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The eastern part of the Guiana Shield, northern Amazonian Craton, in South America, represents a large orogenic belt developed during the Transamazonian orogenic cycle (2.26–1.95 Ga), which consists of extensive areas of Paleoproterozoic crust and two major Archean terranes: the Imataca Block, in Venezuela, and the here defined Amapá Block, in the north of Brazil.

Pb-evaporation on zircon and Sm–Nd on whole rock dating were provided on magmatic and metamorphic units from southwestern Amapá Block, in the Jari Domain, defining its long-lived evolution, marked by several stages of crustal accretion and crustal reworking. Magmatic activity occurred mainly at the Meso-Neoarchean transition (2.80–2.79 Ga) and during the Neoarchean (2.66–2.60 Ga). The main period of crust formation occurred during a protracted episode at the end of Paleoarchean and along the whole Mesoarchean (3.26–2.83 Ga). Conversely, crustal reworking processes have dominated in Neoarchean times. During the Transamazonian orogenic cycle, the main geodynamic processes were related to reworking of older Archean crust, with minor juvenile accretion at about 2.3 Ga, during an early orogenic phase. Transamazonian magmatism consisted of syn- to late-orogenic granitic pulses, which were dated at 2.22 Ga, 2.18 Ga and 2.05–2.03 Ga. Most of the εNd values and TDM model ages (2.52–2.45 Ga) indicate an origin of the Paleoproterozoic granites by mixing of juvenile Paleoproterozoic magmas with Archean components.

The Archean Amapá Block is limited in at southwest by the Carecuru Domain, a granitoid-greenstone terrane that had a geodynamic evolution mainly during the Paleoproterozoic, related to the Transamazonian orogenic cycle. In this latter domain, a widespread calc-alkaline magmatism occurred at 2.19–2.18 Ga and at 2.15–2.14 Ga, and granitic magmatism was dated at 2.10 Ga. Crustal accretion was recognized at about 2.28 Ga, in agreement with the predominantly Rhyacian crust-forming pattern of the eastern Guiana Shield. Nevertheless, TDM model ages (2.50–2.38 Ga), preferentially interpreted as mixed ages, and εNd < 0, point to some participation of Archean components in the source of the Paleoproterozoic rocks. In addition, the Carecuru Domain contains an oval-shaped Archean granulitic nucleus, named Paru Domain. In this domain, Neoarchean magmatism at about 2.60 Ga was produced by reworking of Mesoarchean crust, as registered in the Amapá Block. Crustal accretion events and calc-alkaline magmatism are recognized at 2.32 Ga and at 2.15 Ga, respectively, as well as charnockitic magmatism at 2.07 Ga.

The lithological association and the available isotopic data registered in the Carecuru Domain suggests a geodynamic evolution model based on the development of a magmatic arc system during the Transamazonian orogenic cycle, which was accreted to the southwestern border of the Archean Amapá Block.  相似文献   

Digital elevation model (DEM) images provide synoptic views of the Earth’s surface allowing the analysis of landforms of still active tectonic and volcanic structures at regional scale. A DEM at 250 m pixel size constitutes regional scale data particularly efficient to investigate the late Miocene–Quaternary deformation of the Eastern Turkish–Armenian Plateau in the Arabian–Eurasian area of convergence. Geomorphic analysis of the DEM image associated with review of fault-plane solutions of earthquakes show that faults are mostly strike-slip with small vertical component. Here we show that the orientations of the tectonic and volcanic structures fit with a tectonic regime characterized by N–S shortening and E–W lengthening, consistent with westward escape of Anatolia perpendicular to the direction of the Arabia–Eurasia shortening. The uniform uplift of the plateau, the predominance of strike-slip faulting, the lack of major thrusts and the occurrence of normal faults do not support a model of going-on crustal thickening due to intracontinental convergence. On the contrary, our observations can be better interpreted in terms of lithospheric thinning and mantle upwelling related to gravity escape of Anatolia.  相似文献   
Jean Lavigne 《GeoJournal》2002,58(4):285-292
For more than twenty years, the state of Montana has pursued a controversial policy of lethal control to manage winter migrations of bison from Yellowstone National Park. In the late 1990s, as the state and a number of federal agencies attempted to cooperatively outline a more palatable scenario for bison management, local environmental groups became active participants in the debate. This paper examines the strategies pursued by these organizations in the course of their attempt to construct a new, ecosystem-level territorial space and jurisdictional scale for bison, and places their struggle within the context of existing work in geography on the politics of scale. Ultimately, the failure of their efforts illustrates some of the important constraints faced by social groups that attempt to create new territorial regimes and new scales of resistance in the interstices of existing political structures.  相似文献   
In eastern North Island New Zealand, oblique subduction of the Pacific Plate beneath the Australian Plate is associated with strain partitioning. Dextral along-strike component of displacement occurred first at Early Miocene major faults within the eastern fore-arc domain. These faults were active from Early Miocene to Pliocene times. Since Pliocene times, most of the movement occurs at western faults such as the Wellington Fault. The latter joins the back-arc domain to the north. The jump of wrench faulting is related to the oblique opening of the back-arc domain. Both phenomena are impeded southwards by the Hikurangi oceanic plateau entering the subduction zone. To cite this article: J. Delteil et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   
This study presents the evolution of agreements between the governments of Canadaand Québec on flood damage reduction. In Québec, the implementation of a regulation about building in floodplains came about in 1983–1984. Today, this regulation takes the form of a policy called ``Policy of shores, littoral and floodplain protection'. Municipalities must adopt rules that concur with the principles of this policy.The Chaudiére River basin was selected for analysis of urban developmentduring the period following the application of building rules in flood-risk areas.Despite the ban on building in the strong current zone (0–20 year return periodflood zone), many buildings, essentially residential, have been erected in thiszone. These new constructions generally account for a low percentage of thetotal property value in the 0–100 year flooding area, but are legal since theyare connected to a water and sewage network that existed prior to the officialfloodplain regulation.Flood damage along the Chaudiére River will tend to increase for two reasons.Firstly, while respecting the policy mentioned above, sites are still available infloodplains for future development. Secondly, no structural flood protection workshave been erected in view of the fact they are only marginally profitable from anbenefit-cost point of view.  相似文献   
Weather as a Chronic Hazard for Road Transportation in Canadian Cities   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Inclement weather creates a chronic hazard for Canadian travellers. Past studies indicate that road collision rates increase during precipitation, although the magnitude of theincrease varies from study to study, partly as a result of variations in weather and driving conditions,but also because of differences in methods. The goal of the current study is to improve ourunderstanding of the links between weather and travel risk in mid-sized Canadian cities by using astandardized method for analyzing data from six cities with different climates: Halifax-Dartmouth,Ottawa, Québec, Hamilton, Waterloo Region, and Regina. The study has four interrelated objectives: (1) Toconduct a sensitivity analysis to determine the extent to which risk estimates vary depending onthe criteria used to define precipitation events and `normal' conditions; (2) To compare therelative risk of collision and injury during precipitation relative to `normal' conditions; (3) Todetermine the extent to which weather-related risks vary fordifferent Canadian cities; and (4) To explore any differences in collision characteristics between events and controls, especially as theyvary from city to city. Results are based on a matched-pair analysis, using six-hour time blocks over afour-year period, 1995 to 1998. Results indicate only modest sensitivity to the criteria used to define precipitation events and `normal' conditions. On average, precipitation is associated with a 75 percentincrease in traffic collisions and a 45 percent increase in related injuries, as compared to `normal'seasonal conditions, but risk levels vary depending on the characteristics of the weather event.Both sensitivity to specific weather conditions and weather-related accident profiles vary from city tocity in ways that are not easily explained.  相似文献   
The Archean Shawmere anorthosite lies within the granulite facies portion of the Kapuskasing Structural Zone (KSZ), Ontario, and is crosscut by numerous linear alteration veins containing calcite + quartz ± dolomite ± zoisite ± clinozoisite ± margarite ±paragonite ± chlorite. These veins roughly parallel the trend of the Ivanhoe Lake Cataclastic Zone. Equilibria involving clinozoisite + margarite + quartz ± calcite ± plagioclase show that the vein minerals were stable at T < 600 °C, XCO2 < 0.4 at P ≈ 6 kbar. The stabilities of margarite and paragonite in equilibrium with quartz are also consistent with T < 600 °C and XCO2 < 0.4 at 6 kbar. Additional assemblages consisting of calcite + clinochlore + quartz + talc + margarite indicate T < 500 °C with XCO2 > 0.9. Thus, vein formation, while clearly retrograde, spanned a range of temperatures, and fluid compositions evolved from H2O-rich to CO2-rich. The calcite in the retrograde veins has δ18O values that range from 8.4 to 11.2‰ (average = +9.7 ± 0.9‰) and δ13C values that range from −3.9 to −1.6‰ (average = −3.1 ± 0.6‰). These values indicate that the fluids from which calcite precipitated underwent extensive exchange with the anorthosite and other crustal lithologies. The fluids may have been initially derived either from devolatilization of metamorphic rocks or crystallization of igneous rocks in the adjacent Abitibi subprovince. Vein quartz contains CO2-rich fluid inclusions (final melting T = −57.0 to −58.7 °C) that range in size from 5 to 17 μm. Measured homogenization temperatures (T h) range from −44.0 to 14.5 °C, however for most inclusions (46 of S1), T h = −44.0 to −21.1 °C (ρCO2 ≈ 1.13 to 1.05 g/cm3). At 400 to 600 °C, these densities correspond to pressures of 3.5 to 7 kbar, which is the best estimate of pressures of vein formation. It has been argued that some high density CO2-rich fluid inclusions found in the KSZ were formed during peak metamorphism and thus document the presence of a CO2-rich fluid during peak granulite facies metamorphism (Rudnick et al. 1984). The association of high density CO2-rich fluid inclusions with clearly retrograde veins documents the formation of similar composition and density inclusions after the peak of metamorphism. Thus, the coincidence of entrapment pressures calculated from fluid inclusion density measurements with peak metamorphic pressures alone should not be considered strong evidence for peak metamorphic inclusion entrapment. All fluid inclusion results are consistent with an initially semi-isobaric retrograde PT path. Received: 2 April 1996 / Accepted: 15 November 1996  相似文献   
Re-Os Isotopic Measurements at the Femtomole Level in Natural Samples   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Here we describe a new chemical separation method for Os and an improved mass spectrometric procedure for Re and Os. This technique is based on the selective extraction of OsO4 from aqueous solution in liquid bromine. Among other advantages, this procedure avoids the cumbersome distillation procedure for Os and uses only commercial "off the shelf" PFA teflon labware. Blank levels for 0.5 g sample sizes are: 0.06 pg and 0.5 pg for Os and Re respectively. Samples containing as little as 1 pg g−1 Os can be analysed reliably with this method. Adaptation to other dissolution methods is also discussed.  相似文献   
This contribution aims to report the reflections we had with the scientific community during two international workshops on reference materials for stable isotopes in Davos (2002) and Nice (2003). After evaluating the isotopic homogeneity of some existing reference materials, based on either certificates, literature data or specific inter-laboratory rounds, we confirm these as primary reference materials or propose new ones relative to which stable isotope compositions should be reported. We propose DSM-3 for Mg, NIST SRM 915a for Ca, L-SVEC for Li and NBS28 for Si. Cadmium does not yet have a well identified delta zero material, although three commercial mono-elemental Cd solutions have yielded the same isotopic composition relative to one another. In order to scale the linearity of any mass spectrometer, some secondary reference materials are also proposed: Cambridge-1 solution for Mg, the "Münster-Cd" and JEPPIM Cd solutions for Cd and the "Big Batch" silicate for Si. The team from Nancy propose to prepare a mixed spike solution for Li isotopes. Well-characterised natural samples such as ocean or continental waters, diatoms, sponges, rocks and minerals are needed to validate the entire analytical procedure, particularly to take into account the effect of sample mineralisation and of chemical manipulations for elemental separation prior to analysis.  相似文献   
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