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Jane Dove 《Geology Today》2016,32(2):70-74
Postage stamps are useful in promoting geological heritage. This concept is explored through an analysis of British and New Zealand stamps, which portray a variety of different types of geological heritage. Coastal, glacial, fluvial and limestone scenery all feature, together with volcanic landforms such as the Giant's Causeway. Other stamps celebrate the work of historically significant figures who have contributed to geology, such as Charles Darwin. The field of palaeontology is represented in stamps, for example, featuring dinosaurs. Others portray economic activities and engineering achievements associated with geology such as oil and gas exploration. Industrial heritage is depicted by stamps featuring, for example, abandoned tin mines, while building stones are represented in stamps of ancient monuments, bridges, cathedrals and domestic architecture. Perhaps subjects for future stamp issues in the UK might draw upon the recently published 100 top geosites list.  相似文献   
Photochemical mineralization of dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays an important role in the cycling of carbon in estuarine systems. A key to modeling this process is knowledge of apparent quantum yields (AQYs) for the photochemical products. Here we determined spectral AQYs for carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon monoxide (CO), the main products of DOM photomineralization, along the main axis of the Delaware Estuary. Apparent quantum yields for CO2 photoproduction were determined shipboard using a multi-spectral irradiation system. Carbon monoxide AQYs were determined in stored samples by employing a narrow band spectral irradiation system. A single AQY spectrum described carbon dioxide photochemical production within the estuary whereas CO AQY spectra varied with salinity, suggesting different precursors and mechanisms for the production of these two species. CO2 AQYs were used along with shipboard measurements of DOM absorbance and solar irradiance to calculate photoproduction rates. Calculated CO2 photoproduction rates agreed with directly measured rates (2 to 4 μM CO2 d? 1) within experimental error, supporting the further development and use of AQYs to calculate regional-scale photochemical fluxes.  相似文献   
Noble gas data are reported for 12 E-chondrites. Combined with literature data, they show that K-Ar ages are >4 Æ for 14 out of 18 meteorites, yet U, Th-He ages are often shorter, perhaps due to late, mild reheating. Cosmic-ray exposure ages differ systematically between types 4 and 6, with E4's mostly below 16 Myr and E6's above 30 Myr. This may mean that the E-chondrite parent body contains predominantly a single petrologic type on the (~ 1 km) scale of individual impacts, in contrast to the more thoroughly mixed parent bodies of the ordinary chondrites.The heavy noble gases consist of at least two primordial components: the usual planetary component (36Ar132Xe ~ 80) and a less fractionated, ‘subsolar’ component (2700 ≤ 36Ar132Xe ≤ 3800). The latter is found in highest concentration in the E4 chondrite South Oman (36Ar = 760 × 10?8cc/g, 36Ar132Xe = 2700). The isotopic compositions of both components are similar to typical planetary values, indicating that some factor other than mass controlled the noble gas elemental ratios. The heavy Xe isotopes occasionally show some of the lowest 134Xe132Xe and 136Xe132Xe ratios measured in bulk chondrites, suggestive of nearly fission-free Xe (e.g. 136Xe132Xe = 0.3095 ± 0.0020). Amounts of planetary gas in E4 E6 chondrites fall in the range for ordinary chondrites of types 4–6, but, in contrast to the ordinary chondrites. fail to correlate with petrologic type or volatile trace element contents. Another unusual feature of E-chondrites is that primordial Ne is present even in most 4's and 5's (20Nep ~ 1 to 7 × 10?8cc/g). with an isotopic composition consistent with planetary Ne.Analyses of mineral separates show that the planetary gases are concentrated in an HF- and HCl-insoluble mineral similar to phase Q, the poorly characterized, HNO3-soluble carrier of primordial gases in carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites. The subsolar gases, on the other hand, are located in an HCl- and HNO3-resistant phase, possibly enstatite or a minor phase included in enstatite. Much of the 129Xer (50% for E4's, > 70% for E6's) is in HCl-resistant but HF-soluble sites, suggestive of a silicate.A similar subsolar component may be responsible for the high 36Ar132Xe ratios of some C3's, unequilibrated ordinary chondrites, and the unique aubrite Shallowater. The planet Venus also has a high ArKr ratio, well above the planetary range, and hence may have acquired its noble gases from an E-chondrite-like material, similar to South Oman.  相似文献   
Bicyclanes previously reported only in heavily biodegraded Texas Gulf Coast crudes have been found to be ubiquitous in Australian crude oils of non-marine origin from four different basins. The compounds are present in oils, thought to be derived from the same or similar sources, that have undergone varying degrees of biodegradation. They are also found to be present in oils of different geological age. In addition a series of tricyclic diterpenoid hydrocarbons was common to four oils from the Gippsland Basin. Four of these compounds had the molecular formula C20H34 and mass spectral fragmentation patterns suggested they were mono-unsaturated diterpenoids. The presence of unsaturated diterpenoids in crude oils appears to be a unique observation. It is proposed that the diterpenoids may be the source of the bicyclanes also observed in these oils.  相似文献   
An analytical approach to the analysis of zoning profiles in minerals is presented that simultaneously accounts for all of the possible continuous reactions that may be operative in a given assemblage. The method involves deriving a system of simultaneous linear differential equations consisting of a Gibbs-Duhem equation for each phase, a set of linearly independent stoichiometric relations among the chemical potentials of phase components in the assemblage, and a set of equations describing the total differential of the slope of the tangent plane to the Gibbs free energy surface of solid solution phases. The variables are the differentials of T, P, chemical potentials of all phase components, and independent compositional terms of solid solution phases. The required input data are entropies, volumes, the compositions of coexisting phases at a reference P and T, and an expression for the curvature of the Gibbs functions for solid solution phases. Results derived are slopes of isopleths (dP/dT, dX/dT or dX/dP) which can be used to contour P-T diagrams with mineral composition.To interpret mineral zoning, T and P can be expressed as functions of n independent composition parameters, where n is the variance of the mineral assemblage. The total differentials of P and T are differential equations that can be solved by finite difference techniques using the derivatives obtained from the analytical formulation of phase equilibria.Results calculated from Zone I and Zone IV garnets of Tracy et al. (1976) indicate that Zone I garnets grew while T increased (T+72° C) and P decreased sharply (P–3 kb). Zone IV garnets zoned in response to decreasing T (T–17° C) and P (P–1 kb). A P-T path calculated for a zoned garnet from the Greinerschiefer series, western Tauern Window, Austria, also indicates growth during decompression (–3kb) and heating (T+15° C). A P-T path calculated for the Wissahickon schist (Crawford and Mark 1982) indicates growth during cooling and compression (T–25 C, P+2.2 kb). The calculated P-T paths differ according to structural environment and can be used to relate mineral growth to tectonic processes.  相似文献   
High frequency dissolved oxygen data were analyzed to calculate primary production, respiration and net ecosystem metabolism (NEM) from 42 sites within 22 National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERR), 1995–2000. NERR sites are characterized by a variety of dominant plant communities including phytoplankton, salt marsh, seagrass, macroalgae, freshwater macrophyte, and mangrove, and are representative of the coastal bioregions of the United States. As expected from the wide diversity of sites, metabolic rates were temporally and spatially variable with the highest production and respiration occurring during the summer in Southeastern estuaries. Sites within different regions exhibited consistent seasonal trends in production, respiration, and NEM. Temperature was the most important environmental factor explaining within-site variation in metabolic rates; nutrient concentrations were the second most important factor. All but three of the 42 sites were heterotrophic (respiration was greater than production) on an annual basis. Habitat adjacent to the monitoring site, estuarine area, and salinity explained 58% of the variation in NEM. Open water sites or sites adjacent to mangroves or in marsh creeks were heterotrophic, while sites in or adjacent to submerged aquatic vegetation (eelgrass or macroalgal beds) were either autotrophic or near balance. Estuarine area was also a significant factor explaining variability in NEM; larger systems were closer to balance than smaller systems that trended toward heterotrophy. Freshwater sites were more heterotrophic than saline sites. Nutrient loading explained 68% of the variation in NEM among some of the sites. When these estimates were compared to the literature, metabolic rates from the NERR sites were much larger, often two to five times greater than rates from other estuarine and coastal systems. One explanation is that these small, generally shallow sites located near shore may have greater allochthonous organic inputs as well as significant benthic primary production than the large, deeper systems represented by the literature.  相似文献   
The North Atlantic Younger Dryas climatic reversal did not cause a glacier advance on Mount Rainier. The glaciers on Mount Rainier seem to have advanced in response to regional or local shifts in climate. However, the Younger Dryas climatic reversal may have affected the Mount Rainier area, causing a cold, but dry, climate unfavorable to glacier advances. Glaciers in the vicinity of Mount Rainier advanced twice during late glacial/early Holocene time. Radiocarbon dates obtained from lake sediments adjacent to the corresponding moraines are concordant, indicating that the ages for the advances are closely limiting. The first advance occurred before 11,300 14C yr BP (13,200 cal yr BP). During the North Atlantic Younger Dryas event, between 11,000 and 10,000 14C yr BP (12,900 and 11,600 cal yr BP), glaciers retreated on Mount Rainier, probably due to a lack of available moisture, but conditions may have remained cold. The onset of warmer conditions on Mount Rainier occurred around 10,000 14C yr BP (11,600 cal yr BP). Organic sedimentation lasted for at least 700 years before glaciers readvanced between 9800 and 8950 14C yr BP (10,900 and 9950 cal yr BP).  相似文献   
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