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The role of labile organic material and macrofaunal activity in benthic respiration and nutrient regeneration have been tested in sublittoral fine sand sediments from the Gulf of Valencia (northwestern Mediterranean Sea). Three experimental setups were made using benthic chambers. One experiment was performed in-situ through the annual cycle in a well-sorted fine sand community. The remaining experiments were carried out with mesocosms under laboratory conditions: one with different concentrations of organic enrichment (mussel meat and concentrated diatoms culture), and the other adding two different densities of the endofaunal bivalve Spisula subtruncata. Biochemical variables in surface sediment and changes in oxygen consumption and nutrient fluxes throughout incubation period were studied in each experiment. In the in situ incubations, dissolved oxygen (DO) fluxes showed a strong correlation with sedimentary biopolymeric fraction of organic carbon. Organic enrichment in the laboratory experiments was responsible for increased benthic respiration. However, sediment response (expressed as DO uptake and dissolved inorganic nitrogen—DIN—release) between oligotrophic and eutrophic conditions was more intense than between eutrophic and hypertrophic conditions. S. subtruncata abundances close to 400 and 850 ind m?2 also intensified benthic metabolism. DO uptake and DIN production in mesocosms with added fauna were between 60 and 75 % and 65–100 % higher than in the control treatment respectively. The results of these three experiments suggest that the macrobenthic community may increase the benthic respiration by roughly a factor of two in these bottoms, where S. subtruncata is one of the dominant species. Both organic enrichment and macrobenthic community in general, and S. subtruncata in particular, did not seem to have a relevant role in P and Si cycles in these sediments.  相似文献   
Multibeam echosounder data and TOPAS seismic reflection profiles collected during the AntPac 1997, Scan 2004, and Scan 2008 cruises aboard the RV Hespérides reveal a host of surficial geomorphological features as yet poorly investigated in the Scan Basin, south-central Scotia Sea. This area represents one of the deep gateways between the Weddell Sea and the Scotia Sea, since it enables the northward flow of a branch of the Weddell Sea Deep Water (WSDW). Analysis of the data identifies numerous elongated depressions interpreted as furrows in the southernmost sector of the basin. These furrows show two main trends, i.e., either N?CNNW parallel to, or NE oblique to regional bathymetric contours. These trends plausibly reflect a tectonic influence on the bottom-flow distribution, conditioned by a set of recent, conjugate strike-slip faults that developed on the seafloor under dominant NNE?CSSW compression and orthogonal extension. The furrows exhibit distinct geomorphological patterns at either side of the basin, which can be related to west?Ceast asymmetry in the WSDW flow direction. Consistent with existing knowledge of regional WSDW dynamics, northward WSDW overflows would be channeled along the western part of the basin at higher bottom-current velocities, thereby generating more erosional-type furrows that are straighter, more elongated, and have more abrupt sidewalls than their eastern counterparts. In contrast, weaker southward WSDW would flow along the eastern part of the basin, resulting in more depositional-type furrows that are more curved, less elongated, and have gentler sidewalls.  相似文献   
This paper extends previously developed models to account for the influence of the column and the foundation masses on the behavior of top‐heavy deformable elastic cantilever columns rocking on a rigid support surface. Several models for energy dissipation at impact are examined and compared. A novel Vertical Velocity Energy Loss model is introduced. Rocking uplift and overturning spectra for the deformable elastic cantilever model excited by sinusoidal ground motions are constructed. The effects of non‐dimensional model parameter variations on the rocking spectra and the overturning stability of the model are presented. It is shown that the remarkable overturning stability of dynamically excited large cantilever columns is not jeopardized by their deformability. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This article presents a positional quality acceptance control method for 2D and 3D line strings based on a statistical hypothesis test. Two statistical models are applied together: a Binomial Model is applied over a Base Model. By means of the Base Model the method can be applied to any parametric or non‐parametric error model. The Base Model represents the hypothesis about the error behavior. The Binomial Model is fixed and consists of counting the number F of fail events in a sample of a determined size. The π parameter of the Binomial Model is derived from the Base Model by means of a desired tolerance. By comparing the probabilities associated to F and π a statistical acceptance/rejection decision is achieved. This method allows us to know and control the user's and producer's risk of acceptance/rejection. An example using a 2D line string data set from a commercial product is presented. The extension of the method to the 3D line string case is also presented. In order to facilitate the application of the method, some tables linking π with F and the control sample sizes are presented.  相似文献   
Extreme flood events often have adverse effects for people living near or within areas at risk. Reactivating morphological river floodplains for flood retention measures can substantially reduce flood wave peaks and the negative flooding consequences. This article accordingly focuses on a methodology for identifying suitable locations for such measures by spatial multicriteria evaluation (MCE). Compromise programming (CP) and the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) are core methodological components. Furthermore, this methodology is based on impact analysis and draws on expert knowledge. This article also deals with software tools that support the operationalization of methodological components. Data harmonization algorithms are implemented as geoprocessing tools. Both CP and AHP are designed as software providing graphical user interfaces (GUIs). While an extension integrates CP into a geoinformation system, AHP is realized as a web application enabling participation of expert practitioners. The methodological components are operationalized through an example on the floodplains of the German river Elbe.  相似文献   
Using CORINE land cover and the point survey LUCAS for area estimation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
CORINE land cover 2000 (CLC2000) is a European land cover map produced by photo-interpretation of Landsat ETM+ images. Its direct use for area estimation can be strongly biased and does not generally report single crops. CLC areas need to be calibrated to give acceptable statistical results.LUCAS (land use/cover area frame survey) is a point survey carried out in 2001 and 2003 in the European Union (EU15) on a systematic sample of clusters of points. LUCAS is especially useful for area estimation in geographic units that do not coincide with administrative regions, such as set of coastal areas defined with a 10 km buffer. Some variance estimation issues with systematic sampling of clusters are analysed.The contingency table obtained overlaying CLC and LUCAS gives the fine scale composition of CLC classes. Using CLC for post-stratification of LUCAS is equivalent to the direct calibration estimator when the sampling units are points. Stratification is easier to adapt to a scheme in which the sampling units are the clusters of points used in LUCAS 2001/2003.  相似文献   
Several processes can contribute to the formation of hemipelagic limestone–marl alternations as a consequence of astronomically driven climate change. The aim of this study was to decipher which environmental factors governed the formation of three Eocene hemipelagic successions of the Basque–Cantabrian Basin using a comprehensive set of physical and bulk carbonate geochemical data (bed thickness, mineralogy, %CaCO3, δ13C and δ18O). The results show that the significance of several environmental processes varied depending on the palaeogeographic setting and eccentricity‐modulated precessional seasonality. In the Sopelana starved deep‐sea basin, limestones were formed as a consequence of high pelagic carbonate productivity during periods of warm seawater and sluggish circulation, which corresponded with periods of low seasonality (summers at aphelion); conversely, marls accumulated when pelagic carbonate productivity decreased during periods with cooler waters and more vigorous circulation, which occurred when seasonality was higher (summers at perihelion). In the Gorrondatxe submarine fan fringe, marls accumulated when high seasonality produced significant continental rainfall and run‐off, causing the dilution of pelagic carbonate sedimentation with terrigenous supplies. In the Oyambre upper slope, marls also accumulated when seasonality was high, as pelagic carbonate productivity decreased due to both the expansion of low‐salinity waters on the ocean surface and the increase in continentally derived nutrients, which caused detrimental seawater conditions for calcareous plankton. Both in Gorrondatxe and Oyambre, limestones accumulated when boreal summer at aphelion caused low seasonality, which allowed relatively stable conditions to prevail. At minimum eccentricity, when precession‐driven seasonality contrast diminished, changes in pelagic carbonate productivity were significant in the three sections. On the contrary, at maximum eccentricity, when seasonality peaked due to summers occurring at perihelion, the effects of other environmental processes, such as continental and oceanic currents, became influential. However, the influence of these processes minimized when summertime coincided with aphelion at maximum eccentricity and seasonality was weakest.  相似文献   
Analysis of the microfaunas (foraminifera, ostracods) and the stable isotope values (δ13C, δ18O) of the Leioa section, as representative of the deep Basque Basin, has allowed us to propose a detailed palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of this region during the Cenomanian, as well as to register global chronostratigraphic reference levels to facilitate interregional correlations. During the Cenomanian, part of the basin, the Plentzia Trough, was occupied by intermediate water masses, as deduced by the relative percentages of planktonic (Rotalipora) and benthonic foraminifera. A noticeable change is observed at the middle-late Cenomanian transition: the replacement of the dominance of keeled (rota-liporids) by incipiently-keeled (dicarinellids, praeglobotruncanids) planktonic foraminifera, indicative of the new influence of the upper intermediate waters. The temporary effect of shallow waters is deduced in one interval of the latest early Cenomanian and two more of the middle Cenomanian, as indicated by the dominance of globular planktonic foraminifera (hedbergellids). These water masses were moderately to strongly hypoxic (<4 to <2 ml/l of disolved oxygen) after the ostracod platycopid signal and benthonic foraminiferal hypoxic indicators. The dysaerobia may have been particulary strong (almost anoxia?) during part of the middle Cenomanian. Micronutrient availability was also restricted during several intervals of the middle Cenomanian, as indicated by the sudden decrease in the species diversity of the calcitic benthonics during the period when increased trends of the δ13C isotopic signals are observed. The combination of both hypoxia and nutrient depletion produced drastic changes in the microfaunal assemblages, with emigrations and local extinctions, showing benthonic perturbations from the time indicated by the base of theRotalipora reicheliZone onwards. From the beginning until the end of the middle Cenomanian, eleven of these perturbations are recorded as regional bioevents, using as bioevent-markers, intervals where microfauna was absent (including benthic-free intervals, B-FI; benthonic calcitic-free intervals, BC-FI; and ostracod-free intervals, O-FI). These changes led to the renewal of the microfaunas; benthonic foraminifera renewed their specific stocks during the early to early middle Cenomanian, with planktonic foraminifera and ostracods undergoing renewal at the end of the middle Cenomanian. Isotope values of δ18O and δ13C are consistent with the palaeoenvironmental changes detected by the microfaunas; their maximum and minimum shifts coincide with the bioevents. The double-peaked positive shift of δ13C for the mid-Cenomanian of northwest Europe (Jenkynset al., 1994; Paulet al., 1994a) has been recognized in this series of the Basque Basin. The palaeoenvironmental perturbations deduced in the Cenomanian of the Leioa section are attributed essentially to palaeoceanographic changes, where intermediate water masses profoundly influenced the planktonic and benthonic ecosystems. The influence of other local causes, such as volcanic activity at that time, or tectonics between the Iberian and European plates, are more difficult to prove. Several of the bioevents defined in the middle Cenomanian of this basin could probably be global in nature, and thus may be useful for establishing interregional correlations.  相似文献   
Compositional depth profiles in the leached layer of feldspar surfaces are usually interpreted by using analytical solutions which introduce oversimplifying assumptions. Here we present a general multicomponent interdiffusion numerical model for simulating cation release from a preferentially leached layer on feldspar surfaces in acid solutions. The numerical model takes into account interdiffusion, dissolution of the solid phase (represented by a moving boundary problem), and adsorption in the leached layer. Effective diffusion coefficients of ions vary with concentration along the leached layer. Governing equations of ions diffusion in the leached layer are solved numerically with a finite element method implemented in a multicomponent reactive transport code, CORE3D, previously verified against analytical solutions of compositional depth profiles. The numerical model is tested with published X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) data on early development of compositional profiles of labradorite leached in pH 2 HCl solutions. Model parameters are estimated by fitting depth profiles of Ca and Al measured at 12, 26, 48, 72, and 143 h. The best fit is achieved with tracer diffusion coefficients of 4 × 10−18, 8 × 10−17, 3.4 × 10−17, and 7 × 10−18 cm2/s for H, Na, Ca, and Al, respectively, which fall within the range of values reported in the literature. Our estimate of the retreat velocity corresponding to the dissolution rate is 3 × 10−13 cm/s. Results of sensitivity runs show that computed compositional profiles are sensitive to most model parameters.  相似文献   
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