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Granulite xenoliths within alkali olivine basalts of the Pali-Aike volcanic field, southern Chile, contain the mineral assemblage orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + plagioclase + olivine + green spinel. These granulites are thought to be accidental inclusions of the lower crust incorporated in the mantle-derived basalt during its rise to the surface. Symplectic intergrowths of pyroxene and spinel developed between olivine and plagioclase imply that the reaction olivine+plagioclase = Al-orthopyroxene + Al-clinopyroxene + spinel (1) occurred during subsolidus cooling and recrystallization of a gabbroic protolith of the granulites.Examination of fluid inclusions in the granulites indicates the ubiquitous presence of an essentially pure CO2 fluid phase. Inclusions of three different parageneses have been recognized: Type I inclusions occur along exsolution lamellae in clinopyroxene and are thought to represent precipitation of structurally-bound C or CO2 during cooling of the gabbro. These are considered the most primary inclusions present. Type II inclusions occur as evenly distributed clusters not associated with any fractures. These inclusions probably represent entrapment of a free fluid phase during recrystallization of the host grains. IIa inclusions are found in granoblastic grains and have densities of 0.68–0.88 g/cm3. Higher density (=0.90–1.02 g/cm3) IIb inclusions occur only in symplectite phases. Secondary Type III CO2+glass inclusions with =0.47–0.78 g/cm3 occur along healed fractures where basalt has penetrated the xenoliths. Type III inclusions appear related to exsolution of CO2 from the host basalt during its ascent to the surface. These data suggest that CO2 is an important constituent of the lower crust under conditions of granulite facies metamorphism, indicated by Type I and II fluid inclusions, and of the mantle, as indicated by Type III inclusions.Correlation of fluid inclusion densities with P-T conditions calculated from both two-pyroxene geothermometry and reation (1) indicate emplacement of a gabbroic pluton at 1,200–1,300° C, 4–6 kb; cooling was accompanied by a slight increase in pressure due to crustal thickening, and symplectite formation occurred at 850±35° C, 5–7 kb. Capture of the xenoliths by the basalt resulted in heating of the granulites, and CO2 from the basalt was continuously entrapped by the xenoliths over the range 1,000–1,200° C, 4–6 kb. Examination of fluid inclusions of different generations can thus be used in conjunction with other petrologic data to place tight constraints on the specific P-T path followed by the granulite suite, in addition to indicating the nature of the fluid phase present at depth.  相似文献   
In this paper, we examine whether till grain size affects the range and occurrence of micromorphological features associated with subglacial shear. Our till samples were collected from two glaciers in Iceland, and varied in texture from a coarse, sandy clast-rich till (Fjallsjökull) to a fine-grained silty-sandy till (Vestari-Hagafellsjökull). We found a wide range of deformational microstructures that included skelsepic plasmic fabric, intraclasts of pre-existing eroded bedrock (basalt) and weathered clay and ‘mini-shear zones’ between clasts. We classified our micromorphological data into three classes; rotational, intermediate and linear. In addition to these observations, we performed extensive microfabric analysis at different scales on all of our samples. We found that the coarse-grained till contained a greater number and variety of microstructures than the fine-grained till. In addition, the fine-grained till showed a distinct lack of rotational structures that we attribute to the lack of significantly sized clasts in the matrix. We argue that the varied texture of the coarse-grained till provides a greater degree of perturbation within the shearing layer and so more distinct microstructures form. In a more fine-grained till, shearing is more homogeneous since there are less perturbations in the matrix and this leads to a more singular kind of microstructure. Our observations suggest that subglacial shear occurs within a multi-layered patchwork of different grain sizes, competence and pore water pressures. It is these factors that are so crucial in determining the occurrence and type of microstructural evidence we see in subglacial tills.  相似文献   
Development assistance agencies have long urged developing countries to adopt environmental management techniques used in industrialized countries. They have ascribed shortcomings in the way developing states use those techniques to insufficient training, environmental matters being poorly integrated into economic decision making, other institutional weaknesses and lack of capacity. These reductionist explanations ignore the influence that socio-political and economic factors may have on state environmental management. They afford only a limited understanding of environmental practice in the Fiji Islands, a South Pacific archipelago and republic. The attempts of Fijian chiefly élite to maintain their power base – achieved through political participation in the state and economic development activities as much as through maintaining the communal system – shape the state's environmental management practices. Those practices have far less rational and democratic bases than one would expect either from the underlying logic of the techniques used (such as environmental impact assessment, environmental planning and protected areas), or from the way those techniques are applied in western, industrialized countries.  相似文献   
Cawthorn Camps is a Roman site of probable late 1st and early 2nd century date comprising two forts, one with a later annexe, and a camp. The site survives as earthworks and, within the main defences, there are many slight embanked structures. The current multidisciplinary programme of research has included geophysical prospection, excavation, ground and aerial survey; it is a joint initiative by the North York Moors National Park Authority and English Heritage. The project aims to increase academic understanding, improve information available to the public and assist the production of a revised management plan for this nationally important site.
Large-scale air photographs and digital photogrammetry have been used to produce a plan, at scale 1:500, of the earthworks to a precision of ±10 cm. This plan has been used as a base map with which to rectify other key photographs and plans allowing further detailed interpretation and mapping to be undertaken. The air photographic work has also investigated some of the products available through digital photogrammetric technology, such as digital elevation models (DEMs), orthophotographs and perspective views.  相似文献   
Floral character in mires has changed progressively through time. In the Carboniferous, pteridophytes, sphenophytes and lycophytes were dominant but by the Permian gymnosperms were an important component of mire flora. During the early Mesozoic gymnosperms remained the characteristic mire vegetation, together with pteridophytes, and conifers became dominant during the Jurassic. Cretaceous and Paleocene vegetation are similar, with taxodiaceous flora being important in mire vegetation. From the Eocene onwards, however, angiosperms were increasingly dominant in mire communities and in the Miocene herbaceous vegetation began to play a significant role. Together with these changes in floral character at least three aspects of coal character also appear to vary sequentially with time and are distinctive in the Tertiary: (1) proportions and thickness of vitrain banding, (2) coal bed thickness and (3) proportions of carbonised material. A compilation has been made of data from the coal literature comparing older coals with those of the Tertiary, in order to give a perspective in which to examine Tertiary coals. It was found that only Tertiary coals contain significant proportions of coal devoid of vitrain bands. In addition, Tertiary coals are the thickest recorded coal beds and generally contain low percentages of carbonised material (many less than 5%) as compared to older coals. It is interesting to note that Paleocene coal beds are similar to Cretaceous coals in that they tend to be thinner and contain higher proportions of carbonised material than do younger Tertiary coals.The absence of vitrain bands in some Tertiary coal beds is thought to result from the floras dominated by angiosperms, which are relatively easily degraded as compared to gymnosperms. The thickness of Tertiary coals may be related to an increase in biomass production from the Carboniferous through to the Tertiary, as plants made less investment in producing lignin, an energy-intensive process. In addition, with less lignin in plants, easier degradation of biomass may have facilitated nutrient recycling which, in turn, led to greater biomass production. Increased biomass production may have also ‘diluted’ the carbonised material present in some Tertiary peats, leading to lower proportions in the coal. Another possible cause of decreased carbonised components in Tertiary coal is that decreasing lignin content resulted in decreased charring during fires, as lignin is particularly prone to charring. A third possibility is that the carbonised component of peat may be concentrated during coalification so that Tertiary coals, generally of lower rank than Mesozoic or Paleozoic coals, contain a smaller fraction of carbonised plant material. It is not at present clear which of these mechanisms may have affected carbonised material in peat and coal but it is clear that lignin type and content has had an important role in determining peat and coal character since the Paleozoic.  相似文献   
Till fabric associated with deformable beds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates the development of till fabric associated with glaciers overlying deformable beds. First, the till fabrics from both modern and ancient, soft bed and hard bed subglacial environments are investigated, and then soft bedded sites with specific strain histories are examined. The results indicate that lodgement tills had a strong fabric, whilst there is a wide range of much weaker fabric strengths associated with soft bed tills. It is suggested from a theoretical study of soft bed till deposition that longitudinal and vertical processes in the subglacial deforming layer are important in fabric development. Field sites were chosen to isolate these two factors, and fabrics investigated in areas of known relative shear strain, and known relative thickness of the deforming layer. The results indicate that: (1) for a fixed deforming layer, fabric strength does increase with increasing deformation (except at very high strains where the development of a transverse fabric can lead to a reduction in the overall fabric strain); and (2) lodgement tills and soft bed tills associated with a thin deforming layer have a high fabric strength, whilst soft bed tills associated with a thick deforming layer have a low fabric strength. Where the deforming layer is thin, clasts are oriented parallel with the glacier direction either by lodging against a hard bed or ploughing against a soft bed. However, where the deforming layer is thicker and shear strains are high, melt-out processes encourage a parallel fabric, but the increased shear strain and changes in the deforming layer thickness cause the clasts to develop both a parallel and transverse fabric. These processes combine to reduce the overall fabric strength. Till fabric studies are a further sedimentological technique to separate the depositional processes associated with a homogeneous till.  相似文献   
The assemblage hornblende+white mica occurs in graphite-free schists at two localities in the southwest corner of the Tauern Window, Eastern Alps. In interbedded graphitic layers (1 mm to 1 m thick), however, hornblende is typically replaced by pseudomorphs of biotite+plagioclase +epidote±chlorite+staurolite in the presence of white mica. Garnets adjacent to these pseudomorphs have pronounced growth discontinuities near their rims, in contrast to the continuously zoned garnets in nongraphitic layers. These observations imply that reactions of the type hbl+white micagar+bio+plag+epid±chl±staur +H2O occurred in the graphitic samples, but that hbl+white mica remained stable in graphite-free layers.Calculation of the equilibrium constants for solid phases in five dehydration equilibria at locality 1 indicates thata(H2O) in the nongraphitic layers was 6 to 11 times greater thana(H2O) in the graphitic layers. Similar calculations involving six dehydration equilibria at locality 2 show no difference ina(H2O) between layers at the conditions of final equilibration. Initial differences in fluid composition maintained between the graphitic and nongraphitic layers caused the hbl+white mica reaction to occur at differentP-T conditions in different horizons of the schists.These data indicate that systematic differences in fluid composition were generated during metamorphism of the interlayered graphitic and non-graphitic schists but were subsequently homogenized at locality 2. The heterogeneities could initially have been produced while the rocks were in theP-T field of CO2-H2O immiscibility. Development of a penetrative, layer-parallel shear foliation at this time would have prevented subsequent mixing of the fluids across layers after temperatures exceeded the consolute temperature in the CO2-H2O system. Late-stage homogenization of fluids at locality 2 is thought to reflect loss of the buffer capacity of the mineral assemblage in response to total consumption of hornblende.  相似文献   
Jane D. Sills 《Lithos》1983,16(2):113-124
Gneisses, metamorphosed at granulite facies ca 2.7 Ga, were subsequently retrogressed to amphibolite facies during a prolonged period of retrogression, perhaps lasting as long as 200 m.y. The Scourie dykes were emplaced towards the end of this event. Localised Laxfordian shear zones further modified the mineral assemblages. The retrogression caused the production of a uniform plagioclase-hornblende- ± quartz ± biotite assemblage. A study of hornblende composition shows that it depends on metamorphic grade, host rock composition and paragenesis. The sequence of mineral assemblages suggests that retrogression took place on a falling temperature path, beginning at about 650±50°C. Post-tectonic muscovite indicates that temperatures were still in excess of 500°C after the formation of Laxfordian shear zones. This indicates that the Lewisian complex was uplifted and cooled extremely slowly.  相似文献   
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