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Observational evidence such as outflow channels and valley networks suggest that in the past there was flowing water on Mars. The images of fluvial features on Mars logically suggest that there must exist downstream locations in which the water pooled and the sediment load deposited (i.e. lakes). Sediments and morphological features associated with the martian paleolakes are believed to occur in Valles Marineris, and several large basins including Amazonis, Chryse and Elysium planitia. As Mars became progressively colder over geological time, any lakes on its surface would have become seasonally, and eventually perennially ice-covered. We know from polar lakes on Earth that ice-covered lakes can persist even when the mean annual temperature falls below freezing. Thus, the most recent lacustrine sediments on Mars were probably deposited in ice-covered lakes. While life outside of the Earth's atmosphere has yet to be observed, there is a general consensus among exobiologists that the search for extraterrestrial life should be based upon liquid water. The inference that there was liquid water on Mars during an earlier epoch is the primary motivation for considering the possibility of life during this time. It would be of enormous interest from both an exobiological and paleolimnological perspective to discover lakes or the evidence of former lakes on another planet such as Mars. Limnology would then become an interplanetary science.  相似文献   
Several limnological and paleolimnological investigations have linked enhanced atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition to nutrient enrichment and increased primary production. The Athabasca Oil Sands Region (AOSR) in northeast Alberta, Canada is a significant source of N emissions, particularly since development intensified during the 1990s, and recent paleolimnological investigations provide evidence of increased lake production in adjacent areas subject to enhanced N deposition. The AOSR, however, has also experienced atmospheric warming since ca. AD 1900, and therefore the relative effects of nutrient deposition and climate changes on lake production remain unclear. We undertook a factorial-design paleolimnological assessment of 16 lakes in northwest Saskatchewan to quantify changes in abundance and species composition of scaled chrysophytes over the past 100 years. Study sites included both N-limited and P-limited lakes within control regions, as well as lakes that receive enhanced N deposition from the AOSR. We hypothesized that a change in algal communities within N-limited AOSR-impacted lakes, without concurrent changes in the other lake groups, would suggest AOSR-derived N as a driver of enhanced primary production. Instead, marked increases in concentrations of scaled chrysophytes, mainly Mallomonas crassisquama, occurred in the recent sediments in cores from all four lake groups (N-limited vs. P-limited, impacted vs. control), suggesting that regional climate change rather than N deposition was the paramount process enhancing chrysophyte production. Because chrysophyte abundances tended to be higher in deep, lower-pH lakes, and chrysophyte time series were fit best by lake-specific generalized additive models, we infer that climate effects may have been mediated by additional catchment and/or lake-specific processes.  相似文献   
Mineral weathering rates and a forest macronutrient uptake stoichiometry were determined for the forested, metabasaltic Hauver Branch watershed in north‐central Maryland, USA. Previous studies of Hauver Branch have had an insufficient number of analytes to permit determination of rates of all the minerals involved in chemical weathering, including biomass. More equations in the mass‐balance matrix were added using existing mineralogic information. The stoichiometry of a deciduous biomass term was determined using multi‐year weekly to biweekly stream‐water chemistry for a nearby watershed, which drains relatively unreactive quartzite bedrock. At Hauver Branch, calcite hosts ~38 mol% of the calcium ion (Ca2+) contained in weathering minerals, but its weathering provides ~90% of the stream water Ca2+. This occurs in a landscape with a regolith residence time of more than several Ka (kiloannum). Previous studies indicate that such old regolith does not typically contain dissolving calcite that affects stream Ca2+/Na+ ratios. The relatively high calcite dissolution rate likely reflects dissolution of calcite in fractures of the deep critical zone. Of the carbon dioxide (CO2) consumed by mineral weathering, calcite is responsible for approximately 27%, with the silicate weathering consumption rate far exceeding that of the global average. The chemical weathering of mafic terrains in decaying orogens thus may be capable of influencing global geochemical cycles, and therefore, climate, on geological timescales. Based on carbon‐balance calculations, atmospheric‐derived sulfuric acid is responsible for approximately 22% of the mineral weathering occurring in the watershed. Our results suggest that rising air temperatures, driven by global warming and resulting in higher precipitation, will cause the rate of chemical weathering in the Hauver Branch watershed to increase until a threshold temperature is reached. Beyond the threshold temperature, increased recharge would produce a shallower groundwater table and reduced chemical weathering rates. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Seemingly stably stratified fluids, that is a heavier layer of fluid underlying an upper layer of lighter fluid, can overturn if there is a heat flux through the system. Such events are termed “rollover” in the engineering literature (occurring for instance in liquid natural gas tanks). They take place as well in lakes and ponds. In all such cases, the stratification starts off with the heavier, more dense fluid underlying lighter. Convection driven mixing at the stratification interface (due to the heat flux) as well as other processes serves to minimize with time the stabilizing density differences, which may eventually cause the stratification to invert. If gas has been contained under pressure in the lower layer, this gas may explosively vent from the fluid as it suddenly rises to the top such as occurs in liquid natural gas tanks where rollover is a hazard. These processes are quantifiable and are applied here to various scenarios that might refer to volcanic crater lakes whose lower layers are charged with volatiles. Provided herein are some examples of calculated conditions and calculated time of evolution leading to rollover with attendant release of gases from supersaturated ascending fluids. These calculations suggest rollover could occur in volcanic lakes. The August 1986 gas release at Lake Nyos is employed as an example. These estimates were made taking note that water is commonly supersaturated in CO2  相似文献   
Conjugation of phenolic xenobiotics and metabolites through sulfation and glucuronidation is an important biotransformation pathway. Sulfotransferases (SULT) are generally considered non-inducible, while some UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) isoenzymes are co-induced with cytochrome P450-1A by Ah-receptor ligands. To test these assumptions for two fish species, we measured sulfation and glucuronidation of 9-hydroxybenzo[a]pyrene in 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC) treated channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) and in mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) from the creosote contaminated Atlantic Wood site in the Elizabeth River, VA. The results show a significant induction of both UGT and SULT activity in 3-MC treated catfish, linked to the expected induction of EROD activity. In mummichog, significant induction of UGT was measured at the contaminated site over the reference site (King's Creek, VA), as well as extremely low SULT activities at both sites. Western blots, using a polyclonal antibody for catfish phenol-type SULT, confirmed the absence of phenol-type SULT in mummichog. Residual, though slightly inducible, SULT activity may be attributed to other SULT isoforms.  相似文献   
Caddisfly (Trichoptera) larvae are an abundant and widespread aquatic insect group characterized by the construction of silk structures, including nets and cases. Case-building caddisfly have the potential to modify the sorting and mobility of sand and fine gravel via: (1) case construction, resulting in altered sediment properties; (2) transporting sediment incorporated into cases over the river bed; and (3) changing the structure of river beds via burrowing activity. To investigate these mechanisms, it is necessary to understand the mass, size distribution and spatial variability of sediment use by case-building caddisfly larvae. We quantified the mineral sediment used by individuals and communities of case-building caddisfly in 27 samples, from three sites on a gravel-bed stream. The mass and size distribution of sediment in individual cases varied between taxa (mass = 0.001–0.83 g, D50 = 0.17–4 mm). The mean mass of sediment used by the caddisfly community was 38 g m−2 and varied locally. Sediment use was predominantly coarse sand (D50 = 1 mm). 64% of sediment use was attributable to Agapetus fuscipes (Glossosomatidae). Due to within-species variability in case mass, the abundance of most taxa, including A. fuscipes, was only weakly associated with the mass of sediment used by this species, at the river scale. Whilst the caddisfly community used a small percentage of the total sediment available (average 2.99% of the 1–1.4 mm size fraction), A. fuscipes used more fine sediment in their cases at sites where it was more available. Despite variability in local habitat, all sites supported diverse case-building caddisfly communities utilizing mineral sediment. Consequently, geomorphological effects of case-building caddisfly are potentially widespread. The results provide novel insights into the specific grain sizes and quantities of fine sediment used by caddisfly larvae, which represents an important step towards understanding their zoogeomorphic activities. © 2019 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami was observed by two satellites, close in space and time, that traversed the Indian Ocean 2?h after the Sumatra–Andaman earthquake, but which observed different tsunami lead wave morphologies. The earlier satellite, Jason-1, recorded a lead wave with two peaks of similar amplitude and wavelength, while the later satellite, TOPEX/Poseidon, recorded a lead wave with only one longer wavelength uplift. To resolve this disparity, we examine the travel paths of long wavelength waves over the seafloor bathymetry. Waves traveling from the margin will traverse significantly different paths to arrive at the two satellite transects. The result is that the satellites are sensitive to different parts of the margin; Jason-1 is highly sensitive to the margin in the area of the epicenter, while TOPEX is sensitive to a more northerly section. By developing solutions of the ocean gravity wave equations, accounting for dispersion, we show that the double peak of the Jason-1 satellite observations are consistent with coseismic rupture of a splay fault of limited along-strike extent, located north of Simeulue Island. The doubly peaked morphology can be reproduced with co-activation of the subduction zone interface and the splay fault, which creates a seafloor uplift pattern with two distinct areas of uplift. The Jason-1 satellite is sensitive to a splay fault in this portion of the margin, whereas the TOPEX satellite would not be significantly affected by this uplift pattern. By back-projecting satellite observation points to the margin, we constrain the location of the proposed splay fault and find that it correlates with a bathymetric high. The aftershock locations, uplift of corals on Simeulue Island and a fault scarp on Pulau Salaut Besar are also consistent with the activation of a splay fault in the area delimited by the back-projection. Our work also shows that it is critical to fully capture gravity wave dispersion in order to represent features of the lead wave profile that may not be as well characterized by the shallow water (long-wavelength) model. It is also necessary to account for dispersion so as to precisely assess wavefront travel times; this leads us to conclude that the rupture must have reached very near to the trench and propagated with an updip rupture velocity of order 2.0?km/s or more.  相似文献   
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