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This paper presents a statistical model to characterize the long-term extreme value distribution of significant wave height, conditioning to the duration of the storm and accounting for seasonality. A time-dependent version of the peak over threshold (POT) approach is used to build the model, which is then applied to specific reanalysis time series and NOAA buoy records. The model considers the annual and semiannual cycles which are parameterized in terms of harmonic functions. The inclusion of seasonal variabilities substantially reduces the residuals of the fitted model. The information obtained in this study can be useful to design maritime works, because (a) the model improves the understanding of the variability of extreme wave climate along a year and (b) the model accounts for the duration of the storm, which is a key parameter in several formulations for rubble mound breakwater design.  相似文献   
Growth strata are used to determine the kinematics of synsedimentary structures such as faults. Classical methods of analysis such as thickness versus throw plot consider that the available space created by fault slip in the hanging wall of faults is instantaneously filled up by sediments. This has lead many previous works to identify a cyclic activity for growth faults. Here we perform a careful analysis of the variation of strata thicknesses on each side of a very well documented normal growth fault in the Niger delta. We show that these thickness variations are induced by the alternation of sedimentary processes during continuous fault slip. Suspended-load processes induce either uniform or slightly variable thickness of a large majority of mudstone layers. Bedload processes result in a preferential thickening of sand layers in the hanging wall. These high quality data thus provide strong grounds for doubting the polycyclic growth diagnosed for some faults at the scale of sedimentary cycles and supports the notion that fault displacement rates can be very well behaved. Our study emphasizes the important conclusion that stable fault growth, and related displacement rates, can appear to be punctuated when viewed at the scale of sedimentary cycles. It follows that care should be taken when attempting to derive displacement rates on temporal scales equivalent to those of alternating sedimentological cycles.  相似文献   
We show in this short note that the method of singular spectrum analysis (SSA) is able to clearly extract a strong, clean, and clear component from the longest available sunspot (International Sunspot Number, ISN) time series (1700?–?2015) that cannot be an artifact of the method and that can be safely identified as the Gleissberg cycle. This is not a small component, as it accounts for 13% of the total variance of the total original signal. Almost three and a half clear Gleissberg cycles are identified in the sunspot number series. Four extended solar minima (XSM) are determined by SSA, the latest around 2000 (Cycle 23/24 minimum). Several authors have argued in favor of a double-peaked structure for the Gleissberg cycle, with one peak between 55 and 59 years and another between 88 and 97 years. We find no evidence of the former: solar activity contains an important component that has undergone clear oscillations of \(\approx90\) years over the past three centuries, with some small but systematic longer-term evolution of “instantaneous” period and amplitude. Half of the variance of solar activity on these time scales can be satisfactorily reproduced as the sum of a monotonous multi-secular increase, a \(\approx90\)-year Gleissberg cycle, and a double-peaked (\(\approx10.0\) and 11.0 years) Schwabe cycle (the sum amounts to 46% of the total variance of the signal). The Gleissberg-cycle component definitely needs to be addressed when attempting to build dynamo models of solar activity. The first SSA component offers evidence of an increasing long-term trend in sunspot numbers, which is compatible with the existence of the modern grand maximum.  相似文献   
Ecosystem based management takes into account the interconnectedness and interdependent nature of ecosystem components and emphasizes the importance of ecosystem structures and functions which provide a range of services. The concept has now been adopted by many international agreements and national governments and is in the process of being implemented. This paper seeks to review the literature and to analyze the understanding of the subject. The term is defined and its implementation in fisheries and for all marine uses is analyzed. It has been concluded that to understand marine ecosystem based management one must consider ecosystems as complex adaptive systems which can show changes at higher levels from actions and processes occurring at lower levels. Recognizing that humans are part of these complex adaptive systems is vital in that their actions along with other processes can lead to transformations in ecosystem functioning. This recognition is also important to show how society can sustainably exploit these resources and that the inclusion of all stakeholders in the management process is necessary to legitimize the process. The uses of the precautionary principle along with adaptive management are seen to be useful tools in implementing these insights into the management of natural resources. Finally, the need for reducing consumption of fish is considered.  相似文献   
Vibrational modelling is at the present time the only known way to predict the heat capacities of the Earth's mantle minerals at high-pressure and high-temperature. To test the validity of this method for λ-type transitions, we have applied it to the α-β quartz transition (T 0=846±1 K). Raman spectra of quartz were recorded up to 900 K. Measured frequency shifts of the α-quartz Raman modes were then used in conjunction with available high-pressure Raman data to calculate intrinsic mode anharmonicity, through the parameter a i=(?Lnvi/?T)v. Vibrational modelling of the heat capacity at constant volume, Cv, and at constant pressure, Cp, including anharmonic corrections deduced from the a i parameters, are compared to experimental data. Taking into account the soft-mode associated to the α-β quartz transition, the model reproduces the excess of Cp related to the transition. Then, this study confirms that detecting a soft-mode from vibrational data allows one to predict λ-type transitions. However, when modelling the thermodynamic properties, the contribution of a soft-mode cannot be established from spectroscopic data. Therefore, one needs first to determine this contribution in order to predict the heat capacities of Earth's mantle minerals displaying λ-type transitions. In α-quartz, this contribution has been determined as 0.007% of the total number of the optic modes in the model of the density of states.  相似文献   
Discrimination diagrams have been developed that source Egyptian basaltic artefacts using whole‐rock major element geochemistry. These include K2O versus SiO2, TiO2 and P2O5 against MgO/Fe2O3t (total Fe as Fe2O3), and a discriminant analysis diagram using SiO2, Fe2O3t, CaO, and MnO. A complementary set of diagrams uses easily obtained trace element data (Nb/Y versus Zr/Nb; Zr [ppm] versus Rb/Sr; TiO2 [wt % volatile free] versus V; and Cr [ppm] versus Zr/Y) to determine the bedrock sources. These diagrams have been applied to seven First Dynasty basalt vessels (Abydos), two Fourth Dynasty basalt paving stones (Khufu's funerary temple, Giza), and two Fifth Dynasty paving stones (Sahure's complex, Abu Sir). They show that the bedrock source for all the artefacts was the Haddadin flow in northern Egypt. Multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis applied to the whole‐rock data (major elements and trace elements together) and previously published mineral fingerprinting studies confirm these results. Comparing mineral versus whole‐rock fingerprinting techniques, a major advantage of the former is the small sample size required (0.001 g compared to ≥ 0.1 g). Analytical costs are similar for both methods assuming that a comparison (bedrock) database can be assembled from the literature. For most archaeological problems, a whole‐rock bedrock database is more likely to exist than a mineral database, and whole‐rock analyses on artefacts will generally be easier to obtain than mineral analyses. Whole‐rock fingerprinting may be more sensitive than mineral‐based fingerprinting. Thus, if sample quantity is not an issue, whole‐rock analysis may have a slight cost, convenience, and technical advantage over mineral‐based methods. Our results also emphasize that the Egyptians cherished their Haddadin basalt flow and used it extensively and exclusively for manufacturing basalt vessels and paving stones for at least 600 years (∼3150 B.C. to 2500 B.C., approximate ages of the vessels and Abu Sir paving stones, respectively). © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Résumé L'interprétation structurale des linéaments, décelés sur clichés photographiques pris par satellite, est discutée sur les bases suivantes: d'une part en pratiquant au minimum un changement d'échelle (plus grande); d'autre part en utilisant les relevés de terrain. Des exemples pris dans le Bassin Méditerranéen sédimentaire et sur le socle cristallophyllien de l'Afrique de l'Ouest permettent de définir une méthodologie commune. Ainsi en région sédimentaire, partant de prises de vue par exemple au 1/2 500 000, les échelles au 1/15 000 et au 1/50 000 se révèlent être des compléments précieux en photo-interprétation. De la même façon en zone de socle, les échelles au 1/20 000 et au 1/50 000 sont complémentaires du 1/200 000. De plus grâce aux donnés de terrain, il est possible de qualifier l'information photogéologique et d'en exprimer sa nature. Enfin les problèmes de corrélations entre rhegmatisme de socle et fracturation de couverture sont abordés de façon préliminaire: la similitude directionnelle observée devrait orienter les futures recherches en ce domaine.
The structural interpretation of disclosed lineaments on satellite's pictures ist discused on the following basis: first, with a minimum scale change (making it bigger); on the other hand using field plotting. The examples took from the Mediterranean sedimentary basin and from the western Africa crystalographic shield allow us to define a common methodology. Thus, in sedimentary area, through 1/2 500 000 scale aerial photographys, the 1/15 000 and 1/50 000 scales would be real valuable complements in photo-interpretation. Same way as, in shield zone, the 1/20 000 and 1/50 000 scales would be complements of the 1/200 000 one. More than that, because of field plotting utilisation is possible to quality photogeological information and even to explain its nature. In short correlation problems are exposed in a preliminary approach; the observed directional similitude could orientate the future research.

Zusammenfassung Die strukturelle Deutung von Lineamenten, die aus Satellitenphotos abzulesen sind, wird nach folgenden Voraussetzungen erörtert: zum einen wird zumindest eine Vergrößerung des Maßstabes vorgenommen, zum anderen werden Geländebefunde herangezogen. An Hand von Beispielen aus dem sedimentären Mittelmeerbecken sowie dem Kristallo-phyllitischen Sockel Westafrikas ist es möglich, eine gemeinsame Methodik zu definieren. So erweisen sich im sedimentären Gebiet die Maßstäbe 115 000 und 150 000 als wertvolle Ergänzungen zur Photointerpretation zum Beispiel einer Aufnahme von 12 500 000. Entsprechend ergänzen im Bereich des Sockels die Maßstäbe 120 000 und 150 000 die Aufnahme von 1200 000. Darüber hinaus ist es mit Hilfe von Geländedaten möglich, die photogeologische Information zu qualifizieren und zu beinhalten. Schließlich werden die Probleme der Korrelation zwischen Bruchbildung im Sockel und Brücken im Deckgebirge angesprochen: Die beobachtete Annäherung in der Ausrichtung soll zukünftige Untersuchungen auf diesem Gebiet orientieren.

, , : , no- , , — . . , 1: 15.000 1:50.000 12.500.000. 1: 200.000 1: 20.000 1: 50.000. . . .
We analyzed the Se isotopic composition of black shales and related kerogen and sulfide fractions from the Zunyi Ni-Mo-Se deposit, the La’erma Se-Au deposit and the Yutangba Se deposit in southern China to constrain metal sources and accumulation processes, both subjects of disagreement in the scientific community. Se at the Zunyi Ni-Mo-Se polymetallic deposit displayed a restricted range of δ82Se values (−1.6‰ to 2.4‰ with a mean of 0.6‰) suggesting a major hydrothermal origin where aqueous Se was probably transported as H2Se, along with H2S, and precipitated directly as selenides or in sulfides. Se at the La’erma Se-Au deposit covers a larger range in δ82Se values (−3.8‰ to 5.4‰ with a mean of 0.3‰), suggesting Se redistribution following redox transformations, leading to kinetic isotopic fractionation. The largest Se isotopic variation so far in natural terrestrial samples was found in the Yutangba Se deposit, with δ82Se values varying from −12.77‰ to 4.93‰. On the basis of variations in Se isotopes in the deposit, along with other geological and geochemical evidence, the “redox model” (supergene alteration) explains the occurrence of native Se in the deposit. Overall, hydrothermal systems may be a potentially important Se source to form economic deposits in comparison to seawater sources. Significantly, our study indicates that either secondary hydrothermal or supergene alteration is a key factor in Se enrichment in black shales. Redistribution of Se, and probably other redox-sensitive metals like Mo, Cr and V, leads to isotopic fractionation which may be used to fingerprint such alteration/precipitation processes.  相似文献   
Analysis of rock structure stability in coal mines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, the theory of limit point instability is used to analyse the stability of rock structures in coal mines. A general method of analysing stability of rock structures is put forward and a uniform instability condition of rock structures is set up. Some instability phenomena, such as rock bursts in circular roadways, pillars and long walls, and the outburst of coal and gas from circular roadways, are discussed analytically. At a later stage, the critical point of rock structure instability is determined. The influence of relative parameters (such as the mechanical properties of rock, coal, and the geometric sizes) on the stability of the rock structures is carefully analysed. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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