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CMOS-APS imaging detectors open new opportunities for remote sensing in solar physics beyond what classical CCDs can provide, offering far less power consumption, simpler electronics, better radiation hardness, and the possibility of avoiding a mechanical shutter. The SWAP telescope onboard the PROBA2 technology demonstration satellite of the European Space Agency will be the first actual implementation of a CMOS-APS detector for solar physics in orbit. One of the goals of the SWAP project is precisely to acquire experience with the CMOS-APS technology in a real-live space science context. Such a precursor mission is essential in the preparation of missions such as Solar Orbiter where the extra CMOS-APS functionalities will be hard requirements. The current paper concentrates on specific CMOS-APS issues that were identified during the SWAP preflight calibration measurements. We will discuss the different readout possibilities that the CMOS-APS detector of SWAP provides and their associated pros and cons. In particular we describe the “image lag” effect, which results in a contamination of each image with a remnant of the previous image. We have characterised this effect for the specific SWAP implementation and we conclude with a strategy on how to successfully circumvent the problem and actually take benefit of it for solar monitoring.  相似文献   
The surface composition of Titan is of great importance for understanding both the internal evolution of Titan and its atmosphere. The Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) investigation on Cassini is observing Titan from 0.35 to 5.11 μm with spatial resolution down to a few kilometers during each flyby of the spacecraft as it orbits Saturn. Our search for spectral diversity using seven methane transmission windows in the near infrared suggests that spectrally distinct units exist on the surface of Titan and that most of the surface can be modeled using only a few distinct spectral units: water frost, CO2 frost, atmospheric scattering, and an unknown material bright at 2 μm. A dark, spectrally neutral material is also implied. Use of an atmospheric scattering component with spectral mixing analysis may provide a method for partially removing atmospheric effects. In some locations, atmospheric scattering accounts for the majority of the signal. There are also small regions with unusual spectra that may be due to low signal and high noise and/or may be exotic materials of interest. Further, we searched within the methane windows for spectral features associated with Titan's surface. Only the 5-μm and, to a lesser extent, the 2-μm window provide a reasonable opportunity for this, as the shorter-wavelength windows are too narrow and the 2.8-μm window is cluttered with an unknown atmospheric constituent. We find evidence for only one spectral feature: near 4.92 μm for the 5-μm bright Tui Regio region. CO2 frost with grains smaller than about 10 μm is the best candidate we have found so far to explain this absorption as well as the feature's spectral contrast between the 2.7- and the 2.8-μm atmosphere subwindows. This suggested CO2 identification is supported by the presence of an endmember in the spectral mixture analysis that is consistent with CO2 frost with large grain sizes. We find no other absorption features that are statistically significant, including those reported earlier by others. These results are consistent with but greatly extend our early analysis that treated only the Ta data set [McCord, T.B., et al., 2006a. Planet. Space Sci. 54, 1524-1539]. In the spectral feature search process, we explored in detail the noise characteristics of the VIMS data within the 5-μm window, which has generally very low signal (4-20 DN), due to the measurement conditions and low illumination levels. We find noise of nearly Gaussian statistics except for some erratic darks and noise spikes, and the data set seems generally well behaved. We present examples of our attempt to improve on the standard VIMS pipeline data calibration.  相似文献   
To study environment characteristics favoring the toxic benthic dinoflagellate Ostreopsis cf. ovata, a survey was conducted in Monaco (NW Mediterranean Sea), in summers 2007 and 2008. Epiphytic and planktonic blooms occurred almost simultaneously and a high variation of abundances at low spatial scales was observed. An early and very marked bloom occurred in 2007, compared to a later and less abundant development in 2008. These distinct patterns in bloom timing corresponded with very different hydroclimatic scenarios in 2007 (hot spring and relatively cold summer) and 2008 (standard year compared to the median year profile estimated with data from 1995 to 2008). No clear impacts of summer seawater temperature, rainfall or nutrient concentrations were evident. Strong wind may favor the dispersal of benthic and planktonic cells. Our study suggests that further investigations are needed to examine the potential role of Ostreopsis nutritional mode (i.e. autotrophy vs. mixotrophy).  相似文献   
We describe and test a procedure to accurately co-register and correlate multi-temporal aerial images. We show that this procedure can be used to measure surface deformation, and explore the performance and limitations of the technique. The algorithms were implemented in a software package, COSI-Corr (available from the Caltech Tectonics Observatory website). The technique is validated on several case examples of co-seismic deformation. First, we measure co-seismic ground deformation due to the 1992, Mw 7.3, Landers, California, earthquake from 1 m resolution aerial photography of the National Aerial Photography Program (United States Geological Survey). The fault ruptures are clearly detected, including small kilometric segments with fault slip as small as a few tens of centimeters. We also obtained similar performance from images of the fault ruptures produced by the 1999 Mw 7.1 Hector Mine, California, earthquake. The measurements are shown to be biased due to the inaccuracy of the Digital Elevation Model, film distortions, scanning artifacts, and ignorance of ground displacements at the location of the tie points used to co-register the multi-temporal images. We show that some of these artifacts can be identified and corrected.  相似文献   
Ceres, a nearly 1000-km diameter body located in the Solar System’s main asteroid belt, has been classified under many categories: planet, comet, asteroid, minor planet and, presently, dwarf planet. No matter what the designation, Ceres has experienced major planetary processes. Its evolution has been controlled by water, making it a most unusual, interesting and accessible inner Solar System object that can inform the evolution of outer Solar System moons and other dwarf planets. Early telescopic observations suggested a hydroxylated mineralogy similar to carbonaceous chondrite meteorites and a size and mass indicating a bulk density that implied a water content of 17?27 wt%. Thermodynamic modeling of Ceres’ evolution indicated that thermal aqueous evolution likely occurred. The Dawn Mission produced a huge increase in our understanding of Ceres, confirming but vastly extending the early knowledge. Dawn, carrying multispectral cameras, a visible-infrared imaging spectrometer and a nuclear spectrometer, orbited Ceres between 2015–2018 (after orbiting Vesta) at a number of different altitudes, ultimately reaching 35 km from the surface at periapsis. Observations of almost the entire surface and gravity field mapping revealed multiple geological and internal features attributed to the effects of water. The surface displays cryovolcanic-like and flow structures, exposed phyllosilicates, carbonates, evaporites and water ice. The subsurface shows partial differentiation, decreasing viscosity with depth, and lateral density heterogeneity. Ceres appears to be geologically active today and possesses liquid water/brine pockets or even an extended liquid layer in the interior, confirming an “Ocean World” designation in today’s vernacular.  相似文献   
Built environment, which includes some major investments in Oman, has been designed based on historical data and do not incorporate the climate change effects. This study estimates potential variations of the hourly annual maximum rainfall (AMR) in the future in Salalah, Oman. Of the five climate models, two were selected based on their ability to simulate local rainfall characteristics. A two-stage downscaling–disaggregation approach was applied. In the first stage, daily rainfall projections in 2040–2059 and 2080–2099 periods from MRI-CGCM3 and CNRM-CM5 models based on two Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP8.5 and RCP4.5) were downscaled to the local daily scale using a stochastic downscaling software (LARS-WG5.5). In the second stage, the stochastically downscaled daily rainfall time series were disaggregated using K-nearest neighbour technique into hourly series. The AMRs, extracted from 20 years of projections for four scenarios and two future periods were then fitted with the generalized extreme value distribution to obtain the rainfall intensity–frequency relationship. These results were compared with a similar relationship developed for the AMRs in baseline period. The results show that the reduction in number of wet days and increases in total rainfall will collectively intensify the future rainfall regime. A marked difference between future and historical intensity–frequency relationships was found with greater changes estimated for higher return periods. Furthermore, intensification of rainfall regime was projected to be stronger towards the end of the twenty-first century.  相似文献   
The green revolution laid the foundations of modern agriculture, by using science and technology to produce more from same resources. The pesticides contributed to agricultural output in the last decades; however, their use has resulted in environmental pollution, health problems, soil and water contamination and negative impact on biota. The impacts of agricultural activities to the environment depended on the practices adopted during the production process. Measurement tools to assess the impacts of those practices are necessary to improve agricultural systems and must be evaluated in different ecosystems. Different soils, climates and crops impose many phytosanitary arrangements. This complex network and the fact that most of the indicators and measurement tools are developed for temperate climates makes it difficult to quantify the environmental impacts under subtropical regions. The I-Phy index is a predictive indicator that assesses the risks of pesticide usage in agriculture and identifies as to which practices generate the main environmental impacts of pesticides. The objective of this study was to test the suitability of the I-Phy index for subtropical conditions and, if suitable, compare the pesticide risk between two regions. Five crops were assessed under three different cropping systems: no-tillage, minimal tillage and conventional tillage. The I-Phy index was sensitive in both regions and capable of identifying that no-tillage generally presented risks of environmental pollution slightly lower than the other tillage systems. The results of I-Phy index showed that high environmental vulnerability of the fields and the numerous applications of active ingredients with high risks resulted in high risks of general contamination. The application of I-Phy on these two case studies showed the indicator can be useful as a support tool to farmers, research and extension institutions pursuing management practices with lower impact on the environment.  相似文献   
This paper describes the integrated suite of Lagrangian transport and dispersion models in operation at the Canadian Meteorological Centre. These models have been in use for several years and are applied to many types of environmental emergencies covering spatial scales from the very local to the global. The Modèle Lagrangien Courte Distance (MLCD) is used for atmospheric spills of the order of a few kilometres. The Modèle Lagrangien de dispersion de particules d'ordre 1 (MLDP1) is normally used for events affecting areas less than 100?km; Modèle Lagrangien dispersion de particules d'ordre zéro (MLDP0) is used for events of continental and global consequences. The Modèle Lagrangien dispersion de particules mode mixte (MLDPmm) alternates between first-order and zeroth-order depending on criteria specified by the user. The theoretical bases of the models are presented, and the main algorithms used in their implementation are discussed. Modelling of the diffusion processes is based on a stochastic differential equation with the assumption of quasi-stationary Gaussian turbulence, locally homogeneous in the horizontal. The practical aspects of the operational implementation are also described. Using these models, results from simulations of real cases on scales ranging from the very local, to a few kilometres, to regional (approximately 100?km) to continental (approximately 1000?km) and to global (approximately 10,000?km) are compared and validated with available observational data.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to reconstruct spatiotemporal patterns of past landslide reactivation in a forested area of the Barcelonnette Basin (Bois Noir landslide, Southern French Alps). Analysis of past events was based on tree ring series from 79 heavily affected Mountain pine (Pinus uncinata Mill. ex Mirb) trees growing near or next to the landslide body. Dendrogeomorphic analysis focused on the presence of compression wood and growth reductions, with the first reaction being used for a dating of past reactivations with seasonal precision. A total of 151 growth disturbances were identified in the samples representing eight different stages of reactivation of the landslide body between 1874 and 2008. The spatiotemporal accuracy of the reconstruction is confirmed by historical records from neighboring sites and by aerial photographs. The onset of compression wood formation allows identifying five stages of landslide reactivation during the dormant season or the very beginning of the growing season of trees, i.e., between early October and late May, and three stages toward the end of the growth period. Monthly rainfall data from the HISTALP database demonstrate that the rainfall during four out of the eight reactivations are characterized by summer rainfall totals (July?CAugust) exceeding 200?mm, pointing to the important role of summer rainstorms in the triggering of events at the Bois Noir landslide body.  相似文献   
The Sun Watcher with Active Pixel System detector and Image Processing (SWAP) telescope was launched on 2 November 2009 onboard the ESA PROBA2 technological mission and has acquired images of the solar corona every one to two minutes for more than two years. The most important technological developments included in SWAP are a radiation-resistant CMOS-APS detector and a novel onboard data-prioritization scheme. Although such detectors have been used previously in space, they have never been used for long-term scientific observations on orbit. Thus SWAP requires a careful calibration to guarantee the science return of the instrument. Since launch we have regularly monitored the evolution of SWAP’s detector response in-flight to characterize both its performance and degradation over the course of the mission. These measurements are also used to reduce detector noise in calibrated images (by subtracting dark-current). Because accurate measurements of detector dark-current require large telescope off-points, we also monitored straylight levels in the instrument to ensure that these calibration measurements are not contaminated by residual signal from the Sun. Here we present the results of these tests and examine the variation of instrumental response and noise as a function of both time and temperature throughout the mission.  相似文献   
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