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In a previous paper Adams, Cary and Cohen (1994) presented a model of a supernova. In that paper the equations of General Relativity describing the evolution of a spherically symmetric, radiating star were solved analytically. The evolution of the star was determined by the application of boundary conditions at the center and at the edge. Due to lmitations in the presupernova model, only the very slow inward motion of an unstable, degenerate core could be considered. The solution was also limited by the need to exclude a runaway term, one that increased exponentially with time. Without the exclusion of the runaway, the luminosity would have increased without bound and the mass would have become negative.This paper presents a completely analytic solution to the equations of General Relativity describing the evolution of a Type II supernova. Professor S.E. Woosley kindly gave us data on the physical variables of a 12M 0 presupernova star. In our model the core collapses within 1 s, leaving a 1.3M 0 remnant. Shortly afterward 10.6M 0 is ejected to infinity, and 0.17M 0 is radiated away in the form of neutrinos. The distance of the edge from the center increases proportionally to the two-thirds power of the time. The luminosity decreases proportionally to the inverse four-thirds power.Although the runaway solution was modified by the exploding rather than a static envelope, it must still be excluded by adjusting initial conditions. Its character is changed from an exponential to a very large power (55) of time. The removal of a degree of freedom by this exclusion leads to physically non-sensical results such as negative luminosity. The inclusion of a term describing motion of the mantle due to neutrino interactions provides the additional degree of freedom necessary for physically reasonable results.  相似文献   
The sizes, composition, and number of particles comprising the rings of Saturn may be meaningfully constrained by a combination of radar- and radio-astronomical observations. In a previous paper, we have discussed constraints obtained from radar observations. In this paper, we discuss the constraints imposed by complementary “passive” radio observations at similar wavelengths. First, we present theoretical models of the brightness of Saturn's rings at microwave wavelengths (0.34–21.0 cm), including both intrinsic ring emission and diffuse scattering by the rings of the planetary emission. The models are accurate simulations of the behavior of realistic ring particles and are parameterized only by particle composition and size distribution, and ring optical depth. Second, we have reanalyzed several previously existing sets of interferometric observations of the Saturn system at 0.83-, 3.71-, 6.0-, 11.1-, and 21.0-cm wavelengths. These observations all have spatial resolution sufficient to resolve the rings and planetary disk, and most have resolution sufficient to resolve the ring-occulted region of the disk as well. Using our ring models and a realistic model of the planetary brightness distribution, we are able to establish improved constraints on the properties of the rings. In particular, we find that: (a) the maximum optical depth in the rings is ~ 1.5 ± 0.3 referred to visible wavelengths; (b) a significant decrease in ring optical depth from λ3.7 to λ21.0 cm allows us to rule out the possibility that more than ~30% of the cross section of the rings is composed of particles larger than a meter or so; this assertion is essentially independent of uncertainties in particle adsorption coefficient; and (c) the ring particles cannot be primarily of silicate composition, independently of particle size, and the particles cannot be primarily smaller than ~0.1 cm, independently of composition.  相似文献   
Non-LTE synthetic spectra derived from a detailed analysis of the formation of the CN (0, 0) λ13883 Å spectrum are compared with center-limb photoelectric spectra taken at Kitt Peak National Observatory. Kitt Peak National Observatory is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation. Significant non-LTE effects are found and the Kurucz, Altrock-Cannon, Mount-Linsky II, and HSRA models are compared. We derive a solar carbon abundance of A c =8.30±0.10 for the Mount-Linsky model and A c =8.40±0.10 for the Altrock-Cannon model, compared to the HSRA value of A c =8.55±0.10, assuming a nitrogen abundance of logA N=7.93. In addition we specify the regions of formation for the CN(0, 0) 3883.35 Å bandhead at disc center and limb.  相似文献   
Hydrothermal vent fluids from Middle Valley, a sediment-covered vent field located on the northern Juan de Fuca Ridge, were sampled in July, 2000. Eight different vents with exit temperatures of 186-281 °C were sampled from two areas of venting: the Dead Dog and ODP Mound fields. Fluids from the Dead Dog field are characterized by higher concentrations of ΣNH3 and organic compounds (C1-C4 alkanes, ethene, propene, benzene and toluene) compared with fluids from the ODP Mound field. The ODP Mound fluids, however, are characterized by higher C1/(C2 + C3) and benzene:toluene ratios than those from the Dead Dog field. The aqueous organic compounds in these fluids have been derived from both bacterial processes (methanogenesis in low temperature regions during recharge) as well as from thermogenic processes in higher temperature portions of the subsurface reaction zone. As the sediments undergo hydrothermal alteration, carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons are released to solution as organic matter degrades via a stepwise oxidation process. Compositional and isotopic differences in the aqueous hydrocarbons indicate that maximum subsurface temperatures at the ODP Mound are greater than those at the Dead Dog field. Maximum subsurface temperatures were calculated assuming that thermodynamic equilibrium is attained between alkenes and alkanes, benzene and toluene, and carbon dioxide and methane. The calculated temperatures for alkene-alkane equilibrium are consistent with differences in the dissolved Cl concentrations in fluids from the two fields, and confirm that subsurface temperatures at the ODP Mound are hotter than those at the Dead Dog field. Temperatures calculated assuming benzene-toluene equilibrium and carbon dioxide-methane equilibrium are similar to observed exit temperatures, and do not record the hottest subsurface conditions. The difference in subsurface temperatures estimated using organic geochemical thermometers reflects subsurface cooling processes via mixing of a hot, low salinity vapor with a cooler, seawater salinity fluid. Because of the disparate temperature dependence of alkene-alkane and benzene-toluene equilibria, the mixed fluid records both the high and low temperature equilibrium conditions. These calculations indicate that vapor-rich fluids are presently being formed in the crust beneath the ODP Mound, yet do not reach the surface due to mixing with the lower temperature fluids.  相似文献   
Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 504B near the Costa Rica Rift is the deepest hole drilled in the ocean crust, penetrating a volcanic section, a transition zone and a sheeted dike complex. The distribution of Li and its isotopes through this 1.8-km section of oceanic crust reflects the varying conditions of seawater alteration with depth. The upper volcanic rocks, altered at low temperatures, are enriched in Li (5.6-27.3 ppm) and have heavier isotopic compositions (δ7Li=6.6-20.8‰) relative to fresh mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) due to uptake of seawater Li into alteration clays. The Li content and isotopic compositions of the deeper volcanic rocks are similar to MORB, reflecting restricted seawater circulation in this section. The transition zone is a region of mixing of seawater with upwelling hydrothermal fluids and sulfide mineralization. Li enrichment in this zone is accompanied by relatively light isotopic compositions (−0.8-2.1‰) which signify influence of basalt-derived Li during mineralization and alteration. Li decreases with depth to 0.6 ppm in the sheeted dike complex as a result of increasing hydrothermal extraction in the high-temperature reaction zone. Rocks in the dike complex have variable isotopic values that range from −1.7 to 7.9‰, depending on the extent of hydrothermal recrystallization and off-axis low-temperature alteration. Hydrothermally altered rocks are isotopically light because 6Li is preferentially retained in greenschist and amphibolite facies minerals. The δ7Li values of the highly altered rocks of the dike complex are complementary to those of high-temperature mid-ocean ridge vent fluids and compatible to equilibrium control by the alteration mineral assemblage. The inventory of Li in basement rocks permits a reevaluation of the role of oceanic crust in the budget of Li in the ocean. On balance, the upper 1.8 km of oceanic crusts remains a sink for oceanic Li. The observations at 504B and an estimated flux from the underlying 0.5 km of gabbro suggest that the global hydrothermal flux is at most 8×109 mol/yr, compatible with geophysical thermal models. This work defines the distribution of Li and its isotopes in the upper ocean crust and provides a basis to interpret the contribution of subducted lithosphere to arc magmas and cycling of crustal material in the deep mantle.  相似文献   
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