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在用计算机断层成像方法由EUV观测图像重建等离子体层全球密度分布时,地球的遮挡和有限角度都会导致投影数据不完备,从而无法精确重建出等离子体层的密度分布.本文针对该问题,提出一种基于图像总变差极小化的代数迭代算法.通过重建等离子体层投影数据缺失最为严重的中心子午面,证明该算法能够显著提高重建图像的质量. 并且在IMAGE卫星仅能达到90°的有限投影角度下,此算法重建图像的相关系数可达0.760,而代数迭代算法的相关系数仅为0.696.  相似文献   

业务降水现象仪作为一种降水滴谱测量设备,可以用于天气现象判断,其包含的降水滴谱信息更是反映了诸多降水微物理特征,而不同设备的观测特性和精度存在一定的差异,了解不同设备的差异,对其资料的后续应用有重要的意义。本文利用2018年湖北省咸宁市黑山观测站8次液态降水过程中地面降水观测、DSG5型业务降水现象仪与同址的Parsivel型降水滴谱仪测量的降水粒子谱信息及其反演的物理参量,共1 503对样本开展对比分析,研究结果表明:(1)相比于地面自动站降水数据,Parsivel与地面观测一致性较高,DSG5则有一定的偏小。(2)相对于DSG5,Parsivel观测的粒子数浓度Nw相对较多、质量加权平均直径Dm则相对较小。(3)对于分钟雨强RR≥20 mm·h-1的降水,Parsivel粒子直径小于(大于)3 mm数浓度高于(低于) DSG5的观测。(4)对于直径大于4 mm的粒子,Parsivel的观测的下落速度略低于理论值,DSG5则明显大于理论值。另外,2次雨雪转换过程中降水现象观测对比研究表明DSG5对降水现象有着良好的观测,相比于Parsivel,其在降水相态转换过程中的天气现象与人工观测结果一致性更好。

该文采用物元可拓法对2008年和2019年河南柘城县浅层地下水质量进行综合评价,并与综合评分法、单指标评价法的评价结果进行对比,分析物元可拓法的可靠性及水质变化趋势。研究表明:柘城县浅层地下水综合质量等级总体好于综合评分法和单指标评价法评价结果,绝大多数样品点综合质量等级优于Ⅲ类,Ⅳ类、Ⅴ类地下水质量影响因素主要为F-和总硬度;对比2008年与2019年水质变化,柘城县浅层地下水具有Ⅰ类水向Ⅱ类水、Ⅳ—Ⅴ类水向Ⅲ—Ⅳ类水变化的趋势,与2008年样品的物元可拓指数预测结果一致。物元可拓法将综合关联度与可拓指数相结合,既客观地反映地下水水质总体状况,又定性地分析样本水质的变化趋势,使评价结果更接近于实际情况,评价方法在水质评价领域具有应用价值和研究意义。  相似文献   
拉萨北部林周盆地林子宗火山岩层序新议   总被引:25,自引:4,他引:21  
林子宗火山岩是西藏冈底斯地区典型的新生代火山岩,可分为3个组:典中组、年波组和帕那组,主要由玄武安山岩、安山岩、英安岩、粗安岩、钾玄岩、流纹岩和相应的火山碎屑岩夹灰岩、河湖相沉积岩组成。经过林周盆地火山地质填图,发现林子宗火山岩层序较原定层序复杂得多,其中在典中组原定的安山质—英安质火山岩的底部新发现了一套流纹质火山岩,顶部发现河湖相沉积;年波组在原定上部安山质火山岩中新厘定出钾玄质火山岩,在顶部发现了红色泥岩;帕那组的底部还发现了球粒流纹岩和枕状流纹质熔结凝灰岩。据此重新论述了西藏林周盆地林子宗火山岩的地层层序及区域变化特征,进一步划分出8个段,属3个火山喷发旋回的产物。林子宗火山岩的形成时代,典中组为61.45~64.43Ma,年波组54.07Ma,帕那组43.93~48.72Ma。  相似文献   
针对遥感影像的特性,提出了一个用于压缩质量评价的多维结构模型,该结构模型由影像特征畸变、纹理畸变和相关性损失三个“维”组成,在此基础上提出一种新的构像质量综合性评价指标。实验证明,该指标与传统的PSNR指标相比,与主观评价结果具有较好的吻合性。  相似文献   
利用中国北方 30个小汇水流域的现代资料数据建立了年平均温度和年降水-年平均径流深关系式 ;利用先前测得的河北平原南部曲周地区的河间洼地沉积物的磁化率和碳酸盐氧同位素组分以及其他研究者建立的磁化率与气候变量之间的关系式和氧同位素组分与气候变量之间的关系式 ,推估了曲周地区早、中全新世的古年温度状况和古年降水状况 ;以推估的古年温度和古年降水以及建立的年平均温度和年降水-年平均径流深关系式 ,推估了曲周地区早、中全新世的古年径流深状况。  相似文献   
1 IntroductionCoastal areas, with dense population and high urbanization, are highly sensitive to global environmental change. The impacts of coastal environmental changes, such as sea level rise and related disasters exacerbation on socio-economic development of coastal areas, have become a matter of public concern. To study the vulnerable scope and degree of impacts of sea level rise and related exacerbating coastal hazards can provide a scientific basis for lessening the potential losses th…  相似文献   
By viewing satellite imagery, a striking large-scale dunefield can be clearly perceived, with a size of nearly 63 km long and 11 km wide, and trending NE–SW, on the right flank of the lower Laoha River, Northeast China. By means of remote sensing imagery analysis and field observation as well as a comparison with a small-scale dunefield on the right flank of the lower Xiangshui River, analogous to the case of the lower Laoha River, this paper presents a new mechanism for its origin and development. The results show that:(1) the large-scale dunefield bears a tile-style framework overwhelmingly composed of transverse barchanoid ridges perpendicular to the predominant winds, and inlaid diverse blowouts.(2) The small-scale dunefield, referred to as a primary structural unit of the large one, is typical of an incipient dunefield, following the same rules of evolution as the larger.(3) A succession of barchanoid ridge chains can steadily migrate downwind in much the same manner as surface wave propagation in air or water stimulated by an incised valley, and ultimately tend to bear roughly the same wavelength and amplitude under stable climate and hydrologic regimes.(4) The first ridge chain acquires its sand source substantially from the downwind escarpments exposing the loose Quaternary sandy sediments to the air, while the ensuing ridges derive their sands dominantly from in situ deflation of the underlain Quaternary loose sandy sediments in blowouts, partly from the upwind ridges through northern elongated horns. Theoretically, the sands from riparian escarpments can be transported by wind to the downwind distal end of a dunefield after sufficient long duration.(5) The lower Laohahe region experienced probably three significant climatic changes in the past, corresponding to the three active dune belts, suggesting that once a large-scale dunefield occurs, it is nearly impossible to be completely stabilized, at least in its central portions. At present, seasonal shrinkage and stagnation of the lower Laoha River, widespread farming and afforestation in the valley, and establishing windbreaks downwind of the valley as well as surrounding the dunefield, appear to have significantly modified local flow fields and sand sources, engendering significant degradation of the dunefield.  相似文献   

Headcut erosion has been recognized as one of the main processes involved in gully development in the dry-hot valley region of southwest China. To examine the effect of initial step height on headcut erosion processes, three headcuts were constructed ranging in height from 0.75 to 1.25 m on an active bank gully head, and a series of scouring experiments were conducted under a flow discharge of 120 L min?1. The morphological evolutions of the plunge pools and soil loss volume were estimated by three-dimensional photo-reconstruction methods (3D-PR). As the step height increased, the experimental results showed that: (1) the transformed potential energy and shear stress would increase by approximately 4.89 J s?1 and 26.4 Pa on average when the step height increased 0.25 m; (2) the mean depth and width of the plunge pool exhibited obvious growth, and the morphology of the cross-section developed from approximately V-shaped to U-shaped; and (3) soil loss volume increased logarithmically, with total soil loss volumes of 0.076, 0.105 and 0.116 m3, respectively. Although the significant effects of the initial step height on headcut erosion were verified, further quantitative studies are required to quantify the mechanism of headcut erosion, especially for plunge pool erosion.  相似文献   
加拿大纽芬兰省稀有稀土矿化特征与勘查进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纽芬兰省稀有稀土成矿地质条件优越,矿化主要与侵入的过碱性长英质岩及其喷出岩有关,矿化围岩为中元古代火成岩系,矿床成因类型为岩浆型和热液交代型,且以前者为主,典型矿床为世界级大型原生Strange Lake(Nd-Y-Zr-REE)矿床。目前,地球化学方法是区内寻找稀有稀土矿床最有效的勘探工具,拉布拉多主要勘查区为Letitia Lake、Red Wine Mountains、Flowers River和Strange Lake,纽芬兰岛主要勘查区为Fortune Bay、Clode Sound、Trinity Bay和Lost Pond。  相似文献   
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