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收集2008—2016年山西地震台网记录的震中距30°—90°范围内1 253个远震事件波形,拾取7 600余条高质量P波初至到时,使用IASP91模型计算相对到时残差,分析残差水平分布特征,结果显示:①以山西地区中部的山西断裂带为界,西部地震台站记录的P波初至主要表现为早到时,东部位于大同火山区的地震台站记录则主要表现为晚到时;②位于山西断裂带内部的地震台站记录的P波初至主要表现为早到时,残差水平显著低于西部地震台站;③研究区P波到时整体呈现自西向东逐渐由早到晚的分布特征。推测山西断裂带西部地区下方可能存在高速异常结构,山西断裂带内部及大同火山区下方可能存在低速异常结构。  相似文献   
Wang  Jianglin  Yang  Bao  Zheng  Jingyun  Zhang  Xuezhen  Wang  Zhiyuan  Fang  Miao  Shi  Feng  Liu  Jingjing 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2020,63(8):1126-1143
The temperature variability over multidecadal and longer timescales(e.g., the cold epochs in the late 15 th, 17 th, and early 19 th centuries) is significant and dominant in the millennium-long, large-scale reconstructions and model simulations;however, their temporal patterns in the reconstructed and simulated temperature series are not well understood and require a detailed assessment and comparison. Here, we compare the reconstructed and simulated temperature series for the Northern Hemisphere(NH) at multidecadal and longer-term timescales(30 years) by evaluating their covariance, climate sensitivity and amplitude of temperature changes. We found that covariances between different reconstructions or between reconstructions and simulations are generally high for the whole period of 850–1999 CE, due to their similar long-term temporal patterns. However,covariances between different reconstructions or between reconstructions and simulations steadily decline as time series extends further back in time, becoming particularly small during Medieval times. This is related to the large uncetainties in the reconstructions caused by the decreased number of proxy records and sample duplication during the pre-instrumental periods.Reconstructions based solely on tree-ring data show higher skill than multiproxy reconstructions in capturing the amplitude of volcanic cooling simulated by models. Meanwhile, climate models have a shorter recovery(i.e., lag) in response to the cooling caused by volcanic eruptions and solar activity minima, implying the lack of some important feedback mechanisms between external forcing and internal climate processes in climate models. Amplitudes of temperature variations in the latest published tree-ring reconstructions are comparable to those of the multiproxy reconstructions. We found that the temperature difference between the Medieval Climate Anomaly(950–1250 CE) and the Little Ice Age(1450–1850 CE) is generally larger in proxybased reconstructions than in model simulations, but the reason is unclear.  相似文献   
Channel change to regulated flows along large lowland rivers with cohesive bank materials has been investigated on the lower Welsh Dee, including the tidally influenced reach. Reduction of channel width has involved the formation of a 5–40m wide discontinuous bench, often linking ‘point’ and ‘concave’ locations. Map evidence shows that wide benches occur where historically the channel had migrated laterally; narrow benches were found at stable channel locations. Auger cores of the bench deposits clearly differentiated the two contrasting depositional environments within meandering rivers: ‘point bench’ and ‘concave bench’. Around an individual bend a morphologically continuous bench showed a gradient in sediment characteristics from coarser sediments (point locations) to finer organic deposits (concave locations); it also showed a topographic gradient, gaining 0.5m in elevation around the bend suggesting that bench accretion at concave locations is faster than at point locations in fluvially dominated reaches. Such patterns are suggested to have important implications for riparian ecosystems. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
中三叠统顶部溶蚀型喀斯特在什邡金河剖面及四川盆地大部分地区已有报道。在近期的野外工作中,在川西北地区绵竹汉旺观音崖、江油黄莲桥和江油马鞍塘剖面天井山组近顶部、顶部也识别出这一古特提斯面,其形成与强烈的构造活动或全球海平面下降造成的岩层长时间的暴露有关。其表现形式主要为: (1)暴露溶蚀间断沉积面;(2)溶沟、溶缝及其内的碳酸盐、陆源碎屑充填物;(3)暴露期黏土层;(4)喀斯特角砾。其中暴露溶蚀间断沉积面上的沉积构造以鸟眼、层状孔洞构造最为典型,在绵竹汉旺观音崖剖面最为发育,孔、洞充填物主要为亮晶方解石和白云石;溶沟、溶缝及其内的碳酸盐、陆源碎屑充填物在江油马鞍塘、汉旺观音崖、什邡金河等剖面均有发育,这些溶缝、溶沟一般近于竖直发育,宽度及深度不一,被碳酸盐角砾、亮晶方解石、白云石或陆源黏土等所充填;暴露期黏土层主要见于江油黄莲桥剖面,共发育2套,厚5~20 cm,与铁质矿物共生,其上下发育深灰色潟湖沉积;喀斯特角砾主要见于汉旺观音崖剖面,喀斯特角砾最大可达15×20 cm大小,呈棱角状充填于富含泥质和有机质的暗色碳酸盐基质中。天井山组近顶部溶蚀型喀斯特的发现可为区域地层等时对比提供依据,与其有关的古岩溶作用可在天井山组(或雷口坡组)顶部碳酸盐岩中形成以溶蚀孔、洞、缝为主要储集空间的古岩溶型储集层。  相似文献   
沙漠型旅游区依藉独具特色的自然景观资源而开发出的丰富多彩的体验项目已成为沙漠旅游最大的亮点和核心吸引物。但随着游客的快速增加,沙漠生态环境、游憩设施等受到较大冲击甚至突破容量极限,从而导致游客体验质量下降,影响到沙漠旅游的可持续发展。鉴于此,以宁夏典型沙漠型景区沙坡头为例,以最受游客欢迎的滑沙、黄河飞索、皮筏漂流、沙海冲浪和骆驼骑行等5类体验项目为研究对象,分别从资源本体及游客体验感知角度对承载力进行评估。结果表明:(1)各类项目实际游客接待量已接近或超过设施承载力上限,远高于游客体验最佳时的承载力水平;(2)限制不同类型项目承载力的关键因子有所差异;(3)游客体验承载力往往低于项目设施承载力水平。根据测评结果找出每类项目承载力的关键限制因子,并基于现有游客量预测了部分项目的可扩展承载力。  相似文献   
Drought is one of the most complex natural hazards affecting agriculture, water resources, natural ecosystems, and society. The negative societal consequences of drought include severe economic losses, famine, epidemics, and land degradation. However, few studies have analyzed the complexity of drought characteristics, both at multiple time scales and with variations in evapotranspiration. In this study, drought occurrences were quantified using a new drought index, the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI), based on observed data of monthly mean temperature and precipitation from 1961 to 2013 in Henan province, central China. Based on the SPEI values of each weather station in the study, the frequency and severity of meteorological droughts were computed, and the monthly, seasonal, and annual drought frequency and intensity over a 53-year period were analyzed. The spatial and temporal evolution, intensity, and the primary causes of drought occurrence in Henan were revealed. The results showed that the SPEI values effectively reflected the spatial and temporal pattern of drought occurrence. As the time scale decreased, the amplitude of the SPEI increased and droughts became more frequent. Since 1961, drought has occurred at the annual, seasonal, and monthly scales, and the occurrence of drought has increased. However, regional distribution has been uneven. The highest drought frequency, 35%, was observed in the Zhoukou region, while the lowest value, ~26%, was measured in central and western Henan. The most severe droughts occurred in the spring and summer, followed by autumn. Annually, wide-ranging droughts occurred in 1966–1968, 1998–2000, and 2011–2013. The drought intensity showed higher values in north and west Henan, and lower values in its east and south. The maximum drought intensity value was recorded in Anyang, and the minimum occurred in Zhumadian, at 22.18% and 16.60%, respectively. The factors with the greatest influence on drought occurrence are increasing temperatures, the Eurasian atmospheric circulation patterns, and the El Niño effect.  相似文献   
Compositions and concentrations of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) have been determined in the Bohai Sea (BS) and the Yellow Sea (YS) in the summer and autumn in 2013 by excitation and emission matrix spectroscopy (EEMs) and parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC). The PARAFAC model identified three humic-like components (C1, C2, and C3) and one protein-like component (C4). CDOM exhibited higher fluorescence intensities in the coastal areas in both the summer and autumn. However, its distribution patterns were different in the two seasons. Based on spatial and seasonal distributions of four components, as well as correlations with salinity, chlorophyll a (Chl-a), and apparent oxygen utilization (AOU), the following assignments were made. The C1, C2, and C3 components were mainly dominated by terrestrial inputs and influenced by the primary productivity of phytoplankton in the summer as well. C4 was assigned to terrestrial and autochthonous origins and most likely represented a biologically labile component. Terrestrial inputs were the dominant source of CDOM in the BS and YS. The humification index (HIX) and biological index (BIX) suggested that CDOM in the BS was more stable than that in the YS, which had an increase in autochthonous production, and in the summer, CDOM was less stable with a higher CDOM autochthonous production compared with that in the autumn.  相似文献   
为弥补鄂尔多斯盆地东南部盖层的研究空白,借鉴已有研究成果与盖层基本特征,选取泥岩孔隙度、渗透率、厚度以及排替压力4个参数,结合灰色理论分析方法,对鄂尔多斯盆地东南部山西组泥岩盖层封盖性能进行了综合定量评价。结果表明:盆地东南部泥岩北东部较厚,整体呈从北向南减薄的趋势,南部孔隙度及渗透率均偏高;泥岩盖层排替压力较大,大于8 MPa的平面面积占70%以上;由灰色理论打分评价可知,山西组整体盖层封盖性能较好,封盖能力特强(Ⅰ类盖层)、封盖能力强(Ⅱ类盖层)的盖层分布区域广泛,Ⅰ类和Ⅱ类盖层主要发育于盆地北部、北东部,中部延长、延安、志丹等周边地区,盖层封盖性好,Ⅲ类盖层(封盖能力中等)、Ⅳ类盖层(封盖能力差)主要发育于南部。盖层发育较好的地区,经勘探开发与试气,单井日产量可达上万方,证明评价结果与勘探实践匹配。  相似文献   
中国大陆西部重力场变化与强震危险性关系   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
陈石  徐伟民  蒋长胜 《地震学报》2015,37(4):575-587
本文基于中国大陆西部流动重力测量获得的区域重力场变化数据, 尝试对其进行多种位场变换, 在一定空间尺度约束下定义了6种区域重力场变化指标量. 在此基础上, 以中国大陆2002年、 2005年和2008年等3期数据为研究对象, 计算并统计了中国大陆西部MS≥6.0地震震中位置处震前重力场变化及各种导出参数值, 尝试初步构建以地震预报为目的的地震重力学科指标体系参数. 研究结果表明, 震前区域重力场变化与地震发生位置没有显著的统计关系, 但是重力场变化的垂直梯度和解析信号模量具有一定的地震预报意义, 适合作为地震前兆异常使用.   相似文献   
甘肃省城市化与土地集约利用耦合协调发展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
土地集约利用能够促进城市化健康发展,而城市化水平又影响着土地集约利用水平,两者的耦合协调程度是影响城市发展的关键因素。本文对甘肃省12个地级市进行实证研究,构建城市化与土地集约利用的耦合协调发展度模型,定量评价两者之间的耦合协调发展状况,并且利用地理空间分析工具进行空间聚类分析。结果表明:多数市已经从拮抗期过渡到磨合期,但是还没有进入协调期,说明甘肃省城市化与土地集约利用之间还未完全达到完全协调发展的程度;甘肃省城市化与土地集约利用的耦合协调发展度普遍较低,从2003年开始呈现出逐年扩张的趋势。  相似文献   
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