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Scour holes often form in shallow flows over sand on the beach and in morphodynamic scale experiments of river reaches, deltas and estuarine landscapes. The scour holes are on average 2 cm deep and 5 cm long, regardless of the flow depth and appear to occur under similar conditions as current ripples: at low boundary Reynolds numbers, in fine sand and under relatively low sediment mobility. In landscape experiments, where the flow is only about 1 cm deep, such scours may be unrealistically large and have unnatural effects on channel formation, bar pattern and stratigraphy. This study tests the hypotheses that both scours and ripples occur in the same conditions and that the roughness added by sediment saltation explains the difference between the ripple–dune transition and the clear‐water hydraulic smooth to rough transition. About 500 experiments are presented with a range of sediment types, sediment mobility and obstructions to provoke scour holes, or removal thereof to assess scour hole persistence. Most experiments confirm that ripples and scour holes both form in the ripple stability field in two different bedform stability diagrams. The experiments also show that scours can be provoked by perturbations even below generalized sediment motion. Moreover, the hydraulic smooth to rough transition modified with saltation roughness depending on sediment mobility was similar in magnitude and in slope to ripple–dune transitions. Given uncertainties in saltation relations, the smooth to rough transitions modified for movable beds are empirically equivalent to the ripple–dune transitions. These results are in agreement with the hypothesis that scours form by turbulence caused by localized flow separation under low boundary Reynolds numbers, and do not form under generalized flow separation over coarser particles and intense sediment saltation. Furthermore, this suggests that ripples are a superposition of two independent forms: periodic bedforms occurring in smooth and rough conditions plus aperiodic scours occurring only in hydraulic smooth conditions.  相似文献   
Composite mantle xenoliths from the Cima Volcanic Field (CA, USA) contain glassy veins that cross-cut lithologic layering and preserve evidence of lithospheric melt infiltration events. Compositions and textures of minerals and glasses from these veins have the potential to place constraints on the rates and extents of reaction during infiltration. We studied glass-bearing regions of two previously undescribed composite xenoliths, including optical petrography and chemical analysis for major and trace elements by electron probe microanalysis and laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The petrogenetic history of each vein involves melt intrusion, cooling accompanied by both wall-rock reaction and crystallization, quench of melt to a glass, and possibly later modifications. Exotic secondary olivine crystals in the veins display concentric phosphorus (P)-rich zoning, P-rich glass inclusions, and zoning of rapidly diffusing elements (e.g., Li) that we interpret as records of rapid disequilibrium events and cooling rates on the order of 10 °C/h. Nevertheless, thermodynamic modeling of the diversity of glass compositions recorded in one of the samples demonstrates extensive reaction with Mg-rich olivine from the matrix before final quench. Our results serve as a case study of methods for interpreting the rates and processes of lithospheric melt-rock reactions in many continental and oceanic environments.  相似文献   
Changes of the summer evapotranspiration regime under increased levels of atmospheric greenhouse gases are discussed for three Alpine river basins on the basis of a new set of simulations carried out with a high-resolution hydrological model. The climate change signal was inferred from the output of two simulations with a state-of-the-art global climate model (GCM), a reference run valid for 1961–1990 and a time-slice simulation valid for 2071–2100 under forcing from the A2 IPCC emission scenario. In this particular GCM experiment and with respect to the Alpine region summer temperature was found to increase by 3 to 4 C, whereas precipitation was found to decrease by 10 to 20%. Global radiation and water vapor pressure deficit were found to increase by about 5% and 2 hPa, respectively. On this background, an overall increase of potential evapotranspiration of about 20% relative to the baseline was predicted by the hydrological model, with important variations between but also within individual basins. The results of the hydrological simulations also revealed a reduction in the evapotranspiration efficiency that depends on altitude. Accordingly, actual evapotranspiration was found to increase at high altitudes and to the south of the Alps, but to decrease in low elevation areas of the northern forelands and in the inner-Alpine domain. Such a differentiation does not appear in the GCM scenario, which predicts an overall increase in evapotranspiration over the Alps. This underlines the importance of detailed simulations for the quantitative assessment of the regional impact of climate change on the hydrological cycle.  相似文献   
We present a new flare star, which was discovered during our survey on a selected field at the edge of the Pleiades cluster. The field was observed in the period 2007–2010 with three different CCD‐cameras at the University Observatory Jena with telescopes from 25 to 90 cm. The flare duration is almost one hour with an amplitude in the R‐band of about 1.08 mag. The location of the flare star in a color‐magnitude diagram is consistent with age and distance of the Pleiades. In the optical PSF of the flare star there are two 2MASS objects (unresolved in most images in the optical Jena PSF), so it is not yet known which one of them is responsible for this flare. The BVRIJHK colors yield spectral types of M1 and M2 with extinction being Av = 0.231 ± 0.024 mag and Av = 0.266 ± 0.020 for those two stars, consistent with the Pleiades cluster (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
In the north Irish Sea basin (ISB), sedimentary successions constrained by AMS 14C dates obtained from marine microfaunas record three major palaeoenvironmental shifts during the last deglacial cycle. (i) Marine muds (Cooley Point Interstadial) dated to between 16.7 and 14.7 14C kyr BP record a major deglaciation of the ISB following the Late Glacial Maximum (LGM). (ii) Terminal outwash and ice-contact landforms (Killard Point Stadial) were deposited during an extensive ice readvance, which occurred after 14.7 14C kyr BP and reached a maximum extent at ca.14 14C kyr BP. At this time the lowlands surrounding the north ISB were drumlinised. Coeval flowlines reconstructed from these bedforms end at prominent moraines (Killard Point, Bride, St Bees) and indicate contemporaneity of drumlinisation from separate ice dispersal centres, substrate erosion by fast ice flow, and subglacial sediment transfer to ice-sheet margins. In north central Ireland bed reorganisation associated with this fast ice-flow phase involved overprinting and drumlinisation of earlier transverse ridges (Rogen-type moraines) by headward erosion along ice streams that exited through tidewater ice margins. This is the first direct terrestrial evidence that the British Ice Sheet (BIS) participated in Heinrich event 1 (H1). (iii) Regional mud drapes, directly overlying drumlins, record high relative sea-level (RSL) with stagnation zone retreat after 13.7 14C kyr BP (Rough Island Interstadial). Elsewhere in lowland areas of northern Britain ice-marginal sediments and morainic belts record millennial-scale oscillations of the BIS, which post-date the LGM advance on to the continental shelf, and pre-date the Loch Lomond Stadial (Younger Dryas) advance in the highlands of western Scotland (ca. 11–10 14C kyr BP). In western, northwestern and northern Ireland, Killard Point Stadial (H1) ice limits are reconstructed from ice-flow lines that are coeval with those in the north ISB and end at prominent moraines. On the Scottish continental shelf possible H1-age ice limits are reconstructed from dated marine muds and associated ice marginal moraines. It is argued that the last major offshore ice expansion from the Scottish mountains post-dated ca. 15 14C kyr BP and is therefore part of the H1 event. In eastern England the stratigraphic significance of the Dimlington silts is re-evaluated because evidence shows that there was only one major ice oscillation post-dating ca.18 14C kyr BP in these lowlands. In a wider context the sequence of deglacial events in the ISB (widespread deglaciation of southern part of the BIS → major readvance during H1 → ice sheet collapse) is similar to records of ice sheet variability from the southern margins of the Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS). Well-dated ice-marginal records, however, show that during the Killard Point readvance the BIS was at its maximum position when retreat of the LIS was well underway. This phasing relationship supports the idea that the BIS readvance was a response to North Atlantic cooling induced by collapse of the LIS. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Homogeneity, mass fractions of about forty trace elements and Sr isotope composition of Ca carbonate reference materials (RMs) between original and nano‐powdered pellets are compared. Our results using nanosecond and femtosecond LA‐(MC)‐ICP‐MS show that the nano‐pellets of the RMs MACS‐3NP, JCp‐1NP and JCt‐1NP are about a factor of 2–3 more homogeneous than the original samples MACS‐3, JCp‐1 and JCt‐1, and are therefore much more suitable for microanalytical purposes. With the exception of Si, the mass fractions of the synthetic RM MACS‐3 agree with its fine‐grained analogue MACS‐3NP. Very small, but significant, differences between original and nano‐pellets are observed in the RMs JCp‐1 and JCt‐1 for some trace elements with very low contents, indicating the need for re‐certification. Strontium mass fractions in the analysed RMs are high (1500–7000 mg kg?1), and their isotope compositions determined by LA‐MC‐ICP‐MS in the original and the nano‐pellets agree within uncertainty limits.  相似文献   
Large groundwater resources are found in densely populated lowland areas, which consist often of young unconsolidated and reduced sediments. When anthropogenic activities lead to oxygenation of the aquifer, breakdown of the main reduced fractions, i.e. sedimentary organic matter (SOM) and pyrite, could lead to severe groundwater deterioration such as acidification, heavy metal mobilization, and increased hardness. The characterization of the reactive properties of these sediments is important in predicting groundwater deterioration, but is often complicated by the high degree of heterogeneity of these sediments. In this study, the potential reduction capacity (PRC, based on SOM and pyrite content), the potential buffer capacity (PBC, based on carbonate content), potential acidification capacity (PAC, based on the potential acid production by sulfide oxidation), and the measured reduction capacity (MRC) of five facies, which are typical of the riverine sediments in the Rhine–Meuse delta (The Netherlands) were determined. A universal facies-classification model was used to classify the deposits into more homogeneous sub-units based on lithologic and geogenic properties, with a further sub-division into oxic or anoxic redox environment based upon groundwater data and field observations. The bulk chemical data show strong variation across facies for the median values of PRC (186–9093 mmol O2 kg−1), PBC (17–132 mmol O2 kg−1), and PAC (36–1530 mmol H+ kg−1). The MRC was measured as reactivity to molecular O2 exposure and was 0.5–567.3 mmol O2 kg−1. Steady-state oxidation rates were in the wide range of 0.001–10.355 mmol O2 kg−1 day−1 but were typically about 3–8 times faster in fine facies than in coarse facies. Both the PRC and MRC depend strongly on grain size, but also on the syn/post-depositional environment and redox conditions. The main part of the PRC consists of SOM, but pyrite reactivity is higher than SOM reactivity as shown by the relative depletion of pyrite in oxic subfacies and the preferential oxidation during the oxidation experiments. Some facies are very prone to acidification because the PAC is higher than the PBC, but the oxidation experiments also show that acidification could already start before the PRC is fully exhausted. This study, is one of the few that combines bulk chemical data, groundwater data, and reactivity measurements and shows that a facies-based approach is a practical tool in characterizing the reactivity of heterogeneous deposits.  相似文献   
An assemblage of subglacial, ice-terminal and proglacial landforms and sediments provides evidence for the relationship between ice-marginal glacitectonics, sedimentary processes and subglacial and proglacial hydraulic processes at a retreating late Devensian ice margin in north-central Ireland. Deltas were deposited in glacial lakes impounded between the retreating ice margin and the southern Sperrin Mountains, followed by outwash and end moraine formation as the ice margin retreated south. Sediments within the moraines show evidence for ice margin oscillation from two opposing ice margins, including subglacial bedrock rafts and breccias which are separated by glacitectonic shears with silty partings. In adjacent outwash, vertically-disturbed proglacial sands, gravels and silts located in front of moraine positions attest to high hydraulic pressure and subsurface water flow during ice oscillation. The relationship between sedimentary and hydraulic processes in the ice margin region is described by a depositional model which links glacitectonic thrusting and subsurface water flow during ice oscillation to formation of subglacial, ice-terminal and proglacial sediments. The evidence presented in this paper shows that subglacial and proglacial morphosedimentary processes and patterns of sediment deposition are mediated by the presence of proglacial permafrost, which helps direct processes and patterns of groundwater flow.  相似文献   
The principle of subsurface iron removal for drinking water supply is that aerated water is periodically injected into the aquifer through a tube well. On its way into the aquifer, the injected O2-rich water oxidizes adsorbed Fe2+, creating a subsurface oxidation zone. When groundwater abstraction is resumed, the soluble Fe2+ is adsorbed and water with reduced Fe concentrations is abstracted for multiple volumes of the injection water. In this article, Fe accumulation deposits in the aquifer near subsurface treatment wells were identified and characterized to assess the sustainability of subsurface iron removal regarding clogging of the aquifer and the potential co-accumulation of other groundwater constituents, such as As. Chemical extraction of soil samples, with Acid-Oxalate and HNO3, showed that Fe had accumulated at specific depths near subsurface iron removal wells after 12 years of operation. Whether it was due to preferred flow paths or geochemical mineralogy conditions; subsurface iron removal clearly favoured certain soil layers. The total Fe content increased between 11.5 and 390.8 mmol/kg ds in the affected soil layers, and the accumulated Fe was found to be 56-100% crystalline. These results suggest that precipitated amorphous Fe hydroxides have transformed to Fe hydroxides of higher crystallinity. These crystalline, compact Fe hydroxides have not noticeably clogged the investigated well and/or aquifer between 1996 and 2008. The subsurface iron removal wells even need less frequent rehabilitation, as drawdown increases more slowly than in normal production wells. Other groundwater constituents, such as Mn, As and Sr were found to co-accumulate with Fe. Acid extraction and ESEM-EDX showed that Ca occurred together with Fe and by X-ray Powder Diffraction it was identified as calcite.  相似文献   
Jasper Knight   《Sedimentary Geology》2009,220(1-2):126-133
Soft-sediment clasts composed of silt and clay are contained within glacial outwash sands in the Puget Sound, Washington State, USA. The outwash was deposited during ice retreat of the Cordilleran ice sheet around 17 cal kyr BP. The soft-sediment clasts have a distinctive and consistent morphology and disposition within the sand beds. The sedimentology, sedimentary structures and presence of soft-sediment clasts suggest sand was deposited as proglacial outwash with silts and clays deposited in meltwater pools. Following drying-out of the pools and subaerial cracking, lumps of silt and clay were excavated by meltwater and transported distally as soft-sediment clasts within high-density flows. The most likely final depositional setting is as a Salisbury-type ‘delta’ in which subaqueous outwash grades distally into deeper water. This interpretation shows the power of soft-sediment clasts to inform on past processes and palaeogeography for which there is often little evidence in the geologic record.  相似文献   
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