalies, and a pool of weighted average 206Pb/238U analyses reveal an age of 219 ± 3 Ma (2σ), which is younger than the UHP metamorphic age (236 ± 2 Ma, 2σ) recorded by zircons from the eclogite lens. This suggests that the gneiss in the Sulu UHP terrane could have suffered from partial melting due to phengite dehydration during the “hot” exhumation stage.The formation age of the quartz vein (219 ± 2 Ma, 2σ) defined by zircon rims agrees well with the partial melting time (219 ± 3 Ma, 2σ) of the host gneiss. The initial 176Hf/177Hf ratios of zircon rims from the quartz vein are obviously lower than zircons from the eclogite lens, but overlap with the coeval zircon domains from the nearby granite dikes produced by partial melting of orthogneiss. These observations suggest that the quartz vein and corresponding fluid flow could be associated with partial melting of the host gneiss. On the other hand, amphibole-bearing and HREE-rich zircon rims from the amphibolite pool an amphibolite-facies metamorphic age of 217 ± 5 Ma (2σ), overlap with the formation age of the quartz vein. This implies that retrogression of the eclogite lens could have been caused by melting-induced fluid flow. Based on the above observations, we speculate that partial melting of the gneiss in the continental subduction-related UHP belt could have induced a significant fluid flow during the exhumation stage, and thus contributed significantly to the extensive retrogression of eclogites in the Sulu UHP terrane.  相似文献   
云南勐野井钾盐矿床石盐中包裹体特征及其成因的讨论   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文通过对包裹体(包括单体和集合体)形态分类、均一温度以及温度升高时包裹体的溶解、结晶和气化现象的研究,认为云南勐野井钾盐矿床石盐中的包裹体是在三个阶段即蒸发沉积阶段、成岩阶段和成者期后形成的。蒸发沉积阶段可以进一步分为盐湖和干盐湖期。  相似文献   
以基岩上单-土层场地为例,计算分析了在斜入射平面SH波作用下弹性层状半空间中无限长洞室附近的地表位移.研究表明,层状半空间中地下洞室对波的散射与均匀半空间情况存在显著差别.层状场地由于考虑了场地自身的动力特性,使得洞室附近地表位移幅值的空间变化更为复杂,基岩与土层刚度比、土层厚度对散射效应均有着重要影响.随着基岩与土层刚度比的增大,地表位移幅值整体上逐渐增大;随着土层厚度的增大,土层对地表位移幅值的影响逐渐减小.在频域解答的基础上,给出了层状半空间中洞室对斜入射SH波散射的时域解答,并以Ricker波为例进行了数值计算.  相似文献   
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