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我国夏季雨型的前期异常特征及预报方法的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
用1951~1995年资料研究了我国东部夏季降水各雨型的前期大气环流及我国地面气象要素场的异常特征.结果表明,在冬季1月份北太平洋地区、秋季中国南海地区的海平面气压场有预报我国夏季雨型的信号.夏季不同雨型的前期冬季特征不同,我国的降水、气温场也有差异,4月份我国大范围的温度异常也是值得注意的预测信号.这些特征可以作为我国夏季雨型的预报信号及预报工具.  相似文献   
High-resolution surface air temperature data are critical to regional climate modeling in terms of energy balance, urban climate change, and so on. This study demonstrates the feasibility of using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) land surface temperature (LST) to estimate air temperature at a high resolution over the Yangtze River Delta region, China. It is found that daytime LST is highly correlated with maximum air temperature, and the linear regression coefficients vary with the type of land surface. The air temperature at a resolution of 1 km is estimated from the MODIS LST with linear regression models. The estimated air temperature shows a clear spatial structure of urban heat islands. Spatial patterns of LST and air temperature differences are detected, indicating maximum differences over urban and forest regions during summer. Validations are performed with independent data samples, demonstrating that the mean absolute error of the estimated air temperature is approximately 2.5°C, and the uncertainty is about 3.1°C, if using all valid LST data. The error is reduced by 0.4°C (15%) if using best-quality LST with errors of less than 1 K. The estimated high-resolution air temperature data have great potential to be used in validating high-resolution climate models and other regional applications.  相似文献   
 We present a comparison of the zonal mean meridional circulations derived from monthly in situ data (i.e. radiosondes and ship reports) and from the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis product. To facilitate the interpretation of the results, a third estimate of the mean meridional circulation is produced by subsampling the reanalysis at the locations where radiosonde and surface ship data are available for the in situ calculation. This third estimate, known as the subsampled estimate, is compared to the complete reanalysis estimate to assess biases in conventional, in situ estimates of the Hadley circulation associated with the sparseness of the data sources (i.e., radiosonde network). The subsampled estimate is also compared to the in situ estimate to assess the biases introduced into the reanalysis product by the numerical model, initialization process and/or indirect data sources such as satellite retrievals. The comparisons suggest that a number of qualitative differences between the in situ and reanalysis estimates are mainly associated with the sparse sampling and simplified interpolation schemes associated with in situ estimates. These differences include: (1) a southern Hadley cell that consistently extends up to 200 hPa in the reanalysis, whereas the bulk of the circulation for the in situ and subsampled estimates tends to be confined to the lower half of the troposphere, (2) more well-defined and consistent poleward limits of the Hadley cells in the reanalysis compared to the in-situ and subsampled estimates, and (3) considerably less variability in magnitude and latitudinal extent of the Ferrel cells and southern polar cell exhibited in the reanalysis estimate compared to the in situ and subsampled estimates. Quantitative comparison shows that the subsampled estimate, relative to the reanalysis estimate, produces a stronger northern Hadley cell (∼20%), a weaker southern Hadley cell (∼20–60%), and weaker Ferrel cells in both hemispheres. These differences stem from poorly measured oceanic regions which necessitate significant interpolation over broad regions. Moreover, they help to pinpoint specific shortcomings in the present and previous in situ estimates of the Hadley circulation. Comparisons between the subsampled and in situ estimates suggest that the subsampled estimate produces a slightly stronger Hadley circulation in both hemispheres, with the relative differences in some seasons as large as 20–30%. 6These differences suggest that the mean meridional circulation associated with the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis is more energetic than observations suggest. Examination of ENSO-related changes to the Hadley circulation suggest that the in situ and subsampled estimates significantly overestimate the effects of ENSO on the Hadley circulation due to the reliance on sparsely distributed data. While all three estimates capture the large-scale region of low-level equatorial convergence near the dateline that occurs during El Nino, the in situ and subsampled estimates fail to effectively reproduce the large-scale areas of equatorial mass divergence to the west and east of this convergence area, leading to an overestimate of the effects of ENSO on the zonal mean circulation. Received: 16 September 1998 / Accepted: 22 April 1999  相似文献   
一次暴雨空报的诊断分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
施望芝  祁东平  王丽  高琦  张萍萍 《气象》2007,33(5):56-61
实时天气系统的时空分布、多个物理要素、雷达回波特征都表现出24小时内鄂东地区及武汉单站有暴雨天气发生,结果暴雨空报。为了找到暴雨空报原因,对T213数值预报产品中多个物理要素进行诊断分析。首先根据物理量场分析鄂东地区暴雨是否产生;其次根椐物理量值分析武汉单站有否暴雨。结果表明:鄂东及武汉单站多个物理要素场和值不支持有暴雨产生。如:没有能量锋区、湿度锋区和水汽的辐合支持降水天气系统继续发展和加强,鄂东不会产生区域性暴雨。武汉单站涡度平流反映出低层正值高层负值,这种配置没有动力作用。垂直速度表明在汉口上空整层为下沉气流区,产生不了动力不稳定。单站ra和rf值表现出,前者为正值的水汽辐散;后者为小值。K指数不但没有达到K≥35℃以上,而且表现出逐日递减。这几种要素值都不支持单站次级环流的产生,所以,武汉不会发生暴雨。  相似文献   
1959-2003年青海省干湿变化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用青海省1959-2003年气象资料,计算了修正的Palmer干旱指数,并对其进行了分析。结果表明:在青海省旱涝监测中,PDSI指数反映旱涝程度更为客观;青海省的干旱主要以轻旱为主;夏秋季年际干湿交替较冬春季频繁,变化振幅也较大;秋季青海省干旱化倾向最为严重,冬春季出现轻旱几率最大。另外,春季干旱总面积在减小;夏季轻旱面积增加,而中旱、重旱面积在减小;秋冬季重旱面积在增加。  相似文献   
基于功能性状的生物多样性分析是当前生态学研究中的常用方法之一.浮游动物作为水生态系统食物网的重要组成成分,其功能多样性受关注的程度远不如其重要性.本文通过对14个水体浮游甲壳动物群落结构的研究,分析了环境因子对其功能多样性指数,包括功能丰富度(FRic)、功能均匀度(FEve)、功能离散度(FDiv)和功能分散度(FD...  相似文献   
李国玉  石波  吴玮  李峰  高乐 《测绘科学》2011,36(3):197-198,206
在室内定轨移动摄影测量系统中,自动化、智能化的控制系统是其稳定可靠工作的重要保障.该摄影测量系统需要对轨道上的移动平台和摄影测量机构进行远程操作,为了实现稳定、可靠的控制,设计研发以单片机为控制核心的遥控系统;摄影测量机构是由五台非量测数码相机拼接而成,为了实现五台相机同步摄影,设计完成相机同步曝光装置.实验表明该系统...  相似文献   
中国南极长城站1998年大气降水化学特征的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文中报告了 1998年 1~ 12月 ,在中国南极长城站 (6 2°13′S ,5 8°5 8′W ,海拔 10 .0m)采集的 115个有效降水样品的 pH值、电导率和化学组分分析结果。长城站地区降水的年平均 pH值为 5 .6 2 ,电导率年平均值为 85 .16 μS/cm。秋季期间降水的 pH值和电导率较高 ,其它季节较低。降水中最主要的离子为Cl-,Na+ ,其他离子按平均浓度值依次排列为SO42 -,Mg2 + ,Ca2 + ,K+ ,NO3 -,NH4+ 。除NO3 -,NH4+ 外 ,各主要离子浓度间呈显著正相关 ,表明其来源具有同一性。降水样品的离子组成比例与周围海区的海水接近 ,显示了海盐是降水中可溶性离子的主要来源 ,而其它源只对Ca2 + 有一定贡献。该地区的降水具有较典型的海洋性降水的化学特征  相似文献   
利用ARGO资料改进海洋资料同化和海洋模式中的物理过程   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
国际ARGO计划的实施每年将可提供多达 10万个剖面 (0~ 2 0 0 0m水深 )的海水温度和盐度资料 ,这些资料的获取无疑将会大大促进海洋和大气科学的发展 ,使人们加深对海洋过程的了解 ,揭示海 气相互作用的机理 ,为长期天气预报和短期气候预测提供模式初始场 ,提高长期天气预报和短期气候预测的能力。如何利用这些资料开展研究工作以及在实际业务中应用这些资料是目前大气和海洋科学界的一个前沿课题。本研究将ARGO浮标资料引入了国家气候中心的NCC GODAS同化系统 ,结果分析表明 ,同化ARGO资料后所得到的海温场在三大洋中不仅在温度数值的大小 ,而且在分布形式方面都与观测场具有较好的一致性 ,可以很好地反映出观测到的冬季和夏季海温的分布形式以及海温的季节变化特征和异常特征。本研究还应用最新的ARGO海洋观测资料 ,通过建立新的热带西太平洋次表层海温参数化方案 ,改进了Zebiak Cane(1987)海洋模式 (ZC模式 ) ,克服了ZC模式几乎没有模拟赤道西太平洋表层和次表层海温变化能力的缺陷。在ZC模式中引用新的次表层海温参数化方案后 ,在赤道西太平洋不仅次表层海温的模拟得到了改善 ,对海面温度异常的模拟也有了较大的改进 ,不仅模拟出了赤道西太平洋表层和次表层海温异常的年际变化特征 ,也模拟出了与观  相似文献   
利用海南岛18个气象观测站1966—2001年逐日20cm口径小型蒸发皿蒸发量及气象要素资料,通过数理统计方法分析了海南岛年和四季的蒸发量变化特征及气象因子对蒸发量的影响。结果表明:从时间上看,海南岛年蒸发量变化呈波动式下降,蒸发量的减少主要出现在春季,冬季和夏季次之。从空间上看,年蒸发量呈东北少、西南多的分布,其大值区主要集中在西南部,小值区主要集中在东北部和中部地区。M-K检验说明年与春冬两季蒸发量的变化呈下降趋势且在1994年前后发生突变。影响蒸发量变化的因子中,日照时数和风速是造成蒸发量减小的主要因子,降水量的影响仅次于风速和日照时数,而气温不是造成海南岛蒸发量减小的主要因子,相对湿度可能是海南岛的蒸发量减小的影响因子。  相似文献   
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