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An explosion on Comet 17P/Holmes occurred on 2007 October 23, projecting particulate debris of a wide range of sizes into the interplanetary medium. We observed the comet using the mid-Infrared Spectrograph (5-40 μm), on 2007 November 10 and 2008 February 27, and the imaging photometer (24 and 70 μm), on 2008 March 13, on board the Spitzer Space Telescope. The 2007 November 10 spectral mapping revealed spatially diffuse emission with detailed mineralogical features, primarily from small crystalline olivine grains. The 2008 February 27 spectra, and the central core of the 2007 November 10 spectral map, reveal nearly featureless spectra, due to much larger grains that were ejected from the nucleus more slowly. Optical images were obtained on multiple dates spanning 2007 October 27-2008 March 10 at the Holloway Comet Observatory and 1.5-m telescope at Palomar Observatory. The images and spectra can be segmented into three components: (1) a hemispherical shell fully 28′ on the sky in 2008 March, due to the fastest (262 m s−1), smallest (2 μm) debris, with a mass ; (2) a ‘blob’ or ‘pseudonucleus’ offset from the true nucleus and subtending some 10′ on the sky, due to intermediate speed (93 m s−1) and size (8 μm) particles, with a total mass ; and (3) a ‘core’ centered on the nucleus due to slower (9 m s−1), larger (200 μm) ejecta, with a total mass . This decomposition of the mid-infrared observations can also explain the temporal evolution of the millimeter-wave flux. The orientation of the leading edge of the ejecta shell and the ejecta ‘blob,’ relative to the nucleus, do not change as the orientation of the Sun changes; instead, the configuration was imprinted by the orientation of the initial explosion. The distribution and speed of ejecta implies an explosion in a conical pattern directed approximately in the solar direction on the date of explosion. The kinetic energy of the ejecta >1021 erg is greater than the gravitational binding energy of the nucleus. We model the explosion as being due to crystallization and release of volatiles from interior amorphous ice within a subsurface cavity; once the pressure in the cavity exceeded the surface strength, the material above the cavity was propelled from the comet. The size of the cavity and the tensile strength of the upper layer of the nucleus are constrained by the observed properties of the ejecta; tensile strengths on >10 m scale must be greater than 10 kPa (or else the ejecta energy exceeds the binding energy of the nucleus) and they are plausibly 200 kPa. The appearance of the 2007 outburst is similar to that witnessed in 1892, but the 1892 explosion was less energetic by a factor of about 20.  相似文献   
The conservation of archaeological heritage such as open-air petroglyphs is a major challenge due to the vulnerability of surfaces exposed to local environmental conditions. A precise knowledge of their nature therefore constitutes the cornerstone of their preservation. The surfaces of the valleys of the Mount Bego are characterized by a chromatic contrast between the thin red layer covering the outcrops and the underlying greenish substrate, revealed by thousands of prehistoric petroglyphs. To establish the mineralogical nature of the red layer, a spectroscopic, crystallographic, and petrographic study was carried out. Collectively, the results of this study evidence that, unlike rock coatings, this layer formed through the mobilization of structural iron, in the form of Fe (hydr)oxides, from the clay minerals that constitute the rocks. We thus discuss how the succession of events along the geological history of the site has created the environmental conditions for its formation. This study eventually provides useful data on the actual state of the petroglyphs toward their preservation. In a more global context, the conclusions of this study bring insights into the physicochemical mechanism leading to the reddening of recently exposed glacial valleys.  相似文献   
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